Regarding the upcoming Hook Invulnerability and animation changes.

What is the reasoning behind making Survivors being unhooked invulnerable to damage until they're capable of moving?
There is no proper, logical reason, why a Survivor should be invincible while being pulled off the hook.
The only reason Survivors are ever getting hit from hook is solely due to other Survivors being greedy for a hook save in the middle of a chase. You're going to make greed pay off for both the rescuer and the rescued?
Knowing BHVR, I think we all know why they're actually doing it - Survivors asking for it, with a review bomb at the push of a button if not. But those same Survivors are either toxic or greedy, or being made victim because of the aforementioned two Survivors.
Greed shouldn't be rewarded in Dead By Daylight, it should be punished. I agree that it's unfair for the Survivor being unhooked to be knocked down before being able to act, but unhooking mid-chase should not be encouraged.
That applies to the animation changes too - BHVR are going to make Survivors able to instantly cancel an attempted unhook. While I agree that it's ridiculous being unable to act while cancelling the unhook action, this will only further encourage Survivors to unhook in the middle of a chase.
I would understand if a Survivor was given invulnerability if they escape on their own, even though in both cases they'll basically land on another hook. But you're encouraging greedy saves in the middle of a chase. That should not be encouraged.
Instead of making a Survivor invulnerable during a hook save, and allowing the rescuer to cancel instantly, apply the Exposed Status Effect to the rescuer and Survivors within twelve meters of the hooked Survivor. That way they need to think twice about unhooking with the Killer nearby, lest they end up on a hook with nothing to show for it. This will discourage greedy saves and punish Survivors who try to trick the Killer into striking them so they can get the save while the Killer is wiping off their weapon.
Thoughts and suggestions about the hook changes, and ideas, anybody?
There is no logic involved, it's just handholding to the precious survivor player.
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It's being changed because it feels ######### when you get downed before you're given control of your character.
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@MojoTheFabulous said:
It's being changed because it feels ######### when you get downed before you're given control of your character.Except you shouldn't be getting pulled off to begin with - it's only done by greedy Survivors or Survivors who only pull you off you get a few extra points, or use you as bait.
Those Survivors are the ones who need to be punished for it - an Exposed status effect within the Killer's Terror Radius, like a mini-MYC, or something for a few seconds might punish greedy Survivors, and deter players from going for hook saves mid-chase.
BHVR have to discourage reckless hook saves, not encourage them. They're going about it the wrong way by giving buffs to Survivors who save and are saved under these conditions - they should punish the one who tries to do it.Otherwise a Survivor should, by default, be Exposed for some time after saving a Survivor from the hook in the Killer's Terror Radius.
There needs to be a reason to not save inside the Terror Radius or with the Killer coming your way. The fact a Survivor can tank a hit and pull his friend off while the Killer's wiping off their weapon is just ridiculous.7 -
@MojoTheFabulous said:
It's being changed because it feels ######### when you get downed before you're given control of your character.And it will feel ######### to the killer getting robbed of his rightful sacrifice, when his hit passes through the victim for no logical reason other than survivors need to be handfed again.
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Sometimes saves are made, believed to be safe, when the killer is hidden nearby with Insidious. Other times, the rescuer has Borrowed Time.
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@Judgement said:
@MojoTheFabulous said:
It's being changed because it feels ######### when you get downed before you're given control of your character.Except you shouldn't be getting pulled off to begin with
It's not in the survivor's control, that's the point. Currently most killers would hit the hooked guy and let the greedy survivor get away with their points, which encourages this behaviour. If instead they will be more likely hit while the rescued sprints or Dead Hards away they will probably think twice before trying. So no, imo the change does the opposite of what you say.
Your idea on the other hand would make camping more effective: why use MYC or Devour Hope and go away from hooks to be able to oneshot the unhooker if you can just camp and do the same?2 -
Dont try to understand the changes with logic. You wont come very far in this game.
Basically the devs only cater towards the survivors crying about camping etc even though they already got plenty of tools to unhook safely in front of a camping M1 killer.8 -
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I would like to hear a devs explanation on this topic.
Why are you punishing killers when are survivors doing wrong (yolo saves).
Just a clarification will be ok.0 -
The only reason i can see the invulnerability on dehook take effect is when a survivor is doing a yolo save, one gets hooked, killer is leaving and another survivor rush to the dave without waiting (yolo save) and the killer hit the hooked survivor during thw unhook animation. The fault is of the unhookng survivor, yet the one punished is the killer.
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@Kalec84 said:
The only reason i can see the invulnerability on dehook take effect is when a survivor is doing a yolo save, one gets hooked, killer is leaving and another survivor rush to the dave without waiting (yolo save) and the killer hit the hooked survivor during thw unhook animation. The fault is of the unhookng survivor, yet the one punished is the killer.
Ah this is what you mean, fair point.
Well the devs are just holding the survivors hand because apparently BT and bodyblocking is not enough
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This is to help prevent hook camping killers get what they want.
If there were not any hook campers well then this wouldn't be here You can thank camping killers for thisI have moved on from survivor to killer, and I got 2 to 4 kills for my early serious matches, sure its not easy but its not impossible.
I don't need to hook camp, when I have a more fun and stronger tactic then a cheap luck base strat.True survivors are not entitled a free save, but Killers don't deserve a free kill either.
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All they're doing is rewarding farming and farmers. If they want to punish it, allow us to kick a farmer to cancel the save.3
@BLUE_APE said:
This is to help prevent hook camping killers get what they want.
If there were not any hook campers well then this wouldn't be here You can thank camping killers for thisI have moved on from survivor to killer, and I got 2 to 4 kills for my early serious matches, sure its not easy but its not impossible.
I don't need to hook camp, when I have a more fun and stronger tactic then a cheap luck base strat.True survivors are not entitled a free save, but Killers don't deserve a free kill either.
Campers will just wait until the survivor is completely unhooked, nothing will change.
What will change is that killer just leaving ans seeing a farmer rushing to the hook, or one of those a-hole dehooking immediately after a hook, killer will try to stop it and in the rush he will get #########.
Save the survivor dehooked, praize the farmer, ######### the killer.
Wile camping wont change.
Fantastic.4 -
i agree they already have borrowed time and it kinda defeats the purpose of the grab mechanic doesn't it?
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This thread makes no sense I feel...or I am missing something about the invulnerability window..
Killers could simply wait to hit the rescued survivor, couldn't they?
Also, you keep saying the killers are punished by this.. this is wrong.
If anything, this mechanic punishes (a bit) the rescuer.0 -
I was just about to make a thread like this.
This an awesome idea. Survivors should not be able to safely unhook whenever they want. This would also punish hook farming. The devs are just giving in to the entitled Scrubvivors who whined their asses off because the game was actually getting harder for them and they didn’t want to get good.
I think that the invincibility should not apply to unhooking yourself because you’re not supposed to be able to jump off the hook in front of the Killer and run away. If you unhook yourself in front of the Killer, then you deserve nothing except to get downed before you can regain control of your Survivor.
If you’re worried about camping, then you can punish the Killer by gen rushing or bring Borrowed Time instead of sitting there crouched waiting for an opportunity that will never come.0 -
CoolAKn said:
Sometimes saves are made, believed to be safe, when the killer is hidden nearby with Insidious. Other times, the rescuer has Borrowed Time.
If the killer is stealth camping a hook that's a legitimate strategy that the other survivor fell for, so giving the unhooked a window of invulnerability is just chipping away more at the killers balance in the game1 -
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@Judgement said:
What is the reasoning behind making Survivors being unhooked invulnerable to damage until they're capable of moving?
There is no proper, logical reason, why a Survivor should be invincible while being pulled off the hook.
The only reason Survivors are ever getting hit from hook is solely due to other Survivors being greedy for a hook save in the middle of a chase. You're going to make greed pay off for both the rescuer and the rescued?
Knowing BHVR, I think we all know why they're actually doing it - Survivors asking for it, with a review bomb at the push of a button if not. But those same Survivors are either toxic or greedy, or being made victim because of the aforementioned two Survivors.
Greed shouldn't be rewarded in Dead By Daylight, it should be punished. I agree that it's unfair for the Survivor being unhooked to be knocked down before being able to act, but unhooking mid-chase should not be encouraged.
That applies to the animation changes too - BHVR are going to make Survivors able to instantly cancel an attempted unhook. While I agree that it's ridiculous being unable to act while cancelling the unhook action, this will only further encourage Survivors to unhook in the middle of a chase.I would understand if a Survivor was given invulnerability if they escape on their own, even though in both cases they'll basically land on another hook. But you're encouraging greedy saves in the middle of a chase. That should not be encouraged.
Instead of making a Survivor invulnerable during a hook save, and allowing the rescuer to cancel instantly, apply the Exposed Status Effect to the rescuer and Survivors within twelve meters of the hooked Survivor. That way they need to think twice about unhooking with the Killer nearby, lest they end up on a hook with nothing to show for it. This will discourage greedy saves and punish Survivors who try to trick the Killer into striking them so they can get the save while the Killer is wiping off their weapon.
Thoughts and suggestions about the hook changes, and ideas, anybody?
I tested it during the PTB and i can asure u that it barely makes ANY difference, just time your hit properly and the survivor will be intantly downed just as normal. You cant hit him while he is being unhooked (in the air) anymore, but thats is it, as soon as he touches the ground u can down him again.
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Isn’t the point of this to encourage grabbing the unhooker instead of hitting the unhooked?0
Just adapt. The change is not big and only affects those that are used to free hook from sandbaggers.
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It's not as big a change as I thought it was our swing actually goes right through the unhooked and hits the savior so it's actually quite balanced and fair imo..1
Bravo0413 said:It's not as big a change as I thought it was our swing actually goes right through the unhooked and hits the savior so it's actually quite balanced and fair imo..0
The real question is, why doesn’t it insta-down the savior and instantly unhook the survivor if hit during the save attempt so the killer has a new hook buddy and the other can get away?0