Whats anti aliasing?

I hear everyone mentioning it but idk what it is. Anyone have a side by side pic of anti aliasing when its on and when its off i wanna see the difference
Yeah, me too and I also play on PC and have no idea ######### that is.
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I don't know what the purpose of it is. Is it specifically there to make everything blurry? I haven't noticed it to be honest, but I play on higher settings so maybe that's why.
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According to dictionary . com:
(in computer graphics) a technique used to add greater realism to a digital image by smoothing jagged edges on curved lines and diagonals.
Basically the image posted by somebody else above me. Antialiasing would make a grainy or pixelated image look much more fine and crisp I suppose, though I will admit this is my first time hearing about it...
Regardless according to some developers who responded to a thread about it, it's been disabled because they don't like it when you mess with the in-game files. Even if it's for harmless graphical or UI changes like the different perk icons people like to tote around. So it hardly matters anymore
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Really which someone would post a picture on ULTRA there seems to be no issues with the AA.
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It sounds like BHVR went with heavy FXAA. Cheap on performance but blurs the image. I’ve heard complaints before but not like as many as I have seen today. I havent played the update myself but either the devs implemented it poorly or people are just caught by surprise at how different it looks.