Survivor Mains: "Why do killers always want 4k's?"



  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Then riddle me this Batman, why didn't I pip when I stomped on attempted bullies with deathslinger? Because I didn't give significantly higher ranked people more second chances? That's the problem with the pip system, its not about being the better player.

  • hippsies
    hippsies Member Posts: 22

    I don't get where the black pipping became a bad thing... There was nothing lost while you gained bloodpoints. You got your pile of bloodpoints from going from power to M1 and some hooks... Take it and move on. You didn't lose ANYTHING.

    No, I'm not a survivor main or telling you to get better. But if you can complain about getting that many points and two escaping and NOT counting as a loss, you are too entitled as a player, not as a killer.

  • Mr_Slayer
    Mr_Slayer Member Posts: 3

    I'm still a little lost by DBD terminology, what does it mean to "Slug"? Also I thought the reason killers try to get a 4k is because that's the point. I don't really play DBD competitively, I play for fun.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    To slug is to keep someone in a Dying state and not pick them up in favour of chasing someone else.

  • Murd3rousClyd3
    Murd3rousClyd3 Member Posts: 71

    Why are you even worrying about rank? I've been rank 1 for weeks, but I don't try to hard. Heck, last night I had a ritual for LF chainsaws... So I just practiced chainsaws the entire game, at Lerys. Repeated slugs, two hooks, I didn't care.

    Wanna know what I cared about? Every player in that game had a blast. I downed survivors enough to complete the ritual 3 times. At the end, I downed Feng 20m from the gate, and walked her there while her team practiced bodyblocking me from carrying her to the exit. Followed by a chainsaw moonwalk, downing all 4 in a tantrum and watching them crawl out... And it was hilarious.

    So, as a rank 1 killer, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I remain rank 1 by giving good, fun games, and actually enjoying the game again.

    Quit stressing over 2k, 3k, 4k, blah blah blah.

    If I can maintain rank 1, while having those kinda goofy games, maybe the ranking system is messed up, and you should quit worrying about it? Rank means nothing, since the point of the game is having fun.

    Use meme builds, slug 3 survivors and go do stupid stuff while they get picked up, and maybe, just maybe, this game can get a little less toxic.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Is everyone here OK? The OP tied the game and safety pipped. What's wrong with this?

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    See, I would buy this line of reasoning if the survivors were all rank 4. But they're not. There's a rank 1, two 2s, and a 4. If he "drawed" against this team with a supposedly higher skill rating, then he should rank up. I've had this exact situation dozens of times. Anywhere between rank 1-6, I've been matchmade with full teams of rank 1-2 players. I'll kill two rank 1s in a full team of rank 1 players, and receive no ranking progress for it.

    This is ridiculous, because by the devs' own words this means that I performed at the level of a rank 1 that match. If the matchmaking is going to be so loose and queue you with much higher ranks, you should at least be rewarded for performing on their level.

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    When I play a game of killer, I'm looking to win. My definition of winning is a 4k. If I am in a position where a 4k is assured, I consider the game to be won. Sometimes I'll let people out if I like their outfits, how they played, or if they're Jeff. But if the gens aren't done, and your whole team is writhing around on the ground without unbreakable, I "deserve" the 4k, and I often do what I need to get it. The reverse of this argument is why do survivors feel they deserve to escape when the rest of their team is dead and they failed to accomplish their objective?

  • Lufanati
    Lufanati Member Posts: 198

    Yeah, but one side is higher in average rank then the other side. When you "tie" with a person of a lower rank, it is a loss. In almost every ranking system used, you would lose rank while the lower rank would gain rank. It's simple logic.

  • hippsies
    hippsies Member Posts: 22
    edited April 2020

    If you tie with lower ranks, it isn't always, the higher rank loses whilst the lower gains... The lower just gains more than the higher because they as the lower skill group matched a higher skill group and deserves to be closer to that skill group than what they are.

    Also, if you as the higher ranking tied with the lower rank, clearly you either don't deserve to be where you are, or they are obviously a skilled player grinding back to the top. Or they are cheating huehuehue.

  • angematias
    angematias Member Posts: 86

    Possibly because he lacks on kicking gens, hurting multiple survivors, slowing the game down instead of rushing a 4k in 5 minutes. That's the price you pay for not "feeding" the entity with a rollercoaster of emotions properly

  • UnbeatableAsh
    UnbeatableAsh Member Posts: 101
    edited April 2020

    It's different for killer, because ranking up to red is a big challenge. It may not be rewarding, as playing in high ranks is awful, but it's sorts seen as the main cohesive objective for progression.

  • TheeclumsyNinja
    TheeclumsyNinja Member Posts: 283

    I think how a killer gets kills should matter, ive had matches as killer where a team hook blocks and tries to flash light save horribly and i down them all before they even get a gen. So i hook them all once and they die.... and i as the killer did my job. Killed all 4 and they did no gens, but I only just hit safety pip. Yes i get thats to discourage tunneling and camping, but if the survivors are making 5iq plays then they should pip down and i should pip up as i was well above their skill level.

    Imo they should expand the pip system to have the ability to lose 3 pips, a safety pip and then 2 pip ups. It would discourage dumb plays, supremely hurt tunneling and camping killers, as well as hurt cocky survivors.

    but make it so as survivor if youre hooked in the first say minute and your team mates unhook you at stupid times cause you to die early you should safety pip at least.

    with it hurting camping killers and hurting survivors making bad plays it should help balance things out more.

    And also adjust the killers penalty for being near a hooked survivor to if they’re looking at them in a certain radius then it adds a multiplier penalty. And add a delay to the unhooking alert, like 3 seconds.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    A balanced result doesn't mean you are facing opponents of lower skill, sadly :(

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Altruism for Survivors is a team effort. If she was camping, then yeah. Nobody would have been healing.

    Kinda sucks that the other side can have their emblems decimated by the actions of your side. Camping? Low Altruism and low Devotion. GoT tHe KiLl ThO!

  • morerich86
    morerich86 Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2020
  • morerich86
    morerich86 Member Posts: 3

    Because after all the pointing after dropping pallets, teabagging, attention needy flashlight clicking and body blocking the hook....

  • PayneMacLeod
    PayneMacLeod Member Posts: 81

    I don’t even know what any of this means. Stop min/maxing and just play

  • SL33PY
    SL33PY Member Posts: 71
    edited May 2020

    I only slug for the 4K when the team has attempted to troll me with sabs and or flashlights and usually it’s me looking for someone specifically doing one of those things. Or if I’m doing a challenge. I find more fun seeing who can find the hatch first and don’t really care about 1 getting out. Also the rankings are 100% meaningless. They don’t matter at all, no rewards and matchmaking is random af anyways. Idk why it’s so hard to give us some shards or auric cells based on our ranks every month and give us a reason for doing it. I’ve been red ranks on killer and survivor multiple times but it never feels rewarding whatsoever.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    Okay. First of all, you are comparing yourself to the worst player on the team. If you feel that you are doing just as bad as that guy, thats like a 5 pip difference. You arent even close in comparison to that guy, thats a five medal difference and theres up to 4 in one catagory. Secondly, you were literally a SINGLE pip from ranking up, ON A 2K. Youre saying killers need 4ks when youre score actually shows that on a 2k you basically ranked up and the youre lowest catagory was the using your ability catagory (i think) how are you going to say killers are obligated to need 4ks when in HIGHEST RANK IN THE GAME, THE HIGHEST DIFFICULTY TO RANK UP IN, you on a TWO KILL GAME can still almost rank up. In red ranks its the hardest to rank up as i said, and with HALF of what you say is the required goal in order to feesably think you ranked up, basically got the rank up. I have effectively disproven youre argument using YOUR evidence.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,326

    I think a lot of people give huge flack to emblem system but a lot of the time, the emblem system is correct in evaluate wins and loss for killer. I think the only problem with killer emblem system is that chaser emblem punishes instant down killers and over rewards killer like legion who stab people multiple times. It is best seen when nobody cleanses against plague for how hard it is to pip as killer because of the large amount of instant downs. The other issue is that if a killer 4k's too quickly or the survivor purposely disconnects resulting too short of a game, than the killer gets robbed of emblem points. I think that if a killer 4k's, he/she should unconditional pip as he/she has succeed in killing all the survivors. I think if instant down and 4k black pip(too short game) problems are fixed, the killer emblem system is near perfect.

    For survivor, it's still big mess. For one, the emblem system for survivor has too much weighting on gatekeeper emblem and altruism emblem. I think that these two categories should get merged and it should be called "Cooperation" or "Teamwork". These categories are very easy to fill and I suspect it is main reason why there are a lot of boosted survivors in red ranks because they are constantly able to black pip from these categories. Another problem with emblem system for survivor is that survival category only ranks each individual survivor escaping on personal level despite escaping being a team effort. The way it is now, survivors are almost encouraged to play for themselves when it comes to this category when in reality, The result of one survivor dying can mean the escape of the rest of the team. I think this emblem should be based off how many of your teammates escape. For example, all 4 escaping is iridescent, 3 is gold, 2 is silver, 1 is bronze. Lastly, I think chaser emblem largely represents the survivor's skill level in this game because a lot of the game is about chases. I think this emblem should be defining factor for whether a survivor pips or not. Running a killer around and winning chases should be highest reward for survivor, and yet it is only 1/4 of categories to fill. I just feel like survivor ranking system is too easy and it doesn't properly evaluate loss/wins like killer emblem system does. I think if there were only 3 emblems, "Teamwork", "Team survival" and Chaser, It would better reflect skill-level of survivors. It would make ranking up for survivor harder and it would more accurately determine loss/wins rather than constant black pip or pip.

  • DRxH
    DRxH Member Posts: 1

    Because this game is about murdering people. Why am I trying to murder people in a game specifically and deliberately designed and intended to simulate murdering people?

    To murder people.

  • jibbigibbles
    jibbigibbles Member Posts: 42

    I feel like if your trying to rank up you're playing wrong

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    You said "Correct me if I'm wrong , but a 3k is enough for a pip most of the time." You were wrong, so I told you how it is.

    I didn't say anything about which role is easier to play or why anybody would care about pips. If you don't mean "correct me if I'm wrong", then don't write it lol

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Because the point of the game isnt to end it instantly. The point is to get hooks, use your power and pressure gens

    Just like survivors dont pip if they end the game in 5 seconds

  • Deadman316
    Deadman316 Member Posts: 578

    Killers want 4k because it let's them pip. I'm not sure what the big obsession is with pipping, but with the way (killers mainly) are triggered by it, I'm convinced that they must be getting a cash payout for each pip and have to pay a bill if they don't. It's laughable. Ranking doesn't mean anything. Pipping doesn't define how good you are (you're not going to convince me otherwise, so don't bother). Killers will have games where they'll wreck a trial and games where they'll struggle. Stop worrying about all of that and play to have fun! If your life revolves around pipping and it causes you to become triggered and/or hostile, maybe you should try to get out more.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Afraid that's a "strawman" argument.

    While you and I may not care about ranking during a match MANY players enjoy the more competitive side of DBD and the pip system is meant to measure your match performance, however when it seems so "off" from the game you just played it leaves a poor taste in your mouth.

    So to say "who care about ranks at this point"...well, lots of people do and they have every right to enjoy that aspect of the game.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    you can be the best player on the world while your killer tunnels you and your team leave you behind, and the game still depipd you. Ranks means nothing since they reset every month and this pipping system is not well done. There's literally no single way to "enjoy" looking a red icon in a corner of the screen while waiting 10 minutes for a lobby. It doesn't even give you nothing special, matchmaking is broken anyways and you have no advantage or compensation.

    So yeah, it's a fact, rank it's useless, even devs said so in their removal of ranks in leaderboard announcement.

  • Carisma1005
    Carisma1005 Member Posts: 17

    you only got the iri chaser emblem as the killer tht most easily manipulates his chases, i would have loved to see number of hooks, if you hook every person once and kill 2 you're almost guaranteed gold in sacrifices, 2 kills and 2 escapes (which I'm sure didn't come from a key because i dont know a single killer main tht wouldn't title ths "KEYS ARE THE MEANING OF ANTI SKILL!!?!?!" or something like tht if people double hatched with a key). You definitely went an entire phase without getting a kill, whether it be Gen, Gate opening or Endgame Collapse meaning there was an entire section with no kills while the survivors where moving towards their target. how many hooks did you have, it looks like you slugged and still 2 got away, tht is by every measurement being outperformed.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Ranking systems that rely completely on your team playing as well as you are extremely annoying, I’d rather one that rewards you for playing well. Dbd has its flaws but it honestly has my favorite ranking system out of every game with a ranking system I’ve played.

  • Purr
    Purr Member Posts: 83

    point of the game as killer is to feed the entity hope and fear the killer does this by proper amounts of hooking and hitting survivors letting other survivors rescue hooked ones and finaly after all the cat and mouse playing it culminates in the survivor being killed before they escape THATS the point of the game from the killer side

    from survivor side its to do the gens maby do totems if ur scared of NOED and then haul arse out the gate back to the campfire to await your next torture session at the hands of the entitys killers

    if u kill too fast the entity isnt fed the proper amounts of hope and fear and thus no rank up

    however taking too long and the entity gets bored as well theres a sweet spot to it

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Again that's how you feel but to people who enjoy ranks and find meaning through them, be it a feeling of progression or the enjoyment of seeing a pip/2pip mean you "won" the match, ranks matter.

    I'm not saying your argument is invalid as that is your mindset on ranks and it is close to mine also, as I see no logic behind how ranks are determined right now because of how messed up the matchmaking/pip system is, however if someone feels enjoyment from the system (and I'm sure most still agree its a mess) and that system provides some form of "assessment" of match performance then we cannot claim ranks don't matter or no one likes them.

    I would love to see ranks be overhauled and re-implemented and ideally have a rank/casual game mode each.

  • Arbmos1998
    Arbmos1998 Member Posts: 187

    Ironic how i made this post and just today Tru3 uploads a video called "Why do killers always want the 4k"

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I do. But she is an exception not the rule.

    Play Legion, Doc, or Freddy and you should hit 25k every game, kills or not.

    Play Billy, Spirit, Trapper, or Hag and you gets point just for using your power.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Survivor: exist in the same game as freddy... +250 each time they fall asleep

    Also survivor: wow I did 3 dull totems, 1 gen and i did'nt escape but I still pip up!


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    So they did their objectives and ranked up for it?


  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    Oh please, we both know that survivor can most the time even when they don't escape.

    Survivor get enought point if they rushed gens cause well, they did gens and they probably escaped.

    If killer end the game fast, he was either using mori or survivor dies on first hook, so he only got 4 hook and game say that not enought.

    It incredible how the rank punish the killer for killing to fast..

  • Kon
    Kon Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2020

    i do everything on killer besides kill, i dmg gens, destroy pallets, double hook, chase. and my killer sits around rank 11-13

    (which i enjoy, i want to be low rank to have nice chill games)

    i do everything on survivor, besides escape (unless im just beaten into submission) repair gens, unhook ppl, heal. and my surv gets into red ranks with ease.

    the emblem and pip system needs to be reworked i think.

    but you did good considering ure playing wraith

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    But camping as killer and doing 4k don't pip you.

    Strange the kilelr did his objectif, he killer 4 person.

    See we both can bring up bullshit if we want.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    Dude you have to camp PRETTY HARD to not pip and still get a 4k. Meaning you didn't really go looking for survivors or chase them.

    Not even close to being the same thing.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    ''Meaning you didn't really go looking for survivors or chase them.''

    Do I have to explain how camp work to you? the whole point of it is baiting survivor near the hook to down them, Yea if I camp I won't go looking for survivor, im making them come to me. if they don't come I wont 4k because guess what, they will gen rush out cause they know how to deal with camp.

    Yea if I camp I won't chase survivor, the whole point is that if I start a chase I wont be camping anymore.

    your chase emblem point drain down fast if you stay near hook.

    The fact that survivor will try to swarm you mean you will lose point in Malicious cause you wont chase them that much whitout going to far from hook.

    You get devout cause you hooked people

    Gatekeeper gonna be bad cause you don't care about gens when your defending hook.

    If you manage to 4k and pip while camping, My bet is your cheating in some way since you somehow able to win chase while protecting hook while not being close to hook while stopping generators,

    That or your a god at freddy who had incredible hook spawn near generators...

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Imagine someone cares about pips in 2020.

    Spoiler: When you hit rank 1 you will get.... NOTHING. U welcome, now enjoy the game without focussing about pips. Cheers.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Rank doesn't even mean much now in the first place lol. It's a mechanic to give players handholds of if they played good or not because apparently there are many players who can't decide it for themselves lol

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You literally just explained why you don't deserve to rank up if you camp. SMH

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    When i play swf and gen rush i usually dont pip cauze the game goes to fast.

    The ranking system is horrible i do agree with that survivors pip more easily which results in rank 20s boosted to rank 1

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    So let me quote you on this ''So they did their objectives and ranked up for it?''

    your kinda bias, Survivor doing 1/3 of their objectives and who die on first hook should rank up,

    Killer doing their full objective but in a extremly cheap way don't deserve to rank up.

    It almost as if your okay for one side to get a pip up in a cheap and easy way, but the other side should'nt be able to do the same

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Difference is survivor are active in doing their objectives. A killer that puts someone on a hook and waits is being passive.

    That's like saying a survivor that hides all game and just runs out the door should be rewarded. Nah, they would depip for that too if they never touched a gen, totem, or made a save.

  • Magikazam
    Magikazam Member Posts: 182

    I mean, If you get 4K while camping your not passive, your being defensive.

    you would only be passive in camping if no one take the bait, in that case you don't 4k, you 1k.

    Just to be clear, im not for camper piping up, im just showing you you got a bias.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    No you are being passive. Defensive playstyles are by their very nature passive. Camping in an FPS is a very passive way to play. You just wait for the enemy and ambush them. Very little effort for a very high reward. If the other side camps too then you get a never ending game (or one that goes to time) because neither side is willing to actively win.

    There is no bias. If either side wants to pip they have to be active. Hence why I gave a perfect example of a passive survivor. Does nothing but still escapes = black pip (depip at red ranks). If I was bias I would be sitting here saying this survivor deserves to pip while the camping killer doesn't.

    Also my original comment was how killers seem to correlate BP with performance when majority of killers get tons of BP just for existing in the game.

  • josh6_66
    josh6_66 Member Posts: 23

    Well I think the Devout Emblem needs a rework. The way it works currently, focuses too much on kills. For example you can't even get an Iridescent Emblem without 4k-ing. Likewise you always get a Silver Emblem for a 2k, no matter whether you got 2 or 10 hooks. To solve problems like these, I suggest, the Emblem should work more like this:

    You should get 10 points perk kill (instead of the current 20), 10 points for every 2 hooks (instead of just the current 10 points you get for 9+ hooks) and 20 points for hooking everybody (instead of the current 10). With that system you could get a maximum of 120 points, if you get a 4k with 12 hooks. 100+ points should result in a Iridescent Emblem, 80+ points in a Golden one, 50+ in a Silver one and 30+ in a Bronze one.

    A system like that would reward you better for getting a low amout of kills with a lot of hooks, but punish people who get a lot of killes with tunneling or camping. It also gets rid of the need to slug for the 4k to get an Iridescent Emblem because would get an Iridescent Emblem if you 3k with 10+ hooks. Additionally you would get rewarded with a Golden Emblem, if you get a 2k with 8+ hooks, instead of the Silver one you would get, if you just tunnel 2 people out of the game.