What is being updated in new patch

The meat of it are map changes, but there's also some quality of life changes like increased controller sensitivity. There's a rundown of it here if you're interested: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/141304
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Ah, thank you
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Maps, infinite loops are finally getting taken out, gen speeds slightly...
Killers have been quitting the killer role for months so the MMR is entirely askew and wholly unbalanced, but this next patch may bring some back if it ever freaking goes live. We'll hopefully have a better chance against SWF Team 6.
Does anyone solo queue anymore? Or rely on OP map-wide comms?
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@Peanits i also noticed a lighting change on some of the maps, was it intentional? if it was finally, it looks good and i bet it'll get better
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I solo queue. Though I admit sometimes I feel like quitting after seeing what my teammates does.
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Sometimes your worst enemy, is not the killer but your team mates.
Which it will be interesting to see how the updates effect solo queue. If it will turn the game into dark souls level of challenge, for these who go solo.
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I noticed that too,when I played yamaoka on ptb the map looks soo much smoother and brighter,cant wait to play that map in the next update!
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I adore Dark Souls because it's challenging.
Solo Teammates aren't a challenge, they are a hinderence. I've made it a rule to never again trust Megs because they tend to kill me the most.
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True, dark souls tend to be tough but fair. Oh hey, i found these items by exploring the area. Hmm, interesting, the boss up ahead is weak to said items. I wonder what i should do with said items. Hmmm. Hmm. That and some of the npcs can basically win the boss fight for you or be a major help, if not just well good for cannon folder.
Yeah, sometimes random team mates can truly be well the other kind of challenging. This is total nonsense kind of challenge. At least the killer is having a good time. If not just secretly asking themselves, what the heck is happening here. Since i have seen some very good team mates before. While on the flip side, i have seen others that will stay in a locker, while we have two team mates on hook and i am being chased by the killer. Only after i go down, do they get the idea to come out of the locker. That or the time, everyone else kill themselves on first hook or dc. With me being the only person left and the killer, being a Freddy, showed mercy.
Well, certain games are going to be alot more fun. Of course to be fair, it might also take a bit for everyone to get use to the map changes. So some of that might be due to getting used to things, rather than well being a Meg head.
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Look at this catastrophe
Left to reach 2nd stage, two teammates downed, and the last one self-caring (got downed shortly after I screenshotted)
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Ah yes, the classic of, being left on hook until you reach second stage or almost die on it, if not simply die on it. While other team mates still exist. If you get saved, well back down on the floor you go. That is just "lovely" when it happens. Well on the bright side, at least protection hits will be easier to gain soon. Leading to easier stacks for we're gonna live forever. So that might be one upside, to getting on a questionable team. If things don't go even worst than they normally do with special teams like this, thanks to the map changes.
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It's coming tomorrow, Wednesday
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I had a similar scenario a few days earlier. It was against Ghost Face, one was already dead, only one gen to go. I was on my 1st hook and a Claudette tried to save me, but the Killer was patrolling very well and she got stuck with him on a jungle gyn a map tile away. The killer was occasionally lit up through my Kindred and the Claudette was exposed. The other survivor went across the map, sat on a gen and sat there the whole 80s until it was finished. Meanwhile Claudette was downed, but the other went straight to the door and left us both.
He said in chat, when I called that out, that "He was camping. Of couse I do not go there, you [insert insult here]." I told him, that he was in a chase with Claudette (who was the Obsession, so you can SEE it), but he just said "There was no chase, [insert another insult here]."
Claudette was just as speechless as I was.
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Hey! I will give my life for my rando teammates!
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You may, but the majority of Megs has done far far worse for me. >:(
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I am a solo survivor
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My mistake, it seems like the delay was actually for the Escalation Tome and not the Mid-Chapter update. One of the many inconveniences of Timezones is not knowing when something is actually posted ^^;. My apologies.
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The tome goes out Wednesday. The patch is still scheduled for today. The issue with time zones is that while it comes out 11am for people on Montreal, I know for a fact it comes out between 4 and 5pm where I live, and it'll be even later for you since you're 2 hours ahead of me. Just have patience.
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It wasn't delayed. The tome 3 was ment to come out 29th. Someone just make a mistake and that's all. 🥰
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Yes the tweet says tomorrow.
In EST time, it was posted in the 27th.
But right now, in Aussie time it's the 28th when it was posted. Meaning it'll be updated shortly in a couple of hours.
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I'm glad this was cleared up for you :)
If it helps the patch is scheduled for release in about 12 and a half minutes from when I post this?