Killer Tier List but it's based on how fun they are to play against



  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,718

    Here's mine as a PS4 player. They're not in any particular order either.

    Bubba is on their twice because he's twice as meh. (I actually just noticed it and I'm too lazy to go back and fix it.)

  • Thiccness123
    Thiccness123 Member Posts: 16

    This is pretty spot on I would have trapper in top tier for sure, maybe swap huntress for trapper but also most comments in this seem based on how hard they are to play against

    On general terms this is accurate but it would change depending how good the killer player was

    I imagine this is accurate for green and purple ranks though

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Personally I'd move the Plague up a tier or 2. Loves dodging her corrupt purge.

    Spirit I would lower down 4 tiers since without iron will she is extremely unfun to face.

    I actually don't mind Freddy. I wouldn't love facing him everygame but I don't think he is bottom 3. Probably in boring games category.

    Deathslinger I enjoy facing quite a bit. Trying to dodge his shot is why I'd but him just below top tier.

    Can we just delete Hag? Pretend she was a bug and just erase her from history.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    Here's my take on the "fun to go against" tier list.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,217

    Shape - Games against Myers are always tense, but in a good way. Not knowing where the danger is is part of the thrill.

    Pig - Unless my teammates don't care about the traps. But Pig remains the only Killer to actually make me scream, so she's up there.

    Ghost Face - I like actively dealing with his power, even if it is a buggy mess that needs looking at, and seeing him poke his head around the corner is fun.

    Oni - Don't know why I like going against him. I just do.

    Trapper - Usually, I like Trapper games, but there's those games where he's just really irritating with trap placement.

    Wraith - Again, usually like, but then there are the games where they just go invisible and camp all game, with Kindred being completely useless against it.

    Nurse - Sometimes fun, sometimes the teleportation is annoying.

    Huntress - Most are fine I guess, if hitboxes and dedicated servers would work, then there are THOSE Huntresses. You know which ones I mean.

    Cannibal - Games where he doesn't camp are actually pretty fun. But then there's Insidious Basement Bubba.

    Legion - Legion's more of a mixed case like Huntress and Nurse. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I don't.

    Hillbilly - I can't 360 to save my life, and I just don't really care for him.

    Doctor - This hurts to say as a Doctor main, but he's really annoying to go against most of the time. I can go against games where he's a lot of fun, but more often than not he's irritating. Better than his old form though, where you had a passive Madness increase.

    Nightmare - He's just boring. That and I really hate the Oblivious effect as well as the stupid fake pallets. Still better than not knowing where he was until he had you falling asleep.

    Clown - Most boring Killer in the game in my opinion. Both as and against.

    Spirit - My anxiety goes through the roof against her, and I feel my will to survive drain when I hear that whisper.

    Plague - She's just a game of "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." And I'm not a fan of that style of gameplay.

    Deathslinger - If his music was just a little louder, he'd be in "Fun," but that music is so ridiculously quiet and barely gives distance to work with that it irritates me more often than not.

    Hag - She barely even exists, so she's here. The ones I do see are either really good with trap placement (Fun) or put five around the hook (No, Just no).

    Demogorgon - I can count on two hands how often I've seen them, and in the past month or so, I've only seen one. Can't really say anything about them.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Only killer I don't like playing against is Doctor. But no big deal really I don't hate it.

    Favorite killers to play against: Oni, Nurse, Spirit, Demogorgon.

  • Aldofer
    Aldofer Member Posts: 458

    scary killer: hag, ghostface, myers t1, wraith with good addon, spirit

    i should have make a tier for scary killer but i decide to rank them by how likely the killer will abuse the power in unfun way

    for the rest is pretty much self explanatory, i know some killer tier might very be questionable for some but this how i feel most of time don't hesitate if you have question.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I feel like I am rotting away whenever I face a Freddy or Spirit

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    Ah yes, I love games where I have to stare at a killer and hope the game lets me reveal him

    very fun


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2020

    I just comment on those that might be played odd for some people.

    Cannibal: I just like that dude, dont know why. He might be very basic, but it is still great go go against him.

    Nurse: Many enjoy her, and i dont know why. A bad nurse is extremly boring to go up against, and a good nurse is extremly frustrating to go up against. For me there is almost never the case of a fun exerpience.

    Deathslinger: What a discusting killer. How this guy is not on anybodys most hated tier is beyond my comprehansion. M1 genrush simulator. Extremly frustrating chases. Whats so fun about that?

    Trapper: Beeing paranoid the whole game vs stepping in a trap which never feels "outplayed" but rather "unlucky".

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    The wierd thing is it works both ways. I've revealed a Ghostface through a rock or a wall multiple times.

  • FacaDelicinha
    FacaDelicinha Member Posts: 18

    I think that's what the plague deserves. I would ######### her in ver own tier because I ######### hate playing against her. Actually I already thought of sending behaviour an e-mail asking them to remove her lol

  • CyWalker
    CyWalker Member Posts: 4

    Gotta ask how does legion "ruin the game" is it bc hes one of very few killers who has the same level of mobility as a survivor or the ability cause both of those can be resolved quite simply dont group up and genrush bc he punishes tf out of those and can completely halt gens if played well so is actually fairly matched w survivors there in most cases especially around the rank 8-16 area higher ranks its admittedly a bit of a coin toss whether hell do well or do terrible tbh(coming from a legion main not like that aint obvious tho) and his potential dwindles quick against swfs (usually but not always) that being said his cat and mouse games (against good players on either side) can be some of the best the game has to offer although frenzy does need reworked il say that personally i see two ways frenzy could work 1 remove his ability to attack during it but remove his terror radius outwith 5 ish meters and make him faster but make it take significantly longer to end manually or remove that altogether but shorten the frenzys cooldown to use akin to a stalk ability with higher speed and possibly mark survivors hes seen for 10/15 secs or option two : slow his movement speed overall during it except for allowing bursts of speed similiar to dead hard on survs when within a 10 ish meter range and completely remove manual ability cancels but make this version a charged attack that takes 3-5 secs to charge giving him a VERY small lunge distance and give it a one down that will end his ability AND double cooldown if missed BUT double the recharge and half refill his abillity if its hit. Do you or anyone here think either method would fix him im honestly just spitballin ideas here if im being 100% honest but its mostly bc i want to see More people enjoy playing against legion as much as i enjoy playing him

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I love paying against killers that you have to mind game. Spirit is one of them.

  • HeyMatt_
    HeyMatt_ Member Posts: 4

    Doc should have his tier at the very bottom. When his rework came out, 80% of games were against him. Matches became saturated very quickly

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    I 100% agree with the placement of ghost face in this list. Until the reveal mechanic is fixed, I dc any time I get exposed by him when I’m 2 meters away from him and staring at his face

  • dwightdotexe
    dwightdotexe Member Posts: 22

    Also I feel like the moral of the story is that we need more people to play demoboi

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I despise spirit, but maybe the Reason why some people enjoy it is because they've never played against a good spirit, so they think that their "mInDgAmE" (guessing) worked and they feel good about themselves, when in reality either the spirit is a potato or the sounds are even worse than they normally are and she literally doesn't have any kind of audio feedback to pinpoint a survivor's location.

  • JeonKookie97
    JeonKookie97 Member Posts: 42
  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    I'm VERY surprised to see everyone put Trapper so high on their lists. For me it's the absolute definition of an unfun match, there's nothing I enjoy about his ability and 90% of my games vs Trappers are mostly just frustrating.

    If dedicated servers worked as intended Huntress would be the ultimate killer in my opinion; incredibly fun to play as and against.

  • Teddyripper34
    Teddyripper34 Member Posts: 22

    I love playing as a killer with lots of map presence like Demogorgon and Oni's roars and sound effects, definitely makes me feel in the power role and formidable. I main Demogorgon, Oni, Spirit, Clown, Huntress, and Hag

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    You don't stand still. If you see them standing still you walk away from that loop. Same with a chase. You see them standing still? Walk.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    I should probably say this, I don't like easy wins. I usually like a challenge, hence why some of the weaker killers are at the bottom (not including Freddy). I've played against great Spirits and been absolutely destroyed, but does that mean I didn't enjoy the game? Absolutely not.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Ok so, assuming you're healthy, you walk away from the're now exposed in the open and once she starts her phase the Spirit will be able to hear your footsteps, see the grass moving and hear you breathing once they get close enough to you, especially if they have stridor and this will likely be enough for them to "triangulate" your position and hit you. I'm sorry but I just don't see what's fun about this. If it was something that could work then sure, but this just wouldn't against a player who knows what they're doing. Again this is assuming sounds are good so this is probably a legit strategy against her right now lmao, and probably will be for a long time since sounds are seemingly getting worse.

  • TheMajor
    TheMajor Member Posts: 15

    With dedicated servers the way they are, Deathslinger and Huntress are awful to play against.

  • Star99er
    Star99er Member Posts: 1,447
    edited April 2020

    But seriously though Leatherface Player heavily rely on face camping with a reved up chainsaw when they can’t down anyone for the 1st half of the match. I don’t see how that’s fun for either side.(Demo in Fun to Play Against) 🤣🤣

    Post edited by Star99er on
  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    As a huntress main i'm suprised so many enjoy to verse her. I'm smiling right now. :)

    As survivor i like to go vs. Deme (because he feels like a real monster), Billy, Doc and Huntress.

    And yes, totally understand Freddy, esp. because of Dreamworld.

  • RockingHorse_
    RockingHorse_ Member Posts: 2

    Really didn't agree with anyone here but my friends and twitch viewers seem to all agree on these. I'm a killer and survivor main, I play them equally. Here's hopefully a different insight for y'all xD

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    For me:


    Fun: every killer excluding deathslinger and spirit

    No fun: Deathslinger

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
  • Withered8
    Withered8 Member Posts: 1,241

    Agree with everything on that list except deathslinger. God is he awful to Vs, feels like vsing and old legion. He’s incredibly weak when you play him yet there’s little you can do in a chase, especially against one who has half a brain, as they will just wait out your dodge and m1 you. The only time you will have a good chase with one is when they are garbage yet that feels even worse as it doesn’t feel like you are outplaying but rather they are messing up. Hunters is so much stronger, fun and far better to vs.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Killers like Huntress,Oni etc. can be really fun and exciting if someone plays them well but can be just as boring if the players isn't good with them.

    Bubba,Wraith etc. are alright.Nothing really special about them.Maybe Ghostface and his reveal mechanic but i didn't have much problems with that so far.

    Spirit,Clown and the rest are just really unfun/boring to verse because there isn't much you can do on your side to counter/outplay them other than doing gens.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687

    The bottom 3 --Spirit (stridor), Freddy, and Ghostface-- are all extremely un-fun to go against. Ghostface would be a lot more fun if his snap out wasn't busted, although I'm probably biased because for a straight month after Oni I only went against Ghostfaces.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426
    edited April 2020
  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    spirit is on "enjoyable games"? literally no couters and very low skill required

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976
    edited April 2020

    Lol Freddy all the way on the bottom in a tierlist of his own

    Some things never change eh?

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Walking is a counter. Plus who said you have to win to enjoy the game?

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    Walking is a counter if you play against an unskilled spirit. If you have around 30-40 hours with that killer you will easily overcome this type of "mindgame".

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Well then your contradicting your first sentence. It takes skill to learn fully how to find survivors in the middle of nowhere.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    If u think that is a counter then u haven't vs a good spirit :/ back on topic

    I have fun with pretty much every killer except legion , spirit and huntress

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    Deathslinger and Spirit are imo the most unfun killers to play against. Anyone else is fun and enjoyable <3

  • thegatekeeper
    thegatekeeper Member Posts: 12

    I play on ps4. I played survivor some. I'm a killer main. Huntress and doctor. I played against ghost face and deathslinger. Not a big fan of ghost face he's too generic tbh

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    To be honest, your list is probably closest to matching mine. I'd move Nurse up to fun, bury Deathslinger, and probably bump Demo to don't hate but... yeah... pretty close to my opinion on things.

  • thegatekeeper
    thegatekeeper Member Posts: 12

    Mind games.. The nurse and huntress are good at that. Played against the huntress once as survivor. And she's my top killer level 25.this guy was good lol.

  • Teddyripper34
    Teddyripper34 Member Posts: 22

    Its fun destroying survivors who underestimate Demogorgon due to their experience with people who dont play him properly

  • AddictedNoob244
    AddictedNoob244 Member Posts: 20

    I completely agree except switch out Deathslinger and Myers, it very boring and the start of the game just trying to cut off line of sight while he stands still and stalks.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited April 2020

    It’s completely subjective on whether people enjoy a killer or not. You might not enjoy Spirit but it doesn’t mean other people can’t.

    I enjoy Spirit over a majority of the roster because she requires you to think differently other than mindless looping and you have to predict her movements. Plus I always run Iron Will so she’s not a big deal to me.

    I might not win all the time but at least I had a good time. I can win 90% of the time against a Clown or Legion but the game was extremely boring.

    Not to mention that Spirit isn’t “very low skill” some people have told me that they can’t get the hang of Spirit and she’s not the killer for them. She’s not ultra hard to use but she isn’t a braindead killer either.