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4 Putrid Oaks

Member Posts: 48

Does it change much to bring 4 putrid oaks? Does it decrease the number of hooks on the map? I'd think that with the new toolboxes people might become more interested in saboing and using such offerings


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  • Member Posts: 8,342
    Answer ✓

    Oak offerings don't affect the number of hooks anymore, only the distance between them. I actually heard this explained by a developer the other day - I believe what they said is that each Putrid Oak (killer offering) is equal to 3.5 Petrified Oaks (survivor offering). So if three survivors bring Petrified Oaks and the killer brings a Putrid Oak, the hooks will spawn slightly closer together, but if all four survivors bring Petrified Oaks, the hooks will spawn slightly further apart.

    I looked it up, and this is confirmed by the Offerings page on the Gamepedia wiki:


  • Member Posts: 48

    Oh right *petrified I mean. But if they spread more where do they go? They have to go somewhere

  • Member Posts: 48

    Alright, ty for the answers guys

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    No problem, glad you were able to get a satisfying answer.

  • Member Posts: 93

    I heard someone once tell me that no more than 2 of any oak or mist offering will stack, which seemed odd to me since i knew that chest offerings 100% stacked from doing chest build and having like 12 chests with plunderers. Can anyone confirm or deny this myth, i guess you may call it?

  • Member Posts: 7,314

    Yes, they indeed stack.

    If the description of the item specific states that it doesn't stack, than it doesn't stack. If it doesn't say this at all, than it's safe to assume these offerings will stack. But before you say "but that's just your word over fact", it's actually a main example that the DBD Wiki uses for the Mist Offerings, I can even link it at the end for you to check out at the bottom of the Mist Offerings page.

    Anyways, the point is that unless an add-on, perk, or offering has that "Doesn't stack with other perks/add-ons/offerings" description with it, than you don't really have to make assumptions about it stacking or not afterwards. That's why most players will instantly know that charge add-ons stack with each other on certain Killers, the same goes with the Oak offerings, they'll indeed stack because of this same mind-set.

    here's the link to the dark mist section on the DBD Wiki if needed

  • Member Posts: 93

    Thank you. I knew that 2 stacked together but I was told by someone(who has thousands of hours played) that it was no more than 2.

  • Member Posts: 7,314
    edited May 2020

    I also have thousands of hours, but that's not really an indication that I know everything there is about this game. The same goes for your friend, he might have thousands of hours but his information might've been sourced from other incorrect information. That isn't to say it's his fault for not knowing the right answer, but it's easy for every person you meet to tell you something different in this game.

    Usually if you're asking someone, it's best to have them site their sources if needed or get a second guess from another experienced player. Not everyone knows the same things about this game, so it's always good to use references like official comments, the DBD Wiki, and in-game testing, etc.

    Also, it doesn't say anywhere that they don't combine, but neither does most things you're looking up that're niche, like the Dark Mist bottles for example. So like I said, unless it's noted that it caps or doesn't stack in the description, than it's safe to assume that they do. There hasn't been anything to say otherwise, plus each Petrified Oak only adds about 3.5 meters (as the DBD Wiki states) for each oak, so 9 meters isn't really that big of a change anyways.

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