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Should nurse have a nerf?



  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing Yeah AD under those circumstances is broken and I've had games where someone did nothing but cree around and avoid gens or anywhere near gens.

    I've had games where i've done the same thing but not because i'm trying to do nothing but because i'm totem hunting. It's like hey i'll move towards that gens sneakily, well it just popped. Now onto next one that's close doh that one too.

    Then you've got ppl running around in plain sight and your on side of map with no gens left to do and you know the NOED totem is out there and the other 3 are popping gens left and right. Think Autohaven any as a perfect example of all gens on 1 side being done.

    I'd like to see if it'd be possible for ad to have a minimum requirement as in you've got to do x things to activate it to be available. For instance you'd have to participate in at least 1 gen completion say 20% progress minimum along with say 1 totem cleansed. You could do gen completion % with say 1 unhook or some altruistic etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing I don't have an issue with syringe/styptic agents being changed and a good changes would be styptic does half a health state and consumes the medkit on use. You also can't start healing with the medkit and at last second switch to the addon. Like say here comes the killer barreling down and you and swap to the secondary.

    You could even have a prep time to use them which would mean they're not instant anymore but say you use the secondary which takes 2 seconds to apply. The medkit is still used up upon use but it takes those 2 precious seconds to use it. For the syringe have it use the same method of taking 2 seconds to get ready/charge it up and it consumes the medkit.

    Now to really balance things you make it so that in order to use either one you've got to bring a purple medkit and it can't have any other addons with it. So for syringe that 24 charge medkit is down to 12 and can't have any added.While styptic brings it down to 18.

    Some other possible changes are to introduce a new medkit quality a pink quality medkit, it has 32 charges but can only be paired with a syringe ever. You can use it without the syringe and thus not incur the drawbacks of using the syringe.

    You could also say that when using the syringe the killer gets a notification similar to healing with nurses calling if they're within terror radius range. Since if you're getting stabbed with a very large needle you're highly likely to scream out in pain.

    I really like this idea. Medkits are a very underutilized add on for Survivors simply because of Self Care. This would have us see more of them. Plus, this would really make the Syringe a risk/reward. 
  • Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing Yeah AD under those circumstances is broken and I've had games where someone did nothing but cree around and avoid gens or anywhere near gens.

    I've had games where i've done the same thing but not because i'm trying to do nothing but because i'm totem hunting. It's like hey i'll move towards that gens sneakily, well it just popped. Now onto next one that's close doh that one too.

    Then you've got ppl running around in plain sight and your on side of map with no gens left to do and you know the NOED totem is out there and the other 3 are popping gens left and right. Think Autohaven any as a perfect example of all gens on 1 side being done.

    I'd like to see if it'd be possible for ad to have a minimum requirement as in you've got to do x things to activate it to be available. For instance you'd have to participate in at least 1 gen completion say 20% progress minimum along with say 1 totem cleansed. You could do gen completion % with say 1 unhook or some altruistic etc.

    Again, good idea. Though I would say allow for it one chase score event as well. Even if you get caught, hey, you still took up the Killers time for a bit. The Gen progress is a constant necessity though. 
  • Member Posts: 10,200

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SoulKey said:
    Remove her 4-5 blinks completely and make her 3rd blink addon a very or ultra rare addon with a drawback (Increased fatigue or whatever); then it would be somehow ok.

    And what would she get in return? I mean after such a big undeserved nerf, she sure as hell should get a big buff on the other side. Just like survivors usually get. You know, nerfbuffs.

    What would she get in return ? Does she really need anything in return even without a 3rd blink ? I really can't argue with you since you said "Undeserved nerf".

    You know that she needs something in return. Since she already got nerfed several times.
    Survivors get buffs with every nerf. BT got nerfed and buffed in the same patch. Same goes for SC and every other survivor perk that gets even slightly "nerfed".

    Sure mate, derail every convo to " Hey survivors have BT, SC, DS, SB and calm spirit" :)

    Like i said before, if you think nurse is fine as she is; Then no need to keep discussing it together. My statement remains, Her 3rd blink should be at least a very rare offering giving how much power it grants and her 4th and 5th blink should not have even been a thing to start with. Cheers.

    If The Nurse did only have a third blink then her third blink should be able to go the same range as her first blink. Right now The Nurse has a third, fourth, and fifth blink but they have a very short range, not to mention she has a VERY long fatigue afterward. There is no need to nerf her blinks. Maybe it is just me because I play on console and I have only run into ONE God tier Nurse in all my hours of playing. Why nerf the best killer simply because she is good at killing?

    However I do agree how killer mains will redirect the attention to any nerfs and buffs survivors have’s annoying as hell to not stay on topic 😒

    urghhh nurse on PC is a whole different story than console, sadly. I heard it's hard to play her on console due to some stutter\fps issues. 3 blinks is almost a guaranteed 3-4k for any good nurse main (Even below average would probably 4k), unless the player is REALLLLY new to the game.

    According to you, playing nurse is like pressing the "i win" button.

    On PC a skilled Nurse player will easily get a 3-4K. We all know Nurse is the best killer in the game when skilled. Of course you’ll have bad rounds but on average playing Nurse on PC is a way to destroy SWF group.

    Check out the official tournament or the marth depip squad experiment :wink:

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  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft I enjoy a good nurse since it becomes a mind game and who can outthink the other. I don't enjoy nor am I good at the endless looping around say sac tree. But a 4-5 blink nurse means it's not about mind games at all, but about how log you can last before you get downed.

    A 4-5 blink nurse is like a endless looper using ds after they finally get downed. It's a crutch for not being good and playing better. As you killer mains like to say about ds and as @SovererignKing as well as others have said. It's like training wheels and gets used as a crutch for bad play.

    When a really skilled nurse uses 4-5 blinks it's completely broken unless you get a really good rng map. Throw in a controller using really good nurse and you're usually downed within 10-15 seconds. I don't try and bully the killers since it's not my style and not how the game is supposed to be played.

    Oh sure I'll try and drop a pallet on them so I can try and sneak off after a los blocker but I'm not going to sit there and tea bag them after a pallet slam or window vault either. If you have to rely on 4-5 extra blinks then to use your own term you need to git gud.

    This isn't about nerfing the nurse but bringing her to a better place since with the removal of those 2 extra blinks and giving her a base 2 blink she becomes better off. Because now you can introduce some new addons and or tweak existing ones.

    You could add say reduced fatigue by 0.5 seconds and stacks or not as a new addon with another power say blink extended range by 10 meters when fully charged. There's lots of ways to add new stuff for her while also removing something completely broken.

    As far as survivors destroying nurses at rank 20, that's disingenuous to use that since a brand new nurse at rank 20 is going to get destroyed plain and simple. But throw in a experienced killer playing her and she gets 4k every game with may'be 1 gen done if they're lucky.

  • Member Posts: 816

    Definitely not. The Nurse needs to stay how she is, at least from my experience playing her and against her

  • Member Posts: 1

    @Tsulan said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @MegMain98 said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SoulKey said:

    @Tsulan said:

    @SoulKey said:
    Remove her 4-5 blinks completely and make her 3rd blink addon a very or ultra rare addon with a drawback (Increased fatigue or whatever); then it would be somehow ok.

    And what would she get in return? I mean after such a big undeserved nerf, she sure as hell should get a big buff on the other side. Just like survivors usually get. You know, nerfbuffs.

    What would she get in return ? Does she really need anything in return even without a 3rd blink ? I really can't argue with you since you said "Undeserved nerf".

    You know that she needs something in return. Since she already got nerfed several times.
    Survivors get buffs with every nerf. BT got nerfed and buffed in the same patch. Same goes for SC and every other survivor perk that gets even slightly "nerfed".

    Sure mate, derail every convo to " Hey survivors have BT, SC, DS, SB and calm spirit" :)

    Like i said before, if you think nurse is fine as she is; Then no need to keep discussing it together. My statement remains, Her 3rd blink should be at least a very rare offering giving how much power it grants and her 4th and 5th blink should not have even been a thing to start with. Cheers.

    If The Nurse did only have a third blink then her third blink should be able to go the same range as her first blink. Right now The Nurse has a third, fourth, and fifth blink but they have a very short range, not to mention she has a VERY long fatigue afterward. There is no need to nerf her blinks. Maybe it is just me because I play on console and I have only run into ONE God tier Nurse in all my hours of playing. Why nerf the best killer simply because she is good at killing?

    However I do agree how killer mains will redirect the attention to any nerfs and buffs survivors have’s annoying as hell to not stay on topic 😒

    urghhh nurse on PC is a whole different story than console, sadly. I heard it's hard to play her on console due to some stutter\fps issues. 3 blinks is almost a guaranteed 3-4k for any good nurse main (Even below average would probably 4k), unless the player is REALLLLY new to the game.

    According to you, playing nurse is like pressing the "i win" button.

    On PC a skilled Nurse player will easily get a 3-4K. We all know Nurse is the best killer in the game when skilled. Of course you’ll have bad rounds but on average playing Nurse on PC is a way to destroy SWF group.

    Mastering Nurse takes a fair amount of time. It´s by no means a "i win" button. She´s way harder to learn than every other killer. If survivors spent even half of the time they complain about the nurse, to learn how to evade her. Then there wouldn´t be a problem at all.
    People asking to nerf the nurse just want free escapes handed out.

    The Nurse is balanced? I agree.

    She is balanced because it takes 50 hours of game time to get good with her. And if you commit 50 hours of playtime to dead by daylight with the nurse you deserve to 4k every game Kappa

  • Member Posts: 1,273
    edited September 2018
    @Patzi 50 Hours? Give me a break. It takes more than 50 hours. I’m no master with her and I have over 200 hours with her. Name any other killer that if you don’t play them for a few days, or you play other killers, you get “rusty” with them. Name any other killer that you’re going to have a rough go if it’s simply the first match of the day. All because you have to get the timing on your muscle memory back. 
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:
    @Patzi 50 Hours? Give me a break. It takes more than 50 hours. I’m no master with her and I have over 200 hours with her. Name any other killer that if you don’t play them for a few days, or you play other killers, you get “rusty” with them. Name any other killer that you’re going to have a rough go if it’s simply the first match of the day. All because you have to get the timing on your muscle memory back. 

    This most really good Nurse players have at least 400 hours on her and play her pretty regularly. I'm not really good with her and know for a fact if i stop playing for a few days I'm like a brand new player on her.

  • Member Posts: 647

    @Dabrownman1812 said:
    Zanfer said:

    @Domblade said:

     @Zanfer said:

    I read the whole thing and finally someone talked about it in detail. It is like going against other killers. All killers have thier weaknesses and just because you can't loop a nurse, try other things. The examples you gave are exactly what I do to nurses. Line of sight is her biggest weakness so making her have to choose multiple directions vs one will help the survival of (you) the survivor to a greater extent.

    !! I'm glad someone knows about it, it feels like it gets ignored a lot of the time, but I may be wrong lol

    it gets ignored because most other killers don't suffer heavily from los compared to nurse. Which is why people never do it to other killers and totally forget to do it against a nurse..

    The spirit does, she loses all sight :o

    My bad, I was thinking of killers currently live in game, at the time she wasn't live and isn't live still, but yes you are correct

  • Member Posts: 647

    @powerbats said:

    @Domblade said:

    I hate to be one to call someone out, but you've entirely supported my points towards a lack of stealth meta whilst simultaneously complaining about it as if it's the Nurse's fault. The fact these perks (Iron Will, Calm Spirit etc) aren't chosen in the first place, means there is perhaps intention to sustain stealth throughout the game (as always is with arguably most survivors at the moment, me included.) The fact there is a lack of stealth meta is perhaps a large contributing factor to the Nurses current strength (I'm not saying entirely, but it's strong, there are many variables), because, as I previously stated above

    the Nurse is weakest, due to the reliance she has on line of sight.

    As stealth meta lacks, the Nurse has plenty of room to strive in gameplay is what I'm trying to say. It can't exactly be her fault that the current survivor meta benefits her to a large extent, yet here people are complaining about her strength, not accounting for their gameplay and how it could perhaps be their change which would be more beneficial to their survival, rather than damaging the Killer.

    **Oh i agree totally on the lack of stealth meta but then you go stealthy you get doctor and even with calm spirit you still jump up in the air and scream, silently but you're still visible. My point was that some are suggesting that's how you counter nurse is with those perks well you run those and you go against someone else that counters those. You don't know you're up against a nurse at all so to say run those to counter her is disingenuous.
    I'd love for a stealth style game but Doctor and current maps among other things make that really difficult. I've run super stealthy builds before and the killer will let 5 gens go just to tunnel and hard camp me. When I'm in games with someone running a super stealthy build the killer tunnels and hard camps them.

    The real question is who is harder to face: Nurse or Doctor.. Perks are up to you to choose and if you struggle against doctor more than run perks against doctor cause apparently doctor would be harder than nurse for that individual person. Vice versa for nurse, if the person struggles more against nurses than run perks to help against her if you encounter her.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Zanfer said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Domblade said:

    I hate to be one to call someone out, but you've entirely supported my points towards a lack of stealth meta whilst simultaneously complaining about it as if it's the Nurse's fault. The fact these perks (Iron Will, Calm Spirit etc) aren't chosen in the first place, means there is perhaps intention to sustain stealth throughout the game (as always is with arguably most survivors at the moment, me included.) The fact there is a lack of stealth meta is perhaps a large contributing factor to the Nurses current strength (I'm not saying entirely, but it's strong, there are many variables), because, as I previously stated above

    the Nurse is weakest, due to the reliance she has on line of sight.

    As stealth meta lacks, the Nurse has plenty of room to strive in gameplay is what I'm trying to say. It can't exactly be her fault that the current survivor meta benefits her to a large extent, yet here people are complaining about her strength, not accounting for their gameplay and how it could perhaps be their change which would be more beneficial to their survival, rather than damaging the Killer.

    **Oh i agree totally on the lack of stealth meta but then you go stealthy you get doctor and even with calm spirit you still jump up in the air and scream, silently but you're still visible. My point was that some are suggesting that's how you counter nurse is with those perks well you run those and you go against someone else that counters those. You don't know you're up against a nurse at all so to say run those to counter her is disingenuous.
    I'd love for a stealth style game but Doctor and current maps among other things make that really difficult. I've run super stealthy builds before and the killer will let 5 gens go just to tunnel and hard camp me. When I'm in games with someone running a super stealthy build the killer tunnels and hard camps them.

    The real question is who is harder to face: Nurse or Doctor.. Perks are up to you to choose and if you struggle against doctor more than run perks against doctor cause apparently doctor would be harder than nurse for that individual person. Vice versa for nurse, if the person struggles more against nurses than run perks to help against her if you encounter her.

    Well therein lies the problem, you don't know who you're going up against before hand, if you did you could run the best perks that you like.

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  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    However, what about locker Dwight who hid in the basement and literally did nothing? He gets found right at the end, and Adrenaline saves his butt after he gets unhooked when he got caught for the first time. He escapes... and... he’s at the bottom of the score board with 8k points. Meanwhile the guy who died first, has 11k points.

    He still managed to not die the whole trial, so yea he deserves to have his Adren proc. And you walk out with more points and probably a pip, where he most likely will get a safety, MAYBE a pip if he is lucky. Death as a survivor =/= loss every game. If you pip, that's a win no matter what happens. My NM build is proof of that, I can easily pip and be the first one dead because I play for points and know how to rank up. I even let the killer kill me and still pip. Conversely, you can escape as a survivor and not pip if you play like how this Dwight supposedly did (if he didn't do gens, make saves, or get chased he's not going to pip).

    Your questions are very loaded to make Adren seem broken BTW. Adren isn't something meant to punish failure, it's meant to reward success, you have it backwards. I run the perk a lot and it will proc about 1/4 games, but most of the time I'm not injured nor am I being chased. The rest of the games I don't get to endgame, either because I die or it's a hatch game. Of those games where it does procs, it would be maybe another 1/4 where it saves me during a chase. It sucks to face as killer, because you always see that guy's 1/4 of 1/4 of those games, but it sucks as survivor to get hit by something like Devour Hope in the same way. When you see that Exposed icon, it can totally change the flow of the game and completely shut you down as a survivor especially if you are the unlucky one to get hit first.

    @Master said:
    Check out the official tournament or the marth depip squad experiment :wink:

    Not actually valid because in both cases, survivors are playing to escape and nothing else. If you do that you don't pip, which is what defines a win/loss in this game. If all you ever do is gens and escape, then you need to do 2 whole gens by yourself and a third mostly by yourself, and escape without going down, AND no one can die on a hook. If 1 person gets hooked and dies, like how a lot of Depip Squad games would end (as they would just leave) they lose their bronze Benevolence and won't get a pip. This is besides the fact it is mathematically impossible for you to get that pip in the first place if all the other survivors do gens like you do. At best, 1 player will pip and the rest depip. If they share properly, the best they can all hope for is a safety pip.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2018
    This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    I always hear about these 3,4,5 blink Nurses and I myself never do it cause I don't see the benefit to looking at the ground for an hour. I don't use add ons. Nurse's add ons have been notoriously bad since launch.

    Nurse gets owned at any rank if they're bad. That line representing Nurse is extraordinarily high across most the rasnks, it levels off then goes back up in red ranks. In all honesty going by their numbers Nurse needs a buff, but that's neither here nor there.

    At it's core I view the discussions of Nurse's add ons a backdoor attempt to get her changed other ways. No one uses Nurse add ons. Not seriously any way.I mean we all remember a few patches ago when they made her useless, then reversed it, then said they'd re-introduce it at a later date.

    For me, when people ask for nerfs to something my standard is is it to change something game breaking. Nurse isn't game breaking. Nurse is a game alternative

    I run into 3-5 blink nurses at ranks 1-5 quite often and if the nurse can hit you within the 1st 2 blinks pretty regularly then they don't need the extra 2-3. I'm not looking to backdoor nerf her at all, if i want her nerfed into the ground i'll say it flat out.

    Similar to my statements on SC, SB and DS and how they needed adjusting. If you know how to 2 blink and have 1 extra one that's one thing but 4-5 blinks is just plain stupid. I mean given how game ignoring she is mechanic wise. Who cares if she has longer fatigue since she's got her people down rather quickly still.

    It's like a Billy with no cd on chainsaw and charging across the map at full speed and oh give him super steering while you're at it. (slight exaggeration there but the point is there)

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    @SovererignKing said:
    However, what about locker Dwight who hid in the basement and literally did nothing? He gets found right at the end, and Adrenaline saves his butt after he gets unhooked when he got caught for the first time. He escapes... and... he’s at the bottom of the score board with 8k points. Meanwhile the guy who died first, has 11k points.

    He still managed to not die the whole trial, so yea he deserves to have his Adren proc. And you walk out with more points and probably a pip, where he most likely will get a safety, MAYBE a pip if he is lucky. Death as a survivor =/= loss every game. If you pip, that's a win no matter what happens. My NM build is proof of that, I can easily pip and be the first one dead because I play for points and know how to rank up. I even let the killer kill me and still pip. Conversely, you can escape as a survivor and not pip if you play like how this Dwight supposedly did (if he didn't do gens, make saves, or get chased he's not going to pip).

    Your questions are very loaded to make Adren seem broken BTW. Adren isn't something meant to punish failure, it's meant to reward success, you have it backwards. I run the perk a lot and it will proc about 1/4 games, but most of the time I'm not injured nor am I being chased. The rest of the games I don't get to endgame, either because I die or it's a hatch game. Of those games where it does procs, it would be maybe another 1/4 where it saves me during a chase. It sucks to face as killer, because you always see that guy's 1/4 of 1/4 of those games, but it sucks as survivor to get hit by something like Devour Hope in the same way. When you see that Exposed icon, it can totally change the flow of the game and completely shut you down as a survivor especially if you are the unlucky one to get hit first.

    @Master said:
    Check out the official tournament or the marth depip squad experiment :wink:

    Not actually valid because in both cases, survivors are playing to escape and nothing else. If you do that you don't pip, which is what defines a win/loss in this game. If all you ever do is gens and escape, then you need to do 2 whole gens by yourself and a third mostly by yourself, and escape without going down, AND no one can die on a hook. If 1 person gets hooked and dies, like how a lot of Depip Squad games would end (as they would just leave) they lose their bronze Benevolence and won't get a pip. This is besides the fact it is mathematically impossible for you to get that pip in the first place if all the other survivors do gens like you do. At best, 1 player will pip and the rest depip. If they share properly, the best they can all hope for is a safety pip.

    Its the same questions that lead me to feel NOED is OP. Same questions that lead me to say DS is OP. They aren’t “loaded”, just the ones that I ask for every perk. Survival is a reward for playing well, not a reward for basically letting your team mates do all the work for you. 

    You could also say Adrenaline rewards failure on the Survivors part by being found and hit. Not to mention the free Sprint Burst it gives. Even if you’re not injured.
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  • Member Posts: 1,857
    Zanfer said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Domblade said:

    I hate to be one to call someone out, but you've entirely supported my points towards a lack of stealth meta whilst simultaneously complaining about it as if it's the Nurse's fault. The fact these perks (Iron Will, Calm Spirit etc) aren't chosen in the first place, means there is perhaps intention to sustain stealth throughout the game (as always is with arguably most survivors at the moment, me included.) The fact there is a lack of stealth meta is perhaps a large contributing factor to the Nurses current strength (I'm not saying entirely, but it's strong, there are many variables), because, as I previously stated above

    the Nurse is weakest, due to the reliance she has on line of sight.

    As stealth meta lacks, the Nurse has plenty of room to strive in gameplay is what I'm trying to say. It can't exactly be her fault that the current survivor meta benefits her to a large extent, yet here people are complaining about her strength, not accounting for their gameplay and how it could perhaps be their change which would be more beneficial to their survival, rather than damaging the Killer.

    **Oh i agree totally on the lack of stealth meta but then you go stealthy you get doctor and even with calm spirit you still jump up in the air and scream, silently but you're still visible. My point was that some are suggesting that's how you counter nurse is with those perks well you run those and you go against someone else that counters those. You don't know you're up against a nurse at all so to say run those to counter her is disingenuous.
    I'd love for a stealth style game but Doctor and current maps among other things make that really difficult. I've run super stealthy builds before and the killer will let 5 gens go just to tunnel and hard camp me. When I'm in games with someone running a super stealthy build the killer tunnels and hard camps them.

    The real question is who is harder to face: Nurse or Doctor.. Perks are up to you to choose and if you struggle against doctor more than run perks against doctor cause apparently doctor would be harder than nurse for that individual person. Vice versa for nurse, if the person struggles more against nurses than run perks to help against her if you encounter her.

    The doc is easy to go against, it just means you have to learn his power, survivors who know how his power works don't have an issue. Nurse is strong because she is proactive and doesn't rely on survivors messing up to get a hit. Most killers rely on survivors messing up. The doc is easy mode, he doesn't stop pallets as long as he's shocking but he guards windows decent. Perks aren't truly killer specific or countering. 
  • Member Posts: 1,857

    @SovererignKing said:
    However, what about locker Dwight who hid in the basement and literally did nothing? He gets found right at the end, and Adrenaline saves his butt after he gets unhooked when he got caught for the first time. He escapes... and... he’s at the bottom of the score board with 8k points. Meanwhile the guy who died first, has 11k points.

    He still managed to not die the whole trial, so yea he deserves to have his Adren proc. And you walk out with more points and probably a pip, where he most likely will get a safety, MAYBE a pip if he is lucky. Death as a survivor =/= loss every game. If you pip, that's a win no matter what happens. My NM build is proof of that, I can easily pip and be the first one dead because I play for points and know how to rank up. I even let the killer kill me and still pip. Conversely, you can escape as a survivor and not pip if you play like how this Dwight supposedly did (if he didn't do gens, make saves, or get chased he's not going to pip).

    Your questions are very loaded to make Adren seem broken BTW. Adren isn't something meant to punish failure, it's meant to reward success, you have it backwards. I run the perk a lot and it will proc about 1/4 games, but most of the time I'm not injured nor am I being chased. The rest of the games I don't get to endgame, either because I die or it's a hatch game. Of those games where it does procs, it would be maybe another 1/4 where it saves me during a chase. It sucks to face as killer, because you always see that guy's 1/4 of 1/4 of those games, but it sucks as survivor to get hit by something like Devour Hope in the same way. When you see that Exposed icon, it can totally change the flow of the game and completely shut you down as a survivor especially if you are the unlucky one to get hit first.

    @Master said:
    Check out the official tournament or the marth depip squad experiment :wink:

    Not actually valid because in both cases, survivors are playing to escape and nothing else. If you do that you don't pip, which is what defines a win/loss in this game. If all you ever do is gens and escape, then you need to do 2 whole gens by yourself and a third mostly by yourself, and escape without going down, AND no one can die on a hook. If 1 person gets hooked and dies, like how a lot of Depip Squad games would end (as they would just leave) they lose their bronze Benevolence and won't get a pip. This is besides the fact it is mathematically impossible for you to get that pip in the first place if all the other survivors do gens like you do. At best, 1 player will pip and the rest depip. If they share properly, the best they can all hope for is a safety pip.

    Its the same questions that lead me to feel NOED is OP. Same questions that lead me to say DS is OP. They aren’t “loaded”, just the ones that I ask for every perk. Survival is a reward for playing well, not a reward for basically letting your team mates do all the work for you. 

    You could also say Adrenaline rewards failure on the Survivors part by being found and hit. Not to mention the free Sprint Burst it gives. Even if you’re not injured.
    Noed can be nullified, how is it op? Killers perks can be countered or nullified by survivors, survivor perks can't be worked around so well. And they have greater chances of triggering in useful situations.
  • Member Posts: 1,857
    powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    I always hear about these 3,4,5 blink Nurses and I myself never do it cause I don't see the benefit to looking at the ground for an hour. I don't use add ons. Nurse's add ons have been notoriously bad since launch.

    Nurse gets owned at any rank if they're bad. That line representing Nurse is extraordinarily high across most the rasnks, it levels off then goes back up in red ranks. In all honesty going by their numbers Nurse needs a buff, but that's neither here nor there.

    At it's core I view the discussions of Nurse's add ons a backdoor attempt to get her changed other ways. No one uses Nurse add ons. Not seriously any way.I mean we all remember a few patches ago when they made her useless, then reversed it, then said they'd re-introduce it at a later date.

    For me, when people ask for nerfs to something my standard is is it to change something game breaking. Nurse isn't game breaking. Nurse is a game alternative

    I run into 3-5 blink nurses at ranks 1-5 quite often and if the nurse can hit you within the 1st 2 blinks pretty regularly then they don't need the extra 2-3. I'm not looking to backdoor nerf her at all, if i want her nerfed into the ground i'll say it flat out.

    Similar to my statements on SC, SB and DS and how they needed adjusting. If you know how to 2 blink and have 1 extra one that's one thing but 4-5 blinks is just plain stupid. I mean given how game ignoring she is mechanic wise. Who cares if she has longer fatigue since she's got her people down rather quickly still.

    It's like a Billy with no cd on chainsaw and charging across the map at full speed and oh give him super steering while you're at it. (slight exaggeration there but the point is there)

    Sound like someone who can't run a nurse. 4-5 blinks, most nurses don't run 4-5 so that is irrelevant. Most run 3 at most. Nurse ignores mechanics but isn't without weakness. Learn guy. If you know how she works you'll know why 4 blinks could be an issue for the nurse. Idk if you played nurse but play a 4 blink nurse and 3 blink and feel the difference. 
  • Member Posts: 8,223

    @SovererignKing said:
    Its the same questions that lead me to feel NOED is OP. Same questions that lead me to say DS is OP. They aren’t “loaded”, just the ones that I ask for every perk. Survival is a reward for playing well, not a reward for basically letting your team mates do all the work for you. 

    The difference between NOED and Adren is that Adren rewards success, while NOED rewards failure. You don't have to do anything to proc NOED, just sit and wait if you really want to. You have to at least do SOMETHING to proc Adren, whether that's not get found until gens are done (which would likely mean it doesn't even do anything anyway since you shouldn't be on a hook or anything if you were successful until this point), or doing gens yourself. Adren is also a one time thing, where NOED lasts as long as the totem is active. That could be 0 hits, that could be 4 hits. NOED is also always useful when it does proc, unlike Adren which will only be useful a fraction of the time where it procs. There are a lot of differences.

  • Member Posts: 1,273

    @SovererignKing said:
    Its the same questions that lead me to feel NOED is OP. Same questions that lead me to say DS is OP. They aren’t “loaded”, just the ones that I ask for every perk. Survival is a reward for playing well, not a reward for basically letting your team mates do all the work for you. 

    The difference between NOED and Adren is that Adren rewards success, while NOED rewards failure. You don't have to do anything to proc NOED, just sit and wait if you really want to. You have to at least do SOMETHING to proc Adren, whether that's not get found until gens are done (which would likely mean it doesn't even do anything anyway since you shouldn't be on a hook or anything if you were successful until this point), or doing gens yourself. Adren is also a one time thing, where NOED lasts as long as the totem is active. That could be 0 hits, that could be 4 hits. NOED is also always useful when it does proc, unlike Adren which will only be useful a fraction of the time where it procs. There are a lot of differences.

    No, you don’t. You really consider swapping lockers in the basement all game as doing something? You literally don’t have to do anything. What do you mean for it to be useful? It always procs if the Gens are done. You always get the haste (Sprint Burst) effect, it even ignores exhaustion. 
  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited September 2018

    @SovererignKing said:
    No, you don’t. You really consider swapping lockers in the basement all game as doing something? You literally don’t have to do anything. What do you mean for it to be useful? It always procs if the Gens are done. You always get the haste (Sprint Burst) effect, it even ignores exhaustion. 

    First doing this is not a way to get gens done. Chances are most games where you do this gens won't get done. You have to actually participate a little bit if you want to get them all done.

    Second, it's not useful if it procs when killer is nowhere near. Oh wow, you ran a little faster for 5 seconds to get to an exit gate. Not really something that's going to make a difference. But being injured and chased, THAT is when it matters, but things don't always play out like that. The number of times it never procs or procs in a pointless manner is greater than the number of times it will proc in a useful manner. But as killer you don't see those time it procs in a pointless manner, you only see the times it's useful with a x4 greater chance to see it just because of your perspective of the events in the game.

  • Member Posts: 531

    @Mycroft said:

    @Usui said:
    You're a disgusting pig if you play nurse for any reason. Complete and utter disgusting character that DOES not belong in this game. If any of you actually think she is in any way shape or form "balanced" i recommend you get your head checked.

    There you have it, folks.

    There's no meme here. I 100% mean every single word.

  • This content has been removed.
  • Member Posts: 1,893

    @Angelicus23 said:
    I have all killers, and with difference I think nurse is the most powerful. I started a match in rank 8 with her, and with almost 3 minutes of match, all survivors were down. I think she should have just one blink and after she has a long chase with a survivor or getting bloodlust, then gets the second blink.

    Hell no, Nurse is hard as hell. If you're good with her, just take the skill you have and profit, welcome to the 1%. If you were to count the actual number of great nurse players vs nurses who are complete trash. Id wager the trash players outnumber the great players. I'd say 90% of nurse players are terrible at it, at any given time she is picked up. 10% of the people who pick her up at any given time can actually get a single kill.....its that bad.

  • Member Posts: 770

    Nerf looping nerf nurse simple.

  • Member Posts: 718

    The only nerf she needs is to cap blinks at 3 maximum. Bad Nurses need to git gud, not rely on a 4th or 5th Blink.

    I agree but rework her add-ons and take away the -blink from them since she's stuck with 3 blinks max.
  • Member Posts: 9

    I've seen so many comments from so many players, but i think maybe only 3 or 4 of them really know how to use nurse in a competitive way.
    I know, i've used her for only 300 hours, i'm not a "nurse master" yet, but maybe i know something about her and her power.
    I've read somewhere someone saing "used in right hands it's OP";
    Right. Totally true.
    But from "used in right hands it's OP" to "Devs have to nerf her" there's a lot of difference.
    The Huntress, Hillbilly if used in right hands could be devastating too; even a good Myers or Clown could give lots of problem to survivors.
    So with this logic they've to nerf half of killers only because "in right hands they could be too strong?"
    Man if you agree with that you probably have never known the meaning of "skill".
    Now second claim: "4th and 5th blink are broken"
    Here i have to agree; it's not impossible to win against, but i admit it's very difficult, maybe like the one-shots hatchets before the nerf.
    Increasing the malus of those add-ons could be good, for example adding to the green add-on that gives 1 more blink and the violet one a reduction of blink range (for the violet a major reduction of range).
    Before clicking the button "dislike" while destroying the mouse, imagine: the only way to get 5 blinks would be using the green (or the brown) and violet add-on, but now it would have not one, but three range malus; quite the same to obtain 4 blinks.
    I think it's a good solution; in this way you can always obtain 4 or 5 blinks, but it's a way more difficult to win with than now,.
    I'm not going to answer to the little part of players who says that "nurse must have only 1 blink without add-on", because it's ridicolous, and i think everyone can agree with me. The only tip i can give to you (person who agree with that) it's to play a bit with the nurse, because i think you've never used her.

  • Member Posts: 9

    @YUS3I said:
    I've seen so many comments from so many players, but i think maybe only 3 or 4 of them really know how to use nurse in a competitive way.
    I know, i've used her for only 300 hours, i'm not a "nurse master" yet, but maybe i know something about her and her power.
    I've read somewhere someone saing "used in right hands it's OP";
    Right. Totally true.
    But from "used in right hands it's OP" to "Devs have to nerf her" there's a lot of difference.
    The Huntress, Hillbilly if used in right hands could be devastating too; even a good Myers or Clown could give lots of problem to survivors.
    So with this logic they've to nerf half of killers only because "in right hands they could be too strong?"
    Man if you agree with that you probably have never known the meaning of "skill".
    Now second claim: "4th and 5th blink are broken"
    Here i have to agree; it's not impossible to win against, but i admit it's very difficult, maybe like the one-shots hatchets before the nerf.
    Increasing the malus of those add-ons could be good, for example adding to the green add-on that gives 1 more blink and the violet one a reduction of blink range (for the violet a major reduction of range).
    Before clicking the button "dislike" while destroying the mouse, imagine: the only way to get 5 blinks would be using the green (or the brown) and violet add-on, but now it would have not one, but three range malus; quite the same to obtain 4 blinks.
    I think it's a good solution; in this way you can always obtain 4 or 5 blinks, but it's a way more difficult to win with than now,.
    I'm not going to answer to the little part of players who says that "nurse must have only 1 blink without add-on", because it's ridicolous, and i think everyone can agree with me. The only tip i can give to you (person who agree with that) it's to play a bit with the nurse, because i think you've never used her.

    Uh sorry, now i'm noticing that doesn't exist a "dislike" button lol

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    Ok, 4 blinks max. I'll admit, no one needs 5.

    The only catch with Nurse add ons is they almost all come with some downsides. If we're talking about if someone can mitigate them are we punishing their proficiency?

    As I said 2 blinks base no addons needed with 1 additional blink addon either rare or ultra rare. But then rework some of her other addons and perhaps introduce new ones.

    As for @Dabrownman1812 I've played 3,4,5 blink nurse and so I now the difference and even at my limited skill level. If I play with 4-5 blinks I don't need skill because i can just rely on the crutch of those blinks in fast succession.

    Yes the fatigue is longer but it doesn't matter since I can get a hit in usually and with Stridor /Nurses/Bloodhound etc they're going down quickly. 4-5 blinks is like ds, it's a crutch and complete training wheels.

    All it does is reward bad gameplay and keep that person from actually getting better. The same is true of camping, oh sure you'll get that 1 kill guaranteed but 5 gens pop and 3 get out. Now you'llg t more of course is ppl don't punish you.

  • Member Posts: 1,857
    powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:

    Ok, 4 blinks max. I'll admit, no one needs 5.

    The only catch with Nurse add ons is they almost all come with some downsides. If we're talking about if someone can mitigate them are we punishing their proficiency?

    As I said 2 blinks base no addons needed with 1 additional blink addon either rare or ultra rare. But then rework some of her other addons and perhaps introduce new ones.

    As for @Dabrownman1812 I've played 3,4,5 blink nurse and so I now the difference and even at my limited skill level. If I play with 4-5 blinks I don't need skill because i can just rely on the crutch of those blinks in fast succession.

    Yes the fatigue is longer but it doesn't matter since I can get a hit in usually and with Stridor /Nurses/Bloodhound etc they're going down quickly. 4-5 blinks is like ds, it's a crutch and complete training wheels.

    All it does is reward bad gameplay and keep that person from actually getting better. The same is true of camping, oh sure you'll get that 1 kill guaranteed but 5 gens pop and 3 get out. Now you'llg t more of course is ppl don't punish you.

    That depends on skill of survivor, but sure
  • Member Posts: 4
    So, reading through and seeing with my own eyes, nurse being the only one able to get a 2K on average, I do think all other killers need to be elevated to this level. It's a 4V1 not a 1V4 game. The 1 should have the strength to take out the 4, if it's a 1 on 1 each time. Right now, 1 on 1 goes something like this: killer finds survivor, survivor either loops the killer until 2-3 gens pop or they go down within 2 seconds.  If they can loop, the killer wastes so much time on the 1 survivor that the other 3 can fix generators like no ones business. Ruin shouldn't be core, and decisive strike shouldn't be in every game above rank 18. Everyone (term of phrase) seems to be on the fence, or AGGRESIVELY for or against. Killers should be able to average 2K on a SWF game, and 2K in public matches consistantly. It's supposed to be a 4V1 game, and right now it's a 1V4 game.
  • Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2018

    If claudete ninja P3 EXIST....why not NURSE? both are OP.
    If you want to win all the time...practice with them....
    if you wanna get FUN... play with another.. SIMPLE!

  • Member Posts: 489

    Nurse if fine, she is a high skill high reward killer, you can't just play Nurse for the first time and expect to become a killing machine, she needs practise and patience. Like with any game, put in enough time and you should be rewarded, which I feel the Nurse gives you.

  • Member Posts: 799

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Killmaster said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    @Killmaster said:
    Only balanced nerf I would give her is to make her blind while she blinks, this way she cannot anticipate whether a survivor runs left or right around an object.

    Another ridiculous idea from you, what a surprise.

    Yeah a balanced idea for an unbalanced killer, sorry you want every match to require no brain to play and just down everyone within 15 seconds of a chase.

    Balanced in your mind but to those on this forum without delusions on what is considered balanced your idea would make her worse than freddy lol

    If you can't keep track of a survivor during a blind 2 second blink then you deserve to lose them. Nurse and billy are overpowered in their current state, other killers are relatively balanced besides Freddie. They are the goal the game should strive for, not more killers who don't require any skill to play in the long run.

    2 second blind while blinking, like fatigue isn't existent on that killer

    Omg your hole post is so funny. Seriously, I'm impressed. So you want to make her blind while she blinks then blindly hit then be blind by the fatigue. Then I propose you something, what if survivors can't run for more than 30s then they have to take a break because you introduce the stamina. You can drop pallet but can't move for few secs to take your breath back

    That's how your post sound just switching sides. Funny right? Nobody can seriously thinking to do that
  • Member Posts: 1,911
    edited December 2018
    Honestly I have faced great nurses god nurses and good nurses and honestly if you as a survivour feel you struggle against nurse heres some tips to make your chases longer against nurse. Don't get me wrong god nurses will end you fast but the time investment to overcome these tricks will be heavy.

    Movement needs to be unpredictable break line of sight with nurse constantly move in directions away fron pallets nurses expect you to do that. Never ever vault a window or drop a pallet it is a free hit for a decent nurse. Never ever let your movement become predictable force a nurse to guess at times when you have enough distance ti walk. Contrilling your scratch marks by walking around areas that have two directions. This forces the nurse to guess the direction you went.

    Obstructions like trees and small walls make blinking as a nurse hard hug these obstacles to ness up a nurses blinks when caught in the open.
    Perks like iron will are amazing for helping you lose killers in general always be packing an iron will in red ranks. 
    Dead hard is a great perk in general but against a nurse its a free dodge don't underestimate its power in any build. 
  • Member Posts: 1,113

    If you have a problem with nurse then play on PS4 lmao

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