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General Discussions

I think some people of this community have missunderstood



  • Member Posts: 4,105
    edited April 2020

    "since i payed this account, i can do whatever i want"

    From a juridically standpoint, Yes you can. From a moral standpoint, no you should not. At least not according to my moral understanding

    I mean, its up to you. If you want to play like an ass, then play like an ass, but be prepared to get called out and/or treated like an ass too.

    Cause and effect. When you for example play chess and you treat your opponent with bad manner after every piece he plunders, you also should not be suprised if he wont play with you anymore or he tells you what he thinks off you. You CAN do it, but it is a very nasty thing to do so. Sad that i have to explain this to you.

  • Member Posts: 569

    You Dont know a damn thing about my play style to be such a snob and last timeci check i dont have to justify anything to you or anybody else where do get off thinking your the king of the game that can tell people how to play or how their not living up to your morals your not that important and definitely not better than anybody else

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I meant gamewise, not lore wise but ok XD

    At the end of all tho, your job is for them to die right? UwU

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I know that, that's why I specifically said that these things are d*** moves, I never said I done em. The only "toxic" thing I do where survivors complain all the time is playing spirit, even without stridor.

    I just say, I can do and play what I want however I want, If it's not cheating the game rules.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Please stop arguing, you're ruining the threads purpose. You both have different understandings for the game and I respect that, you don't need to be mean to each other about it.

    If you want to continue fighting, go to talk in a private chat. Thank you.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    You are defending the "i can do what i want" morality, which is overall really bad if you think about it. Its a human thing that is simply disconnecting us from each other and makes everything just worse, not better.

    If you dont live your life after that, you are a better person then many. Good for you/us.

  • Member Posts: 159

    Way are we talking about morals in a video game that has sides? This isn't a battle field in the 1800's where men with muskets trading shots in battle lines.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    The fact is, if i try to play killer by the rules, without camping and tunneling, i am insulted in the end game chat anyway. Survivors dont honor such behavior if they escape. Happens to me time and again, because i always try it. After 2 such games, 1 either go back playing survivor, or i tunnel and camp. Because then only half the survivors are toxic in the end game chat, because the other half already left.

  • Member Posts: 583

    With the current pip system, killers are lead to believe that everything but a perfect 4K win is a loss. 3K but someone escaped from the hatch? BHVR robbed me of my earned 4K. 4K but someone gave up on first hook? Survivors are toxic and entitled and I should have had a perfect game but survivors just can't handle the fact that I deserve the 4K.

    Like it goes both ways, for sure, but the way the pip system works right now, killers in purple/red ranks need to get 4K or bust. Survivors have to not gen rush, play out the game to its fullest, participate in just about everything, including at least one 15-30 second chase(and escape from it), take out a totem, unhook and fully heal one survivor, take out one generator at least, and are encouraged to go for late game unhooks to gain more emblem pip points. They don't even have to escape to pip, they can be the only one dead and double pip off a single game.

    As the killer in a 1v4 game, you have to realize you drive the train, you set the stage and you command how the game will go. Mileage will vary depending on how good you are at the game vs the other four players, but in general, you decide how good or bad an experience players will have, based on both which perks you bring to the table with the killer you've decided to play, and how you play in-game.

    I'm not saying you have to be altruistic in your killer play, not at all. But there's a solid thick line between playing the game to win and playing the game to make sure everyone else has a bad game.

  • Member Posts: 672

    I say kill the survivors any way you can. Yeah, some killers are toxic, (looking at you Bubba) but that’s what makes this game fun. As a survivor main, winning every match is boring as it can be. So yeah, I don’t want to play against killers where all of them use the exact same strategy. I want to have to outsmart them.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Are killer mains supposed to concern themselves with other players experience? As a survivor my experience is not affected by another player it is merely affected by the fact that the player was capable to do the said thing.

    Killers do your thing, survivors will adapt.

  • Member Posts: 7,318
  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Not "whatever I want" it's "whatever is allowed" I can do them yeah, nobody can stop me. Just imagine spending money getting a character, only to be flamed in post chat.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I agree, but the point still stands, if it's allowed I can do it and they shouldn't complain. I agree, such things may ruin the other player's experience BUT (and that's a big but) if I'm not allowed by my morals to not use killers, add-ons or strategies that I like just to care about others, that's kinda meh imo. For the record, I don't do anything "toxic" from the survivor side, that includes tunnel, camp, facecamp, noed ect. The only thing in "guilty" of is playing spirit, but if I flame someone for playing spirit, I believe you will be braindead enough to just flame for tunnel just because you run into the killer after the unhook.

    But I'll admit, the comment you made was a good one, and I agree :3

  • Member Posts: 420

    And when survivors considering being killed ruining their experience? Or how about killers considering gens being done ruining their experience? Just play the game and stop being so sensitive.

  • Member Posts: 7,318

    It's not about experiences being ruined, it's about the game being played in a way to ruin the experience of other players, called griefing.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I apologise.

    It's just that I felt insulted and challenged by how @elvangulley came at me.

    From how I see it, I said there is more than just the 4k, they implied that I am an entitled survivor main who only wants easy escapes. I have just defended my position in response.

    And elvangulley, don't assume anything about me. Ask questions first, and get to know me. I can be quite reasonable, when I'm not feeling personally attacked. Believe it or not, I much prefer a hard escape and find the EGC or hatch escape way better than a 4-man gen-rush escape against a baby killer.

    There's also the issue of I can't understand your position if you don't explain it to me. This is why I say to justify your play style. It's not to be a snob or act superior, it's so I can actually see what you mean.

    I think that playing the role of a horror psycho is better than mindless killing, the Emblem system supports me. You think that raw kills are better. Let's leave it at that.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    My advice would be to just turn the chat off then. If people won't respect you, then disrespecting others isn't the answer.

    They're also probably the type who only play one side. Something I feel is a blight on the community, since they do not understand the other side in the slightest.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    Sure, but if we are talking about just the act of playing a game then we are talking about a measure of your personality. It's a game, if you are a survivor or killer playing this, a casual game, in ways you know are toxic then just admit that you just might suck as a person.

    Seriously, it's a game. I've both gone easy on survivors that I clearly could dominate and allowed a killer who is clearly not very good to kill me. Why? It does not matter. It's a game and I don't need to 4k or escape to have fun. That is just me though. Some take it seriously and that's fine too.

    But, if you play to be toxic and use all toxic tactics, just admit it, you are an azzhole and are part of the community that is at the core of the problem in this game.

    When I say "you", I'm referring to anyone the description fits, not any one person.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Apologize accepted. You are now allowed to enter my bush.

  • Member Posts: 159

    The core problem is people who think there is only one way to play the game to be fair and the idea your way is the only way just because you play it casual your being ignorant and arrogant.

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    Thanks. I'll keep that in mind when I come back for Asian Pancake-Bootyland.

    I P3'd Yui, so I'm going to use her for a bit since I've earned it.

  • Member Posts: 175
    edited April 2020

    I have no beef taking the L as a survivor. My beef comes from killers that will pick on someone because they brought in a flashlight or play as a survivor that they just don't like, etc.

    If killers can bring ebony moris, they shouldn't complain about survivors bringing in keys. If a survivor wants to go all clicky, clicky on a killer with a flashlight, they shouldn't complain when a killer takes them out as soon as possible because they're being annoying. Even as a survivor main, the flashlight clicking and teabagging annoys me but then again, so does being targeted because at some point Claudette annoyed the killer and they treat every Claudette as an annoyance.

    Personally, I set my own goals when I play either side and as long as I reach my goal, I really don't care about the results at the end. Honestly, if I were to 4k every match or escape every match, I would stop playing the game.

  • Member Posts: 159

    I ignore them if there clicking P3 Claudette running OoO if I can. Sometimes you can other times not very rare to run into the real good survivors ( one not full of themselves ) where the only way to punish all you just might pressure one.

    Example playing on Xbox never real get messages ( unless I make someone super salty ) but as killer I make it a point to say gg after the game win or lose. Badham I thing version 3 three gens in about two minutes before first down. Playing gun lord so felt very screwed over but had to play it out. One ran in and traded to have everyone at less hurt. One down at shack pallet , two hiding between fence line near school and house right of school if your in front of shack. Last one runs into shack hide heard cry as she ran by she tried to get pallet blocked her downed them one off hook runs back slow vaults window shot down her Bill runs to stun walk backwards slide left shot down. Second person unbreakable up mistakenly make pick she luck throw it to early walked out front quick snap down her end of action.

    didn't want give up three gens but had zero control but it not an issue of being toxic their just do the only thing they have to do. Three survivors left to be them can be demoralizing but I can pull something off. If I lose more than likely they would act like God's but three died. Send gg get nothing but is ok know I did well.

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