Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

The Problem with Dead by Daylight after Buffing the Killers

Hello dear community,
I want to talk about a specific topic which occured in the past few months with non stopping behaviour.
Everybody knows how the rating system after a good/bad round works and knows the pain aswell to get a good rating after a round.After the patches hit the server from DbD it became impossible to rank up properly,getting one Rating lower from game to game and kills the fun in the game aswell.
So what could we do about it? Well,the solutions are simple..kill the high conditions.
It is not our intend to play a game with high conditions and expect to get fun out of it.
Not at this rate at least.As example: You play 20 Rounds in a row because you have actually time for it and win only one game,your ranking was on 15 and got lowered back to 20.Nothing good,you tried your best,rescued survivors,played the saving person over all of those rounds.
Takes the fun out of it and should be changed and get noticed by the dev Team,because its their game and its dying at a crazy rate by now.
To buff the killers in to an extreme zone was unecessary and made the survival against those nearly impossible,which is playing in to the ratings.You dont have to re roll the patch and buff but a nearly alike buff would prove useful...maybe even in the way of survivor perks.
After those patches and downranking from the survivors..lets get to the real bad news.
In the past few weeks some killers are living in their own world and opinion to follow survivors till the very end,not giving them a chance to survive (not even once) sometimes it even gets followed by lag using and body blocking,on the survivors side it doesn't look different,body blocking till they die in a bloody way,ragequitting while the game is running and even harassment is sometimes the motd.Maybe a good solutions for those kind of problems would be that a killer can only hang somebody after every 2 minutes or less,reducing the running speed for maybe..1:30 Minutes..(from the killers) or something else,give us a real chance to run from the killer.Survivors whom ragequit while ingame should get a 2 Hour ban,maybe even for body blockers aswell.
Sometimes killer are using the mechanics for blood point farming..not really fun if you ask me.
Hilbilly is actually a good point to start on,if you follow my sentences you can maybe tell what i want to talk about by now.The one hit attacks as examples are unnecessary BECAUSE killers are way to strong already.Your running and BAM,a wild hilbilly ran you over at the speed of ferraria race car.You couldnt see him coming^^
The speed of hilbilly as an example should be nerfed to an rate where the survivor still can evade him and maybe not immediately get downed.
To the great mistakes of a big launched game.
Sometimes if you run from the killers and jump over an obstacle and your to far away to get grabbed the killer still can somehow manage to grab you,making it a magical moment which seems to be inevitable and impossible at the same time,please dear devs..the whole game seems not fair anymore against the survivors.
Bodyblocking is really unfair aswell..maybe an option to escape those situations with pushing the opponent away would be helpful.

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  • Member Posts: 408
    edited September 2018

    The problem with such a long post is that I don't know if what you are saying is constructive or not, because I just don't feel like it's worth my time reading what looks like one huge block, even you I can see that you at least tried to make it easier to read. You should go back in to edit the post, and put a blank line at every break where a sort of new topic starts. That will make it way easier to read then people will actually read it and give you feedback.

    EDIT: After you still didn't make it easier to read I suffered through the poor text formatting, and agree with @yeet that the tl;dr of this is that -

    Dantekurok has lots of bad games in a row as survivor(by his own fault, as he does not know how to evade the Killer), and thus want Killer movement speed to be nerfed, a cooldown on hooking survivors, and hillbilly should not have a power.
    He also wants to make it impossible for killers to hit or grab survivors who are within a meter of a pallet or window. I have no idea what he means by "high conditions" in the start of the post. Whoever taught him English did a poor job.

    Post edited by RagingCalm on
  • Member Posts: 1,088

    Someone need to post this here. Guess, its me.

  • Member Posts: 613

    Git gud.

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    "Buffing killer"? I must have missed that :p

  • Member Posts: 18

    Try playing nurse in ranks 9 or less buddy, you will see how "overpowered" killers are

    Holy ######### i'll give you free ######### on steam if you get a 4man kill in a low rank game with nurse

  • Member Posts: 4,167
    I get that you want balance, but why is it the most common survivor request involve making the killer wait X amount of time before continuing what they are suppose to do. If you want to call for change, atleast make an intelligent and well-balanced suggestion.
  • Member Posts: 568

    The problem with such a long post is that I don't know if what you are saying is constructive or not, because I just don't feel like it's worth my time reading what looks like one huge block, even you I can see that you at least tried to make it easier to read. You should go back in to edit the post, and put a blank line at every break where a sort of new topic starts. That will make it way easier to read then people will actually read it and give you feedback.

    EDIT: After you still didn't make it easier to read I suffered through the poor text formatting, and agree with @yeet that the tl;dr of this is that -

    Dantekurok has lots of bad games in a row as survivor(by his own fault, as he does not know how to evade the Killer), and thus want Killer movement speed to be nerfed, a cooldown on hooking survivors, and hillbilly should not have a power.
    He also wants to make it impossible for killers to hit or grab survivors who are within a meter of a pallet or window. I have no idea what he means by "high conditions" in the start of the post. Whoever taught him English did a poor job.

    This, and he also seems to think you can derank from 15 to 20 by depipping in mstches.
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @Dantekurok said:
    Hello dear community,
    I want to talk about a specific topic which occured in the past few months with non stopping behaviour.
    Everybody knows how the rating system after a good/bad round works and knows the pain aswell to get a good rating after a round.After the patches hit the server from DbD it became impossible to rank up properly,getting one Rating lower from game to game and kills the fun in the game aswell.
    So what could we do about it? Well,the solutions are simple..kill the high conditions.
    It is not our intend to play a game with high conditions and expect to get fun out of it.
    Not at this rate at least.As example: You play 20 Rounds in a row because you have actually time for it and win only one game,your ranking was on 15 and got lowered back to 20.Nothing good,you tried your best,rescued survivors,played the saving person over all of those rounds.
    Takes the fun out of it and should be changed and get noticed by the dev Team,because its their game and its dying at a crazy rate by now.
    To buff the killers in to an extreme zone was unecessary and made the survival against those nearly impossible,which is playing in to the ratings.You dont have to re roll the patch and buff but a nearly alike buff would prove useful...maybe even in the way of survivor perks.
    After those patches and downranking from the survivors..lets get to the real bad news.
    In the past few weeks some killers are living in their own world and opinion to follow survivors till the very end,not giving them a chance to survive (not even once) sometimes it even gets followed by lag using and body blocking,on the survivors side it doesn't look different,body blocking till they die in a bloody way,ragequitting while the game is running and even harassment is sometimes the motd.Maybe a good solutions for those kind of problems would be that a killer can only hang somebody after every 2 minutes or less,reducing the running speed for maybe..1:30 Minutes..(from the killers) or something else,give us a real chance to run from the killer.Survivors whom ragequit while ingame should get a 2 Hour ban,maybe even for body blockers aswell.
    Sometimes killer are using the mechanics for blood point farming..not really fun if you ask me.
    Hilbilly is actually a good point to start on,if you follow my sentences you can maybe tell what i want to talk about by now.The one hit attacks as examples are unnecessary BECAUSE killers are way to strong already.Your running and BAM,a wild hilbilly ran you over at the speed of ferraria race car.You couldnt see him coming^^
    The speed of hilbilly as an example should be nerfed to an rate where the survivor still can evade him and maybe not immediately get downed.
    To the great mistakes of a big launched game.
    Sometimes if you run from the killers and jump over an obstacle and your to far away to get grabbed the killer still can somehow manage to grab you,making it a magical moment which seems to be inevitable and impossible at the same time,please dear devs..the whole game seems not fair anymore against the survivors.
    Bodyblocking is really unfair aswell..maybe an option to escape those situations with pushing the opponent away would be helpful.

    It is still ridiculously easy to climb to rank 1, for both sides btw.

    Killers buffed to an extreme? lol, maybe you play killer yourself and you will undesratnd how weak they are

    Yeah lets make it that the killer can only hook after 2 minutes, but then only make the genreators appear after 2 minutes too. Then we have 2 minutes of warm up, seems like a solid idea

    And yeah, something needs to be done about ragequitting, we need queue time punishments.
    You see and you hear billy coming btw, maybe use your eyes and ears :wink:

    Yes bodyblocking feels really unfair, please make it possible such that the killer can hook from all angles, just like unhooking works

  • Member Posts: 2,959

    @Dantekurok said:

    As example: You play 20 Rounds in a row because you have actually time for it and win only one game,your ranking was on 15 and got lowered back to 20.Nothing good,you tried your best,rescued survivors,played the saving person over all of those rounds.
    Takes the fun out of it and should be changed and get noticed by the dev Team,because its their game and its dying at a crazy rate by now.
    To buff the killers in to an extreme zone was unecessary and made the survival against those nearly impossible,which is playing in to the ratings.

    And here we go again… people ask to balance the game -especially the killer- around the low ranks.
    Garbage noobs with no clue, die to mediocre killer and claim that there had been "extreme buffs to killer".
    At the same time, high ranks survivor bully the crap out of every killer that isn't Nurse or Billy.

    Gamebalance in EVERY OTHER game is from the top ranks downwards, not from the low ranks up.

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  • Member Posts: 10,200
  • Member Posts: 282

    Don't listen to survivor mains
    I may have had a little tough time reading this, but you tried and I think there is a way to make it balanced.

    It's just going to take a lot.

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