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Why are killers allowed to take the game hostage but survivors aren't?

So, with the new patch, survivors can no longer take the game hostage by struggling on hook (Also denying the last survivor/s from their struggle points).

Another way that survivors have been denied of taking the game hostage is by having a timer on when gates open. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea of denying people taking the game hostage, but why has this been so survivor-sided?

Killers can slug, facecamp, camp gates which only delays the game.

Survivors can't even loop/run the killer without the game taking the killer's hand and helping them through bloodlust, whereas a survivor gets none of this. I don't understand why the game rewards ######### playstyle/'strategies' on the killers side, but survivors have anything and everything taken away from them.

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  • Member Posts: 819
  • Member Posts: 819

    Slugging is taking the game hostage. I've ran into plenty of killers that think slugging is so clever and funny, leaving the last survivors on the floor to bleed out. I can't do anything in this situation. I have to crawl around in hope of maybe finding hatch if the killer hasn't already closed it and eventually bleed out, but if i leave prematurely then I will get nothing out of the match. So i have to sit there and wait.

    Facecamping is taking the game hostage for that survivor, and mostly the team, they are denied of continuing the match and eventually led to die. Yeah, sure the team can counter this by doing generators but realistically, this isn't actually a solution, because it will happen to all of them and whilst the killer is rewarded for this behaviour, the survivor has to take a punishment and for what? trying to play the game but being forced to sit on hook because it's impossible to get off.

    You don't have to camp the gates, as a killer, i tend to walk back and forth from gates in hopes of finding the survivor, hell sometimes, ill even let them escaping knowing that I killed the other three. But it is taking the game hostage because you shouldn't be camping the gates, you should be trying to find the survivors.

    Taking game hostage by delaying how long the game goes on. The timer means that survivors eventually have to leave and the insta-kill on hook means that survivors can't struggle until their struggle timer runs out.

  • Member Posts: 819

    I do play killer, but i find it boring, eventually going back to survivor as it's more fun and engaging.

    Getting 4k every game is very repetitive and dull after a while lmao

  • Member Posts: 5,306

    i not understanding OP struggling on hook thing the last survivor could never struggling on hook.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2020

    I maybe a traditionalist, but taking a game hostage means usually that a person takes the game hostage without any end in sight.

    By camping the gates, facecamping and slugging, you know at least that it is over in a few minutes. That's nothing compared to back in the days were you could read storys here about survivors, that have take the game for 30 minutes or more hostage.

    With that I don't want to blame survivors now. I just like to say... "It's not taking the game hostage as what those words imply", ok?

    And no, I don't denie, that facecamping and co is pretty unfun, but to say that survivors got everything taken away from them is a bit... I mean a biiitttttttttttttt.... Far stretch maybe.

    I would say there have been some killers nerfed more as survivors ever have been nerfed.

  • Member Posts: 5,798

    If the killer is slugging the last guy there is probably a reason.

    1. There are no hooks around because they killed everyone and don't want you to run free and find the hatch.
    2. You annoyed them to the point of deserving this kind of treatment. Sandbagging teammates, farming in front of the killer with no obsession and no bt.
    3. They are just a mean killer

    There is always a reason so if you wonder why they did it or perhaps may have had to do it just ask after the game.

  • Member Posts: 569

    Survivors are lazy, selfish, and entitled stop trying to reason with them.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Not every survivor is the same, like not every killer is the same^^.

  • Member Posts: 569

    Hes complaining because he cant hold the game hostage as a survivor while accusing killers of doing it . It is us vs them .

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited May 2020

    Ok so firstly none of what you said is taking the game hostage.

    Now. Why does the game end now when all Survivors are hooked and in struggle? Simple. Ya'll are dead. 100% dead. There are no game mechanics that could potentially save you. So... game might as well end. There's a similar rationale behind the game forcing the last survivor through the hook stages instantly regardless of how fresh they are. If you're up on the hook and the last one left... you dead. Even if you Kobe/Deliverance, the killer can and would just stare at you until you're past stage 1, and if necessary down you again wait out DS and throw you back up. Nobody needs that though so the game just kills the last survivor.

    Slugging: If you aren't the last one left you can get picked up. You might have No Mither or Unbreakable. You might have DS or Flip Flop and get off the killer's shoulder when the killer picks you up. You might crawl to hatch and get out that way. You might be able to crawl your way out the gate if it is open. There's several mechanics that could potentially save your bacon. Are you in a bad spot? Sure, but you aren't dead.

    Face Camping: This is a harder one to manage, but I've had games where face camping happened and my teammates worked together, got me (or somebody else) off the hook, spread out the hits so no one else went down, and everybody got out. Again, you aren't in a good spot if you are getting face camped, but it isn't hopeless.

    Camping Gates: I've been on both sides where it comes down to a 1v1 endgame and sometimes the survivor gets out, sometimes the killer gets the survivor. Once the hatch closes it is harder for the last survivor to get out, but it isn't impossible.

    That's the difference. In the instance that got patched, it is guaranteed that the survivors in question are dead. In all the instances you mentioned, the survivor still has a chance. Probably a slim one, but a chance.

  • Member Posts: 86

    I don’t even think that would be taking the game hostage. Only because trapping one survivor, the others can still get the endgame to start by doing gens and opening the gate. I did see that, that action is reportable this. If I read this other discussion correctly.

  • Member Posts: 195

    What the? Surely you can't be serious.

  • Member Posts: 1,640
  • Member Posts: 3,893

    You don't know what talk the game hostage means.

    Taking the game hostage is when you're people in a situation where the hsme can't continue and the only way you can get out is disconnecting.

    You don't get to use your own interpretation of the phrase just to make your point.

    These camping and slugging are not holding the game hostage you can make an argument for griefing but they're not holding the game.

    Devs have made it very clear in what holding the game hostage entails you don't get to add bits and pieces because you feel like it

  • Member Posts: 2,446

    Trapper can kinda camp both gates at the same time. Hag kinda can too if they're close enough.

  • Member Posts: 5,626

    Because there is 1 killer and 4 survivors? Even if i trap you in a corner and stay there the game will eventually end with the other 3 survivors doing gens and triggering the egc.

  • Member Posts: 669
    edited May 2020

    I don’t think that’s true. Recently Peanits made a post that indicated if a killer bodyblocks a survivor before gens are done, it is reportable. So while technically the other survivors can finish the game out to where that survivor dies to EGC, it still counts as hostage under the rules(as it should)

  • Member Posts: 3,263

    They can if they bodyblock the survivor into a corner.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Killers physically can't take the game hostage by any means

    The survivor either died to the killers actions or escapes due to his inactions.

    If he won't let you escape by standing at a gate do the other one lol

    If he won't kill you just walk out ?

    I don't get it

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    No one is needlessly delaying the game to spite the Killer. Survivors have every right to be annoyed that Devs obviously care mainly about Killer QoL right now. The last survivor in a match has ALWAYS been cucked. Game is stacked against them. They never got to even kobe (even if they have Deliverance), nor did they get struggle points despite it being their first hook. Which makes no sense and is robbing them of the opportunities every other survivor who died before them had. Instead of fix this issue, they compounded it by robbing everyone in struggle phase who gets hooked of their last points of struggle. All so Killers aren't inconvenienced an extra 60 seconds while winning a match. This is ridiculously stupid. Killers already earn BP at a higher rate than what do they do? Take more BP away from survivors. 🙄 This was not a broken mechanic in the game. This was not a terrible pain point for Killers. This change was literally just an unnecessary cuck to survivors. Which was really dumb.

  • Member Posts: 1,555

    He tried it, but the guy in front of him was taking the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    Because survivors are second class citizens atm. :) You're supposed to be happy they fixed broken window vaulting stutters (not hit priority, just the act of vaulting) and look the other way at all the other changes in this patch that suck a fat one. LOL

  • Member Posts: 4,467

    You have no clue what taking the game hostage is then. It means the game CANNOT end at all. You will be stuck there forever.

    Looking at your definition of it, applying pressure as Killer would fall under taking the game hostage. Guess everyone should be banned then.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    what you described were methodes to stall the game out - not take it hostage.

    no one is allowed to take the game hostage, it doesnt matter who does it, it is reportable and a bannable offense.

    there is a clear factor to all the above mentioned actions that seperates them from a game taken hostage situation:

    they are on a set timer after which the action ends / there is clear counterplay to it the other side can use to end the action.

    the game will progress - thats why they are not "games taken hostage". in such a scenario (e.g. the killer bodyblocking the survivor in a corner until they DC) the game will be stretched out indefinitely without the other side being able to do anything about it. such opportunities have been taken away from both sides btw - survivors got the EGC and killers lost the ability to block survivors on the basement staircase, for example.

  • Member Posts: 666

    The killer taking the game hostage would be trapping the last survivor in a corner or basement before egc .

    Unless things have changed survivors hiding around the map is not taking the game hostage.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    A glorious year and a half ago this game was more survivor sided. I remember it fondly. I miss my insta-heals and my speedy self care. My toolboxes and my full BNPs. My styptic agents and my hatch stand offs. *dreamy sigh*

    But I don't think you can argue that the changes implemented for the last year+ have been in favor of Killers (with a handful of small exceptions, which do not remotely out number the amount of changes that have increased difficulty and decreased fun for survivors). I agree, balance changes were needed. I, too, want Killers to have fun. However, there is no question that all of these changes - mainly aimed at improving Killer's viability against SWF - has cucked the solo and random survivor base really hard. This game is a lot less enjoyable for that segment of player with every patch that has been implemented in the last year. Solos are getting really almost no consideration in this equation, since they lack the advantages of SWF, aren't the root cause of the balance changes, and also make up the largest group of players.

    It's definitely not silly. I agree, it's a pendulum, right? It swings one direction and then the other. Right now, it's been swinging in the direction of Killers and ignoring solos for a long time now. When I see a patch that doesn't needlessly take more away from solo survivors (I'm not talking good balance changes like god loops, I'm talking things like struggle points? why? Pointless.), I might retract my thoughts on that. But until then, it's very clear that the most important QoL right now is Killers.

  • Member Posts: 3,022

    Hostage. I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  • Member Posts: 1,656

    When I feel like I need to gain some BP, I just play Killer. BP is a lot easier when it's not shared and people can't take you out of a match before you have a chance to do anything. LOL

  • Member Posts: 666

    What defines a long period of time.if there is a 3 gen situation and the killer patrols the gen who is holding the game hostage?

  • Member Posts: 666

    The reason I say survivors can't hold the game hostage is because of this post here

    I asked if a hatch stand off is considered as the survivor holding the game hostage. I deliberately camped the hatch the survivor could of done the last 2 gens and left but decided to camp hatch as well

  • Member Posts: 453

    There's a lot of this really wrong with this post.

    Lets start with the definition of taking a game hostage:

    Taking the game hostage means that the game is NEVER able to continue and thus cannot end, the keyword is Never.

    Now lets look at your points on how killers "take the game hostage":

    1. Slugging is not taking the game hostage, as the survivor who is slugged will eventually die out in four minutes, and unslugged survivors can still do saves, complete gens, etc.
    2. Face camping isn't taking the game hostage, hooked survivors will die in 2 minutes maximum, and un-hooked survivors can still do objectives.
    3. Camping gates is not taking hostage, as you said yourself, only delays the end of the game.

    So far none of your points is taking the game hostage, meaning that you don't know what taking the game hostage means, or you're trying to use the term to fit your argument despite being wrong on many levels.

  • Member Posts: 1,836
    edited May 2020

    uh... none of that is taking the game hostage

    but i kinda agree, if everyone is slugged and nobody has unbreakable the slugged survivors should have the option to instantly bleed out

  • Member Posts: 3

    Some killers have to set perks up to match with their killer you wouldn't run impossible skillchecks on legion or clown but you would on doctor ruin got a huge nerf and isn't good on most of the non mobile killers like gf name one crutch perk other than noed

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Taking the game hostage means you cannot leave the match or progress past a stage indefinitely.

    If a killer was to block you into a corner and then just sit there it would offer you no way to leave the match and would be taking the game hostage.

    If you are slugged you have a timer (bleed out) that will release you from the match. (Not hostage)

    If you are face camped you can ######### on hook or wait out the timer to leave the match. (Not hostage)

    It sucks to have to wait these timers out but the game is not keeping you in indefinitely, you will be released when the timer ends (hence another reason these timers exist). Now this is not me saying getting facecamped or slugged just for the sake of ruining your experience is a good thing, but its not being held hostage.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    RNG can really place the gates oddly.

    I've had a handful of matches where the gates were close enough that I could stand still and see both at the same time.

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    If a killer blocks all the remaining survivors in a way that makes it impossible for EGC to ever start and refuses to let them go, they can very much take the game hostage.

    The devs have slowly but surely gotten rid of spots like this by making sure there's 2 ways out of areas that previously only had one entrance/exit, but if a spot like it is found and the killer does so it's the very definition of taking the game hostage (unlike silly claims like saying camping is taking the game hostage) - there's no possible way out of the match besides disconnecting.

    Thompson House used to be pretty bad for this. Both the area by the house basement staircase AND the staircase upstairs allowed for this, and I've been trapped in such a rule-breaking way in both areas. Not just me, but all the survivors so there's absolutely no way out of the match other than to DC.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Thats not hostage

    Noones forcing you to stay, noone is holding you down.

    Just do a gen. If he stops you by hitting a timer starts if he doesn't stop you do the gen and leave

    Killer can't take hostage

  • Member Posts: 3,348

    How do I "just do a generator" if every survivor that's still alive is trapped and unable to get to one unless the killer hits someone, and the killer doesn't hit anyone? Again, the devs have fixed a lot of the infamous spots where this was possible, but areas with one entrance/exit that's small enough for the killer to block it if they want still exist.

  • Member Posts: 951

    Yeah survivors do meaninglessly delay the game, survivors are far more.likely to play spitefully like that. Because its so EASY for them.up.until very recently. Theres a reason more and more perks had to counter stealth

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    If your telling me a killer is physically blocking a generator with his body and refuses to hit you... do one of the other sides of the gen? Or better yet one of the other 3 generators???

    There is never ever one single generator and a killer physically can't be in 3 places at once...

    or at both doors at once

    There's no game play or situation a killer can take the game hostage

    Now if your telling me there's a body block dead end gitchspot or some hack somewhere just submit a bug report

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