Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

An idea to "fix" survivor in some ways

So, last night i was thinking about it and i always thought that one of the reasons survivor can be a little bit boring is that, even if you change to bill from claudette for example, in the end, you're gonna play him the same way, so it's just a reskin with different unique perks that you can pass from one character to another when you get the teachable perks. Right now, every killer, even if you put the same perks on them, the way you play them is different, and for some killers those perks will not even be a great idea, and the thing that makes every killer unique in some way is their power.

So, what I'm trying to say is, why not give each survivor, based on their unique perks they have now, some kind of ability that only they can use so each character has a different role? Let's put some examples:

  • Dwight: Aura guy, based on teamplay and going with at least another survivor so they can benefit of a buff like for example, leader, prove thyself, etc.
  • Meg: being more useful as a distraction and chases, as she's supposed to be athletic, some kind of toned down sprintburst? I'm still thinking about it
  • Claudette: She would be the only one with self care, and also, she would have botany knowledge as a passive so she could be focused on heals
  • Nea: More objective based, as she can be sneaky with urban evasion and streetwise, for example.
  • David: Dead hard as a unique ability for him, and maybe some kind of we'll make it/we're gonna live forever. So he's more focused on making risks to save his teammates
  • Laurie: As she's the one with the obsesion perks, she would need to be kinda protected by her allies and make them get some benefits for it while she's alive. She would be the only character able to use DS, as she needs that out of jail card because she would be the one to be focused most of the time so the others stop getting those benefits

These are some of the ideas i had. I'm open for constructive ideas and feedback on them. I play both sides, more killer than survivor, but i'm enjoying both. sides, the only thing that bugs me is that every survivor is kinda the same character with another skin. I mean, Now it makes no sense saying "I main Dwight", because he can be played exactly the same as the rest. And 4 survivors with the same best perks in the game, if you combine this with SWF, it's an overkill. of course, the thing about this is that you cannot repeat characters, so there wouldn't be 4 decisives for example, or 4 self heals, etc.and also, lorewise would make some sense because there would be no reason for 4 claudettes to be in the same place at the same time. The characters could be made quite unique and less boring based on your way to play. Like i said, any constructive ideas and feedback are appreciated. Have a good day guys <3

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  • Member Posts: 1,436

    Essentially those are how these characters playstyles are supposed to be, teachable perks just allow cross-playstyles and variation.

    I wouldn't mind adding a passive to the survivors. Similar to Smite, each survivor has a "passive" ability in which is unique to the survivor. Not a perk, but a consistent ability that adds a very, small, small, advantage.

  • Member Posts: 2,144

    +1 There needs to be something to make the Survivors unique to each other. Currently, they are just skins of one another. Yes their teachable perks are unique to them up to a certain point, but eventually you can get everything on anyone. :+1:

    Either that or make it so you can only run one teachable from another character on someone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,010
    edited June 2018
    I think the good about it being the way it is now is that you get to see different survivors. You’d pretty much see the same survivors over and over because of the perks. There’d still be repeat characters because solo queue unless the matchmaking only put you in games with different characters but wouldn’t that make waiting times way longer?
    Post edited by ThePloopz on
  • Member Posts: 16

    Yeah, I think your heart is in the right place with this idea, and I like it a lot, but I have a hunch that it wouldn't take long for what ThePloopz described to happen.

  • Member Posts: 50

    @HeyItsSolomon said:
    Yeah, I think your heart is in the right place with this idea, and I like it a lot, but I have a hunch that it wouldn't take long for what ThePloopz described to happen.

    i know, i'm still thinking on ways to make it so we can see different survivors with this method. But right now saying we see different survivors is kinda nonsensical since they're just reskins, all are played the same way and everyone is using the same meta perks.

  • Member Posts: 16

    As I think about it some more, maybe a narrow metagame wouldn't really be a problem except at the higher tiers of competition. I'm just one person, and this is anecdotal, but I've pretty much hit my plateau at rank 14 or 13 and feel like I see people running a decent enough variety of perks.

  • Member Posts: 50

    @HeyItsSolomon said:
    As I think about it some more, maybe a narrow metagame wouldn't really be a problem except at the higher tiers of competition. I'm just one person, and this is anecdotal, but I've pretty much hit my plateau at rank 14 or 13 and feel like I see people running a decent enough variety of perks.

    yes, i mean, right now the only viable things in high ranks are nurse and billy, using other killers is just a rank loss, so it's not worth for someone who wants to only rank up and be rank 1, it would be kind of the same way for survivors. Right now, the meta as a survivor, having 4 decisives, 4 self heals, etc. It's pretty annoying for the killer and this would solve at least that issue since you would only have to deal with 1 decisive, 1 self heal, etc

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