How ranking system should work

Any red rank should not be able to play with survivors/killers that are not in the red ranks range in soloq,same goes for,purple,green,grey.If swf for example if there's a red,purple,green,grey in the same lobby,the killer will have a 25% to be either of the ranks.If 2 red and 2 purple,50% to be either red or purple,if 3 reds and 1 purple,100% for the killer to be red.Think this is the only way to truly balance matchmaking,it desperately needs balance if you wanna keep new players around.
Red ranks should be able to play with purple ranks imo
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Are you red rank? Then you have to play with red ranks. Purple with purple. Green with green. Yellow with yellow and grey with grey. Also For swf I think they must play with a red rank killer
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ehh not all the time,some lower ranks survivors just wanna have fun playing together so I think it should be balanced compared to their ranks somehow.
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For this about swf I mean for red ranks that carry lower ranks. If there is a swf team that are rank 20 then yes they need a lower rank killer
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yeah for example if there are 3 red ranks trying ot carry a white rank,the killer will 100% be red rank.
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That and also if every single hame I play as a rank 1 was soley against rank 1s and 2s id stop playing killer. Its good that there's leeway in both directions. Take a green solo q survivor, some games they might face a purple killer and the games going to be rough, some games they might face a yellow killer and its going to be a little easier. Theres nothing wrong with that, thats a good thing. Tge purple games will help them get better, the yellow games keep them playing.
Same thing for killer in red ranks. Some games you get the swat swf and its rough, some games theyre all purple and its a little more chill. Red rank solos are the in between
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The friends I play with... I can't even carry them against a green rank. Don't forget that there's a ton of SWF teams that aren't good. They shouldn't have to always play against the best killers.
But yes. The ranking system sucks. They need to do something entirely different then 1-20. Hopefully that happens at some point. For now expect to play against the toughest opponents every game.
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Not sure if that's working or not. I'm from East USA and I play a ton of China and Japanese killers. Greece is another one that I commonly see. I face more foreign killers then I do American ones.
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I'd do 1-50 with the colors being 10 ranks instead of 4. I'd also remove blood points caps in specific categories and set the pip system to be based on total bps earned. Theyd have to tweek some of tge scoring events, but as you go up in rank you earn more too. Example: hitting a killer with a pallet at brown is worth 200, hitting a killer with a pallet in red is worth 3000 (with no bp cap for doing it). Completing gens would be worth a lot more as well. This would lead too two things, number 1 a more nuanced ranking system, and number 2 you could start categorizing survivors and match them together for solo q. Theres the guy who can run the killer for 5 gens, tge game could try and match him with 2 survivors that like to do gens and another survivor thats very altruistic. In theory would lead to more balanced games
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I am from Greece and I see the entire time people from Korea, China, Japan and mostly USA
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Do you know which countries are near me? Albania, Fyrum, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Serbia... I have never see people from these countries
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I think the amount of ranks and colors we have now is enough just need to be balanced this way.
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Define balance
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I defined it above.
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Idk maybe I missed something, but it looks like your OP is talking about balancing matchmaking while the title is talking about balancing the ranking system. I responded to your OP in a different post than the one you quoted, then I responded to someone else on how I'd balance the ranks. When you responded to me just now you responded to how I would balance ranks by saying youd balance ranks by balancing matchmaking. These just seem like two entirely different things that feed on each other.
But its early here still. So maybe I missed something.
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I dont think ranking system needs change,just matchmaking.
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Fair enough, I just disagree. 🤷♂️ @Dzeikor
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Because I dont think the current ranking system is nuanced enough leading to tilted matches even when matchmaking pits all the colors together. I think the game and matchmaking cam benefit from understanding a certain persons play style as survivor and try to pair them with people that need that play stule, and the system I described would do that.
I dont think the current rank system is awful, i just think it could be better