Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The Devs do all this changes to favor killers and they still complain...

Just process this for a moment...

When devs decided to nerf ruin what was actually the reaction of most killers? "Now I am going to bring Noed, I am going to facecamp, tunnel and slug". Which actually happened because at red rank I saw a lot of killers bring Noed and tunnel and even facecamp survivors. Slugging also became a thing. Killers found a way to combat it by putting on Corrupt Intervention, Surveillance etc and changing their strategy and survivors had to deal with it.

Now with these changes that ONLY favors the killers: Survivors are for sure going to find a way to combat all the dead zones without pallets in the updated nerf maps and the loop nerfs. Now survivors on these particular maps have a much lower percentage of surviving a chase long enough to give the other survivors chances to complete gens so of course survivors are going to find strategies to combat these new changes. Prove Thyself, Better Together and completing separate gens to move gen speed and killers are going to have to figure it out too.

Not only that, but Toolboxes are basically USELESS as well and killers still find a way to complain. It was something I knew was going to happen. It doesnt matter what the devs do to please killers. They always complain.

What people need to understand is that everytime the Devs make a decision to nerf something on one side its going to create a reaction where the side with the weakness is going to find a strategy to combat that. What did the killers expect? For survivors to hide and do nothing and stand in the new dead zones to get picked up by the killers? No! If you are upset people are genrushing then its your responsibility as a killer to come up with a build or a strategy to combat that. There is Pop, Dying Light, Tana (which non of them got nerfed even after coop repairing got a nerf) so there is no excuse to keep complaining after this huge nerfs against survivors to favor the killers. Sorry

