Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Fair Deathslinger balances.

Wow, another buff Deathslinger post from me. How original.

However, in those previous posts, I did not consider the survivor point of view at all. So, allow me to present a sort of bartering idea when it comes to balancing.

So, to survivors players, let me know what you think

For 115% movement speed, I would be willing to sacrifice his small terror radius.

For the ability to drag survivors over pallets with addons, I would be willing to allow a audio notification that the Deathslinger is going to shoot. For example this can be a gun cocking.

For the ability for the harpoon to actually deal damage instead of the cursed Deep Wounds state, I would be willing to sacrifice Redeemer synergy with perks such as NOED and STBFL.

Let me know what you think!

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  • Member Posts: 687

    Death boy is fine as is, he should be left as is. He's a good killer, and he should be given more time before buffs or nerfs are called for.

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Hes not a very good killer. Hes been out for close to a month now. Everyone knows how he works.

  • Member Posts: 687
    edited April 2020

    You see, there's a large divide in how good people think he is. I, for one, think he's just barely better than Michael. He is strong in the right hands, and even without the skill required to make snipes you can still shut down a large amount of loops effectively as him. This killer is more than capable as is.

    Edit: If everybody truly knew how he worked, then the divide wouldn't exist. There would be an actual common consensus.

  • Member Posts: 124
    edited April 2020

    The small terror radius means nothing against experienced survivors, SWF, or people running detection perks. Adding a noise notification will do nothing as long as he can quickscope. I don't mind the perk synergy and I don't most people do either. The problem is he ends chases extremely quickly with little counterplay especially when he quickscopes. There are also too many maps where the loops are basically useless against him. Making killers that have the counterplay of "The other survivors have to rush gens because chases end in 5 seconds" is bad game design. And he's still a relatively new character. I'm sure in a year he'll be even more cancer to go against as people get better with him.

    I think they can discuss buffing him when they remove his ability to quickscope because crosshair deathslingers are boring AF.

  • Member Posts: 1,241

    I would be onboard with buffs to his power but i would also like to see some quality of life changes for the survivor side as well, because currently its not very enjoyable vsing a deathslinger, especially a decent one as the counterplay is limited and when you do dodge a shot it just feels like they messed up rather than you outplayed them. First thing it would be nice if there was an audotorial cue when he aims like huntress and a cooldown inbetween the time he aims and the time he shoots. Doesn't have to be long, just enough time for a survivor to register the shot and make a potential conterplay. This would be nescasery especially if deathlsinger is able to pull survivors over pallets, as currently vaulting and pulling a pallet down is impossible without getting shot due to the instant quick scopes which he can do. Would also like his terror radius to become normal, especially if he becomes 115%. Ranged killers should not be able to sneak up on players and should be detectable from a distance, not nescaserily with a heart beat but in the way that huntress's lullaby covers a large area. At the end of the day though these changes as good as they are would make him even more similar to huntress, which is why I believe he should be redesignes with a unique power rather than just a point and shoot.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    I think 115% ranged killer simply doesn't work well. Are you still saying that injured people get downed by the harpoon?

    The audio cue is necessary in any way. Pulling over pallets is actually the only counterplay survivors have that you try to remove there. There are already many pallets, where you don't even need that addon, because the loops are to small and you can walk around before the chain breaks or because the obstacles are not high enough to break the chain.

  • Member Posts: 1,285
    edited April 2020

    No. You still have to hit an injured person. I have never once said that the harpoon should down injured survivors. Im saying you can down from healthy by hitting a speared survivor. Huntress can get downs way faster, and you can still break free.

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    You said the harpoon should deal damage. That is, without further explanation, a ranged down. And that, combined with the current stuff that needs to change anyway in my opinion, almost OP. But then we are on a good way :P

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Harpoon deals one state of health damage if you are healthy. The subsequent hit after you reel them in downs them. Injured survivors are treated exactly the same. You hit them, reel them in, and then down them. No changes.

  • Member Posts: 416

    On a side note, this topic belongs in Feedback and Suggestions.

  • Member Posts: 36

    Gunslinger is a skill based killer. I've seen some people destroy with him and other's suck. The idea of giving him a way to bypass pallets is nonsense. Considering it's a killer people have to play an entirely different way against in regards to pallets in the first place.

  • Member Posts: 3,398

    Well if he were to have 115% ms he would get 32m terror radius by default, so there's nothing you're "willing to give up" there, kind of a redundant point.

    An audio notification would be pointless. Good Deathslinger players don't aim down the sights, we quickscope with him. This makes it so there is literally no time or wind-up for a survivor to react to, it's all a prediction, and having an audio cue a fraction of a second before he fires won't help at all.

    Dunno about the last one, I always thought STBFL wasn't particularly amazing on him to begin with even though so many other people think it is, for some reason.

    Tbh he doesn't need nerfs. As much as I dislike playing against him he's not a top-tier killer or a broken one by any means, I still think Huntress is better than him. He doesn't need buffs either. His effectiveness is ultimately decided on how good the killer is at aiming and I can live with that. You at least need to put in some work for him to be good, he's not like Spirit or Freddy where you just exist and you do well with them.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 515

    I've pretty much exclusively played Deathslinger since he released. Here's what I think about this:

    115% ms would require a lot more of hit kit to be sacrificed than just his terror radius, since the movement speed gives large advantage. Add a longer ADS time and then that would be more balanced, plus it would make survivors screech less about having to play a "guessing game" of when he's gonna shoot.

    Dragging over pallets should not be a thing, no matter what. If you make him both 115% ms AND he can drag you over pallets, he literally just becomes a faster Huntress. They should, however, fix the issue where a survivor is able to vault/drop a pallet even if they get speared just because they queued the vault/pallet drop right before they got shot. That's all they should do regarding the interaction with pallets and vaults with his gun.

    I'm assuming when you mean the harpoon dealing damage, you mean that if a survivor breaks free while injured, it'll down them. Even if this effect was exclusive to an addon, this would also be a terrible change. Part of the skill floor for Deathslinger is to learn what shots to take in regards to your chain durability. So basically just because you hit a nice shot, doesn't mean you will gain from it. I think that's an important thing to keep in tact just due to it being a distinguishing factor from Huntress, and I don't think we need more people saying he's even more braindead to play. Removing this element would make it too easy imo

  • Member Posts: 3,627

    Wait, that means that a healthy survivor will be downed after a single shot? If that is what you aim for, then breaking free shout be waaaay easier

  • Member Posts: 287

    He’s fine as he is. Stop making unique 110% killer into a standard boring M1-er. He’s strong enough already and not every killer supposed to be on the top anyway. A pointless rework would likelly make him more lame to play without making him any better. Legion is good exapmle. (exploits are different story that wasn’t the reason for rework)

  • Member Posts: 1,946

    yeah why have variation right? lets make it all the same....

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    Yes let's make every killer generic and boring like new Freddy and Legion...

  • Member Posts: 1,433

    How fast he can quickscope,makes the audio cue useless. Human reaction time can't physically react to it,it's just too fast. TR always goes up with movement speed so there's nothing to give up like someone else said already.

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