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Lockers and evil incarnate archievement. Update/reworks lockers please

Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

Do you see this behaviour??? this proves that skill is not any issue for me, I got every single archievement except this one, I had to wait until this patch when dedicated servers were finally fine for Ghostface and Myers stalking without any issue. I had 3 chances saved for the tombstone, the first one lost because the game instantly crashed after the offerings were revealed (wow thanks game I really DCed to lose it) the second chance, the last two people hid when there were 3 gens remaining. 5 minutes passed and I finally found both in a corner, when I killed one, the other one instantly got the hatch spawned in front of her. I can just admit that's luck.

But the last one, this happened, she hid in a locker for the entire endgame, while I was making her get out and drop her up again, she was constantly hiding again. At the end I had the only other possible idea, carry her to any area away from lockers. What's the issue? 5 seconds of stun, she gets enough distance to get away, pass through windows and hide in a locker because THERE ARE LOCKER EVERYWHERE AND IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO COUNTER THIS.

The number of lockers of every single map is not normal, and it should be reworked, otherwise, just let me mori people from lockers to get this archievement.

Waiting since dedicateds servers were in, just to play these two killers, to get the apedt when they were playable, and I get this BS.



  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,048
    edited May 2020

    That is super frustrating. One of the reasons that achievement is so hard.

    Personally I'd gladly get the pipe from Michael.

  • Owlzey
    Owlzey Member Posts: 442

    Big oof.

    EGC is a boring way to die. At this point I'd just want Mikey to kill me.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,183

    I got the achievement and it annoying as hell to get.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Tbf OP and many others expect this survivor to just surrender to Mikey. Both sides set expectations.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No way that should happen. Lockers are perfect counter for this MM strat and should stay exactly as they are. If anything a very slight nerf is in order, both tombstones should have built in the open mori hand and not just Judith's tombstone.

    Other then that, no changes should be happening to MM's addons or any counterplay concerning these builds.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    a perfect counter? wel... how do I counter that then? how do I manage not to have survivors entering into lockers to counter this? how do I get the archievement?

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Just farm for it. I had to farm for my 3 blink grab as nurse

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited May 2020

    instantly killed? you have to spend the whole match stalking them for minutes unable to hit them, their defense? hiding or going around walls. Now, how do I "gain it like everyone else" with new ruin, endgame collapse and 4 lockers together every 2 meters you walk

    Smart is not even the right word, just toxic, she's gonna die anyways for endgame collapse, just let me get the archievement then.

  • Liannet
    Liannet Member Posts: 86

    I would only let such Myers kill me if he had a kitchen knife instead of this ugly pipe.

    But seriously, try to play not for achievement.

    I got this achievement by accident when I spent add-ons before taking 1 prestige.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,183

    That like someone saying stand still so i can learn a killer. If you can't get the player hope the next game have brain dead survivors.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    I mean even if this was removed ppl will just do a interaction (repair,sabo,cleanse) to avoid being tombstoned

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    at that moment, all she could do was open the gate, after opening, I could kill her. No other interactions possible near

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    You should have an easier time, now that we have nemesis and new ruin is actually more helpful. Locker stand off does bring back the memories of when you couldn't close the hatch though 😄 One thing you can try is put on agitation to carry them into dead zone with no lockers

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Yikes... Yeah this achievement was hell for me to get. I even knew some Survivors who would actively sabotage Killers who were obviously going for this achievement (We were no longer friends, they were a bunch of toxic individuals anyways).

    Just keep trying, the harder you try and sweeter it will get when you actually achieve it. So you can once and for all give a middle finger to every survivor who sabotaged you trying to get this achievement.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,804

    I will 100% jump in a locker every time a Myers runs this build. Not because I give a ######### about whether or not he gets an achievement (a meaningless thing that has no effect on you if you don't get, btw), but because those add ons are BS and there's a reason no other killer has add one like that. Also, as pointed out above, if the killer is that thirsty for the achievement then it's a smart strategic move to stall him as long as possible.

    This is so far down the list of needed changes that I can't see the devs ever getting to it.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    So basically, what you're saying is.

    Screw anyone who wants to have any sense of accomplishment in this game? Because that is basically what you are saying with that last sentence.

    You can go ahead and act like that if you want, I'll gladly give myself up to Myers if it's obvious they are going for Evil Incarnate, because it is one of the more frustrating achievements to actively grind for (it's literally the luck of the draw with getting 4 potatoes, as you said).

    Why? Because I'd rather them having fun and getting the achievement that they have probably grinded for hours for, and seeing a Survivor who would willingly help them out with this achievement. And getting it over with. Finally having it in their collection, and finally putting that whole fiasco to rest.

    Because as an achievement hunter myself, I understand the pains and frustrations, as well as the mental gymnastics you have to jump through to get achievements as BS as Evil Incarnate. I wouldn't want anyone to have something like this constantly locked and bugging them because they always feel like they're just so close, if not for that one survivor, if not for that one #########.

    I will always remember the moment I got Evil Incarnate myself. It was in Haddonfield, it was a SWF and they were obviously not going to make it easy for me. But they were also being fair about it. They didn't go into lockers, they didn't actively sabotage my attempts at the achievement. Hell they were playing how you would expect a SWF team to play, but they understood that I was going for the achievement first and foremost and wanted me to work for it. But not frustrate me with it.

    And it felt satisfying, it felt great. (This was way WAY before hatch closing was even a thing).

    It feels great when you got an achievement, an acknowledgement from the devs that you beat their own challenge that they designed and you got it against opponents who fairly played with you.

    Of course, that's just my take as someone who actively hunts achievements. Hell, achievement hunting is how I realized that Clown and Plague are not as bad as people make them to be. They can help me actively get 4ks even in Rank 1.

    So while you don't hunt for achievements, I really would love for you to not downplay those who take upon the challenges the devs made for the game and attempt to finish them.

    They're achievements for a reason, let people celebrate them when they do get it, and if they are attempting it, don't actively sabotage them knowing they are going for it. That's just again, a dick move. It's not countering anything, you're just doing it because you know they are going for it and the only way out is with a frustrated player and no one winning in the end. Just a bad ending for everyone all around.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Again, you didn't even pay attention to the screenshot, you counter no single #########, SHE WAS DYING FOR EGC ANYWAYS she was just being salty knowing I wanted the archievement.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    This comment should be pinned on top of this discussion.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    She could just keep tapping the gate if she was smart and still you can't do nothing about it . tbh its fine as it is

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    So is it fine to have just one single archievement remaining, and there are hundreds of ways for survivors to counter it, even tho they will die, and all they want and win ez is ruin your experience?

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,709

    The better solution is rather than buffing this addon is to just make kills from moris also count so you can get the achievement using perma tier 3 and a mori instead.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530
    edited May 2020

    Left 4 Dead would like to have a word with you

    and no one is ruining your experience lol. No one should just give a achievement for free , its called an ''achievement'' for something

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    He is because if he had tombstone me legit we wouldn't be in this position.

    If I'm gonna die to EGC then he didn't do what the achievement asked did he?

    Funny how you think I'm the one doing mental gymnastics. How is asking for someone to GIVE YOU an achievement any different than asking someone to GIVE YOU hatch?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If you want a "sense of accomplishment" get the achievement without asking people to give it to you. They are under no obligation to help you farm an achievement.

    IDGAF if everyone is dead and you are staring at them in a locker. You didn't tombstone them legit, therefore you don't deserve the achievement. It's pretty simple.

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    Imagine not understanding that you removing her fun would make her bored and have a bit of joy in making it harder for you to have some too. (:

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    "Please give me hatch"

    "Please give me my achievement"

    Yea they are both 100% the same. Doesn't matter if the outcome is the same if I die to EGC or tombstone, YOU DID NOT EARN YOUR ACHIEVEMENT. It's not my fault nor is is my problem that you didn't get it, IT IS YOURS.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    1) It is the same as asking for hatch because you are asking for someone else to give you something you don't deserve. If you are going to ask survivors to let you tombstone them then you are asking for a handout. It's that simple. Might as well just go the full nine yards and message them before the game asking to farm.

    2) It's not actually the same outcome. One outcome they die to EGC, another they get tombstoned. If that 2 minute timer is the difference between a bronze and silver Unbroken then it's definitely not the same outcome. One situation the guy gets a safety pip/pip, another he gets a depip/safety pip. At red ranks getting bronze Unbroken is almost always going to be a depip.

    There is nothing to refute. Asking for the other player to do something for you they might not want to do is asking for handouts. Dying to EGC is not the same as dying to tombstone is not the same as dying to a hook. If I wasn't hooked all game, then everyone is dead and the killer finds me, chances are I am dead. But I'm still going to run to deny them their BBQ stack and to get more Evader points to get a pip. It's not my obligation to give you anything, if you want an achievement here is an idea...


    EDIT: And for the record, none of you asking the survivor for the achievement care about what they might be trying to do. Maybe they have to escape as last survivor and obsession without getting hit. Maybe they needed to do the gen in bathroom on Game and escape. Maybe they are going for adept whoever. There are a million reasons why they don't have to give you your achievement. I seriously doubt any of you would give them anything if they asked and didn't actually earn it. You can sit there and tell me you would, but we all know that's a lie.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    Nothing hypothetical, I'm making the point that your goals do not supersede the goals of the other player. Also the point that regardless of how you want to word it, you are asking for a handout. You don't deserve the achievement if you didn't tombstone everyone. IT IS THAT SIMPLE.

    If the Myers gets annoyed and hooks me then oh well. But if he wants his achievement THAT BAD he is willing to wait until EGC kills me I might as well just wait and secure a pip. If he wants to try some BS to get a tombstone on me, sure fine go ahead. Gives me a chance to escape and therefore it's smart to wait in the locker and force him to make a choice.

    "You argument is weak" is exactly what I say about anyone thinking they deserve to tombstone you if you are hiding in a locker. No you don't deserve it.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    its extremely annoying yeah, but what about the survivors fun?

    having someone feed myers and he gets tier 3 99d and he just moris you instantly, kinda a boring match- its why you can counter it with lockers.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    You literally promote toxicity with this comment. You promote the game hosting by a survivor.

    Correction of your message: not harder, impossible and toxic.

    Don't try to hide the toxicity saying it's fun to ruin the experience of someone who spent several hours level up a character just to get 2 chances of their last archievement over all in 1400 hours.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    The problem is that before prestiging myers I waited for him to be playable on dedicated servers and I couldn't try to do the archievement before. Now that I wasted my chances, I'm saving bloodpoints to prestige him, and try again, but I fell they will be another several bloodpoints in ultrarare addons, they are not only expensive, also difficult to get

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    literally no one still gave me a reason to call this a counter WHEN THE SURVIVOR WAS DYING FOR EGC ANYWAYS this is what happens when people mains one single role in the game and they don't even read the discussions before defending their role with a comment.

    Look here my stats of DbD, you can clearly see by every number that I don't main any role. You will say: "hey but you're rank 9 as killer" well the reason is that as someone commented I needed braindead survivors so I spent the last days playing killer like a boosted idiot deranking from red ranks until I sdon't find toxic heads anymore to try the archievement again. It's not fair for the noobs, but if the normal people hide in lockers dying anyways just to be toxic, this is my only way.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,804
    edited May 2020

    So you're so desperate for the achievement that you are purposefully playing like ######### so you can go up against players you are far better than, ruining everyone's experiences along the way, so you can get the achievement no problem? At what point does it stop being an "achievement?" You're basically cheating.

    BTW not handing you an achievement you didn't earn isn't toxic.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    EGC yet you stay in a locker, I fail to see the "smart move" here.

    While its true no killer "deserve" the achievement simply because they feel so, this survivor is clearly doing this just to spite the fact the OP is doing an achievement/build.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,542
    edited May 2020

    The killer played the whole game handicapped (because judith's makes you slower) and any decent team would genrush tf out of tombstone myers. Yet he still got a 3k and the 4th is just denying it out of spite that they got outplayed seems fair...she is gonna die anyway so yes she should just give it to him because he did earn it. I tried this in red ranks and all the survivors would do is interactions or hide in lockers to make me useless so i know how this feels.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    they should just allow Michael to kill someone with a tombstone add on who is on the ground.

    there, problem solved!

    its a super easy fix, yet it hasnt been made in years - for god knows what reason.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You failed to tombstone everyone.

    For some reason you also closed the hatch.

    Now the last survivor dies to EGC.

    It's not their fault you didn't get the achievement. They don't have to die by the way you want them to die. They have every right to go out on their own terms if death is inevitable.

    Are you also saying I should just crawl out in the open and let the killer hook me if I'm slugged on the ground as the last survivor, with EGC ticking, when it was THEIR FAULT to lose me in the first place? Just so they can get a merciless victory and the adept achievement?

    No, because it's their problem. If I can die in a way that denies my opponent points, to punish them for a mistake, I am going to do it because it's their fault they didn't track me to put me on a hook. Just like it is their fault they didn't tombstone me.

    This sounds entirely like a "you" problem and isn't the responsibility of your opponents to give you add-ons or tell you what to do with your time.

    Don't forget the people you are playing against might be going for an adept achievement, or maybe the "don't get hit and escape as the last person" obsession achievement. Your goals and your fun do not supersede theirs. If you want to stress over every single achievement that's a "you" problem.

  • H_Blocks
    H_Blocks Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 52
  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,542

    Also im gonna use your earn it logic. Do survivors even deserve to have a hatch in this game do they deserve it since a good team can escape easily? If i 3k you aka your team played bad and should lose do you deserve to find something with rng and get a free escape? Did you earn it when the killer has like 3 hooked your entire team?

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    Again, it's a "you" problem. They are under no obligation to give you anything, and you can't be mad at survivors for doing something to counter what you are trying to do.

    Not to mention the fact that all it takes is 1 survivor to feed him and then the entire team is screwed. I wouldn't say he earned anything until he actually earned it.

    "Oh man I won the bowling tournament but my last bowl I hit down 9 pins and made the last one wiggle a bit, they should totally just count that as a strike because I would have won anyway and I was really close I deserved that strike so I could get my picture put on the wall with the other players that scored 300."

    No, you didn't. If you got the strike then you deserved the strike. This is how everyone defending the OP sounds.

This discussion has been closed.