Doctor is broken. Why he needs a minor nerf.

Cixon Member Posts: 133
edited May 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Doctor needs changes desperately. I find doctor to be too strong alone but worse with add-ons. I truly feel if these problems were fixed the newcomers that play survivor can feel less defenseless against Doctor.

I ran into with Docs in all ranks above 11 and they share a common ground. Looping is nearly impossible with Doc. His shocks are spammed on basic loops and even if avoided, the space the shock takes over is too big so there's nothing you can do especially with the addition of the new balanced maps for killers.

Without going too off topic, I'm glad BHVR is making moves with map layouts and making the maps a bit more balanced but now it's time for the core game-play mechanics starting with the killers and for this thread: Doctor.

  • Side note: I know Doctor got a rework recently but the rework was a huge buff and hasn't been polished at all.

Here's the problems I have with doctor on a survivor view point:

-Blast radius is too big to compensate for any locker prep even if you're lucky enough to be 8 meters away from a locker. Docs blast radius is roughly 30 meters IN ALL DIRECTIONS forming what seems to be a dome.

^This needs to be nerfed to 20 meters because it's too big for a 60 second cool-down.

-The noise prompt for his blast is too delayed and little too quiet in my opinion. Needs to be louder.

-Shock therapy needs a 2 second cool-down.

Post edited by Cixon on


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    You hit the nail on the head, Cixon. All they needed to do was remove Punishment and Treatment modes, which they did. Then they went overboard with Static Blast, which was completely unnecessary and is overpowered. Free madness and detection of all survivors every 60 seconds, for a killer that already gains detection of survivors screaming in madness 3 and illusions in madness 2. And the infinite shock therapy with no cooldown is indeed BS, continuously preventing everything from dropping a pallet to jumping in the hatch.

  • P3Nea
    P3Nea Member Posts: 3

    I have a other problem with him. He can shock you when you're about to throw the pallet down or vault and then you can't use the vault or pallet for like 4 seconds and then the Doctor just gets a free hit. I do not know how to play against this killer anymore.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Stop crying hes fine as is

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    The only real problem i have with him, is that if in madness tier 3 you cant even get someone up from the ground, because you cant do any other action than to snap out of it. Maybe gens or totems work, but really not being able to heal is pretty hard. At least it happened in many many matches to me.

    The static blast is ok in my opinion and the shock therapy, well he can spam it, but i am often able to get out of the shock area or can still throw down a pallett, because sometimes the scream is delayed. So its more like a gamble for the doc, if the scream comes in the right moment, or not.

    With the add ons that create fake palletts, this is where it gets disgusting again. :D

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    He has literally been able to create Fake Pallets even before the rework, there's nothing "Disgusting" about that.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    You have the biggest tell ever..if your in his tr, you risk getting blasted..that's on you..and all it does is some general info on your location and has the longest killer power cd in dbd..his shock therapy doesnt need a cd otherwise using it in chase would be almost impossible and you can still mind game around it..there is a minor lockout and he has a clear tell when hes about to that point it comes down to who made the better play..if youd played doctor to the degree of understanding you would understand all of these things..but the fact you havent really just feeds stereotypes here man..there are plenty of killer players who can help you understand the killer rather than making blind posts about something you dont even know how it works

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Well then ill say it like this.

    For example: Freddy has to choose if he uses fake palletts or the traps. Palletts are limited to 10 and only visible in dream state.

    Doctor has 4 add ons that give him the fake palletts. Only thing he has to do is break them, then any 20 seconds a new one spawns random on any broken pallett location. You dont have to place it, yea the survivor has to be in any madness tier, but one hit with shock therapy and you are affected by it the whole game.

    The old doc add ons, were in comparison, so much worse. The pallett effect was only on one of the red add ons. And only if you hit someone with shock therapy and then it was a 1/5 chance that this effect would be randomly choosen, so you are just wrong, it has gotten disgusting.

    I always see it when playing doc in red ranks, one bad surv that wastes palletts at the start of the match and it screws over the others over and over again. And all it takes for me to have this effect is one grey/common add on.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    That's how teams work i dont see you complaining when you get a good team you have to take the good with the bad so if your teammates suck that to bad

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    I'm a huge Doctor fan, I mained him for quite a while way before the rework, and personally I would add a global audio cue for when his Static Blast is ready too add more counterplay, now it's too much a guessing game. Entering a locker because he might have it ready is 99% of the time a waste of time, and the 2 seconds of charging the ability is not enough to counter it properly.

  • Blister987
    Blister987 Member Posts: 54

    I will never understand people that complain about Doctor when killers like Spirit and Freddy exist. They're literally x100 better and take x0 of skill to use (that's 0, Freddy main).

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Having trouble understanding why Doctor isn't a part of this list? For all the aforementioned reasons? Sure Freddy and Spirit are broken too, but doesn't mean Doctor can't be to nearly the same degree?

  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619
    edited May 2020

    Blast should take extra ~1.5 seconds to release and be WELL audible when you are about to be hit by it.

    Everything else is ok.

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    Unless a killer is stronger than Hillbilly, they dont need nerfed. Doctor is not as strong as Hillbilly, thus no need for nerfs.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    So it would be 100% counterable and useless how about no

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    why should survivors have 100% counters to all killer powers 100% of the time stop being selfish

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Why do survivors should have a counter to power that literally requires them to be inside the terror radius? You already have a counter in form: dont be inside the terror redius, just like against the doctor before the rework.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    This. Survivors should not have counters to everything. It gets boring real fast.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    So you agree Deep Wounds is a bullshit scenario with him, right?

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    That's something a entitled killer would say.

    This makes no sense.

    If survivors don't have some sort of counter to a killer/new killer, that killer is broken and deemed META and people like you aren't helping the community grow, you're killing it.

    If you truly think that survivors shouldn't have some sort of counter to a killer then you clearly never played survivor or you're being the selfish one. The whole purpose of a survivor is to survive and if a doctor spams his shock which he can do because there's virtually no cool-down, then he's broken. Like Huntress you might as well drop pallets early to get distance and that can ends games fast. THAT is truly boring.

    Doctor legit has barely any cool-down to his shock and easily the best killer for 4Ks with the right perks. Just cause he got a rework doesn't mean it was a well done rework.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    Updated main post to clear everything up and get to the specifics.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    I've played doctor to the extent to prove a point. 4ks are easy.

    I main Ghostface and Nurse and I find myself siding with both survivor and killer. I moved over to survivor before the map layout reworks because infinite angered me as playing killer.

    I'm not against either side, I'm against the ignorance of people who find mechanics in current builds of the game "fine" when they're broken.

    Doc has to charge his shock to use it and he's slightly slower but with the rework he can switch back to his weapon easily and hit you and there's no cool-down it so all you need to do is place down charges on the pallet and chase till they drop the pallet which most survivors try not to so they can keep it for someone else but really, it doesn't matter. You will drop a pallet almost as soon as a huntresses because's there's no counter.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    But if survivors have counters to everything, that just makes it unfair for the killer. As they have to deal with 4 people that can know what to do against them. It is what made Pre-buff Blague, and Old Freddy unfun to play. Survivors denied their powers and made them M1 killers. They didn't cleanse and failed skill checks to wake up. People don't make those choices anymore because it isn't as simple as doing one thing to counter an entire killer. If they do not cleanse, Plague has one corrupt purge by default. If they fail skillchecks against Freddy, then they risk having him come over to them via teleport and he can put you to sleep easily.

    Survivors have to make (or should be forced to make) tough choices. Right now, that is the only skillful part of playing survivor. Should I heal against this Legion? Should I cleanse against this plague? Where and when should I heal against an Oni? These questions have no perfect solution, which makes the game more interesting.

    Besides, Doc has counters: Calm Spirit, Lockers, and staying outside the TR. You can't afford to chase normally or run him around. He, like Nurse and Freddy, force survivors to play in ways they rather wouldn't. He slows the game down like trapper too. He is in a fine spot, and the only thing I can say is: Get Gud.

  • Cixon
    Cixon Member Posts: 133

    These are fine words to go by and I agree but to blantly say there shouldn't be a counter is just outright outragous.

    The great thing about DBD is you don't know who you're up against and I love it but because I can't prep beforehand and have no clue I can't just run perks like Calm spirit and things to counter Doc. The point of the matter it, perks should only be there to boost the survivors objectives not to counter killers and that's the issue.

    The game needs to balance it's killers and not all killers are treated equally. Domogorgon is low tier and though he can teleport where ever he pleases, that's all he can do. Nothing that special about it. Doc on the other hand was the only killer that got a rework that was broken and I stand by that. Even a strong SWF group struggle against a Doc because doc can execute a 2k without lifting a finger and godforbid a 4k because everyone knows he's great for that.

    There's no "get gud" mentality with doc. It's just "get meta" or "get DC'd".

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Uhuh..sure ok, there is a cd it's just not very long..because testing showed a longer cd killed any power the doc had..and placing charges on the pallet only works vs bad players because if you cant force them to go through it after you shocked you gain no a good surv will cut you off with the pallet if you dont play it properly..I do ot..had it done to me, forcing pallets isnt very strong, otherwise clown would not be bottom tier

  • ggezbaby
    ggezbaby Member Posts: 404
    edited May 2020

    drop pallets early. he can not negate pallets if you’re not just waiting by a pallet like a silly. don’t be greedy and try to loop, throw it down.

    i play doctor against high ranks, and they just drop pallets, negates my power. he isn’t OP.

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Your calling me selfish when you want to completely negate killers powers. If survivors can check everything killers have why even have killer powers to begin with.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Ok, 1 to Cixon. Demogorgon is not the low tier. He is very strong when used properly. His Pounce can be great at dealing with many loops. Ever tried killershack against good demo for example?

    And 2, to both of you. Doc has counters, i will ignore calm spirit, that is a great counter to doc and to infectious fright.

    1. Do not play in his terror radius. Usually playing inside killer's terror radius is pretty normal, when you know where he is, but against the doc its really important to not do that. 2 People with a flashlight? Forget about trying to save people when doc picks them up, the good one can predict thsi and use his power before the hook. What is more important, doctors usally dont bring detection perks, so if they wont find anyone they will be left quessing.
    2. Don't greed loops, even if you have dead hard. Doctor's shock can really punish you for that. Best use of dead hard is around the windows, after being shocked before you menaged to vault, try running into the window and when doc is nearby dead hard, to avoid his attack. After this time you should be free to fast vault and you will avoid the hit, unless he has unrelenting.
    3. Do not try to vault pallet back and forth, he will just shock you and hit.
    4. Its somethign that i didnt tested yet but throwing a pallet and vaulting it is quicker than running to the other side and dropping it. Against normal killer you would loose too much distance and likely be hit but against the doc it might sometimes work.
    5. Know the loops. Just like against the huntess, demogorgon or deathslinger some loops are no longer save. I get it, it can be sometimes hard to adjust your play for it but practice makes perfect.
    6. Adjust your distance from the kilelr for his power. On loops there is this minimal save distance and when the killer breaks it you are forced to throw the pallet or hope he respects it. Against the doctor this distance is different on loops. You can really notice it playing as him, on what distance you should use shock, to stop the pallet drop and when shock will work only, if survivor tries to vault after getting shocked. Remember, when doc charges his shock he is slower.
    7. Do not waste pallets, if doctor have fake pallets your team will be in a bad spot. After all for survivors its a team effort, so one can feck up the team.
    8. For the end the dumbest tip of all. Do gens. Every single killer can be beaten if you do gens fast enough and do not waste any time. Because of it i will say you should bring kindred if you are playing solo, it helps your team a lot.
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited May 2020

    More of these threads? Ok.

    Doctor is fine and balanced. Here’s how to fix your problems:

    1. Stay out of his terror radius. If you get hit with Static Blast, then oh well. You’re not supposed to dodge it all the time. Survivors don’t need a hard counter to everything.
    2. Maybe it’s just because I’ve played a lot of Doctor and I’m used to it, but I think the charging up noise is fine. You can tell it apart from his terror radius music.
    3. His Shock Therapy can be dodged and requires timing to use properly. Drop pallets early or try to dodge it at loops. If he tries to constantly shock at a loop, then keep looping him. Using it slows Doc down by a LOT (I think he moves at like 70% speed) and can extend the loop for him, which is a bad thing.
  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    Are you drunk ? You're the one that doesn't know how a team work.

  • Pumpkindog7000
    Pumpkindog7000 Member Posts: 5

    I think that they should add a cool down after shock therapy because he can just keep shocking you over and over again but I think his addons are ok a balanced.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    The only thing my comment was about, is how the pallett add ons of doctor work. I didnt say anything about teams in generell or specific. I dont know what to do with your answer, seriously, what do you mean?

  • elvangulley
    elvangulley Member Posts: 569

    O no my teammates drop all the pallets

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    He has one though. It’s 1.5 seconds. If he’s shocking you like that at a loop then he’s probably doing something wrong.

  • NotDBD
    NotDBD Member Posts: 182

    You should treat every time you're in the terror radius as a time to prepare. As soon as you hear the sound start to find a locker, or you can even mind game the notification depending on the map you're on. Most doctors will like to shock in similar times, ie after they have hooked a survivor. There is counter play, if you suffer too much, run calm spirit.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Oh my god learn to read. I said the survivor keep ######### up themselves, when i play as a doctor.

    My god always this pointless discussions on this toxic forum.

  • TheCamper
    TheCamper Member Posts: 15

    That's literally is his core ability. To shock you before you drop it.

    You are suppose to learn to look back and run and as you see him charge up you drop the pallet. It takes skill I will admit but not impossible. Long term players do that all the time.