I think I'm done with this game.



  • Poacher_Of_Souls
    Poacher_Of_Souls Member Posts: 15

    You are only running 2 or 3 perks that really aren’t that strong. I’m not saying the ranking system isn’t screwed up but that’s why you had so much trouble .

  • TheAssBlaster
    TheAssBlaster Member Posts: 2

    Hey man I know matchmaking sucks right now but don't give up trust me it will get get better.

  • jimmyvang3
    jimmyvang3 Member Posts: 1

    Omg bro who cares you're just trash if you cant learn to outsmart survivors then don't play killer if you're just going to complain about matchmaking, I seen a lvl 17 killer outsmart survivors and destroyed them with Michael Myers, stop whining about it or just stop playing the game

  • Cele
    Cele Member Posts: 63

    how is this okay? I'm 35 hours into the game (playing both sides).

  • Seeniclives
    Seeniclives Member Posts: 8

    I agree with this guy. Most great killer mains have all the perks available for all the killers. And all the best add ons for the killers. I'm a solid killer but I have very few killers above level 35 which means my perk loadouts and add ons are limited. So games are harder because I can't tailor a build to the killer perfectly. Blood points make that happen. If everyone escapes and you drop 25k points in the match, u did really well. U had pressure on them, they were on hooks left and right, spent lots of the game injured, etc. They cleared the gates, oh well. Your scores look good most of those games, some look rough but it happens to all killers and all survivors. Earlier today walloped a rank 1 spirit. He's rank 1, so he's good. We still wrecked. I'm not a good survivor either. I'm ok at looping but not great and bad at mind games for survivor. And as survivor, we get smashed all the time and the killer kills all 4 people with 4-5 gens left.

    So remember the games where you, as killer, killed all 4 with them completing 0-1 gens. That game is the survivor side equivalent of a killer getting ran out of the building except survivors probably only had 5-8k points in that game where you stomped them. So, my point is that this works both ways. It sucks getting pounded but it happens to both sides and you yourself have likely been the stomped and the stomper.

  • Crimbojambo
    Crimbojambo Member Posts: 82

    First, cool your jets, cheeko. Second, the reason there's such a disparringly high amount of skill gap in match ups is due to exploiting things like smurfing and purposely de-pipping. So long as skilled players make new accounts to stay in low rank matches, as well as people purposely throwing games to achieve the same thing, game's gonna forever be in flux. No amount of game fixing can force people to not cheat the system.

  • Vidal_Signz
    Vidal_Signz Member Posts: 14

    I am by no means a DBD guru or anything, but I can give a little bit of advice based on your screenshots. In my experience. Forget your rank... Level up your Killers.

    If a Killer doesn't have four perk slots (meaning over Level 15), don't use them. Play with your strong Killers and use the BP earned to beef up your weaker ones. If you don't have at least one Levl 15+ Killer, then play as Survivor. Save your BP and dump them all into your desired Killer.

    The fact is, it is much easier to pip/rank up and earn BP as Survivor than Killer. And when a match ends in all 4 Survivors bobbing up and down in the Exit Gate, it's typically not bc they were higher ranked or more skilled... It's bc their character is high level decked out with all the strongest meta perks. You need strong perks too. That is my advice.

  • Godot
    Godot Member Posts: 806

    See you tomorrow then.

  • IsseCreum
    IsseCreum Member Posts: 4

    Honestly I don't know what is happening at the moment with this matchmaking.

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I've had those matches too, I'm in noobie ranks and getting matched with red ranks.

    I've had good luck with trapper running distressing paired with unnerving presence. If I ever unlock infectious fright that would go well with those two perks also.

    You need to focus on perk combos that boost or complement each other. Same strategy with add ons and try to use ones that will slow the match down. I like running the add ons for trapper that add mangled or hemorage effects. It slows down the match forcing survivors to self heal unless they want to die.

    To be good at trapper you need to play a lot of survivor to understand where the best spots to place traps are on each map. Myers is next to impossible for me, I just can't deal with how slow he moves at low levels so I haven't bothered to level him up.

    I always try to focus on patrolling gens as priority number one, then chases etc. This usually gets me at least 1-2 kills and plenty of BP.

    Which isn't to say the MM isn't absolute garbage. Because it is. I still end up getting matches where everyone escapes and teabags the whole time, but just trying to offer constructive advice.

  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    they've had a "plan" to fix it since the Oni release


  • Crouching_Ghostface
    Crouching_Ghostface Member Posts: 12

    I feel bad for you, i was playing survivor at rank 13 then i get put into a game with rank 19s, the system never seems to be able to get similar matched players.

  • rickyray101
    rickyray101 Member Posts: 141

    Try using the doctor first. All you do is shock people and you get a ton of bloodpoints for it then use perks like BBQ and Chilli to earn more bloodpoints when hooking survivors.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488
  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Well did you camp or tunnel or did the rank 1 die for being an idiot and not trying rank 1 will always be better than a rank 13 unless the 13 is really good or the rank 1 died because they didnt wanna try

  • Jessy24680
    Jessy24680 Member Posts: 2

    Haha, killers are op and the mm Is a little #########. This game only cares about the killers giving them op perks that tell then exactly where the survs are (eg BBq and Chilli). Stealth is all we got man (along with the ######### pallets). I stopped playing because of the long ass wait times on ps4 cant be dealing with 10 min waits per game.

  • evil_one_74
    evil_one_74 Member Posts: 312

    True. I have been playing for 3+ years, and mostly play a fun, friendly killer, and just go for points. ( hence the low rank ). I'm a consistent high rank survivor, but would like to see how far I can go as killer. It's just difficult with the current match making. I have been testing numerous different builds that I have seen or heard about to give me an upper hand, and slow the game down " just a little bit ". ( a monto quote ). I'm actually using one of his builds at the moment that has worked pretty well. I have been able to hold my own against my higher ranking opponents. I don't always 4k, which is fine, but at least now I don't get steam rolled in minutes.

  • Xavier22
    Xavier22 Member Posts: 160

    The devs said that they want it to be a +/- 6 of the rank...this is not what that is

  • HexAg0n
    HexAg0n Member Posts: 1

    Platform: Console

    Personally, as a new player I welcome the mismatch of games, you quickly learn where you need to improve when up against high rank players. It's frustrating but you can learn alot more than dominating players at your own level. Embrace the suck and grind it out.

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Don't mind that guy, he is always on posts like this saying that killers are op and never giving a proper explanation as to why, always the same "Killers are op they don't need buffs just clown needs it"

  • sethgameboy101
    sethgameboy101 Member Posts: 11

    you are so right i am a rank 14 killer and i get pared up with red ranks its so unbalanced

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    That was how it was. I believe they disabled that. And even then, that over under expands the longer you look for a match.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    That is how the ranking system works, actually. You can get a 4k and depip, losing a rank. You can get a 0k, and rank up. Like, how many hooks did you get? The amount of bps you got indicates that you were able to pressure them. They may have escaped, but my guess is that you made them work for it.

  • Crazy_Coyote
    Crazy_Coyote Member Posts: 10

    There is an update coming on April 28th. I imagine they will have done something with the matchmaking for that date. If they haven't by then the devs are going to loose a lot more customers. Here's a tip devs, new killers are great but fixing horrendous match making is way more important. Never ever focus on new content when the core of the game needs all your time and resources. Just dumb.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I think that if a newer killer is in a lobby with high ranking survivor(s) that person should have access to perks he hasn't found in the bloodweb yet, for that one match. It would help level the playing field. The time cost of entry for newer people to grind out useful perks is prohibitive.

  • NeroSonic
    NeroSonic Member Posts: 4

    It's similar to real life. If you want to get ahead in life, you gotta step out of your comfort zone and man the ######### up!

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited April 2020

    I do appreciate those of you who have tried to help and haven't been dicks about it. But it drives me nuts when I hear people tell me that I just need to learn to do things differently. It's hard to learn and adjust to what perks you have when you're not being given a fair opportunity to practice with those said perks. This isn't a FPS where the mechanics are easy to understand and fairly straight-forward.

    For example, if you're playing as a survivor and the killer is clearly more experienced than you, it gets real hard to learn the basics of the game (let alone the perks) if you can barely survive for more than 2 minutes. And that's not a fault on the more experienced player, that's a fault on the matchmaking system.

    Post edited by SweetTerror on
  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    I'm sorry that this is happening to you man. I playing PS4 with the same problems. I've gone from green rank killer facing rank 1 survivors to red rank killer facing same rank 1 survivors plus the usual seal team 6 mixed in. All I can say is don't give up, watch YouTube like Tru3Talent, Monto, Rating Ryuga, Otzdarva, Scott Jund, oh Tofu, ect I have learned so much from their videos and live streams. Trust me use it as a learning experience. I surely have. Game sense comes over time but knowledge adds up, and playing both sides helps more than you can imagine. I hope you hang in there and keep your head up. It will make you a better killer in the long run. I know it's hard and understand if you want to give up, however I hope you keep at it and make those survivors pay, lol.

    I am sorry that this is anyones killer experience. Hope to see you in the fog .

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131
    edited April 2020

    Gone the good old days when people who were new were playing and getting better. Nowadays everyone is crying when they suck when they are new to a game and blame "matchmaking", especially in dbd where rank doesn't really mean much when you see rank 1 playing as bad as 15 lol.

    I hope they add the new matchmaking soon and remove the ranks so people like OP won't be able to use ranks as an excuse for being bad.

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695

    Pressuring survivors is a sound tactic that I try to incorporate in every game. Sadly though it's all I can do when I don't have the proper perks that would make a world of difference (BBQ & chili, Nurse's calling, etc) for the killers that I like to use. And if you fail to kill many survivors let alone hook them, then you get a paltry amount of bloodpoints which makes obtaining higher level perks a pain to get.

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    In the results for the match that you posted, you earned something like, what, 22k bps? The maximum that you can earn in a single match without offerings or BBQ is 32k. And if you want BBQ, I suggest playing a lot of bubba. Cuz I've only seen it in the shrine twice.

  • Teethgrinder83
    Teethgrinder83 Member Posts: 99

    I wouldn't give it up just yet-I'm a relatively new player too, I've only been playing about 2 months now (mostly killer) and when I started it was so frustrating to play, a lot of times I got fed up but I persevered, tried out different killers, read up more on the game and now I'm a lot better than I was. Don't get me wrong I'm not by any stretch a great player lol but I get 4k's here and there, usually at least 2 and I'm OK with that as I know I'm getting better and understanding the maps more. This game takes time and patience but it's worth it if you stick at it

  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    I know what you mean!

    I started playing killer to get a break from struggling as a solo survivor all the time. My first few matches of killer were fun and casual and before anyone says anything I was playing against my own ranks or close to and I'm more casual about my gameplay when playing killer. I don't really mind it if everyone escapes or I don't do well as long as it was fun for the most part. So my first few matches I was abiding by not camping and trying to keep mindful of whether or not I was tunneling anyone.

    Then the MM system started spitting out red rank SWF groups and then it just became this frustrating, sweaty and humiliating experience every other match. So I used to be a salty survivor main and now I can sympathize with the killer mains.

    It's a stupid game and poorly thought out but when it's fun it's a blast, so until they fix matchmaking the best I can do is try to focus on doing what I can to make it fun for me even when I get crappy matches. I think the hook is a stupid game mechanic, in all honesty, and would rather it just be like you can kill survivors after downing them and give survivors more objectives to do that would grant them different means of escape.

  • Monika
    Monika Member Posts: 113

    The first one makes sense after a long enough wait time there should be a 6 rank difference between the survivors and killers to try and find you a match. The 2nd one must have been after a decent wait time to follow that.

    Once you break out of white ranks it'll balance out a little better.