Demogorgan would be great with some polish

Unlike a lot of the licensed killers in the past I feel like The demogorgan has the most simple and non minor rework requiring fixes to be in a much better condition.

Now before people attempt a lecture I love demo but the numbers dont add up here..let's examine the facts

Demo has the most setup dependent movement based ability in game..billy, wraith, spirit, and oni can use their mobility on a whim, and survivors cannot remove their ability to use it entirely while with demo it's as easy as doing a very short the travel time of this ability is longer than necessary.

Demogorgans shred is just as telegraphed as huntress but unlike huntress he cannot readjust mid shot to land shots against juking, plus unlike huntress a miss makes him unable to turn, has a longer recovery, and has 0 ability to cut circular loops short, he can only force pallet drops..its good against long walls and shack but once again dodging this is both easy and punishing.

Final fact..demogorgan telegraphs EVERYTHING he makes survivors have a constant read on his actions making them play more efficiently just by here's my solution to this issue

Demos teleport: Remove the global signal that hes makes his movements too easy to it undermines his stealth coming from a portal, I'd also add a lingering obliviousness effect as penalty for cleansing his portals..that way taking one out or helping take one out is a legitimate risk instead of knee capping demo for free..hell..make it a bit faster to teleport maybe? It really is slow

Demo stealth: Weve seen the show..this creepy beast snuck right behind people several times without a sound but our demo has iron clad feet and a 1sec teleport stealth mode ..increase the stealth to 5 seconds so he can actually use it, and please quiet down his foot steps while stealthed at least..hes as loud as oni but half as lethal

Demo shred: This ability sadly will be semi niche no matter what we do , but..a change or two can go great..I'd reduce the cd of missed shred attacks , and allow demo to turn at least when he lands the hit, or perhaps update the speed of the shred itself so it can be more of a threat when you enter its areas of I said..not a lot to do here, but something should be improved here

Anyone else have any ideas?
