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This just isn't fun anymore

Member Posts: 2,697

It's hard enough being a new player, but explain to me the reasoning behind this kind of a matchmaking setup. I consider myself okay as a level 15 killer using a level 10 Freddy, but the game must think I'm a pro since it decided to pit me against survivors that weren't even double digits and had max perks with ultra-rare add-ons.

Almost every killer match is like this for me. No wonder a majority of players prefer to play as survivor.


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  • Member Posts: 59

    I have bad days like that too hun so try not to let it discourage you. Take a break and try again another day.

  • Member Posts: 358

    PS4 is just bad now, they've broken it until it's almost unplayable. At over 125MBPS I'm lucky to get 3 games in before DBD decides that I'm not allowed to play anymore and I get the (since last patch or two) "Disconnected from host" bug. It shows as if the killer DC'd. I certainly didn't DC, and then I get hit with a ban. Just got hit with another 28 minute ban. Isn't this game fun?

  • Member Posts: 27

    Here's the best part, according to bhvr the rank 9 is within your matchmaking range! Anyone within 6 ranks of your rank is eligible to be placed in a match with you. So what probably happened is that the rank 9 was SWF-ing with the rest and the game used their matchmaking, because instead of finding the average of the whole group it just uses the lowest ranking player! ######### this stupid game!

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2020

    Yes ! I totally agree, as a new player im facing this kind of stuff 1 out of every 2 matches, lvl 15 killer always matching with rank 1-4 survivors at least 2 red ones per match ... its ... frustaiting to say the least .. really realllllyyyyy makes u wanna quit. its matchmaking sistem is sooooo poor ... its sad to see this great game go to hell cause of poor matchmaking. I even sent a ticket to ask them why would they have me ranking as a new player vs rank 1's constantly and they send me this I hope its useful for you :/

    Post edited by leonafma on
  • Member Posts: 100

    Rank 15 or below will be matched into any rank matches to help new players find matches instead of waiting forever and still not get a single match

  • Member Posts: 10

    My friend started playing as killer and its ridiculous watching all these high ranked survivors just messing with her because they know they can after playing with her a few minutes.

  • Member Posts: 23

    Yeah, matchmaking is #########, I'm surprised I managed to become a rank 1 Killer and Survivor.

  • Member Posts: 312

    It hasn't been fun for quite some time. I got on this past weekend, and got 4 red rank survivors as a rank 13 killer my first match. I thought to myself " my first match, and I already want to stop playing ".

  • Member Posts: 330

    I think they temporarily increased the ranges due to poor q times. Whenever I solo as survivor I get killers that are out of the range. I do also remember the q times being worse before this (I recently took a break from survivor so I was white ranks).

  • Member Posts: 2

    Yeah, from what I experienced, crossplay should be our best option if we don't have enough killers. I'm tired of constantly waiting for a match for almost 3 hours.

  • Member Posts: 5

    It's the same for xbox I just encountered 2 rank ones and a rank 6 at the same time. I'm a rank 18 killer main, I sometimes play survivor when I get tired of going against tanks that are single digits. My friends and I are thinking about quitting the game because of it.

  • Member Posts: 268

    See the broken matchmaking works for me because I'm only a sometimes killer player so by the time I get to killer I've been deranked to the high teens. I by no means think I'm good enough to play against red ranks, but I'm a red rank survivor so I understand the strats that they try to pull which certainly helps. Last night I had 4ks against red rank survivors and lower with the doctor, the wraith and Legion. Maybe find a killer that works better for you. I'm seeing someone post Pig and Shape matches...they're not the best unless you've been making them for years.

  • Member Posts: 312

    I'm stuck at 13 with killer. Red and purple as survivor. I find playing survivor easier, less stressful, and more relaxing than playing killer. I get BP, and pips almost effortlessly playing survivor. Play my ass off as killer and barely safety.

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Wow! Yeah I used to have some fairly balanced matches here and there, but within the past week all of my matches mirror the same exact ones you had. It's just not fun. No wonder the queue times are so long for survivor matches.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I think the rank doesnt mean anything anymore... I im rank 12 with killer and got ALL survivor rank 2... Because oficial their nick i even think It was SWF... But i killer everyone... I start to think guys like you are using this to Just talk bad about the matchmaking because you dont know How to play... Really

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    Yeah you're right. Me and multiple other players like me are making all this up because we're looking to completely destroy dead by daylight.🙄

  • Member Posts: 989

    Cross platform play would solve the player base issues

  • Member Posts: 1,522

    I feel ya. Sometimes matchmaking is just a little insane.

    Don't really have any words of encouragement other than to hang in there, not every match is that bad, and sometimes rank doesn't even mean that much.

    And when you finally manage to 4K that 4-man SWF group of purple-red rank people you'll feel better. :D

  • Member Posts: 2

    Freddy is a little bit difficult killer! You should play with easy killers at the beginning. Such as leatherface or hibilby or in my opinion Mikle Myers know as the Shape. If you upgrade mikle a lot you can make him really boosted

  • Member Posts: 2,697

    But therein lies the problem. It's hard to find a killer that works for you if you're not really being given a fair chance to play the game. As you could see my level 10 Freddy only have 3 perk slots unlocked, two of which are level 1 perks, yet I'm being matched against survivors that were more than 10 levels under mine. If I was naturally a red ranked player then I could understand that, but I'm not. But my level doesn't even come close to those other levels.

  • Member Posts: 5,295
    edited May 2020

    It's not just ps4, the entire game is bad to play killer right now. There's just not enough people playing killer. The way the game is right now I can't imagine new killers sticking around after seeing how MM works.

  • Member Posts: 858
    edited May 2020

    I think a lot of people left the game when they changed Hex: Ruin. IMHO it made the game really repetitive. If you don't juggle survivors, and give up on potentially long chases, you just lose, horribly. Which makes sense, right? It's how killers are in their movies... Like, when Michael Myers is going after someone he's stalking, if he see's them go inside a building and the lock the door, he just leaves, because he knows it will just be a waste of his time. Same goes for Freddy, and Leatherface... /s

    Anyways, I don't know if fixing matchmaking will help. I'm rank 1 as both roles, and I've tried smurfing (using an low level account) as killer on an alternate playstation account. I didn't struggle too much, but survivors were definitely better than I thought they would be. There were even some survivors I would bet were smurfing, because they played like they were red rank survivors, but they were rank 13-20.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Crossplay will only work if they sort out the PC cheaters first...I mean we already got a glimpse of what happens when they don't.

  • Member Posts: 3,127

    PC Cheaters are not as common as you think.

    Crossplay will work regardless.

  • Member Posts: 681

    The only way to achieve a +/- of 6 would have to be ps4/xbox/switch crossplay.

    There aren't enough killers on consoles. So the +/- becomes a range of 14 or 15. This range usually feels like being hit by a truck. So they try survivor. They see it's a lot less stressful. They play more survivor. Now there is one less killer and one more survivor.

    Even without crossplay, a hard cap of +/- 8 with more wait times would still probably work better. In a sense of health and game population.

  • Member Posts: 522

    Can someone explain to me what i'm missing with cross platform? I watch streamers play on pc that have the same issue as I see on ps4, which is, long que for survivor and instant for killer. So if there are not enough killers on pc, and not enough killers on console, how is combining the player base going to create more killers?

  • Member Posts: 7

    I quit playing on PS4 two weeks ago because of this. There are fluctuations in wait times for survivors vs. killers depending on the time of day, but generally, it has gotten really rotten for killers, so I stopped playing. I like playing survivor, but not all the time, and I can't get my dailies done in this situation.

    Note to Devs: I think that, like any communication problem, players should be allowed to see the numbers of killers vs sets of four survivors, or even a ratio ( like "right now there are -3000 killers to each set of survivors within 3 ranks of you, or something to that effect) Then everyone could see at any time clearly that there aren't enough killers, and players might choose to play killer for a while. I think it is a communication issue. With everything begin the veil, no one can see the numbers and everyone complains that it is the devs' fault. But I think it would improve if people could actually see the effect that their own numbers have on the game. Right now survivors are being allowed to be more and more selfish, and they can't see the actual effect of their SWF teams on the game.

    Here is a good simplified example. When I did ballroom dance, there were two men and four women. If I had chosen to not lead, I would have spent time waiting. This is like a very complicated version of that situation, due to ranks and stuff. It isn't simple, so I think that more responsibility has to be given to the players so they can make decisions.

  • Member Posts: 56

    I Really want all killers to just quit and let the game die so maybe bhvr can finally learn to not be bias

  • Member Posts: 1

    Do these people even read the forum? It's like they're surprised this happens and complain like it's new. That said, I'm agreeing that the matchmaking does suck and I wish they would fix it somehow. However, I also think that with any game there is a learning curve. I remember trying to play LoL and getting destroyed. Learning and getting better is part of gaming imo. Playing harder opponents is typical the fastest approach although maybe also the biggest deterrent.

  • Member Posts: 1,187

    You just got to deal with it dude. No games are perfect. Yeah it sucks playing with rank 1ns but i'm Sure that's not every game. Keep playing it's a great game.

  • Member Posts: 1
  • Member Posts: 1,522

    You mean their objective?

    Complaining that survivors are doing generators as fast as they can is silly. It's their job.

    (See, survivors? I am a fair killer! 😉 )

  • Member Posts: 12

    you get mostly SWFs, as well, because playing solo queues sucks. I know when I SWF my team is majority Red Ranks, but we have low ranks friends who join and then we get new killers because of one person in our team. They get bullied without us even trying.

  • Member Posts: 234

    It's probably because there are as time goes on less players in higher digit ranks because it's easy to play survivor. So more and more survivors are reaching low digit ranks and lessening the pool for your rank.

  • Member Posts: 578
    edited May 2020

    PS4 matchmaking is crap. Killers purposely deranking kinds hurts you too. I come across level 16s with ultra rare and learned perks and strong add-ons pretty regularly and all they want to do is bully the lower ranks.

  • Member Posts: 37

    This is more towards every post like this in general but: Suck it up, butter cup.

    You're a Killer. If you don't like a challenge, maybe survivor is more up your alley. I'm semi-new as well and I've always wanted the best, cockiest survivors. Killing them mercilessly just hits differently.

  • Member Posts: 99

    Bruh, I feel your pain. This was my last game today. I have a good feeling at least a few of them were SWF too, as my discordance showed yellow gens for pretty much the whole game.

  • Member Posts: 169

    Yeah unfortunately it's one of DBD charms can't lie I play Predator Hunting Grounds now, I like it more tbh maybe u would too

  • Member Posts: 2

    Bruh I always get a match or 2 like that then right after it's back to the same level as me, like I have no clue what there doing but at least they could keep similar levels together, it's to common to be people in parties messing with any algorithm they have in place, hope they fix it

  • Member Posts: 23

    I know right? I find survivor much easier to level up than killer. Which is why I really have to work hard as killer, especially when even at low ranks I still encounter red rank survivors, cause no one wants to play killer when they can't even do something as simple as matchmaking correctly.

  • Member Posts: 1,773

    Matchmaking is always flawed, unfortunately there's nothing too be done about this but either quit killer or just eat the lost games. It's just as bad on PC and console alike.

  • Member Posts: 785

    Welcome to the world of main killers, yet survivors will cry about "Killers are S T R O N G"

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