Make Thanatophobia hex please.

Thanatophobia is unbalanced right now. It should be hex in my opinion it would be more aligned for both sites.
No, it's perfectly fine as a standard perk, and certainly isn't strong enough to warrant being a hex.
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hahahaha nice bait
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Not good enough to be a hex.
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When can we expect for BBQ to become a hex perk with these threads?
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Sprint burst should be a hex.
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Monstrous shrine is op I died in liek 3 seconds Monstrous shrine as Hex PLS!!!!11!!!!1!!!
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What is healing anyways, who does that?
You don't even have to heal from my experience.
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Why are posts like these coming out for perks that have been in the game for years. Did the DBD player base turn into colossal babies when I wasn't looking?
Thanatophobia is fine, Noed is fine, Ruin was fine. What's next Lightborne is unfair because my flashlight only has 17 seconds of use. Spirit Fury is unfair because I can't teabag the Killer as he breaks the pallet.
Grow a friggen pair and dare I say Git Good.Sorry sorry for the rant but these posts are getting a bit tiresome to see over and over.
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It's completely fine as a non-hex perk, but why are you guys so keen on mocking someone? It's bizarre to me.
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I'd be down for that as long as we buff it to Hex-worthy standards.
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Nice b8 m8
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Get back in your locker Dwight.
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"But the healing takes for ever because of the perk REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
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Oh forgot /s
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thana by itself is alright, but you cant forget that most people who run thana also run sloppy butcher
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Run Iron Will and Resilience then. Iron Will makes healing entirely unnecesary and Resiliance partially negates the slowdown. plus 16% reduction to gen speed is pretty laughable considering how fast coop speeds are. Thana is only a threat if you're dumb enough to Self Care with it and Sloppy on.
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What's unbalanced about it?
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I rate this bait 1/10
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make it 20% per injured survivor and sure, but by no means is it too powerful. the kiler is required to get everyone inured for the effect to even be noticeable and even at that its 12% which is nothing for the effort it takes and how easy survivors can heal with a medkit or perks. sloppy is way stronger to stop healing and thats basic attacks only so legion cant even run it. just stay at rank 20
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Stay at rank 20 lol said sad veteran
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Thana is not OP and provides only a moderate slow down to the game. As a survivor main, I think this perk is fine as-is. If it were a hex, it would have to be much stronger. No thanks.
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i am a sad veteran ngl man, iv been rank 1 for killer and survivor for 2+ years and iv learned to play against every killer or perks used and its saddening to see everyone complaining and wanting everything nerfed. it honestly makes no sense at all, like people nowadays just seem to wanna get in a game, escape and repeat... like umm dont you want the game balanced, fun and lengthy? personally i miss ruin when playing survivor, at least back then red ranks could play and matches was more fun as people learned spawns, counters and how to loop. its also funny how most nerfs are aimed at killers yet you have meta perks like DS and BT which are strong as hell even more so when all 4 people run it. btw we`ll make it gives 100% healing speed for like 90seconds or something compared to that terrible 12% that thana does
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At least back in Ruin days it was a coin toss whether the killer got a massive advantage or completely screwed...without Ruin the game is no longer balanced or fun. Please devs return to us the perk that decided most games based on the spawn of a totem :'(
I just don't get the Ruin love...I should probably make a thread on it or smth lol
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i only loved ruin because it meant most red ranks knew how to lead on chases etc. but because gens have been made easier and therefore the whole game you see more people in red ranks, its why you get people that have no idea how to run loops and go down fast, you even get people who struggle to hit skillchecks and im to believe these are the highest ranks. personally ruined teached me totem spawns, tiles and made me run loops better as the games lasted longer... one killer perk teach me how to be a strong survivor so that wasnt a bad thing, i mean i learnt to hit greats 95% of the time as well. but yeah i never used it much as killer because some mf would spawn on it unlike every survivor game i played haha
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People (killers and survivors alike) are always going to complain about something. I think a lot of the complaints currently about non-consequential perks or meta perks for killers is a symptom of the imbalance felt by solo survivors, because - no, most adjustments to the game in the last year have disproportionately benefited killers, while being somewhat inconsequential to SWF teams, but a compounding headache for solos.
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Oh yeah it was nice that rank actually had some meaning back then. I think rank reset changes had a greater impact than ruin nerf tbh.
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im always solo, honestly i think its because of how easy pipping is. you have to think so many people are ranking up so fast theyre getting into ranks without knowing the more advance things about the game, like sure swf is stronger than solo`s but you can still get bad swf or a bunch of great solo survivors. i personally only have fault with DS/BT DS for killer reason as i think it should be full anti-tunnel instead of how it is currently and i hate BT even as a survivor as too may people run it for easy safe unhooks which they end up pipping off even though it hasnt helped the situation (they go down in a trade anyway). i dont mind swf and i dont mind meta perks but when all combined with skillful players eh.
definitely a mixer of both, i never understood there reason behind it, like good players will rank up fast reguardless how far you set them back unlike it is now for example i was rank 1, was sent to rank 5 and all i needed was 5 pips before next rank reset and i will only go back to rank 5 again. either rank reset needs to be harsher or remove safety pips so in a match you de-pip or pip so the lower rank you get the more consistent your skill needs to be as its near impossible to de-pip
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Yeah that was sarcasm :P. But as CosmicParagon said, use Iron Will and Resilience. Those 2 I tend to run the most.
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How is thanatophobia unbalanced?