Why those Hillbilly Changes?

Why did the hillbilly's animations and chainsaw movement?
The Billy was ok like he was there were no bugs or anything, but after the patch released today he got unplayable for me. The whole new movement feels increadibly clunky and weird. It feels like you are moving in pudding.
Also His new walking and chainsawsprintanimations look just hilarious now I'm cringing when I see it.
The chainsaw movement feels like it a beta version of the billy that isn't finished yet.
There are a ton of unfixed bugs and problems in this game why are you using time to make a working killer feel way worse than before?
Aggreed: Hes unplayable. His chainsaw charge also seems to rubberband back a bit sometimes, his sounds are horrible, and the animation look stupid. Why change what isnt broken?
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The new animations for Billy look kinda derpy tbh.... don't know why they changed it.
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Agreed! I am a billy main and he is very clunky and almost unplayable I don’t know why they messed with him at all he was fine .
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They did it once when the legion came out when they gave him his snow plow hitbox for the chainsaw. That was weird but ok but now it is just unplayable.
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I was fine with PTB Billy, but I'm not okay with live version Billy, especially with the feeling of bumping into objects.
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Probably to match with his general appearance. Billy was standing normally when standing still or carrying a Survivor, which did not match his walking animation. However, the new animation might fit, but it looks really bad.
Same for Wraith, btw., when carrying a Survivor he also uses his running animation, but somehow slowed down.
I hope that both are not intentional.
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PTB Billy felt just as weird as it does now.