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Flashlight Trap Disarm

Am I the only one thinking, that now that the Trapper's Traps cannot be sabotaged anymore, the Hag's Traps shouldn't be disarmed by flashlights. The flashlight could still highlight the trap but destroying it?! If they want to keep that mechanic at least make it take like 2 Seconds or something cause right now it just feels like you're holding your FL in the general direction of the trap and it just explodes.

As we are at it, I think, the FL should also not burn the Nurse and the Wraith.

What do you think? Did the Devs ever mention that they are seeing into that?


  • chase131119
    chase131119 Member Posts: 839

    You should never get burned as wraith, it's just a waste of flashlight since all you have to do is just circle around and they can't burn you.

    Impossible to burn a nurse, lets be honest. Who even tries?

    Why remove one of the only counterplays that hag has besides the time wasting slow as hell crouching? You can disarm trapper traps, you can disarm hag traps.

    BIIDOX Member Posts: 15

    Then remove flashlight and add rocket s2000 that destroy killer’s ass when fired. Lol we need a counter to everything dude.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I mean, you cant crouch to avoid trapper traps, and he cant carry 10 that regenerate when used/lost. So no.... they need a hard counter.

    Besides, more times than not survivors dont have time to disarm them unless it's either in front of a lit totem (obvious), a hooked survivor (obvious), or they watch you place it mid chase.

    Randomly placed traps in the map almost NEVER get disarmed. Just the obvious ones.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I mean, it's really not impossible to burn a nurse. Especially when shes committed to you and holding blinks to mindgame you.

  • designator
    designator Member Posts: 124

    Hag is already annoying enough as it is they don't need to remove the only reasonable counterplay other than crouching everywhere or using sprint burst. Honestly I think it's stupid that a survivors can't disarm her traps by wiping their foot on them. It's stupid when you know she's camping a hook or basement and you can't do anything but crouch and as soon as you save she'll start running back and you have to crouch away. You don't know when the killer is a hag and when to bring a flashlight and it's already a finite item. A yellow flashlight and green will probably disarm about 5 traps, purple maybe 7. Unpopular opinion but she's probably the worst designed killer in the game because her power just encourages camping.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I don’t think sabotaged traps are comparable, the better comparison to a flashlight would be disarming a trap. Sabotaging Trapper’s traps actually weakened his ability to use his power, whereas nothing the survivors do can affect Hag’s ability to set more traps.

    I play a lot of Hag and I think the worry about flashlights is a bit overblown. As long as you’re not totally predictable with your trap placement you should be fine. If survivors are scouring the map looking for traps to disarm, they’re doing you a favour. And having this counter enables survivors to play around Hags that spam traps around hooks, which in my opinion is a good thing.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    I would love that, but I'd like to be able to use it while I am hooked. I would also like it to lock on my teammates who are just crouching and doing nothing in a bush.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Hag is my favorite killer, and i find flashlights against her very annoying. but it is far from breaking her power in a matchup. With trapper, you could take away his unique power if you had a squad that would sabotage all traps.

  • CaramelizedOnion
    CaramelizedOnion Member Posts: 4

    You guys actually enlightened me! Really! I do play a lot of Hag and it got on my nerves from time to time. But when you think about it and consider the points that all of you mention, it seems almost necessary yet alone fair to have an ITEM countering the set up of a Killer's power that would otherwise have little counterplay. Demo and trapper suffer from removed power-set-ups but survivors dont even need an item to do so.

    Actually made my day <3 thanks guys