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Exit Hatches Need To Open Quicker

I'm ready for the spicy comments on this one. <3

But it is my honest opinion that the exit hatch needs to open more quickly. If a survivor is 3rd hook and instant dies the hatch still takes so long to open. I just had a very, very long and well played game on the PS4. Honestly there were very little mistakes made by either side. Great chases, some of the most fun I've had as a Survivor in a long time, and the Killer was great at applying pressure.

I solo'd 2 gens by myself and despite each team member being hooked 3 times I had yet to be hooked once. I did 3 safe hook saves. I took the Killer on one chase that lasted almost two minutes, another that was over 45 seconds, it was just clever mind games around walls.

Unfortunately we had 1 gen left and the Survivors were whittled down. We got chased off of our gen, Killer chose the teammate, she was third hook. I stood on the Exit Hatch and waited... And waited... And waited... Killer had time to cross the entire map (Demogorgon) and RIGHT as it opened he had hit me a second time. Between hit 1 and hit 2 I merely pointed at him because what else could I do? Unfortunately, this Killer apparently didn't think that great chases and not having been hooked once AND having found the Exit Hatch AND reached it before him and just waiting patiently for the like 10 seconds to be over with merited any sympathy.

The Killer did nothing wrong here. He played a great game and he didn't owe me an escape. I'm not mad at the Killer, merely frustrated that even after playing a great game it comes down to losing because of a dreadfully, painfully long animation.

It's frankly unfair to Survivors that we have to wait for a long animation to play and then still wait another 2-3 seconds after it's done for the hatch to open. Also if Killer and Survivor hit jump/close at the same time it gives Killer preference it seems. Why even bother having the hatch escape? If the Killer knows where it is then you're not going to get it, you're going to just stand there. This is far, far from the first time this has happened as well. I think the fact that I had played such a long game plus not been hooked is what has taken me to the forums.

What do you think, Survivors and Killers? Whether agree or disagree, let's not turn this into bashing on either side. Let's be respectful to one another, to the devs, to the game. Happy gaming, all! <3

(English is not my first language, sorry if things are said strangely or very rambly, I over explain to make sure I am being clear. 🤣)


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  • Member Posts: 890

    The real issue you are having is that the hatch doesb't open until the full sacrifice animation plays out. I agree mostly because if the dead survivor dcs before the sacrifice animation completes it hurts the killer and opens the hatch instantly. And since the killer is free to roam after death hook it should just open since it's common knowledge it's a 1v1.

    Though it probably would have been best if you looked for a locker to wait in until it opened since if demo closed it you could just go open the gates as he sets up the portals.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Right, that's why I was saying the animation having to play is unfair. If the animation were faster it wouldn't feel so frustrating but as it stands I sit there and they get hooked... The Entity stabs them... The body goes limp... It starts to rise... It rises and rises... Then another 2-3 seconds pass. The entire thing feels like it takes like 10 seconds or more. I need to actually time it.

    Meanwhile the Survivor stands there and just waits for the Killer to come up and hit them twice.

    And sure, I could have gone for the gate, but the gates were very close to one another and that takes so much longer. A gate as solo is almost suicide even with Wake Up, which was not in the build I had equipped for this round anyways. I thought I'd have a chance with the hatch and I had found it as I was running to a door so I took my chances and was reminded how horrible the wait time is.

  • Member Posts: 890

    Unlucky, the only reason i can think for the delay is to let the killer have time to look for it but even then before egc it lead to hatch standoffs. But yeah it takes forever for them to go to spider heaven wish there was an option to just send you to the stat screen after the body goes limp.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I am fine with the Killer being able to close the hatch, personally, but I do not think it should take priority over the Survivor. If the Killer was unable to close the hatch then the endgame of 1 v 1 would just be about the hatch, the doors would be obsolete in that scenario. But I do think that the Survivor should take priority, and I do think the hatch should open more quickly.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Speeding it up would make it a lot more fair. I understand that the delay is to give the Killer time to find it too, but if the Survivor finds it it's literally the only main viable option to escape often times. Especially when doors are super close together or the Killer can lay portals/traps/spawn runes/etc.

    Killers are also mechanically faster. Even the slowest Killer can outrun a Survivor. If it comes to the end game of finding the hatch then the Killer is able to look around more quickly and thus close it more quickly. Or in the game I just played they are able to cross the entire match and hit me twice before the door even opens.

  • Member Posts: 504

    The Killer is responsible only for himself and his own progress. A Survivor has other teammates. Completing several gens on my own, running the Killer, escaping, not having been hooked all the way to endgame, feels very much like having done my full objective.

    But if we look at just that moment and the hatch opening, the point of this thread, I'd also done my objective. I'd found the hatch. I was quite literally standing on top of it just waiting. Why shouldn't I be rewarded for having survived all of that time and found the hatch an entire 10+ seconds before the Killer?

    This is just my opinion, of course. As I said in my original post I am not mad at the Killer as he did nothing wrong for downing me. I just think the mechanical reason as to why he downed me was not quite fair. Perhaps if the hatch is going to favor the Killer in closing it even if the Survivor is standing on top of it mashing R1, and if the Hatch is not going to open until after an animation of impalement + lifting towards the sky very slowly + several seconds even after it finishes... Then the Killer should not be able to see the Hatch until only 1 Survivor is left standing. That stops them from making a bee line to it.

    I personally don't like that idea and think the hatch should just open faster. LOL

  • Member Posts: 1,967
    edited May 2020

    No, the prime directive for most survivors is simply to escape. That can be accomplished with zero generators completed. If you want all four survivors to escape, then yes five must be completed but that isn't always necessarily the goal. Just like a killer can get a 4K without ever hooking. That would be like saying it's the killers job to get 12 hooks.

  • Member Posts: 504

    Perhaps! It all comes down to opinion here of course. ^_^

  • Member Posts: 379

    If the killer gets 3k and knows where the hatch is and strategically hooks a survivor nearest to the hatch, they have earned the 4k. At this point of the game, you technically already lost since you and your team failed to do the main objective. Bring Wake Up and open the exit gates faster if 15 seconds is too long.

  • Member Posts: 504

    "And sure, I could have gone for the gate, but the gates were very close to one another and that takes so much longer. A gate as solo is almost suicide even with Wake Up, which was not in the build I had equipped for this round anyways. I thought I'd have a chance with the hatch and I had found it as I was running to a door so I took my chances and was reminded how horrible the wait time is."

    I'd already addressed Wake Up. But I disagree, I don't think that that the Killer should be entitled to the hatch. Especially not when the Survivor has been there for 10 seconds or more.

  • Member Posts: 225

    As a killer main I totally agree with you, the game should register the person as dead right after the entity stabs them and open the hatch. The animation of it being drawn in the sky can still be there, but the event that triggers the hatch opening could be earlier.

  • Member Posts: 7

    Maps are smaller, getting to the hatch as killer is faster, they should've thinked a little bit to figure how unfair that is, it should open when the survivor's "soul" gets a little bit high.

  • Member Posts: 704

    yes open it faster because i'm butthurt I cant escape oof,what kind comments you expected in the first place

  • Member Posts: 7

    I hate when players forget that it's a team, your part is just help to get 1 and a half gen, this can be done by distracting the killer or repairing gens. It's a team

  • Member Posts: 1,285

    Thats kind of the point. The situation is supposed to be hopeless. If you fail to find the hatch or the killer is quicker than you on the draw, then thats on you. Even then, the devs still give survivors a small but perfectly reasonable chance to escape by powering the gates for free.

    Though it seems like you played a great game, sitting on the hatch is generally not smart, since it puts you in plain view of the killer. Your best bet to survive would have been to hide within sight of the hatch, that way, you could still sneak away to open a gate.

  • Member Posts: 1,262


  • Member Posts: 309

    I agree, the length of this animation is scandalous, and that it conditions the opening of the hatch is not justified.

    There is already a technique for a killer to prevent the last survivor from escaping through the hatch: slugging.

    If the killer decides to leave a last survivor free in order to kill/sacrifice the penultimate survivor, while he can prevent the use of the hatch, he commits a fault. And this fault should not be forgiven by the duration of an animation.

  • Member Posts: 97

    So she found the hatch. The death animation played after killers 3k. Killer gets 4k because the animation is slow. He finds hatch before it opens but after the survivor found the hatch. What chance did the survivor even have?

  • Member Posts: 1,967

    He doesn't deserve the kill, maybe he has earned the ability to close the hatch. The game isn't over until it's over. I just had a match last night where I found the hatch first but of course the killers action prevails and he closed it while my body had vanished inside the black hole. I was running lithe, quick and quiet and dance with me and managed to Vault the window. I was very stealthy made my way to one of the exit gates and escaped. However according to many here, the moment the killer closed the hatch he was entitled to killing me.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    The hatch opens IMMEDIATELY once the third survivor leaves the match completely. I've timed it, and when the soul is pulled through the sky it opens. stop trying to say you have to live just because you did X and ended up being the last alive. you are owed nothing, nor is the killer. the hatch was introduced to allow some to get out in general, not to guarentee anyone an escape. this is why the "hatch-tek" exists. once the second to last survivor disconnects the hatch opens immediately and that is abusing out of match functionality. get over yourself thinking you deserve to survive. the hatch now closes in order to prevent the survivors from opening the doors and hiding to make the game last forever if someone got hatch with key.

    but once you've failed at your primary/secondary objectives of gens/totems you want a boost to get out? wow. bet you want unlimited ds strikes too!

  • Member Posts: 287

    The survivor already had plenty of chances of escaping. And it’s not a 1v1 game. If your team was bad and didn’t finish the gens and the killer knows where the hatch is than too bad. Oh never mind there is still an extra chance to go out through the non powered exit gates after the killer kick the hatch so what’s the problem?

    Not to mention escaping is a team effort rather than an objective. As survivor you pip for just littearly booting the game so why is it so important to you? You probably piped for that match also. While the killer NEEDS to get his 4k so that the game accepts it as a victory rather than a draw (black).

    Honestly, the hatch not just shouldn’t open faster but shouldn’t be in the game in the first place. Stupid sensless mechanic for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 255

    It should be left as is, otherwise SWF can take full advantage of it.

    2 x survivors are left one survivor runs to the opposite end of the map furthest away from the hatch and fast vaults a window repeatedly. Killer hooks said survivor. Last survivor gets ez hatch.

    it could be argued that the killer should just slug, while he searches for the last survivor but that becomes boring for all participants. And the game would get held hostage until the slugged survivor bleeds out

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited May 2020

    Try escaping a Wraith EVEN with doors super far apart once he closes hatch through the doors. There's literally not even a chance, trust me. The "extra chance" of the doors isn't even close to a guarantee it is even a chance, and since the killer does more walking, and is naturally faster, they generally always see the hatch once it becomes available. I should know, I generally purposefully put the next to last survivor on the hook by the hatch once I find it because I don't like being a dick(slugging for the 4k). The killer can walk from one side of the map to another in 10 seconds, honestly, so it's quite unfair that the hatch takes so long. Once the survivor's body goes limp, it should open. If a survivor was good enough to do several gens, not get hooked, is fully healthy, AND finds the hatch before the killer even hooks his last victim for the third time, the survivor should get it. The killer will generally find the hatch before the survivor if neither of them know where it is so everything else would be good enough.

    Also, it's a complete lie that you have to kill all survivors in order to get a pip. All you need is one iridescent, one gold, and 2 silver emblems, if I remember correctly. I wish people would do their research. You can even watch videos of good killers pipping despite not having 4 kills. It's entirely possible. 4 kills is just a killer's goal every game and anything less most killers get hurt by their ego when they don't get it. I'm happy if I get 2k as long as the game was fun. 3 kills is generally my goal, while still giving the 4th a chance. As a survivor, my only real complaint is when the killer is playing like a dick. Sadly most people on this forum have much worse goals in their games than having fun.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I had not even thought about the adjusted map size. That only furthers my belief that this needs adjusted. Now a Killer can get there and kick it closed even more quickly. If a Survivor jumps out of a locker and gets to the hatch then the game will give the Killer's kick priority.

    "The Killer did nothing wrong here. He played a great game and he didn't owe me an escape. I'm not mad at the Killer, merely frustrated that even after playing a great game it comes down to losing because of a dreadfully, painfully long animation." -- Quote from my first message, which you clearly didn't read if you're calling me butthurt. Also a quote "Let's be respectful to one another, to the devs, to the game. Happy gaming, all! <3". Thanks for commenting! <3

    Exactly. And now all the Killer has to do is to move across these shrunken maps knowing that there is 10 seconds or so and that when they get there the kick gets prioritized to them. I think compensate for the shrunken maps the devs should reduce the delay on hatch opening. Just like toolboxes, gen times, map layouts, etc were changed for the Killer, I think a change to hatch speed by a few seconds seems more than fair. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    The entire hatch mechanic was changed to be quite killer sided at the same time they introduced End Game Collapse.

    You are not wrong about the Killer having priority. In fact, in my experience, if the killer is even standing next to the hatch, it won't allow you to get in. So if you're in a mad dash to the hatch and the killer is right behind you, good luck.

    The hatch SHOULD open more quickly. Since it is the survivor's mechanism of escape, it SHOULD allow for survivor priority, or at least allow the survivor to enter even if the Killer is near. But it doesn't. And it won't. Everything about end game is now slanted toward Killers. This is just the way of the world now. Last survivors will always get cucked the hardest, no matter how good you played.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I agree! It should open when the survivor dies, not 10+ seconds after.

    And to clarify in the specific scenario I described here the Killer already knew where the hatch was. And with these smaller maps he was able to cross the map with ease and get to it while I stood there waiting for the hatch to open. I was at it and waiting literally from the moment she got hooked. 😂If it had opened when the survivor died it would be great.

    "The Killer did nothing wrong here. He played a great game and he didn't owe me an escape. I'm not mad at the Killer, merely frustrated that even after playing a great game it comes down to losing because of a dreadfully, painfully long animation." -- If a great game is played then I certainly do think that both Survivors and Killers will typically think that they qualify for a win. I didn't say that the Killer should have let me go or that I was entitled to it. Finding the hatch should be enough to leave.

    This entire post was extremely positive and was started to discuss the pros and cons of this and to share opinions. Your entire post was low grade bait and trying to be insulting and aggressive. Let's be constructive and friendly! Thanks! <3

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    Why does it NEED to open faster?

    If the game gets to that point, it means you failed miserably. The chance of a hatch escape is just that, a chance that maybe you'll catch a break after your team failed in every other way. You're not entitled to it any more than the killer is entitled to the 4k. (Even though they clearly have done their job better than the survivor team.)

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    In a lot of matches the Killer has already encountered the hatch while traversing the map chasing survivors. You, as a survivor, are less likely to have run into it because you're not freely running around the map, nor do you have much incentive to outside of a chase. Killers also have a much easier time finding a hatch they haven't encountered for similar reasons - they can freely traverse the map at increased speeds while you have to remain hidden and are slower. I agree, if you don't want to reveal your aura to a killer while near the hatch - jump into a locker for a few seconds...but even so, if the Killer knows where the hatch is already, which they often do, it doesn't necessarily help. Especially when them being close to the hatch itself can stop you from entering...but they can close it, even if you're standing on it.

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    I was being constructive. showing you where you were being SELFISH. thank you much.

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  • Member Posts: 1,171
    edited May 2020

    Plz god no. Even as someone who thinks that it'll help me escape more often as survivor I think making hatches favor survivors a bad idea. I understand that you did a lot of work for your team and it sounds like they potatoed but more often then not a potato is going to be the one sitting there at the hatch hoping you drop dead... I don't want these potatoes getting out. Especially when they sit in a locker next to the hatch waiting for everyone else to die.

  • Member Posts: 504

    I explained my opinion in detail in my original post and have said several things throughout the thread. I encourage you to read the post if you're wondering why I think what I do, or let me know if I was unclear. English is not my first language but I tried to express my opinion clearly. It is exactly that, my opinion. You clearly disagree so I would love to hear your opinion explained.

    Stating that the Survivor lost at that stage seems to be a pretty preemptive statement. Losing is once the 4th Survivor has been placed on a hook in traditional gameplay. Or it means getting the least bloodpoints out of the 5 players to some. Either way I do not think that being the last remaining Survivor means that that person has lost. They have not been hooked. The Killer has not killed them. They can still open the door (though that rarely happens, especially now that the maps were shrunk for the Killers) and they could theoretically get out of the hatch. That final endgame is still part of the game and the two objectives are find the hatch (for both Survivor and Killer) and open a gate/hook the last Killer.

    Being the last person should not mean you automatically lose.

    Already the odds were pretty against a sole Survivor and now maps are smaller than ever. I think in the fairness of balance the hatch should open more quickly. If a Killer finds it first (as is likely) then he can close it all the sooner! But if it a Survivor has found it then they actually stand a chance of escaping from the hatch.

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  • Member Posts: 504

    🤣 this is such an interesting post to me! Thank you for sharing! <3 My teammates played very well in that game I mentioned as did the Killer, it was genuinely a fantastic game. But thank you!

    If you are the third hooked and the fourth person does not help you or hides near the hatch then you would rather them go down with you than escape? It is funny that they are now an enemy too! Lol! What if the Killer is face camping you?

    I personally sacrifice myself if I am on second hook for the fourth person though I will admit that if I'm first hook and I've saved them previously then I do feel a little salty about giving them that to get out. Lol!

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    This would change nothing about slugging to find the last survivor, since that is exactly what already happens most of the time.

    And pretty much nothing about end game as a last survivor is in your favor. Not even the hatch, anymore.

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  • Member Posts: 504

    You said that the hatch should not be in the advantage of the Survivor because they lost. I might have misunderstood but I took that to say that if a Survivor is needing to escape by the hatch then in your opinion they had already lost the game.

    As it stands right now with reduced map size, extremely long delays in the hatch opening, and with Exit Gates very often appearing practically side-by-side, it is near impossible for Survivors to escape as a sole Survivor. As the escape to death ratio for Survivors is already pretty low (in the 40% range last I saw based on statistics released by the game devs) and that was before the map changes I just think that hatches should favor Survivors if the Survivor and the Killer both are present and pressing R1 (or whatever the PC and Xbox equivalent is). I also think that hatches should open more quickly. Now that Killers are guaranteed to get there more quickly, and are more likely than a Survivor to know where the hatch is as pointed out by other comments, I think this only seems fair.

  • Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2020

    I don’t think you should be getting an easier escape for failing to get the gens done and camping the hatch while your teammate died.

    The game, rightly so, gets harder for survivors as people die, less people to do gens and less people for the killer to try find. Where as at the beginning it’s tougher for the killer with 4 people to find, chase and patrol gens (and also protect totem possibly) there is no easy help at the beginning when the match is at the most difficult for the killer, so why should there be an easy option for the survivor at the end when the killer has earned the upper hand? It’s already not guaranteed that the killer knows exactly where the hatch is and if he does well that’s a good spot by him/her while also juggling the rest of their objectives throughout the match.

  • Member Posts: 1,151

    They already speeded up it literally in this new update, and also when the survivor is on his last hook, it only takes it as he is dead when you receive the sacrifice points. With other words they still alive

  • Member Posts: 1,171

    I just have more memorable moments of "teammates" that i wish karma had struck them down than moments where hatch killer bias murdered me. I actually have a few times where I just hopped through the hatch even as the killer closed it/after it closed (maybe that was a bug but I blame dedicated servers). There are situations where I understand why the other survivors don't rescue me. I'm not talking about those.

  • Member Posts: 91

    What if the killer found it first. What if the killer played a perfect game, but the last survivor decided to give up on his team mates and let them die so he can look for hatch. You're already standing on it and they come running up to it. You think that survivor should have the benefit over that situation?

  • Member Posts: 91

    Think about lore chief. Who would the Entity favour over the hatch? Would it rather see survivors take an easy escape, or see a struggle between the two? I think that the hatch is completed comfortable where it is. Whoever gets it first wins, and don't say that killer's actions is favoured more. Because it's not. I've seen some bs survivor escapes through the hatch where the killer was standing on it and it opens and the survivor runs onto the hatch and makes the action unavailable to close and they just jump in

  • Member Posts: 504

    This is not an RPG so I do not think that the lore is at the forefront of the game developer's reasoning. It would be neat if there was more lore-based gameplay but with the current mechanics and game structure I don't think that will ever be a thing.

    As for the claim that myself and many others have made about the Killer's action being favored at the hatch that is being said because it has been the wide spread experience and at one point I know that it had been tested in game and confirmed. Granted that was awhile ago so it's possible that that has been changed, but I know that in my personal experiences it does not seem like that is the case. Standing on top of the hatch quickly pushing R1 waiting for it to open and the Killer walks up and kicks it closed almost every time is almost all that ever happens.

    I will not lie and say I've not ever gotten out even with the Killer near me, but that is the minority and I've been playing this game for a very, very long time. Only now with the maps being made smaller have I felt the need to express my frustrations on the forum though and see if others share my opinion. Thank you for sharing your own! 😀

  • Member Posts: 91

    I play both sides, and I say that the hatch is completely comfortable where it is. Whoever closes it first, wins. If you're survivor and you lose, sorry but you can't escape every game. And same vice versa. If you're killer and they escape. So what? 4k isn't a necessity. It's nothing to do with RNG, just plain and simple, whoever clicks it faster, or whoever doesn't get f'ed over by the other player, wins

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