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Remove Struggle Phase, It broke my Keyboard.

So, I know you guys don't want people to be like "taking a cup of coffee" or whatever when you're struggling on the hook, but the repeated struggling actually BROKE my keyboard's space-bar key, I'm lucky because I had a backup keyboard but that's $80 out the window, Seriously. it's also caused my thumb and fingers immense pain to do, Seriously, Can you not make an alternative to this PLEASE? there are people out here who have pain from some of these mechanics. Color-Blind people need an indication or something because they can't see auras in some cases. Seriously, You need to make this more friendly to your user base. Otherwise why should any of us with a minor disability even try and play the game if you're not even gonna help us.


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Just download auto hotkey and make yourself a struggle macro. Been using a struggle/wiggle macro for 3 years now and honestly the thought of going back is sickening.

  • parinsu1
    parinsu1 Member Posts: 1

    I set macro on my gaming mouse. If your mouse is programable, you can assign action to mouse button. Also, I assign wiggle action to mouse button. It is easier than spamming keyboard. I use Logitech mouse and set the action via Logitech Gaming Software.

  • Smeagolthevile
    Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175

    For the record 'the game mechanic is bad and physically damages my hardware and also makes the game impossible to play for people with certain disabilities' should not be dismissed with 'just download a macro' maybe they should fix a broken mechanic.

  • Uistreel
    Uistreel Member Posts: 634

    You don't need to bash your spacebar to the point where it breaks, you only need to tap it relatively gently

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    the point is, even if It didn't "break" my keyboard, it causes severe pain to my hands, and that's not okay for any game to be encouraging that.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    Also I have a loud ass keyboard, the kind where you need to actually press pretty damn hard to type something, It makes noise and light taps don't do anything.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Oh yeah the game mechanic is 100% bad but knowing the devs they'd replace it with skill checks or something stupid like that and then I can't automate it with a macro, at least personally I prefer it stay bad but macroable rather than be slightly more accessible but remove my ability to relax while I'm on the hook.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    I think it shouldn't even be something we'd need a macro for, not even skill checks, just something to press a button to give up like, no one cares about your stupid fantsays to make us not have a cup of coffee or check our phone while struggling, that's how YOU want to play, alot of us don't want our fingers to ######### die because you can't code in the polite and reasonable way FOR the PEOPLE WHO PLAY YOUR GAME

  • gaydavidking
    gaydavidking Member Posts: 158

    I really don't understand why they haven't changed it either, it seems so outdated and pretty much everybody agrees that it's not "engaging gameplay" like the devs were hoping for. I thought I heard the devs had even said they were looking into changing it somewhere, so I hope they do but I could be wrong about that 😪

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    For now I suggest changing the struggle key with Mouse Down so you can just scroll down effortlessly without dying.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    That'd still hurt my index finger, I've tested that before, I'd rather just have a mechanic that doesn't involve pain or I'm going to become a heavy advocate to creating a guide for new players on how to make macros just to fight back this stupid design

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I know, I'm not a fan of it. I don't think anyone is. I'd rather just hold down the button.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    I think it'd be nice if you just hold it down yeah, because then you can't getup and leave your spot but it wouldn't KILL your goddamn fingers.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    just have it set to auto struggle then have a button to press when you want to give up. Imagine running camaraderie...RIP, not to mention when a lag spikes happens and the game thinks you've given up

  • Smeagolthevile
    Smeagolthevile Member Posts: 175

    If you look at more modern games, spiderman for Ps4 for example, you see a wide array of these mechanics that have options. For example you can button mash for things in the game BUT if you go to the accessibility settings you can change it to a hold button instead.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    Doesn't matter literally unenforceable, even if the devs cared to try enforcing it.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I'm pretty sure EAC does detect macros. Even if it isnt great at detecting much else.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    It does not. EAC (at least for DBD) only scans the game files for modification. Macros are just automated keyboard strokes basically.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    I mean, I'll break that damn EULA if it will stop the game from BREAKING my goddamn stuff, do the developers wanna pay me the 80 dollars to get my goddamn keyboard fixed for their ######### mechanics they acknowledge and refuse to change, I'm not gonna agree to some ######### rules that force me to break my keyboards.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Probably not a good idea to openly state you will break the EULA.

  • Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck
    Wiliam_Bill_Overbeck Member Posts: 61

    ######### it, Not like they're gonna find me on the PC when I change my IP, didn't even link my steam account. the worse they'll do is slap me on the damn wrist for outright saying what needs to be said. Their mechanics suck, if they're not gonna fix them and keep them in which encourages players to break hardware, I'm not gonna follow those mechanics and I'm gonna use a workaround because I don't see them offering me the money to get ######### fixed.