Stop blaming DS for lack of strategy.



  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    who is complaining about slugging? slugging is a viable strat to create map pressure and people who complain about it just dont like being slugged

  • evilwithinIII
    evilwithinIII Member Posts: 154

    You can litterly say this to every negative thing in the game

    Noed: lack of strategy

    Losing to a facecamp leatherface: lack of strategy

    Should I go on?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I hate being slugged, but it's what I get for having DS.

    It's my punishment, it's viable, and it's fine.

  • AvengerBear
    AvengerBear Member Posts: 100

    Oh, so Iri huntress and ebony mori are balanced, but DS needs to be nerfed. Typical entitled killer main. Let me tell you something even funnier than Iri huntress, mirror Myers with mori tunnel hook can kill everyone just as fast, don't even need to worry about DS, how amazing to get rewarded for brained dead ez tunnel

  • pizzamess11
    pizzamess11 Member Posts: 149

    I mean I havent seen anything in this discussion but I've seen many people complain about both in the past, I'm not pretty enough to have screenshots of it though.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    DS isn’t fine. If you have to let a survivor go because they jump in a locker then it’s stupid and broken. The only counter to it is to leave them and any survivor with a brain is going to do a gen after you left them.

    The idea alone that a survivor feels safe doing a gen in the killers face because they got an invincibility perk is imo wrong. They got arrogant and made a mistake but the killer can’t punish them for it because they got a full minute of invincibility.

    We’re talking about a full minute here, that’s about 1/10 of the game (average). DS is also a perk you can use after each unhook until you actually use it. Imagine having 4 survivors with DS which really isn’t even stretching reality atm and you’re a decent killer that over the course of the game hooks multiple survivors several times. This means that the killer will constantly need to play around DS and there’s almost always going to be one survivor with 60 seconds of invincibility. As a killer you’re literally getting punished for performing well. How can this possibly fall under the definition of healthy gameplay.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    "DS isn’t fine. If you have to let a survivor go because they jump in a locker then it’s stupid and broken. The only counter to it is to leave them and any survivor with a brain is going to do a gen after you left them."

    Why are you targeting THIS survivor?

    Typically there are 4 survivors that spawn in 1 match, so there are 3 other survivors out there buddy. A GOOD killer typically targets the unhooker, the survivor isn't forcing you to open that locker. NO ONE forces you to open that locker OR target this survivor.

    That's YOUR mistake.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Hey im not saying huntress takes skill. I'm just saying DS doesn't either.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Whoops didn't load in right.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    Again, even though they were good in chases doesn't mean they didn't play over altruistic. In my 4man if the killers camping we slam gens and punish that.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    no not all of them, i just came up with a short answer

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You're also using Stretched Resolution that enables you to see more than a typical killer.

    YOU have no skill. Stretched Resolution is for skill-less players.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    This is 100. If you create enough pressure Ds means jack diddly. I stream every night and play mostly killer. Well recently half and half but ive gone against it all and ds never bothered me even before the change. and before the change ds was stronger. they literally altered it to be played around. People seem to forget the old ds you know the one where you had to juggle a survivor and waste a eff ton of time getting them to a hook or even the wiggle ds. come on people ADAPT learn to counter it seriously.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yea but that's something you have to force as killer. Very few survivors, especially even fewer SWFs, will just rush gens and leave unless you are an Insid Bubba in the basement staring right at the guy camping. What your group does is the exception not the rule. If they did that, that's punishing me for doing what I'm doing. What is the problem in that?

    Furthermore, while you might be escaping and punishing the killer you also punish yourselves. You won't pip for leaving someone to die and running out the gate, you won't get a lot of BP. You escape and deny the killer more kills that's really it.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    That's not even my gif. It's just something someone posted that demonstrates how stupid and easy huntress hitboxes are. Denial till the end huh?

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    There are actual people on this forum that prefer old DS.

    Where there was literally no counter to the 3 other DS that weren't the obsession. It baffles me.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869
    edited May 2020

    You’re not getting the point of what I’m saying. DS allows to be completely safe when doing gens or anything else really. If they sit on a gen and make it to a locker, I’m just supposed to let them go, even though they’re just going to be sitting at that very same gen seconds later.

    Sometimes when you return to the hook and this survivor is the only one you see, what are you supposed to do? Let them go?

    Hell sometimes you just find them again later after hooking the unhooker and still get punished for it.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    As survivors, you can easily see over ledges and know where the killer is heading.

    As killer you see more in your FOV and slap on Shadowborne and you have a All Seeing Killer.

    I don't know what they're going to do.

  • ill_Boston_lli
    ill_Boston_lli Member Posts: 899

    People just don't want to use their noggin. I look at ds as a mind game its fun to play around tbh im not normally in a position to be struck tho,

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    A slugged survivor is as useless as one on the hook.

    Someone has to come pick them up and you can camp the body if you so choose to, they're not invincible.

    My God, I deal with players like these every day and I don't find an issue with it.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    Hey, easy huntress main. You haven't mentioned how DS can combo with unbreakable to create invincibility for an entire minute.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    if ds was such a balanced perk maybe people wouldn't complain about it as much,just saying

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Same, typically at least 2 to 3 people are left slugged at some point while 3 or 4 gens are still needed to be done.

    I'm not GREAT at the game, but I know when slugging is a viable option and you can tell who has DS and who doesn't.

    A DS user isn't afraid of the killer and will do almost anything in their power to grab your attention and have you get struck.

    Killers are so impatient sometimes.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    If a survivor has a 1 time use perk that hasn't used it, it's now endgame and the gates are opened and you get D-Struck? Then I'm sorry man, count your losses and move on. You can't win every game.

    Why can't you slug during end-game? Are they too close to a door? You know a full minute crawling doesn't get a survivor far? I can record this and show you if you'd like, they don't make it far.

    If you find the guy that was unhooked, you've hooked another survivor, then either slug the guy or eat the DS. If you're so good at chases that you ended 2 chases in less than 60 seconds then that tells me a 5 second stun isn't going to affect you at all.

    You gave me a scenario, in which you've ended a chase, hooked a survivor, found another survivor and ended that chase ALL in less than 60 seconds tells me that you're good. A 5 second stun isn't going to do anything to you. Why complain about this if you're ending 2 chases and taking them to hook in less than 60 seconds.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375
  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Quoted. Agree 100%. Voted UP 100%. This is what i thought a few days ago. You have same thought and opinion about that. People blaming DS are just:

    • Killers with a poor strategy in game
    • Killers with a bad combo of perks according to the character in use
    • Killers doing errors after errors in game (never ending chases, ecc.. ecc..)
  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Dude, just give up. This entire topic has become a circle jerk and NOTHING you say will ever do anything but give them another chance to talk more.

    Just walk away and ignore them. The majority already knows that DS is too strong doe to making all Survivors safer than they should be. Doesn't even have to be DS itself, just there being an obsession in the game forces all Killers to second guess themselves as it is impossible to know who has DS until you eat it or seen in post game. Gets worse if the Killer himself is running an obsession perk.

    But like I said. NOTHING said here will do anything but prolong the circle jerk. Just ignore and move on to another topic and let this one die.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Because we've provided scenarios and valid options and strategies on how to counter DS but killers are either impulsive, impatient and whiny when they get hit with DS.

    They're not adapting and they're not learning the proper counters to DS, so they come to the forums, yell at the Devs for a nerf and hope in time the perk will get nerfed to their liking.

    DS is a perk that only gets its use unless you let it be used. No one but the killer has control over their mouse and keyboard, no one is forced to open that locker, to pick up that survivor.

    ALL those choices are YOURS and yours alone.

    Shocker isn't it? So the survivor community along with the killer community (like myself) provide valid options and methods on how to counter DS but killers are so whiny they jump up and down and try to tear down every option we give them and give us these ridiculous scenarios in hopes to turn our opinion.

    It baffles me that THIS is what the part of the killer community has been reduced to. As a killer myself, I'm shocked, and appalled at the whiny side of the killer community.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    What I'm saying is a vast majority of survivors won't do what you guys do. They will go for saves.

    Plus I honestly don't consider kills or escapes a win. I consider a pip a win since that's how you rank up. Anyone can hide all game and just rush gens or play for hatch just like anyone can put on a mori and 1 hook tunnel every survivor they find. You're not going to pip from that. Getting a pip actually reflects your skill better than escapes/kills.

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    But thay also depends on how the other side plays, if a killer does nothing then you probably wont pip same for survivors.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Same opinion +1 I have a feeling we have the same discussion in CSGO between real Silvers and LEM/SUP/GE.

    Shocking but real. The real problem is not DS but the gameplay of many, many Killers.

    It's a game, you can't be ok immediately and you need many many hours to master the killer you are using, to understand well map and corners, what survivors do (you need to play survivor too, if you think to be a good killer in this game without playing survivor side, forget it), the strategies that surv use, to predict what survs are doing right now and ...... ecc...

    It's impossible to know everything immediately, to complain is not useful and to whine is completely useless.. You need hours and a better gameplay, that's the problem of a huge % of the whiny side of the killer community.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    Honestly they have to do a whole lot of nothing for you to depip. Yea it's possible to safety pip, but my point is that just because you escaped/got kills does not mean you played well. While there are outliers for emblems where you will safety pip despite playing well, in most games it is a reflection of performance. It's a better indicator of skill than escapes/kills, but that's not to say it's perfect.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    "all the time". Facts? No just accusations. :)

    Otzdarva got very much experience in dbd and he got that opinion too. Weird huh?

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    This is the state of DS, end of discussion:

    Decisive Strike is free God-Mode. They can do any action, rescue any survivor, repair gens as long as they want, without fear of being hooked for 60 seconds. If two people are working on a generator, that's one whole gen flying where the Killer is unable to hook that survivor and is forced to slug.

    If it were an anti-tunnel perk, it would deactivate as soon as a significant action is made; unhooking, or going in a locker, or hitting a skill check on a generator. But as it stands, its free god mode. There's no strategy behind it except to slug.

    Its not fun. Its a relic of when the Devs thought putting perks in the game as bandaid fixes would solve issues like camping or tunneling.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Ahhh ok.... if you think so.... ok.

    Have you ever thought about slugging? That someone need to stop gen, to go close to the surv otherwise he stay on the ground forever and you earn time ? Have you ever thought that, in the meantime, you can patrol gen and you can find surprises all of the time ? Have yo ever thought that to slug can push the surv to use Unbreakable (many have unbreakable in red rank, you know) ?

    I dont understand all this whining for DS. It's a perk, and it doesnt work forever in match. You have a 5sec stun and if you are not bad in chase, it's not a big problem....

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    all your comments and threads are so biased towards survivors I dont even know why you bother at this point lol

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171
    edited May 2020

    If you blame DS for that .... i cannot agree with you.

    You are talking about survivors at the exit (Survivors = more than 1 = 2 or more than 2) that do body block to help a survivor go out = 3 are escaping, probably 4.

    You didnt have a great match. 3 close to the exit (or 4) is not a great goal. Shi* happens, it's a game, you win you lose, it is for everyone. But dont blame DS in this test case.........

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Ehmmm, i play 70 hours every 100 Killer. But if you think i play only Surv and i'm in love with Survivors, that's your singular point of view. ^..^

    I just don't complain for DS, and instead to whine like a good % of Killer community, i slug if i think someone has DS and i dont want the stun.

    Is IT so difficult or i have to do some design to explain how to slug ? -..-

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Let me respond with one detail.

    You are purely thinking that ALL events in the game happen because the Killer made them so. Never once have I seen you recognize that Survivor actions are just as if not more responsible for what happens in gameplay.

    When Survivor gets unhooked, they have a choice how to use their time. They can choose to confront the Killer. Make a save in his face, work a gen next to him, body block for another Survivor, the list goes on and all even while still wounded if they want. All of these should be horrible mistakes and more or less seen as a Survivor asking for death. But DS makes it so NONE of those choices can be punished!

    It is far more often than not the SURVIVOR'S choice that DS gets used, or as many would call it, abused. Killers do have their own choices, but you should NEVER forget that Survivors have choices of their own.

    And that's my deal and how I see DS. Survivors seek out reasons to abuse it knowing they are perfectly safe from any punishment doing so.

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171

    Ever tried to read a whole thread ^..^ ? I did a comment in this thread explaining that to slug is a good strat for DS and to push a surv to use unbreakable. After that ... suddenly ... you face again this "evil" survivor that is using 2 perks, 2 perks (ofc he has to use unbreakable + ds but many do that, me too).

  • bubba_is_bubba
    bubba_is_bubba Member Posts: 171
    edited May 2020

    Ever tried to read a whole thread in a Forum ? Jokes aside i was trying to explain in this thread, to people who obviously dont know that (i dont have any other explanations) to slug is a good strat anti ds (if you dont want stun), to push the "evil" survivor to use unbreakable (if he has it) and to move away a survivor from gen (if you slug and you go away, someone need to rescue the surv on the ground = 2 away from gen).

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    And i dont believe you believe those guys you mentioned are actually good at the game. They are entertaining but none of them is really a very strong player. Maybe the OP is just better, which i can imagine if he really has over 6K hours.

    I dont have that much hours on killer like the OP but i also almost never have a problem with DS. Like he said, just slug and you should be fine.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2020

    Scottjund is probably one of the best players in this game same goes for Zubat and Marth88 and all of them agree that DS's design is dumb. But then again I don't take their points for face value either since Scottjund some time ago on steam called palletlooping an exploit due to the broken hitboxes (which at the beginning it was but the devs basically left it in) and backtracked from that statement real fast after backlash and Marth isn't even actively playing anymore.

    DS even scales off of how good a killer is, if you do not down people multiple times in a non-tunneling game within 60 seconds then yes, DS won't affect you but if you play like let's say for example Zubat or Scott then DS will hit you. Do they still win? I won't disagree with that but how many perks do killers have that basically give them free hookstates? One of the best perks that we have is Pop goes the weasel which sets back general survivor progress by maybe 10% AFTER you hooked somebody or perks like Haunted Grounds which often do nothing if the survivors are careful with it's activation (personally I only remove hextotems that I'm unsure of if the killer already wounded a survivor and is chasing him).

    Just give the killer a tracker who got unhooked the last time (no timer just an indication), that person has a 30 second DS out of chase and that timer stops while being chased, if the killer downs him that timer also stops. If the survivor does anything during this time outside of running/vaulting/palletdropping etc then DS gets deactivated. Skillcheck becomes way easier and heck I'd even be ok with making this a passive that all survivors get to counter the rampant toxicity in highranks if killers got something to incentivize fairplay in return. Boom, easy fix.

    But the devs don't want a game that is less frustrating afaik because frustration keeps you playing.

    Aside from that I have less problems with DS, I think the vaultbuild needs to be looked at way more because it makes some mindgameable tiles WAY to safe.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    You know what my first thought was when i read the OPs posting?

    "Nice, i want to know if he is streaming/youtubing or not, maybe i can learn a thing or two"

    See the difference?

    Others come here, post the possible opinion of some popular, mediocre to semi-good players that are even notorious for complaing about everything and because of that, people claim that it is a valid argument. How about learn from someone that has no problem with DS instead of beeing a sheep and repeat what a popular but not so strong player has to moan about?

    About what you wrote in particluar:

    I dont know if Scott or Marth (espcially Marth) are that strong players as you think, but Zubat is indeed a good player. But when you watch his stream, what do you see? He does not even try hard, and still gets the 4K. On top of that, i dont see him get stunned by DS a lot unless he wants to. Also i dont hear him moaning about DS or Unbreakable. He is just doing what every good player is doing: Slug the Survivor and create pressure.

    I would not have a problem with some indication on which person you downed most recently, because it could become complicated if survivors all run the same character model. Other then that, DS is in a good spot. So.. good idea by your, no objection from em.

    Lat but not least: Since many killer mains are complaining + seeing what devs are doing with the game currently, i dont have any doubt that DS is probably the next thing they will nerf, so i guess this topic will become obsolet in the near future anyway.

    @ill_Boston_lli do you upload, if so whats your twitch or youtube?