Whats the wierdest match you had in DBD?

Jejune Member Posts: 795

Back when people could leave while loading in:

  • I spawned into game vs billy.
  • Started doing a gen for like 20 seconds.
  • He finds me and i run him for few minutes.
  • I was so confused as to why no gens are popping after all this time.
  • I looked down to realize that i was the only survivor in the match.
  • Then he slugged me for 4 minutes.


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,482

    4 man bubba slug with 2 noise radius reduction addons and a shroud of seperation. They all tried to flashlight save 24/7 at the start so I took their flashlights but they kept trying to get them back until the whole team ended up on the ground with no unbreakables.

  • LittleCoconut
    LittleCoconut Member Posts: 11

    I encountered my first hacker survivor and boy it was unfun. Hope they got banned.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited May 2020

    This one match where I faced a Clown

    I spawned in to a heart beat that sounded as though he was 5m away from me. In fact he was. Me and the Killer spawned in the shack together, I saw him when it panned around. We both stared at each other for about 8 seconds, he smacked me I jumped out the window, and he didn't pursue the chase.

    Weirdest start to a otherwise pretty normal match.

  • YokaiPhaseshift
    YokaiPhaseshift Member Posts: 99

    Played Doctor. Spent an entire match with the trolliest survivor. Spawned in with flashlight, instantaneously sought me out to spam me with flashlight clicks and noise notifications. They were a VERY good runner, which I caught onto pretty quickly, so I decided to purposefully ignore them.

    Spent the next 20-25 minutes chasing down two other survivors while they slowly tried to whittle down gens, the whole time troll survivor is following me spamming their flashlight to try and confuse me and repeatedly jumping through windows as soon as I started a chase withe someone else. After about 15 minutes, I figure the last survivor must not have loaded in, b/c at this point I'm chasing the other two in circles, and no gens are popping.

    Slowly but surely I wear out the troll's flashlight. Then I sacrifice the other two survivors. At this point I lose track of them for a bit, and the last gen manages to pop. Then I spend damn near 10 minutes chasing the troll when they run in front of me again. I finally manage to down them, right next to the basement too, and so I hook them down there where they proceed to kill themselves instantaneously.

    I relax a bit, feeling relatively victorious for having managed to actually deal with these survivors for so long and then win. With nothing else to do (since the game still registered the lasr survivor as in the game, even though I never saw them) I started running toward the door.

    Imagine my shock when I arrive to see the fourth survivor opening the door and escaping.

    Like, what!? Idk if they just spawned in late and managed to survive, or if they just camped out doing nothing until I took care of everyone else or what, because there was a solid 10-15 minutes I was completely focused on chasing the other survivors in circles, and not a single gen was completed in that huge block of time. The weirdest part? They were like rank 5, AND they got out with around 23K.

    Surprisingly, most of the time I get really frustrated with trolly survivors, but this one was so desperate for my attention the whole time, it was actually really goofy seeing them try and get me to even look at them. I was practically laughing for half the round they were so funny.

    Tl, dr: A hilarious attempt at severe trolling ended up being funny since they just followed me around like a puppy the whole match until I finally managed to kill them & 2 teammates. Then the 4th survivor who I initially thought never spawned in & seemed to accomplish nothing for the entire game escaped with tons of bloodpoints somehow.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I spawned above the map and fell into the exit gate area.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I had to face a Claud who got the speed bug.

  • Joao_Bandicoot
    Joao_Bandicoot Member Posts: 286

    I actually recorded that instance but lost the file, one day a very weird bug occurred when I was repairing, when I hit a great the progress bar went from 20~30% to almost 99% for a second and then revert back to 25~35%. In the same trial I was experiencing various bugs like the wiggle bar and prompt wouldn't appear and I couldn't recover when downed.

  • kurtakedown101
    kurtakedown101 Member Posts: 25

    I was in a match where I was a survivor. I helped get like 2 or 3 generators and by the end I was the only one left alive. I had just gotten the exit gate open when I got knocked into the dying state. The killer picked me up, walked inside the gate and dropped me. He literally let me get away. I was so confused but hey I won so that's cool