So.. what about Spine Chill?

I have already said a few times here on the forums that I love this perk and have become addicted to it. But unfortunately I don't even know what it's like to look around anymore. Could it be a stealth killer? What if Ghostface or Wraith is lurking around the corner? Pff... Spine Chill counters them all easily. I'm not gonna lie. It's even good against regular killers, but definitely much stronger against the stealth section.
But what's my problem now? I love that perk, right? So everything should be fine. But at least for me it doesn't feel like that perk is supposed to work like it does right now. We got 19 killers in this game and at least 7 of them are kind of suffering from the perk. I mean we have this cool undetectable status effect, but Spine Chill doesn't give a #########.
I know a lot of you like that perk and a lot of you don't think it's very strong. But I just had to say this. It feels like a "wrong" perk because it takes something away from the game: vigilance. With this perk you simply no longer need to be vigilant. This can't be intentional.
The real reason for this thread: I'm an addict. Please nerf it so I can get my life back to normal. :P
@Peanits @Almo @not_Queen @santaclaus69
I'd rather not lower the pool of (somewhat) meta perks Survivors have, it's already small as is.
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I mean you could just take the perk off. Spine Chill when the game came out was considered a perk for newbies. I'd assume it still is. Is there actually 7 stealth killers in the game?
I don't know it seems like a weird perk to run. I'll keep from ever equipping it though. Don't want to get stuck in the same mindset as you!
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I think there is one flaw to your plan. The moonwalk. It only took me two matches as Pig to realize I should always crouch to a gen sideways or backwards. Spinechill players are usually the easiest to grab off gens as a stealth killer because they rely on Spinechill too much.
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This is kinda interesting. Over 500 hours with Spine Chill and not a single killer did something like that.
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Calm Spirit should also go too I guess...
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Honestly surprised. Perhaps it's because I run surveillance so in general I can tell very easily if someone hops off a gen if I look at them too much.
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That was funny, good job.
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That's gimpy at most. I've attempted that a few times and it only worked twice.
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Information perks are never seen in meta while chase and second chance perks exist. Spine Chill counters (or just helps majorly against) all stealth/stalk killers and some more like the Spirit. I believe it is fine since the way it works is very vague and can be somewhat prevented by killers who realize you have this perk.
So its just a strong perk, we got even stronger ones too and everyone uses these so the game is being balanced(!) around them. Why nerf them when they can instead make more perks stronger and competitive with these?
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I kinda like using it as both an information perk and an accomplice to the vault speed build.
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Sightlines are VERY important for it. Gotta remember that third person cam. Even the laziest Spinechiller has their camera pointed somewhere. Best way to know where is best to approach from, especially sideways is to play survivor and get a feel for it against ghostface and pig. Flickering your camera over two often can be a giveaway too. Getting a feel for that too from the survivor perspective is important as well. Gotta make your glances look like just happenstance and irregular. I run spinechill all the time so I have a good feel for what spinechill activity indicates.
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First of all: Thanks for contributing something useful.
It is not a problem that we have stronger perks. But if we look at the others perks, there is a small difference. DS, DH, SB, Adre, Unbreakable... they're all effective against all killers. But Spine Chill counters a specific section. It also works permanently unlike those "stronger" meta perks I mentioned earlier.
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I've used Spine Chill plenty and it is a great perk, but I've always used it IN COMBINATION with looking around for the killer, that way I don't have the problem you have. There is no real point in having the perk when you just run straight into the killer.
Being something of a stealth killer main myself, I also tend to know what to look for when going against stealth killers.
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Just make it line-of-sight. Counters stalkey killers, but doesn't defang stealthy.
There's also Premonition to consider. With Spine Chill as it currently is, Premonition is worthless.
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A failed grab is usually just a free hit anyway so I wouldn't exactly call it a fail in those cases where they do spot me last minute. Just looking at a gen gives Spinechillers a free warning 100% of the time so it's not like there's any benefit to not mind gaming the perk as killer, even as a non stealth killer. It's just another mindgame.
If spinechill was just LOS it'd be pretty terrible. It's range is perhaps a bit long but I don't ever find it too much of a problem to face as killer. Premonition on the other hand is useless because it activates from way too far. I've never had a single activation of premonition ever help me at all. The killer is miles away when it procs and usually not even coming.
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Ok so you want to nerf..... A weak perk? It may give you information as to that the killers looking at you but that's really it. Its up to you to find where they are coming from. Honestly if anything ds AND noed should be looked at as both are heavily complained of on both sides.spine chill is a morderatly strong perk but it dosent need changing.
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If you haven't noticed, Spine Chill in conjunction with Resilience gives you +15% faster vaulting speed while injured and in a chase, provided that the killer looks at you which happens quite often especially if you are running towards a window. It may give just enough speed to deny a otherwise guaranteed hit. I have few times tried it in some chase builds namely with Resilience, Iron Will and Dead Hard.
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Spinechill is becoming more meta, similar to Iron Will sure to the stealthy killers and I'm including new scary cowboy due to his low terror radius.
I normally run perks that saves a team not normally run by them and spine chill is my selfish perk.
Spine chill to warn me, Iron Will to further avoid chases, Small game for the team and inner strength to benefit from small game. Tried this as a solo and has rocketed me up to red ranks however issues arise if others duplicate so don't use my loadout ;)
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I think : SpineChill>>>>>Alert>Premonition
Even though it is a strong sense perk, it comes with an efficiency buff. SpineChill is killing all Stealth Killers.
Especially noticeable stealth killers like Myers aren't very effective to do the moonwalk...
At least I think it should be debuffed or disabled for Stealth Killer.
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I love SC as well and I think it is fine the way it is.
It only gives players so much time to react. People who run will leave scratch marks. People who crouch and hide can easily be found in the area. Plus if you are a crouch and hide person you need Urban or QQ to make SC worth it.
When I play killer I can tell if someone has it and I just approach gens while looking away. It messes people up big time ^^
With so many stealth killers I feel SC has more of a reason to be used, which is good. Doesn't mean it needs a nerf.
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Please buff Spine Chill, it is too weak off a perk. @Almo @not_Queen @Peanits
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And Alert apparently, I mean why not.
If its not one thing, its another.
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The must have change to Spine chill is, anytime it goes off, thriller must start playing in the background, with the killer and survivors drop whatever they are doing and begin to dance. With them magically getting hats out of no where as well.
In case anyone could not tell. No i am not serious at all with that idea. Onto the topic. Well spine chill is nice and does help with vaulting and a few other things. Along with getting addition moment or two to act. Yet it never felt that super powerful, even once you understand how it work, as a survivor. It does combo well with resilience. While on the other hand, i did come across three people using spine chill it as ghostface, while playing a killer game. On one of ghostface's best maps. With a few of them, having a habit of running right into me. With only one of them being sneaky enough, to avoid me for most of the match. It ended in a 4k. Of course it possible these survivors might of not been the best and brightest ones around. With how often they ran straight into me or relaying to much on their perk, at the cost of using their eyes.
More testing would need to be done but currently, i would say it's fine. Useful, pairs well with other perks but not to strong. It's just right.
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lol I Love the ridiculousness of these topics.
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So you wanna nerf a perk that is very useful for solo players and not for SWF... Mhm.
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You told youre relying too much on Spine chill
and spine chill is hard countering stealthy killers
i would tell stealthy killers are relying too much on built in stealth without trying to think more about their gameplay (like not looking at surv or even some of them dont even try to hide behind objects but they have their status and they think it should do everything)
on killers im maining wraith and pig and after spine chill is messing up with my 1st try, 2nd try most of the time is free grab/ free hit
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OP is secretly a stealth killer main. :P
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It would be nice if Undetectable and Oblivious interacted with spine chill in some non-gamechanging way, but at the end of the day it's an impossible perk to change without completely ruining it. I'd rather see a buff to Premonition that drastically lowers it's cooldown so there's at least some anti-stealth variety.
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cough Tier one Myers should be immune cough
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I often use spine chill. It's one of my favorite perks, but hardly essential. My main use is not to die from a heart attack IRL after being suddenly attacked by ghost face. Spine Chill other more subtle uses that require much more skill, tracking when a phasing spirit passes through you, helping predict the killer pathing in jungle gyms with no vision, etc.
If you let yourself accomodate to the basic use of the perk, it can be in fact detrimental to you vigilance. After switching it for other perks, I noticed I am not that impaired by the lack of it and better yet, I gained another perk slot to use as I wish. Don't get me wrong, I still get spooked by the occasional Ghostface in the bushes. But I learned to monitor the killer through other means and let my guard down when I see a teammate in a chase or something. It's benefits are amazing, but you can train yourself to live without it.
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the jig is up!
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I hate facing Myers enough as is lol
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you do?! D:
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Oh yea...he is just a regular walking killer with the added bonus of a long instadown lunge if my teammates juice him up. Not too unique or exciting.
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Not really small. It’s just suevivors won’t use anything but the often unfair BS meta perks even though they have tonns of usefull ones. And I’m not talking about spinechill being broken, it makes sense to counter stealth. But personally I use it with resiliance for the nasty 15% extra vault speed.
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completely agree my friend, I was always saying spinechill and resilience should be one perk 15% vault speed on one perk and we are fine and dandy
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Spine Chill is incredibly strong, like I almost never die to stealth killers when i use it.
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Problem is you don't always have open line of sight, Spine Chill solves it.
Vigilance won't help if you stuck in 4 walls tile.