Forced AA on DbD and drastic performance drop

LvKA95 Member Posts: 8
edited May 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hi, today I’m here on this forum to talk about an important topic for the health of our game (and of the PC of many players out there): the forced AntiAliasing (AA) and all the problems that this is giving to many players.

For who of you that don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s a filter that softeners the 3D model sharp edges, below you can see an example:

Antialiasing On

Antialiasing Off

Before starting to write about it, my hardware has a CPU Intel i5 3570k 3.4 ghz and a GPU Nvidia 960 2GB. This hardware is more than enough for Dead by Daylight. Or at least, it was until a recent patch.

From the patch 3.7.0 I had a lot of problems, and many other players as well. Here there is a list of -part- of the issues I found:

1) Frequent frame-loss, from 60 to 30-40 fps.

2) 3-4 seconds freezes in any match.

3) high CPU and GPU usage (up to 80-90%), bringing my pc to overheat easly. Before the patch 3.7.0, I was running both CPU and GPU at 50-60%.

4) Playing as killer, I can’t see the scratchmarks of the survivors properly

On top of this, the forced AA is making my eyes tired and is giving me a headache, losing sight and forcing me to stop playing after one hour (before I could go on for two or three hours without any issue), and I don’t wear glasses.

In all the games I played up to now, it look like Dead by Daylight is the worst type of AA; seems a FXAA setted as “Low” or a TAA without sharpness.

As you can see, my game experience has been deprecated from the forced AA, and I’m not the only one that found these issues, especially people with with low-medium configurations. Also people with high hardware configurations found the same problems as me.

The AA is used by DbD to make the shader of the hair looking better. Without the AA, it will look like this:

Seriously? This is NOT a serious issues, and the hair without AA are just FINE. The game won’t get bad for THIS. This is not a valid reason to sacrifice performances, penalizing many players.

What could be the solution at all of this? Simply, add and option to turn on/off the AA in the Graphic settings menu.

If you really DON’T want to remove it, add an option to change the type of AA; there are different types implemented in Unreal Engine 4.

I have 2552 hours on DbD and I’m forced to stop playing after this patch, because it’s unplayable for me, unless I want to melt my own PC. An option to turn off the AA would be just fine.

If anyone else found these issues, feel free to comment below.

Post edited by LvKA95 on


  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    It's said multiple times but these devs... They just don't care.

  • LvKA95
    LvKA95 Member Posts: 8

    I am aware of it, I want to try.

    I don't want to lose the diopters of playing dbd.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Im trying aswell, I just wanted to say that the devs are really consumer unfriendly. They only want the dollars but a satisfied community isn't important as long as money is coming

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    Frequent frame loss and durastically lowered frames?? Welcome to console 😀

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    When I was browsing through the config files to the game I could have sworn I saw AA in there for the saved launch configuration.

    Is it okay to teach people how to change

    Anti-Aliasing = "True"

    edit into

    Anti-Aliasing = "False"?

  • Aura_babyy
    Aura_babyy Member Posts: 583

    and for the record I was in there looking to see if I can change my gamma/brightness lol

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936
    edited May 2020

    That stuff used to work before but they disabled them. Nothing happens when you set it to false.

  • LvKA95
    LvKA95 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2020

    At the moment the only "alternative" is to use the Nvidia filters (which I am already using) or as you have written, use ReShade

    The problem here is not even the kind of AA used, but the senseless choice to force this AA to all players.

    It is not fair that users must find alternatives to add more filters and further weigh down the PC.

    The famous file whose name I will not write, has now been rendered unusable, there is no way to disable AA.

  • wojtech
    wojtech Member Posts: 192

    In my opinion it's more about what AA level is set than AA itself, and it seems like it's higher than AA x2 or even x4.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    just buy a second hand card

  • TvMati7
    TvMati7 Member Posts: 2

    Yeah, I experienced random framedropping and frame lagging aswell, matched with higher temperatures than normally since 3.7.0, but even more since 3.7.1 :(

  • Jota
    Jota Member Posts: 156

    If the hairs are the issue why don't they give us the option to use the old hairs with the AA off? I don't get these DEVS , they're breaking the game every patch they never come with something new or outstanding.

  • LvKA95
    LvKA95 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2020

    The old hair shader benefited the killers and survivors.

    The killer could watch a survivor at a great distance.

    The survivor could watch a killer at a great distance

    I hope bhvr realizes that forcing AA at all is an unfair choice.

    It would not surprise me if the game will have a drop in daily players with the arrival of new patches that do not allow you to disable antialiasing

  • EtaCarbon
    EtaCarbon Member Posts: 6

    I found the exact same issues: frame drop and random freezes.

    My hardware is not bad at all, but the CPU ang GPU usage raised significantly and it doesn't depend if I'm streaming or not: these issues happens on stream and off stream anyway.

    These issues might lead to:

    1. Don't get distance when getting hit by a killer, because the game freezes.
    2. Don't get distance when using Dead Hard
    3. Don't advance when lunging with the killer, causing a random miss.
    4. Get grabbed even if I stopped holding the m1 button seconds before. For example: I see the killer coming at me, he is 8 meters away (less than 2 seconds and he will be on me); I stop holind m1 to start running, but when I release m1 my game freezes. The server register like if I'm still holding it, and when the freeze stop I got grabbed.

    and many other issues.

    If the game does not work, people will stop playing it because they can't, and it will stop growing. I'm talking to the developers here (not sure if I can tag them): you promised 5 years of support for this game (and I love this game), but right now it's unplayable for the majority, and not because of the hardwares. It's clearly not on our side.

    Let us sacrifice some graphic components in exchange of performance and lower CPU/GPU usage, it won't hurt.