Hook Suicides Should Count as a Disconnect

Title says it all. I've had two games back to back now of people killing themselves to avoid the DC Penalty. This is basically the same thing has disconnecting so it should bring the same consequences.
But it's not the same as a disconnect at all.
It's entirely within the intended and allowed gameplay mechanics. It's simply poor play - and poor sportsmanship perhaps - but it's perfectly legal within the rules of the game and there's no reason it should not be.
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If you make camping and tunneling count as disconnect sure go ahead
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You can't force someone to play the game.
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How would you even count a hook suicide? How long do you have to struggle before it counts as suicide? What happens if the game doesn't register you struggling? It happens way more often than it should.
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If anything a dc should request a 3 hook death. A suicide should should watch the killer more points as well as the remaining survivors.
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I think we should start punishing killers who AFK when they have a bad game too, if a killer isn't chasing up until the moment the match finishes then they shouldn't have queued at all.
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Purposely killing yourself to circumvent the DC Penalty doesn't sound like intended gameplay, but exploiting.
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They're not forced to play the game. They can still disconnect.
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There's already coding in the game that does this. For example, all players don't loose Benevolent when a player suicides.
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I know where you're coming from. I understand totally. But think about it, the difference between a disconnect and a hook suicide, is a few mere bloodpoints for the survivor. They aren't having fun killing themselves, so leave them to it. But where would the line be? Like killing yourself as the first survivor hooked straight away, that would count as a dc right? But at what point in the game, would it not count as a dc? Say the survivors all do a great job at doing gens and chases, and say there's 1 gen left and someone suicides on hook? Would that count as a dc? And if not, at what point does it not?
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Same problem.as.the hook, when do you count it as AFK? If i see 4 ppl teabagging because the matchmaking is so bad it makes the match impossible you better believe im getting up and making a sandwich. Doesnt happen often, HOWEVER when i have to deal with a 4swf half the time i cant even see them because im being xalled out. Doesnt happen at all with 2swf and 3 swf is a coordinated pain but semimanageable
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While I am in favor of finding a way to prevent rage quit hook suicides in a way that would make them either completely be a thing of the past or partly punished behavior, I can't support the idea that you get dc penalty for it. There are cases where I struggle on the hook and my finger slips the keyboard and I miss a tap and my character dies because of it - It's freaking frustrating I tell you and I would be a lot more happier if I did not have to rapidly tap my keyboard to a breakingpoint whenver I am on the hook or struggling from killer's hold, but for some reason the developers think that's entertaining so it has remained in the game since day 1. People who actually play this game long enough realize they can just put a macro to do the struggling work for them, so they don't have to bother, which just makes it feel like a punishing feature for everyone else who don't use macros.
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It's hard to say because while I want it to be at any point in the Trial, I could see a situation were someone kills themself at the end of a game so I don't know.
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Remove spacebar spam thing, then you can call it intentional suicide.
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I don't want to come off as rude, but I think that suiciding on hook is completely justified. In the end, you got the kill, they died, they most likely handed you the win. I know it's frustrating but it's just the game mechanics.
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How would you differentiate between someone killing themselves on the hook because they’re tilted, and someone dying on hook because their teammates are completely uninterested in saving them? Or people bringing tons of hook offerings and trying to kobe for fun? Or someone attempting to escape when there are only two survivors left in the match?
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To be fair, it's usually in response to other poor sportsmanship/poor play as well.
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Personally they are the same. It's not fair for everyone else for someone too just suicide 5 seconds into the game on first hook. It's poor game design and survivors should be punished for doing it since it screws everyone else over. Survivors are immediately down a person and the killer doesn't get as much points or rank. They deserve a penalty just like a DC because that's what it is.
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Never gonna happen, it would be way too hard to track hook suicides vs just dying on the hook
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Yeah after a few games in a row as survivor. Mashing that space bar, can get tiring after awhile. Always fearing i will slip up or not press it fast enough. For sometimes it takes awhile to get you off hook, for one reason or another. While it feels like your strength is fading from your hand, as you have to keep rapidly pressing that button or death.
Not to forget, lag could also make you mess up and lead to your death on second hook. Making the idea the op wants to put in, seems like it will have the issue of punishing legit players. Who didn't mash the space bar fast enough or got screwed over by lag. If anything, struggle really needs to be change. To be less of a pain for the player. Like only needing to hold the space bar. Since as of right now, to many possible factors that could lead to punishing a legit player, if the op idea was put into place.
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What about tunneling survivor off the hook or camping making killer DC automatically?
Jesus Christ these threads...
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I would love to see the struggle on the hook changed from tapping to holding a button instead, so much less strain and stress.
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Don't force me to stay in a game where:
-I chase the killer for minutes and no generators get done.
- stay hooked and go into the struggle phase because no one is bothering to unhook me even when having Kindred on.
-where the toxic SWF I get body block me or sand bag me every time.
-when everyone is self caring through sloppy butcher in corners or urban evading around doing nothing.
As a solo survivor, I don't see the point in wasting my time trying to win when my team mates are clearly doing everything possible to sabotage my efforts. I am not bothering working my butt off so they can have an easy escape when they've done nothing 95% of the match. No thanks, I'll move on to the next game.
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I was being facetious, additionally, what has 4 people tbagging got to do with match making? T-bagging has to be the most comical thing I hear people complain about it, it does nothing. and of course "they must be 4 man swf" killer isn't that hard, put more hours into the game.
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There are also the games where lag is so bad the match is literally LITERALLY unplayable. Got m1'd by a huntress yesterday and even she didn't know where I ended up to the point that I almost got to use unbreakable before she found me. When it takes so long to find matches and you can't do any part of a match and you are not enjoying any part of the game by no fault of any of the players, it's not fair to force someone to stay in the match and penalise like that
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What an amazing point. Why even bother responding when all you are going too say is "no" lol?
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Killers receive extra BP for every DC, so killers could exploit your idea by camping survivors for winning free BPs, since some survivors just suicide hook when camped....
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I agree it should. The effect is the same. A person is dead far earlier than they were supposed to be. It's a pretty insignificant amount of points anyways.
As for the "exploit" it's far less than actual BP gains in a regular match... So that's completely redundant to go do it for an abuse.
This is the most stupid strawman I've ever read.