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What are some bruh moments you have in Dead by Daylight?

My bruh moment was when I played Trapper and I saw a feng disarming a trap near a window in the Macmillian Estate, which she did, and then I set it up again, and as I chased a Bill, that got trapped in an obvious trap placement and as I picked Bill up the Feng tried to do an epic flashlight save and failed, which then she ran away to THE SAME WINDOW that she disarmed a trap in and that I set up again and well, ez bruh moment.

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  • Member Posts: 1,609

    Dead harding into the wall instead of the pallet

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Last night, was playing survivor. Was being chased by Bubba. Ran for a pallet, only to find a Feng hiding behind it. sandbagged me in. Bubba caught up with chainsaw, she proceeded to drop the pallet on my head. Bubba even stopped and watched her run off.

  • Member Posts: 81

    Yeah, I hate when killers do the thing they’re supposed to do.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    Walking into a trap that wasn't even manually placed. Trapper had Iridescent Stone.

  • Member Posts: 22

    So they're supposed to smack survivors hanging on the hook? Do you get extra BP for that?

  • Member Posts: 329

    Ps4 flashlight save, and iam super bad with it but this one was 'bruh'

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    When I crouched walked all the way into the basement to save a hooked survivor against a Hag and he stood up as soon as he was off-hooked and got insta-downed. 😶 Really bruh? Couldn't even get to the stairs? 🤣

  • Member Posts: 114

    This meg kept trying to get into lockers but everytime she went for one the same dwight was in that locker

  • Member Posts: 81

    My bad. Didn’t understand what was meant.

    yeah, that’s just a dick move.

    I sometimes, SOMETIMES, like doing it once, after I get them up. It just feels fulfilling.

  • Member Posts: 1,260

    This was a LONG time ago, back when Clown was either non-existent, in PTB or just came out. I injured a Meg who vaulted the window into the shack. I stood at the window and she started teabagging me.

    I was playing Huntress. Need I say more?

    Still one of my most vivid memories of this game.

  • Member Posts: 839

    When I try and vault a window but the game makes me go into a locker instead...

  • Member Posts: 22

    No worries! Sorry if I was bit too sarcastic there to offend, that was not my intention :)

    Sometimes when you loop the killer for like 3 gens I can understand the smacking being like "Hehe I got you now you slippery meat"

  • Member Posts: 977
    edited April 2020

    Top two...

    Literally everything about Deadhard (Dead Harding and getting caught on the corner of a pallet or ramp, or dead hard just not working in general)

    When someone is hooked and you're working on a gen at the complete opposite side of the map.. you wait a good 20 seconds to see if anyone's going for the save and finally decide to leave your gen.. You run your ass off, wasting sprint burst in a panic to get to your teammate.. You see them in sight, your eyes glow bright because you're about to make an epic save before they hit phase 2!!!! And then... A potato comes from behind the wall and steals your unhook.

  • Member Posts: 871

    Getting hit by a pallet, breaking it with Brutal Strength thinking your going to get another hit in before they reach the next pallet.

    Just to be hit by another pallet a few seconds later.

  • Member Posts: 649

    Missing my swings consistanly. They are laughing and i'm like.... Bruh.... Kill me now

  • Member Posts: 408

    When I get 360'd as killer, or when I run into something because of not looking in front of me as survivor

  • Member Posts: 1,816

    Playing with pc hackers even though im on xbox

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I got Rancid Abattoir 3 games in a row yesterday and multiple survivors in each game camped the Matt Walker window or ran to it in every single chase. Then someone played a Badham offering. Then I got Haddonfield. Might be done until the update on Tuesday.

  • Member Posts: 49

    When my buddy drops killer shack pallet because he thought I was a stealth killer ^_^.

    Running at the pig lady because I thought she was a survivor.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    when the survivor tries to windowtech you but screws up and you just turn towards them slowly xD

    same when you know they are in a locker and just stare at it / place a trap in front of it xD

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    i know that scenario too well xD

    for me thats just the clue to open the gate and leave, i did my job, now its on the rest of the team to deal with the perk.

  • Member Posts: 704

    survivors saying gg ez in post game chat after I killed them

  • Member Posts: 55

    by biggest bruh moment is going for a grab, getting the animation of my hand going on their shoulder but the just run away and im stuck standing still

  • Member Posts: 3,826

    Waiting 10 minutes for a PS4 survivor queue just to get tunneled, camped, moried, and constantly hit on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 274

    claud teabaging not thinking i have STBFL

  • Member Posts: 512

    For me it's still these two moments. I'm the Claudette in both.

    At this point when I stopped trying to kill myself on hook because everytime I REALLY want to leave game or I'm really pissed I 4% and I just sit there like are you serious? Had it happen literally 9 times in one day and I just stopped playing DBD for a week.

  • Member Posts: 74

    When I got the game map 4 times in a row as huntress and there were no map offerings

  • Member Posts: 3,842

    *Without Small Game or Detective's Hunch, being the only one to die because of NoED, then every killer on the forums telling you go "do bones".

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    Thinking you will hit the survivor right in front of you but aim dressing makes you miss somehow.

  • Member Posts: 28

    1. While doing a generator, thinking I'm skilled enough to scratch that itch on my head, sure I can reach down and hit the L1 button in time... Because you know when you go to scratch that itch the skill check is coming... Then I realized I brought in a brand new part and my chances weren't so great LOL

    2. When I come home from work and see my wife playing, and I turn on my TV to play, and it shuts hers off accidentally while she's being chased. (Usually results in me having to make dinner)

  • Member Posts: 907

    A 4 man swf (all with DS) complained that I slugged to avoid the perk. It was pretty obvious with the locker baits and straight unhook attempts that they were running DS.

    They told me it's a perk and part of the game. I told them playing around the perk is part of the game, too.

    They didn't understand. :/

  • Member Posts: 81

    you're running towards the palet, the killer is on your ***, you hit space and the palet drops in front of you leaving you on the same side as the killer BRUHHH

  • Member Posts: 36

    When my teammate body blocked me for cleansing a totem.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Saving all of my teammates from the hook just to have them all teabag me the second i'm on the hook and then they proceed to not even let me die by rescuing and then not rescuing me during the struggle state ha.

  • Member Posts: 1,836

    going for a head on save but the killer opens the locker by accident 😔

  • Member Posts: 468

    When I'm revving my Chainsaw as Bubba to get extra points off an injured survivor, and one of the other survivors starts trying to body block.

  • Member Posts: 82

    Oh my lord all of them are truly bruh moments 🤣

  • Member Posts: 81
    edited April 2020

    Getting one shotted by a chainsaw then watching the jerk face camp me 30 seconds into a game after a 10 minute wait.

  • Member Posts: 1,480

    Practically any game I play survivor (I play solo)

  • Member Posts: 104

    Tell me about it been starting to just do vines after 3 gens and making sure they all get done. Mates forget about noed when it’s a baby killer

  • Member Posts: 104


  • Member Posts: 3,842

    I then say "I do bones, I play killer too since it's IN MY EFFING NAME and here's how to fix it for everyone." Only to get called an entitled survivor main.

    It's worse when you're a solo because you can't yell at randoms.

  • Member Posts: 104

    Yeah. Yelling at my mates would help. If only doing bones made you wear some bones to show you did your part. Maybe a whole skeleton outfit if you do them all. Then it could be a contest Or something to do to look groovy. We all run into each other eventually if it’s a decent game with well matched players. We can shun the ones who don’t wear bones

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    I got you beat Mr. Trapper Guy.

    I was survivor, either solo or 2 man (I forget) on Grim Pantry against a Trapper. I'm looping him in the main building and eventually get caught downstairs. Adam is hiding just outside the window downstairs. Trapper walks over to the window and puts a trap on the inside.

    He comes over to pick me up and ADAM VAULTS THE WINDOW. Like "BRUH you just saw him put that there".

    Surprisingly this is probably the third most stupid thing I've ever seen a survivor do. Number 1 was literally painful to watch.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    I was playing with a friend whos never played the game, so i'll give them that. BUT

    As they were escaping (I spectated) I told them about the extremely obvious trap right in the middle of the gate; telling them to go around it.

    Get an "okay" as they step into the trap seconds later xD

  • Member Posts: 142

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