Anyone else annoyed w/face camp/tunnelers?

Literally almost every game has campers and I lose rank progress. Is this just my games? I think that there should be ways to stop tunneling without perks. Example: when the killer is X meters and closer to the hooked survivor, the timer stops. Or maybe: after getting unhooked, you are invincible for 1 second (for all those killers who wait for the hooked survivor to get unhooked, then immediately hit them).
I’m all for killers, but getting these types of killers makes me enjoy this awesome game less. Losing rank progress doesn’t seem fair when real gameplay isn’t happening.
Yup! I swapped out a perk for DS now. Over it.
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It isn't just you. Unfortunately there are a lot of ######### players who think it makes them a good killer and makes a good game. It is beyond tedious to go up against. You will get loads of killer mains coming on this thread claiming it's a "legit strategy". They don't like being told they are ######### at the game.
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Lol I try using that, but I haven’t unlocked Laurie’s teachable. So when the killer sees I’m Laurie, they just wait a minute before picking me up.
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What's the definition of "camping" here? Gates are open and three ppl trying to get the guy off the hook? Cause thats 9/10 what i get called a "camper" for
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Yes, it's just your games. I say this because you don't see killers and face-campers every game, which means that you are likely redefining the term to mean anytime you get downed again after an unhook. There are many legit ways for that to happen.
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There’s been a lot more campers and tunnellers recently.
Funny thing is I see people on here complaining about survivors using ds and bt all the time and how op they are but this is the exact reason why those perks are being used so much. Killers complaining about perks that are being used because of they way they play. Ironic really.
I know not all killers tunnel or camp but there is so many Others that Survivors have to bring something in to protect themselves.
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It annoys me, camping and tunneling make me lose pips without being my fault.
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It drives me crazy and the reason I started using Decisive Strike. Kills do not make a Killer to me, being a DbD "killer" is more about being a horror antagonist and if raw kills are what someone is after, then I wholeheartedly tell people that Friday the 13th: The Game is a better choice for them as your literal goal and only purpose as Jason is to slaughter everybody.
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The problem is that the game isn't really well balanced. Not everyone wants to play the top three (Billy, Spirit, Freddy) or the Queen (Nurse who is difficult to play well with), so they lack any decent mobility. Some Killers like Clown, Legion or Wraith Kind of have to tunnel someone because it would be very very difficult to 3 hook 4 survivors while also patrolling generators. If the match is down to two generators and the Killer sees someone recently unhooked, should they let them go and not attempt to kill them, risking a 4 man escape?
I agree that tunneling and camping sucks, but a lot of it rests on game design. Just look at streamers who play Killer. Many times they end up tunneling and slugging because they have to. What this game needs is an overhaul from the ground up, with the Developers having a clear goal on what they want to be and how it should be balanced. I don't think it'll happen because too many people will be upset that something they've gotten attached to has been changed. Just look how angry Killers got with the Ruin change.
Now, for people who tunnel and camp when they still have 3 or more gens, there is no excuse, they're scum that are looking to make people as miserable as they are.
Insidious Basement Bubbas get a pass if they waited patiently for their prey to approach the basement chest.
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It would be nice if there was basekit counterplay like you suggest. Maybe then more people would rely on that instead of abusable perks. Looking at you, 59-second-DS crowd. You too, Unbreakable/DS crowd. Still, if they add a wiggle time pause, it would have to turn off if said survivor is getting chased to discourage looping around a hooked teammate.
Although I also think they need to rework the way hitboxes work with hooked survivors. It's not too common, but sometimes you thwack some unsafe unhooker on the back and they take no damage because your attack magically phases through them and connects with the temporarily-immortal girl.coming off the hook. I found out that's maybe to discourage camping? But it's still stupid.
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the killer camps, i get away, he gets this
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Agree, today in particular was disgusting, had to stop playing for the day after like 5 matches.
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No, it is not the this guys game. I am a survivor main and generally in low purple/high red rank. If I have 10 matches in a night 80% will involve camp, tunnel and slug (or a combo) and 1 will be a farm match. Literally only 10% of my games anymore are fun, interactive matches where everyone plays well. Every match is filled with salt and fire in after-chat. This guy is not wrong, the high propensity of killers to resort to lazy, cheap game tactics is ruining the fun. That being said I think the devs have spent more than a year promoting and intensifying and condoning this stuff until it is practically all there is. And when you complain, you get told to just come to the forums (which basically means we do not care what you think or what experience you are having).
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It is not just you. It is almost every single match.
I played 4 matches today. The first match the killer tunneled my teammate to death. Everyone else escaped. Everyone got ######### points. That poor person depipped. They hadn't done anything to the killer (not a teabag, not a flashlight, not even a particularly long chase). The killers excuse, "I'm bad at Trapper". :| The second was an Insideous Bubba and thanks to DBD's cheeky sense of humor when it comes to RNG - all 4 survivors spawned in next to the to the basement. He downed my teammate and Insideous camped her to death in the basement. He got 16k...yet somehow was a Rank 1 Killer. :| The third match was a new-to-Legion Killer who post-game chat everyone GG'd except one ######### survivor who had to type "EZ!". They were not good themselve, and got told off. Last match was a Huntress who proxy'd the hooks to down the off-hooker. Which, by comparison to matches 1 and 2 is not that bad, but by this time I was over it. I never play more than 3 or 4 matches of DBD in a row anymore. It just gets old so fast now.
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insidious bubba is on the rise. i had 2 in the space of a couple of hours the other day. one game, at the very start, the killer downed and hooked a survivor in basement then stood in the corner. i had kindred so knew exactly what he was doing. one of the other survivors ended up going down and also got hooked. i refused to go and try to get them because it would have just ended in a blood bath. i hate leaving survivors on hook and i felt so bad for doing it but there was literally nothing i could do and because there was only 2 of us on gens with pretty much no gens done, we ended up all dying anyway. its bs. it sucks for everyone especially for the person getting camped. whats the point of the killer even playing the game if they are going to do that.
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I can't stand Friday the 13th anymore. Always someone teaming with Jason.
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Yeah if i see a camper i do a gen close by that hooked person. Then i try to finiah other gens and get the hell out.
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I can't stand the fact that it has a lower visual quality than DbD mobile. Best games I've had though are picking the AJ chick (I think that's the one. The emo one in black with the stealth stats.....) and just playing like a Blendette.
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Question if camping is so bad why do people dive bomb the hook like it's going out of style?
Why go after the fish if the fish end up coming to me?
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Because off-hooking and healing others are both main objectives for survivors and make up a significant amount of BP gains. Also, some people aren't ######### who lack all empathy for others, so they don't want one person's game to be completely ruined.
Its why a killer can face camp like a lazy ######### and survivors can do everything else: gens, totems, chests, etc. and still only get a measily 8-10k and maybe even depip in these matches. Even when you live, the points people get robbed of by the killer being a cheap, lazy ######### is ridiculous.
And to answer your second question: maybe because you dont want to be a lazy #########. :)
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But here's the thing and unlike you I don't have to curse to make my point lol
When I started playing back in the day I was wraith. I'd hook in basement and wait outside the shack with a view of the stairs in comes the fish going to my bait.
As I move behind them they normally run to hook and Bam now they try to bait a hit ( does sometimes work) or I end up grabbing them now 2 downstairs. It's not about camping as much as were they go. will I chase them if they don't go downstairs yes I will it's not about the hooked as much as the unhooker.
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I played her at launch then I switched to the stoner and had him wear the green shirt with red pants. I pretended he was Shaggy.
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Didn't read the whole thread as this comment irritated me a bit as its people in general and not just killer mains. Personally as a killer main camping is stupid. PROXY camping is what I consider a valid strat to some degree. Campers may also be people that may not understand the core of the game right off the from the get go. Camping is honestly the main reason I main killer because I'm not a fan of wasting my time staring at a killers face while my team gets out. We can also reverse some statements to put it on survivors too like how when survivors use infinites they think they are a god because they can use a window 3 times. How about you just say its scummy to do instead of accusing the other side of something they may or may not do or agree with.
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Normally I don't hate campers too much as they are giving the rest of your team time to pop gens. However, when a killer camps and tunnels the entire match, it gets frustrating. Perfectly healthy survivor tried body blocking the killer from tunneling me twice, he ignored them completely, didn't even injure them to get them to move, killer just really hated that I looped him/her for 2 minutes and pallet stunned once I guess?
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Go do bones and gens,take advantage