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Insidious Rework PLEASE

Insidious Rework

Insidious only promotes camping! Sure it can be countered if you don't rescue the person and if you gen rush but who'd like that kind of gameplay? Instead you could replace it with this perk idea;

You want to please the entity by any means necessary.
Within 60/90/120 seconds of hooking a survivor, if another survivor is hooked gain bloodlust 1/2/3 for 60 seconds.

What do you think? Should the time be reduced from 60 seconds to 30, maybe? Leave your thoughts down below.


  • GT_Legend2
    GT_Legend2 Member Posts: 845

    Camping was proposed by the devs way back when, that perk is supposed to be incredibly strong

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    This rework would seem really situational and overpowered if it worked (with the current bloodlust)

  • Fres0c0
    Fres0c0 Member Posts: 115
    This would be overpowered combined with bbq and chilli you could hook someone and because of bloodlust 3 you could be across the map and easily kill not to mention if you also had save the best for last you basically be instantly killed as soon as someone hooked 
  • Maxi605
    Maxi605 Member Posts: 145

    Bloodlust only works if you're in a chase, otherwise it wouldn't.

  • Soren
    Soren Member Posts: 369

    Okay, I like the direction of your idea, not the execution.

    What about: every time you hook a survivor, you lose your terror radius and get Bloodlust 3 for 20 seconds, as long as you don't use your power (to avoid Nurse/Hillbilly being overpowered)? It will make it a good perk to "patrol" for killers that do need it.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    That perk design is horrible, I prefer the old insidious compared to this tbh

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    @Soren said:
    Okay, I like the direction of your idea, not the execution.

    What about: every time you hook a survivor, you lose your terror radius and get Bloodlust 3 for 20 seconds, as long as you don't use your power (to avoid Nurse/Hillbilly being overpowered)? It will make it a good perk to "patrol" for killers that do need it.

    I much prefer that idea :)

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    insidious is fine as it is

  • Mad_Will
    Mad_Will Member Posts: 27

    I played a couple games with this perk last night, until I started receiving abusive messages from someone who was playing as a survivor and I explained to them that I was simply using a perk that the game offered. Then I found myself questioning the perk and wondering if maybe that it could be altered in a way, that made it not about camping, but rewarded you for doing something. What I came up with was: Unlocks the stealth ability. When you sacrifice a survivor, you reduce your Terror Radius to 0 metres and thus become stealthy for 40/50/60 seconds. Which is different to the original post of this topic, but still gives a Terror Radius of 0 metres, but at least you have to do something more than just activating it by standing still and you can move around with it being activated.

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    @Mad_Will said:
    I played a couple games with this perk last night, until I started receiving abusive messages from someone who was playing as a survivor and I explained to them that I was simply using a perk that the game offered. Then I found myself questioning the perk and wondering if maybe that it could be altered in a way, that made it not about camping, but rewarded you for doing something. What I came up with was: Unlocks the stealth ability. When you sacrifice a survivor, you reduce your Terror Radius to 0 metres and thus become stealthy for 40/50/60 seconds. Which is different to the original post of this topic, but still gives a Terror Radius of 0 metres, but at least you have to do something more than just activating it by standing still and you can move around with it being activated.

    That's reasonable as the killer would have no incentive to insidious camp when they've just killed someone. Although it might be a little overpowered with bbq perk.. Not sure

  • Mad_Will
    Mad_Will Member Posts: 27

    @Dav105 said:

    That's reasonable as the killer would have no incentive to insidious camp when they've just killed someone. Although it might be a little overpowered with bbq perk.. Not sure

    Having the BBQ perk equipped at the same time would give the killer an advantage, but as a survivor you would still see the killer before the killer is right next to you, giving you enough time to start running away. Depending on how good the killer is too, you may still be able to avoid the killer by moving away from his direct line of sight, when you see the killer.

  • Dav105
    Dav105 Member Posts: 73

    @Mad_Will said:
    Having the BBQ perk equipped at the same time would give the killer an advantage, but as a survivor you would still see the killer before the killer is right next to you, giving you enough time to start running away. Depending on how good the killer is too, you may still be able to avoid the killer by moving away from his direct line of sight, when you see the killer.

    Well yeah it's avoidable but a lot of survivors still get grabbed or surprised by myers so it'd be the same situation here. Also, no terror radius can be quite drastic especially when used with 1 hit killers. Just imagine, bbq, insidious (this perk idea) and monitor & abuse. As a billy/T3 myers/leatherface it'd be quite overpowered.

  • Mad_Will
    Mad_Will Member Posts: 27

    @Dav105 said:

    @Mad_Will said:

    Well yeah it's avoidable but a lot of survivors still get grabbed or surprised by myers so it'd be the same situation here. Also, no terror radius can be quite drastic especially when used with 1 hit killers. Just imagine, bbq, insidious (this perk idea) and monitor & abuse. As a billy/T3 myers/leatherface it'd be quite overpowered.

    True, what if the terror radius went back to normal, either after a survivor had been hit or the time had expired.

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    This is a survival horror game.

    Insidious is a great perk, with low reward, but can be fun. What is the problem?

    Survivors get comms...

  • fuzzyhobo
    fuzzyhobo Member Posts: 48
    edited September 2018

    Don't care what they change the perk to, but the current Insidious needs to go.
    Camping shouldn't be a strategy