Can we please do something about hatch 'tech?'



  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118
    edited April 2020

    Some of these comments are atrocious and I haven't even gotten off the first page. I'm just going to say my piece that's probably already been repeated.

    • Slugging is a tactic and allowable. If I don't want 4 people to escape for whatever reason, whether it's a 4k, wanting to pip, or a challenge, I'm gonna do it. The devs have designed perks literally made for slugging. Are you honestly going to sit there and tell Killers they are bad and toxic because they gave you a chance to escape, recover, and not be on your 1st/2nd/3rd hook? You are the definition of petty and you're probably one of those toxic Survivors who berates Killer in the endgame post chat whether they've won or lost.
    • DCing is ridiculous and ruins everyone's game whether it's Killer or Survivor. I'd had DC's where I downed someone for the first time and went to go hook them and they DC right before the hook animation to make sure I didn't get points. The only way DCing can be justifiable is if someone is obviously cheating/hacking and you don't want to deal with it. Other than that, you have no excuse.
    • Also for the people who say it only happens when they get slugged so they don't escape through hatch. I've also had it where I was down to 2 Survivors left, hooked one and went after the other since I saw him running away. And the dude who got hooked immediately DC'd so he can jump through the hatch. There is no way you can spin it to where it's fair because you exploited the mechanic to allow the escape of someone. Sure, the DCer loses all points and the Killer gets a little bonus but that's not the point. The Killer made it to that point fair and square and you then decide to cheat that person out of it?
    • And to the people who say The Plague is toxic. ????? Are you high? You know how common it is to see Plague these days (Red ranks, PC), and how many times the Plague has been beaten?

    This community is ridiculous because it seems only the biased or extremely ever open their mouth.

  • Awkward_Fiend
    Awkward_Fiend Member Posts: 687
  • Desh
    Desh Member Posts: 1,118

    DCing isn't a sweaty tactic. It's exploiting the game that the Killer has absolutely no defense again. You can counter Slugging, Tunneling, and Camping. Hell you can counter Moris and Keys. They're extremely hard to counter and you may still lose, but the possibility is still there. But you cannot counter someone leaving the game so that the other escapes.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    I don't think killers should be punished for playing to win because someone with questionable maturity left the game. The same applies to killers as well, but I can't recall anything that gives killers free sacrifices by via DCing.

    Survivors DCing to give hatch is against the rules because the developers had stated countless times you will receive timeouts and eventually bans if you keep DCing. DCing is supposed to be used to force the game that would never end, to end. While dying, you will eventually bleed-out, so I don't think DCing is valid there. 😄

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    I agree completely, except for the fact that a good Killer will almost never kick a gen without pop with how pointless it is. And technically, slugging doesn't directly benefit the Killer in terms of BP, it just acts as a lure to keep people busy.

  • Toastyy
    Toastyy Member Posts: 226

    If you honestly think that of all killers plague is the most toxic killer merely because she removes healing from the game then you clearly haven’t versed a leatherface that slugs everyone and lets them bleed out or a Freddy with swing chains, jump rope and NOED.

  • ChanceGaga
    ChanceGaga Member Posts: 6

    I honestly don't understand why, if it's bannable, Behavior doesn't just remove the ability to DC. That gets rid of the "problem" of DC'ing to give survivor hatch, and will make it so more survivors allow the killer to remove them from the game, giving them even more points and allowing survivors to keep the ones they have. It confuses me that to DC is considered by many to be toxic and bannable while camping the hook and overt tunneling, which denies survivors of points probably even more so than DC does to killer, are considered legitimate. I understand the removal of oneself from the game is completely different than denying a player the chance to play, but perhaps DC is a way to remove yourself from a toxic situation or a way to prevent rage. Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    That is the worst excuse to anything. Imagine someone on Court being accused of a crime and responding to the Judge "C'mon man, don't act like I'm the first to do that." If you seriously think that 'if someone done it before' you are justified to do it too I'm actually afraid of you. Who knows what you could do following that logic.

  • ChanceGaga
    ChanceGaga Member Posts: 6

    I believe the counterplay is the killers' ability to close hatch before survivors get the prompt to escape through hatch.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    In a DC for a hatch you aren't on top of the hatch, you are on top of another survivor or far away, the counterplay you propose makes sense in a scenario where there is a time between Survivor 1 quitting and Hatch opening/Survivor 2 escaping.

  • ChanceGaga
    ChanceGaga Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for the reply. I'm sure there have been DC's for hatch where the killer was able to close it, but you're right.

  • Ratchetcooper
    Ratchetcooper Member Posts: 17

    Ok then running noed cuz you cant get a kill as killer that's a wuss move you lose you lose it use ghost face freddy is over powered billy clown wrath spirit cannibal the only killers I tolerate is ghost face because I know him plague demogorgan oni I cant catch a break from the doctor cuz this whole developers dont think about survivors what's next getting rid of pallets and hatch the day they do that I'm done

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    You DO know that you can close the hatch as a killer and take that opportunity away, right? I swear you killers find anything to complain about. Next you all will complain that the horse on the Chapel map talks strategy with survivors through the headset.

  • LintyScorpion
    LintyScorpion Member Posts: 165

    Maybe don't do a legitimate strategy in the game that is annoying, and they won't exploit the game for a cheap, undeserving escape. Fixed that for you

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    How considerate of you to correct their statement. I see all too often players disregarding the ramifications of their actions.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    How do you guys always equate "using a perk I don't like" or "playing a killer I don't like" with behavior that's actually toxic?

    I really don't get this forum. It's just unreasonable people being unreasonable at all times.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    No, but acting disgusted when everyone has done it is pretty hypocritical.

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    this forum post has been the funniest thing ive read here in awhile and every page just keeps getting more progressively idiotic and i honestly want to pay someone to dub over this nonsense

    (let the salt replies fly)

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,873

    If it's any consolation, the player that DC's doesn't get any bloodpoints for the match.

  • Ratchetcooper
    Ratchetcooper Member Posts: 17

    Then you dont understand the fact that the perks are what make the killer even more unavoidable and there powers this game is killer sided the survivor side is nothing

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    My God, the entitlement in this thread. Imagine complaining about the extremely rare circumstance where someone willingly gives up all their points and their time invested to give someone else hatch. Someone makes that sacrifice, and they're "abusing the game?" It's not like they're receiving no punishment for it, it only takes a few DC's in a day to get locked out of matchmaking for an hour or longer. Let them give up their playtime, this almost never happens anyways. My favorite part is the people trying to advocate for the removal of hatch, and important mechanic in a game where the majority of people solo queue. The idea that they should remove what's sometimes the only means of escape for you, no matter how bad your teammates were, because your feelings got hurt is so petty it's actually incredible. So you lost a kill in one match in a videogame because someone else gave them an escape. This game has much more severe problems than this.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    While I agree that this game feels like it's becoming way too Killer-sided, the idea that simply using a killer or a specific perk is "toxic" is ridiculous. I hate Freddy as much as the next guy, but simply playing him doesn't make someone toxic. Irrational statements like that only hurt Survivor's credibility.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    Let me be clear: DC'ing in general, is a ######### move, and I report almost every person who does. But saying that a necessary mechanic like hatch should be removed, simply on the off-chance someone DC's at the end to give another person hatch, is just childish. Should we get rid of one of the hook states just because some people die on hook to give the last guy hatch? Calm down, and stop getting so worked up over the loss of a single kill. I swear, some of you people won't be happy until Survivors have nothing.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    Mori's will be addressed the same day that keys do, although it seems like both sides would be okay with that at this point.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Again and again and again: what's the point of pipping? Why the F do people care about this meaningless ranking system? Is it going to give you better players in the lobby? Not really. Is there a reward at the end like other game? No nothing. Are lobby times better in higher ranks? Nope its worse.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Slugging survivor #3 so you can 4k is 100% toxic. It is a lazy killer who doesn't want to have a fair match. The 4th survivor should have a run at the hatch. That is the 1v1 aspect at the end, the sliver of chance to still get out. Slugging #3 is just a cheap play to cheat #4 out of a fair end of match.

    Gen rushing is not a thing, it is a survivor objective to work gens, it is the killer objective to kick them and chase survivors off. The killers need to engage in destruction, chase, hit and sacrifice. 4 objectives, not "just killing". Survivors need to be altruistic, finish gens, break totems, engage in chases as objectives. Blood points are this games currency, literally the only reward that matters. You can not buy a character with a pip. And to tunnel and slug survivors throughout the match and cheat them out of the opportunity to even play the game while claiming "it is a strategy" is ridiculous.

    Teabagging is toxic behavior, I was not limiting my reference of toxicity to killers. So is flashlight tag teaming and such. Before the toolbox/sabotage nerf, 4 man SWF sabo builds were fairly crappy (although kind of a gray area as far as toxic, at least an exploit). You also stated that a "coordianted team" could rotect a erson being tunneled. But most teams are not 4 man SWF, I am in there together with 1 other erson sometimes, and there is really no excuse to tunnel whether team mates can block or not.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Only time I care about pipping is doing adepts, but it's important to some.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Slugging #3 to get a kill on #4 is not "toxic". It's a legitimate gameplay strategy that's perfectly within the rules and isn't being done just to harass someone or waste their time.

    Slugging #4 just to stand there and annoy them for a prolonged period of time IS "toxic". The killer is just being a jerk at that point, there's no reason to be doing it.

    Very different situations. People on this forum really need to learn how to differentiate between things you don't like and things that are "toxic".

  • BlueSwifts
    BlueSwifts Member Posts: 20

    You miss the point that DbD is a 4v1 game... If I as a killer am dominating a game why would I allow the last survivor to even have a chance at hatch? See, trying to put the game in terms of "in a 1v1 scenario..." no I'll stop you there. The killer is supposed to kill the survivors... I thought we established this? I believe I've already explained before that the hatch practically spawns on last survivor about 90% of the time if the gens have not been done far enough for it to spawn prior as well. It's not toxic, it is a strategy just as survivors loop killers. Consider this, hook a survivor and leave now any other survivor can stroll up and they are instantly back into the injured state taking off. Leaving a survivor slugged causes their team to have to heal them which takes much longer especially when there is the potato that keeps crawling. You have the instant method of saving or the delayed and as killer you want to delay as much as possible. More chaos in a match occurs with slugging versus just hooking as well. It's not about cheating them out or not allowing them to play when they just funnel over to the killer. Do you know how many survivors will get saved off hook and then either hide nearby (where I can hear them) or literally run right into me "hey kill me please man!"... Am I not supposed to hit them or something?

    By "coordinated team" I am not referring to a 4 SWF group that's unneccessary. There are plenty of people that know the game well enough to play as a team without actually communicating. Just saying Borrowed Time also exists... body blocking happens plenty... you could have someone or multiple people on sabo duty... all examples that could prevent a tunnel. It doesn't only take a SWF to win in DbD although you have the best chance obviously that's any game.

    Imo I don't believe you play much killer and you're talking mostly from some frustrating survivor experiences... Unfortunately most people will tell you killer is a much more frustrating role, because it is. Survivors seem to think the solo killer against the team of players should abide by some nonexistent rules, some "gentleman's code". Meanwhile they are bagging at the exit gate at the end of the match. Only the killer needs to "follow the rules", they don't apply to survivors. Telling a killer not to slug in the higher ranks is like telling a survivor not to loop

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    So I assume you never mention "gen rush" and believe it to be a made up excuse for bad killers? You also have no problem with 4 man SWF that coordinate 2 flashlight runners to harass the killer all game while the other 2 do gens. Not toxic at all.

    As long as you are applying this rule across the board. Would hate to have another hypocrite on our hands.

  • Terra92
    Terra92 Member Posts: 583

    They'll still slug. If a killer slugs to ensure their 4k then they'll slug to keep the survivor from even potentially opening the gate.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Eh? If the survivors are doing their objective then try to leave, the equivilent thought process here is that killer should be free to dc when a game goes bad.

    That's not an option for killer.

    They dc, they flip the game board. Now why is that absolutely an option for four other people? And at that, an acceptable variable?

    I'm not debating the fairness of a game with so many variables like map design or perks. I'm debating the unspoken agreement between players that they play within the rules of the game. Suddenly shooting yourself in the ######### head to win bingo isn't acceptable in real life. Why is that just another day in this game for some people? Take the L. Respect the 5th player.

    I've absolutely dc'd out of frustration but I'm not making up excuses for it or justifying it. That's the difference.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    My response was not about DC'ing. It was about the slugging for the 4k comment you made. Trust me, I've been a killer main for going on three years now and I get that some killers care deeply about that 4k. I'm not one of them. I don't sweat when I play because I sweat over work life, not games. That is my choice and I don't expect others to follow it. I also don't complain about the last person DC'ing to give hatch. The game is essentially over. You are choosing to risk losing that 3rd person for the 4k. If they have Unbreakable, or are able to crawl off and die by bleedout, you lose that 4k anyways because you don't get sacrifice points for a bleed out. If that person wants to give up all their points to let the 4th go, that is on them. You, as the killer, chose to risk it to begin with and now lose the gamble. Personally, I hook the third and head to hatch. If I don't know where hatch is, I take my chances on finding the 4th or them getting out. Don't really sweat myself because I have a solid 3k already.

    Many find the slug for the 4k to be annoying. You belittle that frustration and said " they'll call it kill rushing". I merely found that to be a bit hypocritical unless you also find the "gen rush" argument to be as silly as the 4k slug frustration. Both are frustrating to one side or the other, but most can't see the forest through the trees and are too biased to admit that both sides have very frustrating aspects about them.

  • ZarosNozara
    ZarosNozara Member Posts: 16

    Idc I should start doing on any killer with NOED that downs me. Since you entitled killers want even more of an advantage. That seems to make you guys mad enough since devs won't do anything about that busted perk.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Getting 4 people slugged in a game means the survivors massively ######### up. They gave away their position while the killer was at their strongest. That's not a game problem (unless you're ez mode Billy). That's a people problem.

    What they do with them after the fact can be an issue. Not hooking them is one thing. But removing every variable for a sure thing using outside means IS blatant cheating and should not be condoned. DC for hatch is cheating.

    If survivors don't want to be punished for doing their objective, quid pro quo, killer shouldn't be punished for going for 4k either. Especially if it comes down to just two people and you've been playing fairly to that point.

    If you can justify dc for hatch, then I can justify tunneling someone to death so I can win. It's an even exchange. That's the environment you create.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Then expect more tunnelling and camping and more NOED 🤷‍♂️

  • OtakuBurrito
    OtakuBurrito Member Posts: 512

    And this is literally why other people d/c and suicide on hook to give others the hatch. Tunneling someone or attempting to tunnel someone out the game results in the survivors either gen rushing or dying so the person getting tunneled has a shot to leave. I tell my team flat out I get tunneled a lot because I play Claudette. Not even Blendette Beach Bum Claudette. And they half way through the match they realize it’s true and do everything in their power to make sure I get out.

    I’ve had my 3 other friends waste purple flashlights with battery add one to get a killer off my ass. And you know what I did to the killer? Play Adept Claudette with Head On. That’s it. I get told CONSTANTLY by killers they tunnel me out the game because Claudette in a White sweater with red hair and blue jeans is hard to see. And don’t even give me that “stop playing Claudette” #########. So at that point if people want to be noble and let me escape just to ######### the killer out of the one person they tunneled into the ground let them.

    And no this not uncommon. And no this isn’t just a Claudette thing. I’ve seen every character get tunneled into the ground by one killer or another. Killers so this CONSTANTLY at red ranks so ######### it. We’re not doing gens or were gen rushing and making sure the person getting tunneled into the ground makes it out.

  • Ratchetcooper
    Ratchetcooper Member Posts: 17

    Yeah it doesn't make the person toxic but the power and the way they play makes them toxic

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    100% Disagree, both are toxic, lazy gameplay. I am so tired of hearing ridiculous killer behavior defended by the statement "It's a strategy". That can literally explain away every moment of poor sportsmanship in this and every other game.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    Etiquette rules apply to both sides, not just killers. And I go play killer when I have had more camp, tunnel and slug then I could take. I hear claims that killer is so stressful on here all the time (although you hear it is easy too, so depends on the post). But the role with no movement restrictions, with the ability to attack any other role with no concern of retaliation and faster speeds than every one else is not the stressful role. So I go do all my killer dailies and such to relax a bit, and it is a bit exhilarating to be "it" in the hide and seek game. But even at a high level I have no trouble with a 4k and often restrain my play so we all have a good match, not just me. Because killer is easy.

  • unholy_d420
    unholy_d420 Member Posts: 5

    You dont have to slug for "petty" survivor to do this. Not even close. Personally I have came across 100 percent more toxic survivors who D bag and DC then killers who slug and face camp. Oh but survivors want to complain about the long wait ya? When you got people like this not only assuming and being ignorant to the fact he thinks he knows they got slugged. News flash, every person who DCed on me was just being a petty kid. No sympathy to a kid who DCs cause he got wipped.