The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!


I play mainly survivor, but I have played a fair amount of killer, getting to around rank 3. I played killer around a year ago and thought there was nothing wrong with the killer, or anything seemed unfair. The developers keep releasing patches that keep nerfing survivors into the ground. Killers keep complaining and just because they are bad they get patches to make it easier and easier to play. The new pallet system is terrible. If you could not avoid getting looped, then you are just bad and thats all, the system was not broken in any way. Also the change to the exhaustion effect makes all those perks useless, because if you are getting chased and need dead hard or sprint burst, you only got it once a chase if that. Flashlights are beyond useless now due to the picking up animation being changed. Killers have it so simple in this game and the terrible developers just keep making the game worse and worse making survivor so unplayable at this point.



  • Itz4ngel
    Itz4ngel Member Posts: 24

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Killers aren't broken.

    Some of them need major reworks, like Freddy or Leatherface (I'm not counting Wraith since his rework is coming soon). Some need tweaking like Pig or Trapper. Only one killer comes to my mind that needs a nerf the rest are either fine or need buffs.

    The pallet system was terrible before and its nerf was completely deserved.

    The only perk that the Exhaustion nerf made useless was Vigil. In my opinion, every other perk was fine and didn't need the nerf except Sprint Burst. That was only the true problematic one.

    Flashlight saves are harder but not impossible. Position yourself better and get used to the changes.

    Survivors aren't unplayable at all. Just get better.

    Dat moment when Lithe shouldn't have Exhaustion. Please play some Killer dude.

  • CoolAKn
    CoolAKn Member Posts: 677

    @Itz4ngel said:

    @Mc_Harty said:
    Killers aren't broken.

    Some of them need major reworks, like Freddy or Leatherface (I'm not counting Wraith since his rework is coming soon). Some need tweaking like Pig or Trapper. Only one killer comes to my mind that needs a nerf the rest are either fine or need buffs.

    The pallet system was terrible before and its nerf was completely deserved.

    The only perk that the Exhaustion nerf made useless was Vigil. In my opinion, every other perk was fine and didn't need the nerf except Sprint Burst. That was only the true problematic one.

    Flashlight saves are harder but not impossible. Position yourself better and get used to the changes.

    Survivors aren't unplayable at all. Just get better.

    Dat moment when Lithe shouldn't have Exhaustion. Please play some Killer dude.

    Point out where they said "Lithe shouldn't have Exhaustion." Of all the Exhaustion perks, Sprint Burst was the biggest problem, like they said. They did not say Sprint Burst was the only perk that should have Exhaustion. Maybe you read too much into something that wasn't said.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @SadonicShadow said:

    This is all you need OP and your issues will disappear.

    Oh nice, I dont have to digg out the link :wink:

  • SadonicShadow
    SadonicShadow Member Posts: 1,146

    @Master said:

    @SadonicShadow said:

    This is all you need OP and your issues will disappear.

    Oh nice, I dont have to digg out the link :wink:

    LOL. I got the image saved right on my desktop for quick access. ;)

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293
    CoolAKn said:

    Point out where they said "Lithe shouldn't have Exhaustion." Of all the Exhaustion perks, Sprint Burst was the biggest problem, like they said. They did not say Sprint Burst was the only perk that should have Exhaustion. Maybe you read too much into something that wasn't said.

    People who are filled with too much salt typically have a habit of putting words in people mouths.

    Lithe shouldn't have Exhaustion.

    ######### lol.
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    please dont make me laugh

  • Go up against an optimized 4man SWF group for 20 games in a row, and then say the same things, OP, I goddamn dare you. Do it, you wiener.

    If you don't see a problem with 1 survivor occupying +3 minutes of a killer's time, like they could with the old map generation, you don't understand how much time matters in this game for both sides. If each survivor not in a chase is on a gen for a long enough period of time, the game's halfway over /before or by the first hook/. Even after the various changes, killers are still at the mercy of the survivors sometimes, and I'm okay with that, but nobody wants to play entirely ineffective, weak or helpless killers.

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    These posts always give me a good laugh.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @ChildishBrandino said:
    Go up against an optimized 4man SWF group for 20 games in a row, and then say the same things, OP, I goddamn dare you. Do it, you wiener.

    If you don't see a problem with 1 survivor occupying +3 minutes of a killer's time, like they could with the old map generation, you don't understand how much time matters in this game for both sides. If each survivor not in a chase is on a gen for a long enough period of time, the game's halfway over /before or by the first hook/. Even after the various changes, killers are still at the mercy of the survivors sometimes, and I'm okay with that, but nobody wants to play entirely ineffective, weak or helpless killers.

    Yeah go ahead and use that excuse that it's 20 games in a row of 4 man swf, why not say they all had DS, flashlights, No Mither etc. I mean if you're going to lie/use such extreme nonsensical hyperbole why not go the distance.

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282

    Your right about most of this, maybe killers not being over powered.
    Look people are calling out the fact that you played killer a year ago (I'm just saying) if you can keep your rank at 3 with killer the way the game is now, then you are right to say these things.
    Anyone can get to the upper ranks and win if the have skill or try hard enough.

    The sprint burst bit, think all the devs did was give sprint burst a buff. I can control sprint burst and use it when ever I want to use it, which made Lithe out classed for me. Lithe should have an adjustment where
    it'll activate when you vault over something, even if your not in a chase.

  • jamesdon18
    jamesdon18 Member Posts: 7

    I'm not even bad though lmao, I have been rank 3 survivor and killer, but there is so much to this game that is getting worse and worse. You can also get hardware banned for being good in this game and looping people for whole games remember that lol.

  • jamesdon18
    jamesdon18 Member Posts: 7

    If i drop a pallet on a killer I should not be getting hit as well because why use pallets to stun if you are just going to get hit anyway. I can't drop it earlier because then it wont stun and its a waste of a pallet.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:

    The stun is supposed to be a reward for playing extremely risky and having a high chance to trade. Sorry you want free stuns. You actually have to have precise timing and forethought to earn that 1000 BP.

    There's actually a bug that the des admitted where you can time the stun right but still get hit. I've dropped a pallet heard the stun taken 5 steps and gotten hit. I've even had the killer teleport over to the other side to hit me and then teleport back and be stunned.

    There's been a lot of killers in my game with good ping all around agreeing they shouldn't have gotten a hit.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    If i drop a pallet on a killer I should not be getting hit as well because why use pallets to stun if you are just going to get hit anyway. I can't drop it earlier because then it wont stun and its a waste of a pallet.

    You ate so full of #########. I play this game on console an 90% of the time when I play killer, if I am not super accurate and already practically going to hit that person before they reach that pallet, I won't hit them once that pallets dropped.

     That's mostly because i don't have horrible internet anymore, but thing is, the only scenario that creates an unfair looking hit at pallets is when a survivor THINKS they have enough distance to avoid the hit and should have gotten away. That isn't always the case, if the killer was in range and moving at an angle where theu csn directly lunge into you, then yea, you'll get hit when you throw it down. But if you drop that pallet a bit earlier or cone at ot from an angle in whoch the killer will have to navigate during their lunge to hit you, they won't get that hit 9/10 times. 

    You just haven't played enough to understand the game at it's new, admittedly changed mechanical level
  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    The stun is supposed to be a reward for playing extremely risky and having a high chance to trade. Sorry you want free stuns. You actually have to have precise timing and forethought to earn that 1000 BP.

    There's actually a bug that the des admitted where you can time the stun right but still get hit. I've dropped a pallet heard the stun taken 5 steps and gotten hit. I've even had the killer teleport over to the other side to hit me and then teleport back and be stunned.

    There's been a lot of killers in my game with good ping all around agreeing they shouldn't have gotten a hit.

    Oh I’ve seen it on me as well, but considering the OP is talking about playing a year ago, it sounds like he is complaining they took the Pallet Vacuum away and it’s too easy for Killers now.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Tsulan said:

    I'm not even bad though lmao, I have been rank 3 survivor and killer, but there is so much to this game that is getting worse and worse. You can also get hardware banned for being good in this game and looping people for whole games remember that lol.

    So not bait, just a ochido fanboy.
    No one ever got banned for playing to good. He got banned for calling out witchhunts and showing exploits. Oh and he wasn't even a good player.

    jamesdon18 said:

    If i drop a pallet on a killer I should not be getting hit as well because why use pallets to stun if you are just going to get hit anyway. I can't drop it earlier because then it wont stun and its a waste of a pallet.

    So 2 things can't happen at the same time? Killer can't hit you while the pallet drops?
    Pallets are useless when you can't teleport to the other side?
    There is an issue the devs brought up were the time for stuns are delayed after 2.0 patch fixed in the upcoming patch. The hit for hit is too long as the normal stun is late to end pallet animation on the survivor side, the pallet stuns end to after animation on the survivors side instead causing the killer and a downed pallet to occupy a space which is why it seems like the killer gets stunned and then warps to the other side of the pallet. From the killers side they see a pallet stun and a hit, they don't see the extra stuff that goes on. This is survivor sided only which creates a huge window for the hit for stun exchange that was never meant to be there. The removal of vacuum is good, but the animation for the pallet buggef the pallet stun time. Also the option to throw down a pallet sometimes doesn't appear when a killer is towards the center of the pallet.  So pallets are still buggy. But yes, it is possible to hit someone through a pallet but the window to hit a survivor is bugged.
  • Dabrownman1812
    Dabrownman1812 Member Posts: 1,857
    Egonic said:

    I think any reasonable person can agree that there are imbalances on both sides, I do agree with the sentiment that the gameplay can be frustrating, though I believe both sides suffer from it.

    My biggest problem with pallets as a survivor is getting hit through them, which they are already going to fix, I have never personally felt that I need teleportation skills to drop a pallet, though I get a bit annoyed as sometimes I can't drop a pallet which seems quite buggy.
    Very long pickup times where the killer can't do anything but get flashlighted, as a killer that's so very unrewarding, it was a nice change by the devs.

    The fact that you "need" multiple exhaustion uses is a problem in the first place, and I don't see any easy fix for it, I think games are too fast with competent survivors, even with not so competent survivors, but in a 1v1 scenario that survivor is pretty much screwed, I have had countless of games as a killer where I play terribly and the survivor can't escape me, I miss swings, go the wrong way, get stunned, and still catch them due to the limited options of breaking line of sight in such a way that I can't track their trails and there are more than one way to go.

    Since you only want to focus on killers, my biggest complaints against killers are hitboxes and how hitting works, hitboxes everyone knows are bad, even if you remove ping as a factor, you hit through solid objects, I chainsaw halfway through trees and kill survivors, hatchets are horrible, they get stuck where they shouldn't get stuck, they hit where they shouldn't hit.... it's ######### for both players.

    I also very much dislike that I can do a 360 degree turn with a killer mid lunge, when competent players juke me and the only reason I hit is because this game has arcady physics, and bad hitboxes, it does feel quite unrewarding.

    With that said, survivors have too many lives, so the killer needs enough power to counter much more, I think that's a big issue, and I'd be very happy to see survivors die on their second hook in exchange for various killer nerfs that make sense, maybe even have survivors gain a % repair boost after the first survivor dies to avoid tunneling.

    Second hook deaths would be dumb as it would be op with ruin, tunneling would be super powerful. Game needs to be longer, not quicker. Add more objectives, not take away objectives from either side. Two hooks is relatively quick especially for tracking down injured surviors. That is nuts. Best if there were again. More objectives. A switch or lever randomly in the match to start gens, the killer cant see the switch to camp it and be a douche, but since it is random killers are away from the gens so would give trapping killers time to set up before the main event, slowing gen progress. 
  • jamesdon18
    jamesdon18 Member Posts: 7

    Also what is the point of dropping a pallet on a killer with a survivor on their shoulder if they get stunned but do not drop the survivor and just teleport back a few steps? why make that an option if it never ever works

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @SovererignKing said:
    powerbats said:

    @SovererignKing said:

    The stun is supposed to be a reward for playing extremely risky and having a high chance to trade. Sorry you want free stuns. You actually have to have precise timing and forethought to earn that 1000 BP.

    There's actually a bug that the des admitted where you can time the stun right but still get hit. I've dropped a pallet heard the stun taken 5 steps and gotten hit. I've even had the killer teleport over to the other side to hit me and then teleport back and be stunned.

    There's been a lot of killers in my game with good ping all around agreeing they shouldn't have gotten a hit.

    Oh I’ve seen it on me as well, but considering the OP is talking about playing a year ago, it sounds like he is complaining they took the Pallet Vacuum away and it’s too easy for Killers now.

    Agreed, just wanted to point out the differences and anytime you take time off there's going to be a noticeable difference.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    @Dr_doom_j2 said:
    You just haven't played enough to understand the game at it's new, admittedly changed mechanical level

    I got like 400 hours in the game or something I have played the game plenty though? you play on console I don't want your less than valuable reply

    Lmao ok dude, I have over 1,300 hours, but feel free to mock me because i play on console lmao.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    @powerbats said:

    @Mycroft said:
    At this point we're about three patches away from survivor gameplay being click and win. And then maybe these low achievers can feel some self worth after we lower the bar to the pits of hell for them.

    At this point we're laughing our rears off because of all your non stop salt posts and threads. For someone that says they're not going to play anymore you sure do spend a lot of time posting salt here. 😜

    Dear Stan,

    I just hope this letter reaches you in time before you hurt yourself. I think that you'll be doin' just fine If you relax a little, I'm glad I inspire you, but Stan why are you so mad? Try to understand that I do want you as a fan.

    Dear Stan looking in the mirror, I'm glad I was able to get through to you finally, you actually posted something that wasn't a salt filled rant fest for once. The forums thank you for finally coming to your senses and we definitely don't want you as a fan.

    Sincerely yours, the rest of the forum, we've got enough salt from certain others on here.😎

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Giche said:

    Amen to that, finally someone said it.

    I do find it funny that you say that but if you look at certain posts of yours as well as others you usually agree with. You've never said the same thing in responses to them when they get responses like that. I've called out people on both sides.

  • Zavri
    Zavri Member Posts: 261
    edited September 2018

    @jamesdon18 said:
    I play mainly survivor

    If you could not avoid getting looped, then you are just bad and thats all

    because if you are getting chased and need dead hard or sprint burst, you only got it once a chase if that

    Ok mate, nice logic.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Mycroft said:

    I'm going to break this down my responses in parts since after I wrote that I realized I wasn't clear on some part that I should've been. I also worded some things wrong and through some stuff in that wasn't needed.

    I've never once told anyone to be quiet on this forum. In the few hundred or so posts I've made feel free to highlight them and show me. I have, and consistently will point out a prevailing sentiment among many who have played this game with any regularity. Apropos to the thread it's on, people consistently telling me how broken killers are supposed to be, consistently for 2 years and a month not adapting to Nurse, how blatantly obviously easy one side of this game is compared to the other.

    **If I was thinking of someone else then I apologize since as you well know both sides have their ahem vocal be quiet posters. I agree with the prevailing sentiment, most of it anyways that killers are vastly underpowered. I've stated on many occasions that I think they need buffs and have given ideas on how to do it without breaking things.

    I've adapted to pretty much every killer in this game although Doctor on gideons can be burnt to a crisp. My only issues with nurse are the extra blinks beyond 3. If she wasn't able to ignore the mechanics of the game completely it wouldn't be such a big deal. I feel those extra blinks are just as bad as DS. They're like training wheels and encourage bad play.**

    It's well documented to anyone who has spent any significant time in this game what's what. If you disagree in what form or in what ways, fine but everyone knows this game is not what it claims to be. There are Youtube videos galore, reddit posts, forum members far less abrasive than myself that have said it for the longest time. No one listens.

    I agree the state it's in and want it to get back to it's roots which should be a stealthy style of gameplay. Where the object is to evade the killer, not run around and loop him into oblivion then tea bag him. I want it to be a true horror game where you want to hide, that big 300 pound behemoth isn't someone you're supposed to point your finger at and then say come get me.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    The simple fact this game, it's community, it's spokespeople have become a meme in themselves "Pretty good job so far" says how far it's gone.

    **While true to an extent I also feel that the most extreme elements on both sides give it that reputation. You know like a certain douchebag streamer who's no on PS4. You get them on both sides and unless and until they get insta banned across all platforms it'll continue. On the other side are those that're highly motivated and opinionated but passionate about the game.

    On the killer side you, @SovererignKing @Tsulan @Giche @Master( @Jack11803 I think) and some others while not always immune to trolling. You're all at least passionate about the game. On the survivor side there's a bunch too. We all throw out the occasional barb and insult as well as some highly sarcastic stuff. But at the same time we also sometimes have some really good ideas pop up from all the back and forth we toss out.**

    You can sit there and advocate for the status quo if you'd like. I expect no more from people who benefit from inequity. It;s been the cornerstone of human nature to be blind to what goes on in an atmosphere of unfairness if they stand to gain something. That's not new, nor will ever change. But to sit there throwing rocks at people for nothing is the issue.

    I don't want the status quo, if you look at my posts quite a few of them all acknowledge this and state ways to improve things. As far as throwing rocks at people I'm responding to when people throw out insults usually or some blatant stuff like 100 % of my lobbies are 4man swef/ds/fl etc. Now granted I can get heated with some of my responses and I apologize for that.

    My original post you responded to was not directed at anyone in particular, least of all you, you took it upon yourself to make that one into this spitball fight. I ignored, the joked it off but then you invoked everyone in some attempt to be some authority figure. You aren't.

    I never tried to pick a fight with you and you sadly took it that way and I didn't bring others into it to make it some authoritative thing. I've also never claimed I'm one so just stop right there because that's a dead end and has no basis in fact. Now that's been stated clearly you shouldn't bring it up anymore since it's not accurate.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    You aren't the arbiter of justice in this forum. You aren't the spokesperson of the downtrodden privileged who review bomb a game over a patch they disagree with. And you definitely aren't objective in the least. If I said the North Pole was due north of here you'd make an extra effort to pull out your patented jifffy 'hard data' to show how it was 5 miles from Australia. Simply on the basis I was the one who stated the fact. That's the difference. You're contrary to be contrary.

    Again with the false equivalencies that only you seem to see that aren't rooted in facts. You claim I'm not something which I'e never claimed to be yet turn around and imply I'm stating such. That last part while funny isn't even close to being 100% accurate. While I'm certainly biased who isn't on here, yourself included or anybody on this forum. I do still try and be as unbiased as i can be. Oh sure I'll post some sarcastic stuff and throw out some of the same stuff killer mains do to make a point.

    As my previous post said, I have no interests in anyone's personalities here. I am here as a person who has not only purchased 5 copies of this game to go on several machines but a person who was here before this game was even a game as a backer of it. Not that my opinion means any more than any other person here but I will speak it freely. I am thoroughly unimpressed.

    **I'm not worried about personalities here, I've met and dat with pretty much all types, both in person and ingame and forums. How many copies you've bought is irrelevant really and i've been gaming since long before you were even born. That doesn't make my opinion more valuable than yours or anyone else's. It also doesn't lessen either, it's simply my opinion.

    You're just as fee to voice your opinion as anyone else and while you may be unimpressed that doesn't mean everyone else is. It just means that you as an individual is unimpressed whereas another person might be impressed. It doesn't invalidate your opinion but neither does it validate it overall.**

    As any other consumer of a product I will make those opinions known. I don't expect perfection, but i do expect an effort. What I've seen for over two years is the opposite off effort. One part of this game I can do in my sleep. It's unrewarding and infantile. The other side, pure frustration and annoyance. Frustrating just to be frustrating. Artificially difficult because if it was fair the one side that has it made would rain down death threats and review bombs and toxicity like they've done numerous times.

    **For the former agreed, that's a given with any product people buy or in this case rent the rights to play their digital property. As far as the 2 years go from what one or more of the killer mains have said is that they recently as in last 9 months or so. They recently bought back the full right to the game from the prior owners.

    Now they have a roadmap out along with planned changes and while the changes haven't been smooth nor as fast as wanted. Most of the people on here agree that's it's a step in the right direction. Now for the death threats and review bombs just stop, both sides have extremists that do this and if you remember it was a certain toxic streamer that said go review bomb the game. There was also a high profile streamer that killer mains including you swear by who said the patch was bad.

    So bad stuff came out and as I posted about there was quite a lot of bad reviews that had ZERO to do with the patch. Such as no dedicated servers, no report fixes, a ton of bad reviews from PS4 users. Who were complaining about the patch and no servers being up. There was also a bunch of negative reviews from FTP people quite a few with under 1 hour played or not even 5 minutes.**

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    I will never sit here and claim to be the most perfect person. I'll always be the next person to admit my mistakes because when they occur I have to race to be in the top 10 to do it but I never, not once make my issues personal with individual members on this forum. You have. That's the difference.

    **Well that's nice but you did seem to take it personal, if not then apologies. As far as me taking it personal again you're way off base with that. The difference is i know i'm not taking personal you don't. If I was taking this personal with you or anyone else there'd be no doubt. There's also be an immediate forum ban and or jail bars around my name if i was taking it personal.

    Let there be no doubt about what em taking it personal would be, the mods would instantly nail me. That's not a threat in any way shape or form. Just a statement of fact and one line I'll never cross on here. I'll trade barbs and such along with good natured ribbing but I won't ever make it personal.**

    People on this forum read what I say and make me the issue. "You're so mean/negative/angry/upset/etc" and use that as a device to police what I say. They never attempt to refute what I say. Of course I'm bitter about this game. I'm honest about it. And I refuse to apologize for that.

    While true and both sides do it even me sometimes when I'm ribbing or just being way too acerbic/sarcastic. As for being bitter about what you perceive the problems to be, don't apologize for that. You wouldn't be you nor would you be able to offer anything constructive if you didn't care.

    It;s a common trend with gaming companies to disregard consumers who disapprove of their actions. Well that trend started to change when we spoke up about lootboxes with EA, the Creation Club with Bethesda and for what it's worth I choose to speak up about how Behaviour shows blatant favoritism to a portion of their consumers and treat the other portion like garbage.

    **I remember those well and spoke up loudly about it on EA's forum and got a temp ban for my ahem post about the issue. I don't think BHVR is showing blatant favoritism at all, I think they made some mistakes. If you look at it from afar and impassionately the base coding and changes from that point started it all rolling.

    @orion I believe had said that the game used to be balanced before they added in pallets (?) or something like that. After that trying to change things only made it worse. Now they're finally starting to tweak things back to where they need to be direction wise. Will it happen fast enough no, that's not going to happen nor should it. It'd be way too disruptive to completely balance the game all at once.**

    When they fix that behavior I'll be glad to shut up about it.

    You don't have to shut up about it since new issues will always crop up each time there's a change and you might notice something someone else doesn't..

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @jamesdon18 said:
    The developers keep releasing patches that keep nerfing survivors into the ground. Killers keep complaining and just because they are bad they get patches to make it easier and easier to play.

    Please tell me when did these killersided patches came out?
    In 2 years I can remember exactly TWO killersided patches and one of them is about to get reversed halfway.
    The other one was the introduction of gen regression.
    Literally EVERY OTHER patch the killer got the short end of the stick.
    So stop spreading these lies.
    Either you are one eye blind or you are really that bad at the game that you believe yourself.
    Feel free to re-read the patchnotes from the last 2 years and pinpoint me to the "survivor nerfed to the ground" stuff.

  • So it's you have to get real close to the killer for flashlight saves which is risky now. Pallet vacuum bug got fixed 2 killers got buffed and exhaustion was changed so it couldn't be used to extend chases extremely long and is more risky to use exhaustion perks and run everywhere especially with sprint burst. So basically 2 killer buffs flashlight saves are now more risky a bug got fixed and exhaustion got changed. 1 bug fix 1 change 2 buffs "killers are so broken now." Stfu