Doctor need a nerf



  • PBsamichShoe
    PBsamichShoe Member Posts: 314

    TBF I recently played as the deathslinger and I think I get what you mean now.

    Whenever I play against him it's super difficult to the point where I feel like I might as well just give up most of the time.

    When I play as him I can't seem to hit anyone with his rifle. Granted I played him as a level 1 so idk, maybe add-ons would make a difference. I was also playing against a SWF group of purple and red ranks and I'm still a bb killer too.

    I didn't realize how hard it is to aim his gun and how easy it is for survivors to just keep moving back and forth and other simple strategies to avoid it.

  • hannibal322
    hannibal322 Member Posts: 17

    I guess the question I have is what is hit pick rate? People play whatever they view is strongest. Based on what I see nightly with 50% of my games being against doctor at least. People have to think hes good to see that much play. The same can be said about the clown people say hes weak and I see maybe 1 clown a week to go along with this.

  • Viceus
    Viceus Member Posts: 145

    I am main doctor here...

    I would says... he need a lot of buffs after this rework... about his movement speed.... shock therapy delay... skills shock therapy radius is too small without add-ons....

    After the rework he is only DECENT killer ( around C or B tier maybe )... I only want he is strong like Freddy at least in A or S tier...

  • FixDBDPls
    FixDBDPls Member Posts: 87

    He is perfectly sane and fun

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68

    should i need put a screen of all my killers and survivors on 50 to have the right to say that doctor is OP and i play both sides equaly and i have 1.000h on the game? my main it's huntress and you have to be a great killer with great aim and predictions to make her JUST viable on 8-20 ranks but doctor no he it's just a killer with extreme broken power that literraly takes no skill to do great with him just because YOU think that people that complain are bad don't make this a fact we want that all killers have to a decent power with a decent amount of skill to do great not a bs killer that anyone can literraly hold w and press m2 and win every loop it's frustrating to other main killers see thoses brain dead killers and me as survivors i would love better things to do beside hold w and run around loops until all gens get done this game it's terrible designed and i know about game design and programming there's a lot of easy ways to counter tunnel, camping, dc, hitboxs, unfair punishments(like connection lost, game crashs) and all those things, doctor was good before those powers he's very fun to play when you are the killer because he's overpowered as ######### but when you're on the other side he's boring we should make a killer that is fun for both sides not for one side, freed before rework was a little bad but they din't need to give him fake pallets and those stupid pools that don't make him slow when placing BHVR just need to make a feels changes and that's we would have a killer with unique mechanics and that it's fun, now friend it's just a generic killer with generic powers and that's is boring too.