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Is spirit that skilless?

I've tried to main spirit for the past month, and imo, she is hard to master. Because you can't see the survivors or their auras while phasing, you need to rely on audio and small details of, for example, grass whilst predicting where the survivor will go.

Though, recently when I played a normal spirit game, I won a really close match with a swf (1 gen left and it was a 16 minute game) and the survivors kept abusing the endgame chat because, and I quote:

"Stop playing such a skilless character and go play a normal killer, you rank 6 boosted ape cun*"

It seems like on the survivor's perspective, spirit is just a free win once you start playing her, not even try to practice. All her add-ons are "op" and her power is "completely broken and needs a rework". I'll be honest, these survivors could lose against any killer because they were ######### around instead of doing their objective and such, so I don't understand, should I not rely on their mistakes and win? Should I just let them leave?

So, my question is, for you, as a player, do you think that spirit is completely skilless? Please let me know down below.




  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    No, I don’t think any killer is completely skill-less. They all require some amount of skill, outside of stupid stuff like face camping or ebony tunnel moris.

    I think Spirit requires less skill than some killers, like Nurse or Huntress. But she definitely has a learning curve and is not a free win by any means. It’s easier to win with her than with some other killers, but I think a lot of people just want to berate you so they don’t have to admit that they lost fair and square.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    Stridor doesn't negate Iron Will so there is no reason to run it.. if they aren't using IW you can hear them, if they are running IW you won't hear them with or without Stridor. Pointless perk.

  • OniWantsUrLocation
    OniWantsUrLocation Member Posts: 506

    I had to play a lot with Huntress until I "mastered" her. A lot. Way more than nurse. So her skill ceiling is imo the highest in the game. With Spirit it was a little different. I played with her for a couple of hours ...and destroyed ppl with ease. You don't need to see the survivors. You just need to hear them. She's definitely weaker now, but she's still a killer with a low skill ceiling. 

    You can play whatever you want btw. Never let anyone tell you what you can and cannot do. 

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    Go try it in KYF then, I've ran Stridor multiple times vs Iron Will users in pub matches and didn't hear anything. A long time ago, you could faintly hear IW with Stridor.. now.. nothing

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    an explanation is not in game proof.. telling you.. go try it

    something changed recently, and stridor doesn't work

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Don't run stridor just to make it a challenge, I don't want to rely on it.

  • myers_obsession
    myers_obsession Member Posts: 552
    edited April 2020

    I am a Nurse Main and I know it works. You can hear the grunts of pain with stridor and IW. Test it, if you don't believe me :D Maybe @Peanits can agree, that you can hear them with IW and stridor.

    CLAUDETTEINABUSH Member Posts: 2,210

    Please don't @ devs, I don't want them to get evolved into a pity fight, but it's true, it negates 50% of iron will

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    Spirit does take skill to learn. Problem to many survivors is if you face one that has learned how to play her she is hard to counter.

    She has a high skill ceiling if you're willing to out in the effort.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Spirit is a very difficult killer to play as.

    Unless you have a very good headset, very good sound card, very good EQ settings and a perk called 'Stridor', in which case you can just hear exactly where people are and slaughter them.

    Seriously, you kind of need all of the above. I have an okay headset and ######### soundcard, Stridor doesn't help that much. Great, I can hear someone kind of near me but I have no idea where they actually are. I also don't run Schoolgirl/Halloween bodies on her because that's borderline cheating. Seriously Devs, fix that. It's not okay that some of her skins just straight up rob survivors of info.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    If you have pro gamer headset then she is relatively easy, not piece of cake, she needs certain mechanical skill, but I wouldnt rate her as hard to play as nurse or huntress.

  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    Using Stridor against Iron Will does help HOWEVER, you need to have good head phones to hear them. Sure, Survivors are super easy to hear with IW when they run or just got done running. But beyond that, if that mofo is crouching, you aren't going to hear anything.

    Also, Spirit does take skill. Toxic Survivors just hate playing against her because she's very challenging. Odd enough, the meta perk that downright nullifies Spirit is Spine Chill and they'll still complain if you are able to kill them with it.

  • Mikey4Hire
    Mikey4Hire Member Posts: 271

    How to play spirit.

    Chase survivor

    Get to loop and wait for pallet to be dropped

    Stare at them

    Teleport to the other side or wait

    Get a down.


  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    The only reason I hate her is because most, not all, just tunnel hooks. They have the speed to get anywhere they need to be, but they always choose to tunnel.

    I do think she is strong, but I don't think she needs any changes, I rather face a chill Spirit vs Freddy any day.

  • ChiTenshi
    ChiTenshi Member Posts: 877
    edited April 2020

    The only issue I have with her is that she retains the bonus movement speed after phasing. It feels like a hand-holding mechanism, fine with those trying to learn the Killer but very abusive at higher ranks.

    It’s also stolen from the Wraith’s kit making him even more pointless to play, why play him when the Spirit does what he does but better.

  • Reborn2020
    Reborn2020 Member Posts: 1,138

    I think if spirit mains would play her with a bit of strategy and not just simply going for all survivors you see she would get 4kills too often.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    Most Killers have to mind game to get a reward whereas Spirit you can stand still at a loop and get the same reward. Not saying she doesn’t take “Skill” however her skill cap isn’t high.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Were you those Spirit that uses Make Your Choice, leaves and phases back to get your easy Make Your Choice kill?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Hook survivor.

    Wait for survivor to get unhooked.


    Or use Make Your Choice.

    Phase back.

    Get your easy 1 hit down.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    Tbh even Freddy takes some skill not like a braindead spirit who just needs a pair of headphones

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    I'm terrible against Spirit, let me know if you want an easy kill.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    The situation of the spirit is that she takes time to master because her tracking is all audio cues, perks and mind gaming. She cant see survivors when invisible making her have to try harder to mindgame than other killers. The problem is survivoors think that any killer with an ability they cant counter by walking in a straight line is unfair and broken. Not all survivors, just the loud ones you see in chats on on the forums

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah that petty much what happen during my first few games of spirit. So good at the mind games using her power, i ended up mind gaming myself. :P

  • BigTimeGamer
    BigTimeGamer Member Posts: 1,752

    People thinking spirit is hard lol

    I P3d her and mained her before I got the red pill and realized how stupid easy games were so I went back to huntress

    an easy win isn’t fun for anyone

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Rank 1 Spirit main here! A lot of y'all sound like you've never played Spirit or haven't put in the effort to challenge yourself with Spirit. Rin requires skill, but part of her difficulty also depends on survivor's. I myself stopped using Stridor on her because it felt unfair, and I love going against survivor's who run Iron Will because it presents a challenge to me.

    A lot of y'all sound like the type of people that will literally throw a pallet down and stand their and let her phase to you and hit you.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    As a survivor main, I dont think she is skill-less. I think she has a higher skill cap than a lot of killers, but once confident with her she is obviously very strong. She is my least enjoyable to play against. I think the mind game advantage of her, when you face someone who is skilled at playing her, makes her feel very OP and somewhat unfair - as she gets more information than you do - and that's why a lot of people hate her.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    I'd say she has a moderate skill cap. I wouldn't say she's as hard as Huntress, Deathslinger, Hag, Nurse etc. But she isn't some braindead easy killer like Freddy.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    I think Spirit takes no skill whatsoever and anyone who says otherwise is mentally challenged—and I'm not saying that just to say it; I well and truly mean that. I genuinely think it takes perceptive disabilities to think Spirit is hard.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If you know what survivors sound like, what footsteps are, what grass is and how grass typically sounds when you run through it...there's literally nothing else to it. It's that easy. If you have a pair of headphones your work is practically cut out for you. I will say there is a difference between a good Spirit and a bad Spirit but the only difference between them is the bad Spirit isn't paying attention to sounds or has literally no idea of survivor pathing or scratch marks (Basically, they're very new to the game).

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Ok so lets run through these "mind-games":

    Doubling back - So even if you're healthy, you double back, making your scratch marks more concentrated in one area, the Spirit will see the scratchmarks stop. She will also hear your breathing, your footsteps and see grass move if there's grass or you'll make very audible footsteps on wood etc. A competent Spirit will just do a 180 and smack you.

    Dropping a pallet early - So you drop the pallet early and the Spirit's coming up to you at mach 5 in her power. Congratulations, you've just wasted a valuable resource on the map because she'll either guess right and hit you, or she'll phase round to the other side of the pallet which will save maybe a total of 5 seconds because she can just break the pallet, AND she'll likely have her power back once she's broken the pallet so then you're a sitting duck in the middle of nowhere because you're likely not getting to another loop in the time it takes for her to start to phase and catch up to you (Especially next update. Maps are gonna be more spread out meaning there's now less loops you can safely chain together).

    If you hear the Spirit's footsteps she's way too close and she'll hear you too, so you're just gonna get hit before you have any kind of time to react or do absolutely anything against it. Your best bet is to make a blind guess and hope it works. If it works you haven't done much because her power recharges so quickly and then it's back to making another dumb guess based off nothing.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    She’s not very hard to play as but she’s not a braindead either.

    All you really need is basic tracking skills and rely on your ears and looking at the environment around you.

    You won’t pick up Spirit on your first few games with her, it takes a while to get really good with her. She’s a bit harder than MOST killers in the game because you have to rely on her power frequently to get downs and if you can’t properly track survivors then you are gonna lose. Just because Spirit is strong doesn’t mean you’re spoon-fed the victory.

    I’ve played Spirit at red ranks since she was released and there have been some rounds I’ve gone against good survivors and they beat me. You know why? Because they didn’t take predictable routes and were able to keep up chase for a longer period of time. If you play against a Spirit the same way you would against a Wraith. You. Will. Lose.

    I think some people’s problem with Spirit stems from the fact that she is a very highly rewarding killer but doesn’t take as much effort as a killer like Nurse or Huntress. If Nurse misses a blink she goes into fatigue and she’s punished. If Huntress can’t hit hatchets to save her life then she is a 110% killer with a large humming radius to warn survivors she is close by. Spirit on the other hand has a lunge out of phasing and can stand still and the survivors don’t know whether she is phasing or not making her unpredictable.

    But the fact that people think anybody can just pick up the Spirit and play her and 4K regardless of the survivor skill are absolutely wrong. If you are mediocre at Spirit and you go against really good survivors you are gonna get destroyed. You actually have to know what you’re doing as Spirit to win your matches.

    I agree with pretty much everything @thesuicidefox stated.

    And people bashing others with different opinions are the problem with this community 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • LuffyBlack
    LuffyBlack Member Posts: 595
    edited April 2020

    No she isn't "skillless" or "brain dead" while I won't deny that certain killers are more entertaining to go against than others better than others((even this is subjective)), but these buzzwords seem to be thrown around in order to gaslight killers into playing the way their opposition wants them to. You shouldn't feel bad or cheap for any killer, perk, or offering that you use.

  • inferjus
    inferjus Member Posts: 479

    Spirit is such a braindead killer. She doesn't need to see survivors because she sees their scratchmarks when phasing. She is also very fast when doing it so she can catch up easily and if survivor tries to be sneaky then she knows that and just starts searching place around where scratchmarks stopped appearing. You could start running back when she starts phasing, but she can hear your breath. And what if you are injured? Well, then you are totally screwed. You need both Iron Will and Urban Evasion to have a chance to lose her, and if she runs Stridor then there is very little chance she won't hear you.

    Spirit is the only killer in the game I really hate. She doesn't require skill, just basic understanding of game rules, just like Freddy. But Freddy can not catch up to you in 2 seconds and is still countered by smart looping and stealth.

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Rin is not actually a "rage quit" machine as well as most survivor mains are trying to tell us. The real rage quit machine are the survivors by themselves. Every time they just don't like the killer they are playing against, well they DC. It's not matter of how strong is the killer, they DC even against killers ranged from weak to mid-tier strength cuz they just hate how his power is meant to be played to actually put pressure.

    IE. I'm rank 3 killer, and I still get plenty of 2 or 3 hook suicide against Myers, who is just a fair and solid choice. When I look for their motivation, they rage on me becouse I play Monitor&Abuse to remove his TR in EW2, which you can counter by just staying aware of your surrondings.

    End of the game: dear survivors, shut down DbD and go back to sleep.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    No killer is an auto-win. Let's take that out of the way. With that being said, Spirit has both a low skill floor and low skill cap, not to mention very low skill-to-reward ratio. If you know what you're doing, which is not very complicated in itself, then she's essentially a single-player game and the survivors become glorified NPCs who have to genrush you as hard as they can and that's the extent of it.

    Of the killers I played successfully at rank 1 (Billy, Huntress, Spirit, Doc 2.0, Myers) against good to very good survivors, Spirit was BY FAR the easiest. By easy, I mean that the effort, knowledge and dexterity that I had to put in relative to the results were vastly lower than any of the other characters. Add to that, I played as her only because I was prestiging and I wanted to get rid of BP offerings. So, I didn't even have 'optimal' builds for most games.

    If you're having troubles playing as her, that's mostly down to any of these few issues;

    1) you might not have your sound set up correctly (i.e. good headphones, weird effects disabled etc.);

    2) you don't know what sounds to listen for and what visual clues to look for (i.e. grass, corn, crows);

    3) you do too long phases and essentially mindgame yourself;

    4) you're trying too hard to predict instead of reacting.

    Don't try too hard to predict. You track the survivors down and, if your sound setup is good and you know the sounds in this game, then it's a pretty straightforward task. If a survivor double backs on you, tries to walk away at a right angle, throws the pallet on the same side, and all these shenanigans and they get you, then you failed the tracking test. If that happens, see points 1 and 2 above.

    Don't do overly long phases when chasing someone (traversing the map is another issue). You're moving at 176% speed, it doesn't take you long at all to catch up to them and they can't stray away far from their main path in that time window.

    As for 'mindgames' and other 'pro' tips, and it's generous to call them that, they're more or less:

    • standing still at pallets pretending to phase(then observe AND react not predict);
    • starting to phase facing one direction and then going another;
    • using your husk to block vaults/pallets/doorways, because it has collision;
    • phasing looking at the last location of the survivor (for example pallet) to trick spine chill, which activates on you and not your husk, so they'll think you're faking; or phasing while looking away when approaching your destination (example generator) to not trigger spine chill.

    Congratulations, you've concluded Spirit advanced course.

  • ZaKzan
    ZaKzan Member Posts: 544

    she's only brainless if you fight brainless survivors that don't alternate strategies of continuing to run and doubling back, forcing the spirit to waste a lot of time since sounds are bugged to hell.

    Since you can go in a myriad of directions when spirit is in her spirit phase, spirit just boils down to roughly a 25% gamble. Considering there are more things you can do than just running in one of four directions, that RNG is increased to about 10% if you are a decent survivor and don't put yourself in the middle of nowhere.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    Shes deadly in the right hands, especially against an injured survivor making noise. However, really difficult to play at the start. She's got a pretty high skill cap and can do all kinda of neat stuff to trick and throw off survivors. Using her power in chase is pretty difficult when you're not used to it, but if you're good with tracking through sound its not too bad. I feel prediction and mindgames/fakes show skill.

    I've mained her since her release, and I'm starting to think the ability to hear injured survivors so easy is kinda op. I remember back in the PTB it was louder on her side, and I would like to see that come back and tested.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I don't know why people think she is skill-less when she requires you to be good at chases to begin with. She requires you to be aware of Survivor pathing as well as potential mindgames they could possibly do (which most survivors don't do because, well, most survivors don't know/is unwilling to know how to counter Spirit). She kinda requires you to play Survivor to get used to your own pathing, which you can use as her.

    Even then she isn't exactly hard to beat in a chase either. She requires you to guess in advance what she will do, as she would with you. Dropping down pallets early and acting unpredictably is one of the fastest ways to completely confuse a Spirit main. Dropping a pallet or making it seem like your scratchmarks are heading for a pallet/window could force the Spirit to think you're just waiting there on the pallet to try and pallet-stun you. Or better yet try to catch you off guard because she sees your scratch marks have stopped.

    But I get it, some people just don't get it when it comes to facing her. Like some people who don't get it when they face Freddy or Ghostface, or heck, even Hag. She's a killer that requires you to change your playstyle and relearn what you learned with looping. And no, I'm not here to troll, I just have a contrarian opinion to what most people think. Because really none of the killers are that threatening if you learn how to face them individually. Not as a whole group.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    It doesn't matter what survivors say about her skill ceiling because nothing they have or do requires skill and they get rewarded for failure with tons of second chance crutches

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited April 2020

    With bugged audio and hard to see scratchmarks (especially on lower resolution/settings) she is definetly hard to play, but fixed those two she is relatively easy.

  • AlbinoViera
    AlbinoViera Member Posts: 169

    Alright, let's go over the mind-games again, seeing as you seem to have no knowledge of how Spirit works.

    Doubling-Back. You can uh.. Walk. I know, I know, crazy idea to suggest walking so you don't make any scratchmarks and she can't hear your footsteps or your breathing over her own phase sound. If you're injured and making grunts of pain, you can at the very least try something. This has worked quite a few times for me, and against me: Sprinting away from her for about two seconds, and then the moment you hear her close. You spint backwards. Quite a few times this has caused them to miss a hit, even while grunting.

    Dropping a pallet: You don't seem to know how long her power would take to recover or how much she would use. To catch up after a hit, uses about two thirds of her power, (with a yellow duration add-on it's about half). It would take about 8.5 - 9 seconds to recover, with 4 seconds from the missed hit and breaking a pallet, (During which, you should be running away to gain a tonne of distance) she'll now have about 4 - 5seconds of being a 110% killer. So, you just wasted 13 seconds of her time with the use of a single pallet, and that's not including the time it takes to catch back up to you. If it doesn't work, you can actually commit next time and stay on the other side of the pallet, meaning she'll be on the wrong side or you can try and do it again in the hope she'll mind-game herself.

    Hearing her coming, you can hear her like any other killer. Just think of it likes she's behind a wall seeing as you'll know which way she's coming from 9 times out of 10. I won't lie, from your strategy of "Making a blind guess and hoping it works" you seem to be the sort of player that hates having to think for themselves. "Why can't I just run her around the same pallet like I do everyone else? She isn't nurse!" I can just imagine you saying that in a non-joking way.. If you hear her footsteps, you can hear where she's coming from. Walk towards her, or run towards her if you're in the open. If you know which way she came from, hop the window away from her or drop the pallet between you both and maybe even slow vault it. Do something instead of trying to act like "Well, guess she's got me now lolol"

    I'll say it again. If you want to get some help for playing as, or against Spirit, ask nicely and you might get some. I'm not gonna list every possible way to avoid her, there's some that are situational and some any survivor should be able to do, take too much time for me.