gen rushing getting ridiculous

the gen-rushing is getting ridiculous and BHVR should change the game to where only a maximum of 2 survivors at a time can fix a gen . by the time I sacrifice 1 survivor 3 gens are done unless I use an ebony mori and I can't use those in every trial . I am not saying as killer I should win every trial but the game is to survivor sided right now and there should be some balance tweaks done .


  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    If you have 1 survivor dead with 3 gens done you're actually in a good spot.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466
    edited May 2020

    no , I used to be able to sacrifice 1 survivor per gen but now they buffed the survivors so much that the killer and his perks are all useless without an ebony mori . if I 4k I get around 20k bloodpoints which I can only do when I use an ebony mori . if I do all the same work as I would have done to 4k the survivors but without an ebony mori , despite having all the add-ons and perks I would have used with the mori and despite doing all the same things I only get 7k BP . its ridiculous how much the survivors got buffed . everyone complained about camping , so they nerfed the killer's BP's when he camps , everyone complained about gens being to slow and now they are so fast that the trial is over within 5 minutes and as killer I did all the work , including chasing the survivors which actually takes time but BHVR seem to have decided to ignore this fact , and I don't even get rewarded for the work I did and I have to play against toxic survivors who constantly pallet camp , DS me , use borrowed time , and if I used no-ed its now a wasted perk since it only activates at the end of the trial if the hex was'nt taken down . it's ridiculously unbalanced and BHVR really need to fix this because I won't play anymore until they do .

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    No. Repair speeds will not be decreased by 10% and only make gens 2-man.

  • EvanRaven
    EvanRaven Member Posts: 194

    It might not have anything to do with this, but there's also a shortage of killers right now.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Just saying they aren't the strongest survivors if they pallet camp. Also most killers who camp don't care about the lost bp so it doesn't actually fix camping. The last few changes that have been made have been to help killer. Maps are smaller, toolboxes nerfed, doctor buffed, multiple survivors on 1 gen slightly nerfed, infinites gone and bigger distances between tiles.

    I don't know what more you can expect from them tbh.

  • xnicolay
    xnicolay Member Posts: 70

    its killer fault kappa.

    there is nothing to do vs gen rushing, using corrupt intervention isnt enought.

    basically being a brainless survivor can do 5 gens easily.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776
  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Rank 20 killer?

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    it takes 3 survivors 40 seconds to repair a gen , and 2 50 , so just adding 10 seconds would make it at least less unfair for the killer . the killer has to break pallets , go around the map looking for survivors , vault , if he hits the survivor and pause temporarily , deal with DS , being flashed/being flashed and dropping the survivor ( even on first pickup unlike before ) , dealing with mither , borrowed time , body blockers , pallet campers ( which is now 98% survivor sided even if you swing your weapon before the pallet falls you ALWAYS get stunned unlike before the 3.7.0 update where the survivor had to put down the pallet to slow down the killer before he could actually hit the survivor ) , looping , being locker stunned ( which is a perk with zero cooldown ) , sprint burst , carrying a survivor to the hook , having to deal with a survivor that escaped your grasp which stuns you , unable to camp even if its on second/third hook due to getting even less BP then having to deal with all of the above , and to deal with all this/do these actions/recover from all this takes at least a minute just to down 1 survivor , so yeah 10 seconds is very little and more should be done for the killer side but its at least something , and the killer only has 4 perk slots and less if you have a perk that has a hex which is cleansed , and still has to deal with all this crap which as the game is now is very frustrating to play killer and heavily survivor sided . and if anyone wants to reply don't be some no life that gets on forums just to contradict anyone who is trying to make the game balanced and fair . 

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Wrong. I am waiting several minutes for a match this morning. Every time.

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2020

    I'm Prestige 2 - Level 39... killers are winning about 70% of my games.

    A lot of them can take down people with 1 attack, they dont hook them... they keep knocking down people... them put all on hook at same time.

    A lot of abuses like... "not camping fake"... they goes... wait 5 secs, and go back. 5 secs trail... birds...


    So far as I see... when the Killer is good and/or has abuser pratices... he wins easily. Is more difficult in some maps, but if he is good... has good chances.

    Survivors depends in each other, if 2 of them are bad, the game is over. Killer depends only by himself.

    Let´s be fair about the whinning.

  • OhHelloThere
    OhHelloThere Member Posts: 74

    uhh u sound like a rank 15 killer idk how u get stunned everytime u pick up someone or everyone wiggles out

    yes killer around red ranks isnt fun if ur trying a cool build on a bad killer but with nurse/spirit/billy u can destroy an swf if ur good enough :)

  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Member Posts: 608

    I feel differently. Multiple survivors on a gen is great especially early game since if you find them you 1. stop a high progress gen or at least slow it. 2. Are going to at least down one of them and likely injure others. 3. They're going to either scatter after (waste a bit of time), try to finish the gen in front of you which is risky or swarm which can lead to a slug fest. For a lot of the killers its beneficial to have all the survivors gathered up. You want them split up? You're literally making "gen rush" easier because you can't be in more than one place at once. So instead of losing one gen you're going to lose 2 or 3.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Honestly, my games as killer aren't any different than they were before the gen speed and infinite loop changes.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    so if 3 survivors are on a gen and they all use toolboxes that reduces the gen completion speed to 30 seconds , thats to fast and unfair for the killer to deal with . in the past survivors had to use lockers to hide from the killer but since none of the survivors even used them BHVR decided to buff the survivors ridiculously with unfair perks like the one that stuns the killer when they come out out of the locker . the survivors can stun a killer when he opens a locker , DS him when he carries them , pallet stun , its unfair and BHVR need to balance this because the game is to survivor sided .

    and to oh noes that is garbage what you are saying because as soon as you start to chase one survivor the other 2 go to finish it so what is the point of even playing as killer .

  • krosskawasaki
    krosskawasaki Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2020

    Hello Bullshit King,

    Unfair perks?

    Killer can abuse a lot of thing. To be honest, if a Killer is good and abuse things like do not hook, TV Camp Show... using hook as bait... (even sacrifing 1 gen he can take 2 ppl here)... he can prob win all the time. Sure, with map knowledgement.

    A lot of bullshit... pallet stun? oh lord, how many times you do it in the game? one? two? a lot of zero times. But the axes flying all the time.

    By now, i just can see Killers winning 70% of the games and still crying in the forum.

  • batmanscar
    batmanscar Member Posts: 466

    it seems on that day I was playing against toxic survivors its back to normal now for some reason that day I only played against toxic survivors who just wanted to annoy me

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 134
    edited May 2020

    It always surprises me that people think the game should be balanced to where one player beats four players all the time.

    For some reason people seem to take it like an insult if a player escapes. Like it should never happen that someone should have a chance to not be slaughtered like cattle.

    Interesting take, honestly.

  • Guenther
    Guenther Member Posts: 8

    I think that DBD is very balanaced at the moment except for the keys on survivor side and moris on killer side.. and I see much more moris than keys btw..

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    Have a problem with genrush?

    Play Dead by NOED then.

    Same with flashlights.

    Just play Dead by Lightborne.