Lets talk about deadhard...

So im not going to make this a lengthy post considering its just a perk im talking about but
Dead-Hard If properly used you can get to a pallet without getting hit or if your in a deadzone avoid a swing and waste more time
The issue im posting about is when you get hit through deadhard There should be something that happens when you get hit through it, Just getting your exhaustion back while on the floor wont do anything unless your at a pallet and have a teammate around and/or a teammate has a flashlight and is near to save you, There needs to be something other than just getting your exhaustion back after getting hit through it, such as making you have a mending effect with a 1 second 150% sprint burst if the game registers that you should not have been hit so you can continue your chase instead of a bug ruining what you where doing.
But thats just my thoughts, tell me what you think.
They could also fix dedicated servers, but that's just a suggestion. 😉
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honestly, this aint a dedicated server issue but more how the game/host works with the dedicated servers. Hit detection is calculated on the killer side, so while he swings and you activate your dead hard -> killer sends signal that he hit you -> server says "yeah thats a hit" and ur client updates the server "I used dead hard" aka exhausted. But its actually already to late.
Sometimes I get the right timing/prediction, but the killer just swings through and hits me with the "tip of the blade". It just feels like that either way (predicting or reacting) leads you to being downed. Imo increasing the time from 1s to 1.5s might work if you predict the swing so that he doesnt hit you right at the end. But on the other hand perks shouldnt be adjusted around technical issues :/
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This. No Band Aid "Solutions".
Dead Hard is just the prime example of what's wrong with hit priority.
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Oh that perk that puts you in the dying state when you use it, yeah i know it, nice perk
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Good explanation mate :F