What do you want Killer to do after teammate DC early

In some matches it tends to be a case that a survivor will disconnect for a reason or another early on before a single gen has even been fixed. In this situation, it is pretty safe to say that the survivors most probably will not have any chance to fix all gens and escape, so the question is:
Do you wish the Killer to:
- Continue to play normal, offering challenge.
- Lower the challenge by ignoring objectives such as kicking generators or things in this nature...
- Give up and let you and your team to fix gens, cleanse totems, etc...
- Something else, what?
Not tunnel camp and mori would be a nice change.
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I've won a few where it was 3 v 1 after 200 hours. A lot of people like to suicide, especially if they are downed within the first two minutes. It's challenging, for sure. So I just play normally unless the killer indicates they'd rather farm. I wouldn't want the killer to not get something out of it though. No sense in the whole thing being spoiled for them and no one else.
I will say I've had a lot of killers apologize afterwards for survivors DCing and them doing their thing. Not their fault, just report the spoil sport and move on.
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hook me asap so I can hook suicide
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But then no one will have fun ^^
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Continue to play however you wish too.
That's all anyone should expect.
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They should do whatever they want, but I hope they at least play fair. That's all I ask for of any match.
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Play fair is all, we have won a few as 3v1.
Sometimes if its really early. I'll let them get a genny done and then it's game on.
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I personally don't mind, I do appreciate killers who will have a joke and even show you to gens (these seem to be mainly ghost faces for some strange reason) but it isn't always the killers fault so I really don't mind how they play as long as they don't face camp hooks
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The killer let's everyone escape, obviously.
(entitled survivor Mode off)
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Just play normal. If we're getting destroyed after that then I'll just hook suicide since I know we haven't much hope of winning.
If someone does that to me I just play normal. If I bring a mori then I'll wait till death hook before I use the mori since I'll feel confident that I'll win.
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I usually play normaly and give the hatch to the last one.
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To keep playing 'normally'.
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I'd hope for the best, and I would want the killer to at least acknowledge they DC's but play as normal
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"The opposite of whatever the killer ends up doing"
Or, at least, that's what I've learned from post-game chat.
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EVERYBODY wil have fun, on next game
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Don't slug or camp with a three man. There's really no way to deal with it and still complete gens
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Continue to play normally. Someone DCing sucks but it shouldn't turn the whole match into a boring farm fest.
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No special rules, but you can let someone have the hatch.
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As a GF main I can confirm that if a teammate gets salty and abandons I'll just follow people around, getting chase and stalk points, help them find treasure chests, play hide and seek, tag, etc and just let them go. No, I dunno why we do it either.
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I would like it if the killer, at least let us get the saves safely and have a moment to get away. That's what makes me happy.
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Well, that i did as a killer latly if that happpens, i play the game normaly, but i keep track of how often i hook a survivor, and never hook them a second time, i just slug them. If i get all players down, i won and i let them finish the gens and go out. If someone hook suicides, its his problem, not mine.
But this applys only in a dc i think is legit soon after the game starts, not if the one dcs i am going to hook for the second time or somehting.
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When I play killer, I let the survivors sort of dictate how the match goes.
If they're pounding out gens, I'm going to keep trying really hard. Already lost some points from the one guy DC'ing.
If they're struggling (and I do this even when there's no DC) I tend to ease up on them. I've made friends with survivors who I've just let go because I did really well with like 4 gens remaining and everyone was on death hook.
If they're Toxic, I kill them and then farm with the last two.