Survivor Mains: "Why do killers always want 4k's?"

This is a good example of how bad the Killer emblem system is. You play well and your score shows it yet according to the game you didn't even meet the requirement to get a pip. I think what irritates me more about this bad emblem system is i can guarantee the player on 20k pipped and the player on 13k most likely black pipped.
Essentially the game is telling me i played roughly the same as that bottom player which is insane due to the drastic score difference. 1,900 score away from the max and to be honest if i did get that the game might have barely just given me a pip.
This is why Killers slug for the 4k, because it is potential their rank up can be easily robbed from them. If the devs fixed the emblem system so it's fair Killers wouldn't need to slug for the 4k
The amount of bloodpoints you get does not mean anything when it comes to your rank.
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Who cares about ranks at this point?
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Maybe they died too fast or you got gen rushed and snowballed at the end??
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Actually according to BHVR, that is the emblem system working correctly.
Two Survivors died while the other two escaped, and you got a safety pip as a result.
The match ended with a tie meaning you faced Survivors who were of equal skill to you as a killer.
Of course, not like Rank is going to mean anything anymore once the MMR system is introduced. I suggest just not worrying about pipping and try to have fun ^^ Because worrying about getting a pip tend to make you play worse because you feel like you have to satisfy the requirements to pip.
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Maybe they died too fast or you got gen rushed and snowballed at the end??
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From the picture, i think both dead survivors are black-pip and those who escape pip.
Just a question, if they are a team, shouldn't the overall rank change to be zero? The team is not winning, but overall they pip because no one depip.
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Killer Mains: Uses power... +1000 BP
Also Killer Mains: Look at all these bloodpoints I got, I deserve to rank up for it.
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Correct me if I'm wrong , but a 3k is enough for a pip most of the time.
And in the screenshot I see a 2k...try getting a 3k and then show us you still didn't pip. And then use a that silly thread title.
I do wonder why all the killers who want a 4k want it so bad they will slug and make the game last extra 5-10 minutes. And I play both sides and don't mind last survivor getting hatch if they get lucky. I give it to them pretty often too.
So no , not only "survivor mains" wonder why so many killers are sweating their balls off.
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I'm fine with a 3k, because the game ended before all 5 gens got done.
And in this day and age of green killers everywhere, I'm fine facing 2 Reds, a Purple and a Yellow at Green because those games go better for me than 3 Greens and a Purple/Yellow.
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Tru3 has uploaded many videos where he has 3-4k'd and still ends up getting a black pip. If you want your evidence i'd suggest checking his multiple videos showing it
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Usually a 3k is not enough for a red rank killer to pip. Even a 4k often only leads to a safety pip.
It's completely different to playing red rank survivor, where pipping is easy.
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Rank 20 killer, say hello to 4 rank 1 swf
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For ranking, each Emblem is worth a certain number of points which determine if you've pipped or not. For Red Rank you need a minimum of 13 points to pip, 16 to double pip. (Bronze-1, Silver-2, Gold-3, Iri-4). You received Emblem 12 points this match.
Additionally, each emblem has it's own individual point system that determines if you've earned a mentioned medal above.
For your Devout (or Hook/Kill) category.. You received between 4-7 Devout points out of a possible 10 points, leaving you with a Silver Medal.
- 2 points: awarded for each Sacrifice
- 2 points: awarded for each Kill
- 0 points: for each bleed-out death
- 2 points: awarded for each Disconnect
- 1 point: awarded for having hooked all Survivors at least once
- 1 point: a bonus awarded after having hooked all Survivors a combined total of 9 times
With the information you provided, this means you could have theoretically hooked two survivors once and just camped them till they died. You don't NEED a 4K, you choose to go for the 4K. Realistically you can get an iridescent Devout by hooking all 4 survivors twice and only killing 1 of them.
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Based on the information you're posting, he also could have theoretically hooked everyone three times, resulting in two sacrifices, and gotten that silver medal.
But also, all it takes is one survivor to hide in the bushes all match to make it impossible to do better than a silver medal, which puts the killer at risk of depipping.
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Who cares about pips? If anything I wish they would make pipping slightly harder across the board, then maybe more people would be at their true ranks.
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Shows the effort you put into the game and Killers expect that effort to be rewarded. 30K BP is by no means a small feat. More so with Wraith who doesn't have any added means of map pressure needing an even higher amount of effort to earn with how quick a game can end.
Moral is important as well. Being told "do better next time" after playing a near perfect game murders your moral and ruins the will to keep playing.
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Then again why do people care about meaningless ranks? You're not getting anything good from ranking up, just get as much BP as possible and deal with it, red ranks is hell on earth.
Care about them when there's a proper reward for pipping then post about this.
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Looks like you slugged a lot. How many hooks you got from the maximum 9?
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That there are still players that do not understand the difference in emblems/ranking and kills is hilarious.
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I’ll give y’all a tip, the moment you stop giving a damn about pipping ranking up bps surviving, you start having lots of fun! Try it!
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I wouldn't worry about pips, and ranking. It only gets harder as you rank. (:
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To be fair this can also be asked "Why do 4 survivors always want out?"'s winning.
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Who would the best killer for ranking up be? And I do mean both according to the Emblem system and statistically.
I want to see if my theory is correct.
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I only go for 4k's for challenges, rituals, achievements, and depending on how toxic team is. Rank truly doesn't matter anymore and honestly I wish I was a lower rank just so I don't have to deal with toxic teams as much at high ranks.
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If the emblem system is so bad then simply stop paying attention to it! What do you think you're gonna get when you get to rank 1? Absolutely nothing. There is zero difference between rank 1 and rank 4. Even when the matchmaking was working correctly, there was a 6 rank limit above and below that you could be matched with. And as peanits said there were two kills and two escapes. That's a good match for everyone.
What you basically want is the game to pat you on the back and say you're a big boy, you did a good job!
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Why do killers want a 4k? Because the killer objective is to sacrifice survivors. Not everyone sees the emblem system as a measure of victory. I've posted this before but the game itself says the killer objective is to sacrifice survivors. It says nothing about sacrifice survivors while ensuring that some get away so as not to hurt anyones feelings.
Survivors are supposed to survive. Are they sweaty try hards for escaping out the door?
When you go into a game do you think, i really feel like not winning today. I would just love a great big tie today. No. You play to win. Some may think blood points are wins. Some people think long chases are a win. It doesn't make you a sweaty try hard because you are trying to win at the game you are playing.
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Survivor Mains: Crouches from bush to bush near killer... Maxes out Evader
Uses key to escape and 7k survival points.
Also Survivor Mains: I deserved the escape, baby killer git gud
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Because I don't want to see survivors teabagging, finger pointing at the exit gate.
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How do you reach this conclusion? All we see here is an endgame screen. If the rank system didn't massively boost people then that argument would be perfectly reasonable but we genuinely cannot tell what happened in this match. How good were those survivors? Were they deserving of their rank, or did they just 'earn' it by playing a match per day? That's not even mentioning the fact that it's a Wraith, second only to Legion for getting easy BP and pips without actually doing anything productive due to mechanic interaction.
My best guess, looking at those emblems, is that the game took about 12 minutes, very few hooks, and a whole lot of Wraiths not-so-surprise attacks. Even then, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm completely off-base. And it still doesn't show the quality of the match, just how certain generic events may have happened.
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I hardly struggle with killer emblems, unless i get completely bodied.
I dunno what I do to get em honestly and I do not care about ranking up, a win to me is about the points.
I slug a lot during the game, especially if a person just got off the hook or if the chase was really short. I believe tunneling might be bad for emblems because that's one less health state to chase through and get points on.
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Noooo not tru3.
I'd suggest watch fungoose, who 4ks practically every game and will teach you how to be a better killer.
Tru3 will teach you to be a better whiner.
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That's probably because he was sweaty as hell and ended the game too fast. That's why so many cry about not getting a pip when they 4k after 5 min games. And I don't care enough to go check videos, especially from that guy , thanks.
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Whatever you say mate, I don't really care who is easier to play.
What I do find funny it's why people care about getting pip if they 3-4k on red rank when there's nowhere to rank up to. That's kinda silyl to complain about but hey , e-pin has to grow somehow , right? Lol.
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But this is a big reason for the division between the two sides, get almost a perfect game, and safety pip. Feels like a loss.
Makes you think, "well if I would have just tunneled that one dude out of the game when I had the chance, I would have 4ked and pipped"
But you try to play fair, keep it fun and get penalized for it.
The killer emblem system needs a tweak, reward killers for being fun and not just tunneling people out of the game to get hook actions and avoid losing points for them healing because you gave them time to.
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yeah because that happens every single time, huh? Are you even rank 20 to see if matchmaking is that bad there? Did you even check it in the new update? I guess no
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I would argue that the thing causing the divide in that case is the misconception that bloodpoints mean pips. They are completely separate. You get bloodpoints for doing pretty much anything and never lose them, meanwhile emblems are gained for a lot of things, but typically lost when the other side does things that earn them emblems. It's a give and take scenario. The better one side does, the worse the other does.
Reflecting on the match and thinking about what you could have done differently is a good thing, though. Whether or not tunneling would give you a win is up for debate, I find it tends to backfire more than anything if the survivors are smart. It's a lot of time to hammer through gens as the killer eats BT and DS.
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Both sides have terrible emblem systems tbh.
I had a game where as survivor I did 4 totems, 2 generators, and escaped. Did I pip? no, no I did not. I was green rank btw. Why did I not pip? My only altruism was healing one guy because I was busy making sure the totems were cleansed and the huntress was camping (badly) So I didn't have many evader points either. Because Huntress happened to hit me on the way out.
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Thanks for the response, very valid point on points not awarding pips, but hopefully they have some indication.
I wasn't suggesting tunneling as a major strategy all game long. But if used , say mid game, to swing momentum in your favor and eliminate a player at that moment, to ensure a 4k is probable.
Not fun for the survivor, but certainly can be the difference between a 2k and a 4k.
Which may be the difference between a pip and a safety.
Thanks for the discussion!
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I've never liked the emblem system. I liked the way it was before they put it in the game.
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I will have to disagree with you on this.
Wraith is amazing at getting bps.
Obviously not as good as legion or doctor... but still amazing.
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Let's not pretend that it's all about the ranking system. Most of them it's an ego thing. I don't disagree that the emblem system needs adjustment. But it has nothing to do with most killers feel they deserve the 4k.
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what a dum question,what killers doesn't want a 4k its like asking what survivors doesn't want to escape
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Where are those stats from and what does it mean ?
Genuine question
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I will never understand why people care about their rank. You get no reward for ranking up, and it certainly is no reflection of skill. I have seen the biggest potatoes in red ranks.
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A Wraith earning good BP means he is able to make full use of his cloak. Not easy to do and is a constant time sink that could cost him by cloaking too much or giving too much warning coming out of cloak.
That's my point. Most Killers have problems breaking 20K BP a game due to how often they can't use their powers or how little their powers help to end chases. Clown can stack BP like the best by spamming gas everywhere, but he can't make use of that power to win games. Costing him BP elsewhere. Trapper is another on the other end. His power takes ages to setup and has good odds of never paying off. But when it does, a high BP Trapper is something to outright fear!
Most Killers can show good/great gameplay through high BP gains. Some takes more effort than others to have good BP gains but the tend to even out where if you have a 25K+ game it likely was VERY intense and well played by everyone. Fun in other words.
Doc and Legion are just BP whores though. Able to stack BP like nothing on top of being decent Killers.
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You can't say that a 2k is the intended balance while preventing pips if the Killer gets a 2k. You can have one or the other, not both.
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Often the killer will NOT slug the third survivor to find the last one.
Sometimes the killer will voluntarily give the hatch or the door.
The 4K is good, but not that important.
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I disagree, I don't think it's hard at all to fully use wraiths cloak. Besides maybe billy it's the most straight forward power there is.
Go invisible, get near people, uncloak, m1.
The hard part is pressuring the map, the power itself is pretty simple.
I average 20-25k. I honestly think less than 20k bps as killer is a bad game. So I can't accept this "killers struggle to break 20k" thing.
Trappers bps gain is indeed pretty bad...
I don't think pips and bps correlate all that much.
Bps means you did a lot of things in the match, pips means you were very effective in however many/little things you did.
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That IS the intended balance.
A 2k is a tie. So the killer safety pipped. Because it ended with a tie. Neither side won that game.