What if killers had a perk like spinechill?

Like if a survivor is looking at you within a certain radius (and they can physically see you), then the killer will get a buff to their action speed. Like breaking pallets, vaulting windows, power recharge, etc. It could be called Sixth Sense.
And I'm not talking about Whispers.
This would be a weaker whispers imo.
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It's called Whispers.
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What part of "Spinchill for killers" is everyone missing? Whispers is its own thing, this would work in a much smaller radius compared to whispers though, and It'd give you a bonus to interactions.
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Lol if you know what your doing whisper s tells you were there basically at.
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We're not missing anything... Maybe you didn't elaborate enough?! Because Spinechill for Killers would be Whispers... It does the exact thing Spinechill does, notifies you of near-by Survivors... Just as Spinechill does for Survivors, it notifies you if Killer Terre Radius is near...
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Yup. Whispers.
Maybe just make whispers glow like spine chill does when active if you dont want to use headphones.
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It already does mr/miss piggy
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There's almost always gonna be a survivor looking at you. There are 4 of them. It would only be decent with 1 or 2 survivors left and even then it wouldn't be worth it
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This is more for a chase thing. You know how good survivors turn the camera around to see the killer while in chase? With this perk Killer will get a buff if the survivor does that.
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Does it! I missed that!
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I get what you're saying bro, these people are playing dumb. Spinechill let's you know they are LOOKING right at you. That is not the same as uh they're basically around there. Survivor mains in here bsing
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Yep yep I use it 95%of the time
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I don't feel like that'd really be worth using though.
As Killer I just don't think you're looked at while performing time sensitive tasks often enough for a perk focused on buffing that to be worth using.
Additionally, unlike with Survivors, there's also no risk associated with being close to and looked at by the Survivors.
I get the idea here, but I'm not into it.
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YES, exactly. Either they are bsing or they have no clue what Spinechill does.
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And that's why it gives you a buff like Spinechill.
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Wouldn't this just be called "Play Ghostface" and have a few pallet looping perks? The survivor is always going to be looking at you during loops anyways.
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Yep. This is who they're balancing the game around lol. People who think whispers is just like spinechill. Never played killer beyond getting challenges I bet
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Pretty sure Ghost Face has that tho
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W r o n g. Spinechill is NOTHING like whispers bud. Do you only play survivor?
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How is it nothing like whispers? Both give you situational awareness within about the same range, and rely on your ability to interpret that information to make good use of them. I feel like the increased action speed on spine chill is mainly there so if you are so potato you can't even notice the perk is lighting up, you get a color change in your action bar to notify you instead.
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I see what you are saying but they are closely the same.
Gives you an idea where survivors/killer are at in a certain meter range and you don't know from what direction though
However, as survivor you get bonuses as the killer looks at your general location. Whispers does not give extra bonuses.
The new perk would be weaker to some extent because the bonuses aren't that good for most killers to use(example bonuses you given). But it can be a strong perk too. Whereas survivor you have only one thing to activate your perk, killer has up to 4 survivors to activate your perk so it would constantly be on. Of it were to be added, hopefully it won't be like killer's Windows of Opportunity.
Post edited by Elk on0 -
If I said, the guy who wants to kill you is nearby, or the guy who wants to kill you is looking right in your direction, which one of those would freak you out more. Spinechill is a better perk in every way, and they are similar only on a base level. They're both information perks. One just is way better and doubles as an advantage perk. The advantage being the action speed boost
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Well, it kinda makes sense that spine chill is more powerful in that if the killer could just find everyone instantly it would be pretty overpowered. With some good map knowledge it basically already does that though, at least at the start of the game and at the endgame. Especially on stealth killers or doc/billy, where it allows you to spawn onto a map and get your first chase, arguably the most important chase in the game, within 20-30 seconds.
The "action speed boost" from spine chill is hardly noticeable in most situations. It is only good for the vault speed, and it needs to be stacked with resilience to be impactful. Now that dedicated vault hits seem to be somewhat alleviated in 3.7, it's even less noticeable.
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Killers already have their own version of Windows of Opportunity, lol.
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Trapper / Hag needs Spine Chill.
Whispers only tells you if a survivor is close, not if they can actually see you.
Just make the Killer version stronger: have it only light up when Survivors can actually see the Killer (not through walls)
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I get you man. Whispers just adds a “terror radius” for the killer to hear when survs are near. Idea is cool. Though, I feel like whispers adding a speed buff when survs are near is more realistic. Like, I mean the devs would probably do that instead of add a whole new perk.
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I know killers have their version. :) I meant in my post that "hopefully it won't be like killer's Windows of Opportunity." If the Devs were to make something like OP wants or changes Whispers. Hopefully it wont be like WoO for killer where it is never used(I haven't seen it)To me it is just a waste of a perk.
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They have one, whispers
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Putting aside the fact that too many people don't understand how Spine Chill and Whispers work, I don't think such a perk would be useful outside very specific circumstances (if the radius was tight enough).
Survivors tend to move around while looking at the killer if they want to be stealthy, or if they're being chased. At loops with tall walls you might figure out if they're confused and don't know where you're coming from, giving you an advantage, but I think that's about it. Maybe you'd get something out of it with stealth killers.
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As a detection perk it would be worse then whispers in every way
The only way this perk could be anywhere near good if the action speed bonus was huge, then it would be a nice counter to flashlights at pallets i guess
Even then survivors could just look away and you'll never get the buff when you need it
Doesn't really make much sense thematicly too, feeling a chill up your spine cause you feel you're being looked at makes sense, it's a survivor response from nature
That doesn't really work on hunters though
Cool idea, but i don't think it would be anything special
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Meh, it can be handy so you dont get surprised by a dead zone. Imagine running to a loop with Bubba on your ass, chainsaw rdy to go and...the pallet has already been thrown.