NOED is....

NOED is a killer's form of a second chance perk.
It is also a hex and like any hex, you just need to break bones to not deal with it anymore.
Stop rushing gens, break bones. Crisis averted.
NOED is a perk.
19 -
Say whatever you gonna say. NOED is always an indicator that the killer bad/low skill cap. Always was.
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Never was, it was called that by survivors so they could avoid having to "git gud" ;)
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No. It is fundamentally a bad perk.
Rewards bad play from both sides, and gives the most powerful status effect for zero effort and ZERO WARNING.
It is one of two effects that does not give an instant notification of the Exposed condition, the other being Devour Hope. One of these you have to work for.
Also, do FIVE totems to stop a Hex perk versus one.
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Not quite, it rewards the killer for the survivors playing poorly not cleansing totems, it can be stopped easy. Unlike other hex perks it can be stopped from even activating meaning the killer is playing the game with 3 perks instead of 4. This is what you would call a "end game build" perk. The point of the perk is to create a secondary objective for survivors to aid in the gen rush. What happens however, is killers are called bad for using it and getting kills with it when the survivors walked past the totems 20 times in a match. It doesnt take long to break a totem and the killer isnt even notified of dull totems.
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Wink all you want, he’s right everyone knows the bad players rely on NOED. That’s why people that use it are judged so harshly.
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Imagine going into the match knowing at the beginning that you're going to loose. This is the NOED mentality.
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Noed is a badly designed perk which further demonstrates the power disparity between solo survivor and survive with friends on comms. As solo you either have to waste time or dedicated a portion of your build to a perk to help find totems. As a swf on comms you can say, "Did three totems on the right side of the map" and you know the other two are on the left.
Notice how noed works against solo teams so much more often, and with such a larger impact, than on swf teams? It punishes the weakest role in the game while letting the strongest flourish.
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Adrenaline and Anti-Down Syringe say hello.
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I wont lie and say that bad players DONT rely on NOED. Because they do. But that doesnt mean that the whole design is bad. The fact is it has a place amd it has a strong place. End game matters too not just the early game.
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You could just run a 4th perk that works ALL game, though. It also doesn't counter my points about the perk being badly designed.
Also, as someone who regularly does 2-4 bones and still gets taken out by the perk, not to mention just versed it FIVE TIMES IN A ROW, 4 of which had an Ebony Mori, I think that maybe I do get to say that the perk is dumb and needs a change.
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Mkay, nothing in gonna say here is gonna change your mind so might as well.
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not really.
its more of an indicator of the survivors failure at cleansing bones.
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I love it when survivors say it's a perk for bad killers (even though not_qyeen said the opposite) but DS, BT, Adrenaline and DH are ToTaLly FiNe
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LOL, you're a such cute killer main. Not queen said that the killer "had a bad luck not having hooks" Yeah, bad luck. How about bad killer.
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It's rather an indicator of you going up against very weak survivors that can't buy themselfs time to cleanse totems as well as doing gens. Noed is great against bad survivors, you can play with 3 perks and if anyone happens to be still alive at the end they are history.
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So I'm a killer main because I don't agree with you?
This is solo btw
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Lol. You know from the lobby that the survivors are bad. Good try bud, next time.
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I love NOED as a survivor. It makes the end game so fun for me. There's so much pressure on both sides to find/defend the totem and see which side wins. Those NOED hook saves are so tense, I love it. Nothing else in the game gets my adrenaline pumping as much as a NOED end game.
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Never said they were! I say that DS is a necessary evil these days, but that's the extent of it.
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Rank means absolutely nothing. I'm rank 1 survivor and rank 2 killer while survivor main 80/20.
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Then the same could be said for adrenaline then... There almost the same dude. You laying there bleeding out, then being able to instantly jump up and sprint to the gate like Usain bolt is fair though and takes SOOOO much skill.
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idk man, im doing zero perk runs with my friends and we do perfectly fine
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Completely different subject. Imagine hoping for extra speed and one shot downs because you're bad having 2-3 hooks all game. Gid gud.
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Well I agree that it is necessary against tunnellers (I hate getting tunelled, too) but it is very abusable in it's current form (and BT)
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I'm sorry dude but the only people that need to get good are survs that get hit by noed and then whine and ######### about it, because it's 100% preventable, unlike every survivor second chance perk. How many of your perks can the killer disable? Yeah, thought so. But, I'll just leave this here, because I can see where this is going.
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Getting hit by NOED:
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Then, this will help from all those losses to noed because you suck👇
And finally👇
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Your pics are basically for you when get rekt while using noed. Don't get mad noed boi, relax. Git gud. Cya.
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Nice comeback urkel. Bye bye now.
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I feel like these forums get more toxic as days go by.
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If the killer plays fair, then NoED doesn't feel too bad. Like if they don't camp, they don't overtly tunnel, and they aren't using ridiculous add-ons that make it hard JUST to get the generators done. Of course most of those players hardly ever use NoED to begin with. They don't need it.
But when the player doesn't play fair. They camp, they tunnel, 'Just do Bones' is essentially 'Just pressure gens'. When they camp, tunnel, and use stupidly powerful add-ons, you just don't have time to 'do bones'. And most killers who use NoED are THAT kind of player.
If you're in an SWF it doesn't matter as much. You have teammates who'll actually do totems as well as gens, instead of self-caring in a corner. But in Solo, NoED can be absolutely miserable.
I kind of wish that somehow every killer that ran NoED just faced SWF squads. They deserve each other.
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This was not the intention of noed. Remember it wasn't a hex perk when designed.
This has become the mantra spewed by those trying to defend this perk. This perk simply rewards a killer for failure to do their objectives.
Not to mention no killer is putting this perk on with the intention of teaching survivors the importance of doing bones. They put it on because they expect that the exit door will be powered, failure. Unlike adrenaline, which you put on because you expect to finish the gennys, completion of objectives.
Play it if you want, no hate from us, we love the killers reaction when they get a hit and doesn't activate.
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Noed is fair and balanced
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Read her post again. It screams killer failure. "Had bad luck all game and couldn't hook anyone "
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Why do players like you do not understand whats wrong with this crutch?
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You know. As a survivor main (according to some this automatically makes me inherently evil), I sometimes wish I had a meme handy to state "I'm not with stupid" when reading threads like these.
NOED is fine. Whether you consider it a bad perk or not, whether you are a solo survivor or not, it's counter-able, risky to take into game and even when it procs its even easier to counter because it's lit the heck up.
You don't even have to break 5 totems, which seems to be the hot debate being thrown around. Yes it is hard to break 5 in solo, but it's just as easy to stop rushing the gates when someone gets hit, 99% them and go looking for that totem. 80% of the time killers will now camp the NOED victim, giving you ample time to do a search. Totems can be well hidden, but there is a finite amount of places they can be and you can learn their positions just as well as you memorise loops.
Half the team wipes gained by NOED, has been either risky saves, or people have just stuck to the gates when the first guy goes down and are easily found by the patrolling killer if he doesn't camp.
4 -
Perks like NOED are probably why the playerbase is so entitled. They do poorly all game but the handholding perk comes in and gives them a few free kills. Likewise for moris. Suddenly people who aren’t very good at the game are still getting a few kills, so when they get their ass whooped they feel cheated.
If people had to git gud from day 1 the entitlement might disappear
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If you're going to judge and trash killers who use NOED all I ask is that you stay consistent and give that same treatment to survivors who use adrenaline. Literally the same perk on the other side except it can't be prevented from being activated like NOED.
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*loads killer* OK so which 3 perks should i choose to let 5 gens get powered hmm
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The difference is Adrenaline giving you THREE SECONDS vs. Unlimited time if the 5 totems aren't broken and 1 health state that is useless when I get instadowned by NOED no matter what state you're in
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Pretty much, sadly sURvIvOrS will just scream bad killer.
Also glad to see Im not the ONLY person that thinks that its ok for killers to have perks that make survivors have to try
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Maybe not disable, but if you’re skilled enough you could make them somewhat useless/counter them effectively:
Decisive Strike: wait 60 seconds/don’t tunnel. I can’t count the amount of times I low-key wanted to get tunnelled just so I could make use of this perk after my 2nd hook.
BT: either don’t camp/stay more than 32m away from the hook or insidious camp if you’re toxic
No Mither: don’t slug
Unbreakable: don’t slug
Dead Hard: just wait until they lunge and there you go
Spine Chill: moonwalk?
Head on: if you see them enter the locker bait them into coming out
that Yui Perk I’ll never ever use: just break pallets
I can keep going if you want.
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everything killer does is wrong, nothing survivors do is wrong.
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Say whatever you gonna say. DS,Unbreakable,Dead Hard,Borrowed Time is always an indicator that the survivor bad/low skill cap.
Always was.
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Not quite the same. NOED activates even if the killer does trash. Adrenaline at least needs the survivors to be in a position where they get all 5 gens done.
However yeah Adrenaline is another awful perk that needs a nerf. I’d say its the opposite of NOED. Noed lets a losing killer have a few free hooks/kills. Adrenaline just boosts a team thats likely already winning and kicks a killer when he’s down.
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So it's DS and unbreakable. Survs can have 10 second chance perks but killer can't have 1 which can be easily avoided