Was Sally Smithson always a Killer?

My apologies as I couldn't find a pic online for this:
On Xbox, when playing The Nurse and waiting in the lobby, I've always noted around her left shoulder there is a bloody hole, in the same place survivors are hooked. Granted, it's not at the front, but that wound is very defined and thus far not explained from what I could find.
Alongside her obvious torture, "Silent Hill" inspiration, and the fact in-game she moves as if she's being hung from an imaginary hook or noose, is it possible Sally is a rare case of a survivor having becoming a killer? I welcome your thoughts on this.
I don’t think so, as in her lore it talks about how she went crazy.
“Finally she could not take it any more and concepts of purification emerged inside her. She did what she felt was necessary. As the morning staff arrived one day in September - they found over fifty dead patients, lifeless, in their bed along four staff members, also dead.”
She was most likely just tortured by the entity.
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Thank you for replying. Bearing that in mind, it does sound her mind was set then. It's interesting, as of all the killers who were tortured, hers bears a strong resemblence to how survivors are tortured in the trials. Maybe it's a symbolism of her killing for what she felt was a good thing, and the Entity showing her it wasn't?
Eitherway, thank you for your answer.
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She snapped in the asylum and started killing. Her mori also showed her choking the survivor and then touch their faces. Personally it feel like she didn't wanna choke them but just went mad.
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Such as she may be offering them peace from the Hell those guys were in within that asylum? Or maybe she closed their eyes out of habit, if she were to be so far gone? Sally is a tragic character. Out of all of the killers, I hope maybe one day she'll escape the Entity.
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The canon says no, but here's my idea: Sally was a survivor in real life. She worked at an insane asylum for 20 years with no real friends or loved ones to talk to, like the survivors in the entity's realm. After 20 years of living the same nightmare over and over every day she snapped and became a killer, murdering everyone indiscriminately. She viewed it as saving them from the living hell that was the asylum, she didn't want anyone else to go through what she went through. After she snapped and didn't want to be a survivor anymore, the entity collected her to become a killer.
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That fits well, and maybe that entry wound shown in the lobby and the hanging position she floats in could be a "reminder" by The Entity of her former survivor role.A little extra psychological torture, above all else.
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Correct answer ^
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i dont think so that could just be a scar from when the entity tortured her or maybe a patient from the asylum fighting back before being murdered.
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Yeah. Still, interesting to know where exactly that came from. Odd that it's the one injury and where it is. That's what got me to thinking about this. Thank you for your thoughts!