Deathslinger is pay to win version of huntress

Honestly Deathslinger is just the new version of Nurse at this point. Like he is a very unique killer and yes I think he fit in the game but the stats on him are literally unfair. First of all 24 meter radius on a ranged killer is already kinda bs. Huntress also has a small terror (20m) radius but she has a lullaby (I think its 40m) that you can hear making her more fair to play againts. Furthermore people in rank 1 literally abuse Deathslinger 24m terror radius and use Monitor and Abuse which makes his terror radius 16 meters. At that point the only way to actually avoid him is that you see him coming from the distance. If you hear the terror radius he is already next to you and gets a guranteed hit.
Just please increase his terror radious or add a banjo music like the huntress lulaby because at rank 1 90% of the games I play is againts are Monitor Abuse Deathslingers and its really unfun.
Sry if I sound salty but I am salty at this point.
Honestly he is a weaker version of huntress overall. He isn't a bad killer but you counter him just the same as huntress by rushing gens as hard as you can, he is a 110 killer with no map pressure abilities.
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Just do bones.
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He's honestly really weak man. Way worse than Nurse and Huntress
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Monitor & Abuse with Save the Best for Last.
I honestly just want to DC every time I see a Deathslinger. He's not fun to vs at all.
But I suck it up and wade through the bs. Even though he has no penalty for missing shots, his Aim Down the Sight speed is ridiculous.
Plague gets her power completely removed when someone stuns her on a pallet and she has a major debuff to her speed when charging her vomit, Huntress has a windup and needs to reload her hatchets on a locker.
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Plague is a weaker killer..not a good example and huntress beats death slinger easily
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Deathslinger's lullaby?:
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I have to agree with you here. I should treat deathslinger as a seperate killer and yes he does have his weaknesses compared to huntress. But playing againts a huntress is fun because the game gives you a chance to avoid her. She has infinite range and her hatchets have a instant effect but very hard to master which is why it makes huntress such a unique killer and takes hundreds or even more hours to master.
But idk Deathslinger should have a terror radius of atleast 28 or something like that or maybe change Monitor to not have a solid 8 meter reduce but a for example a 25% meter reduce. Its just very frustrating to play againts him right now. Again I am gonna compare here but he seems like a Michael Myers with a Gun at this point and as I said that i feel like i am sentenced to hell.
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It's quite unfair to say he has no punishment for missing shots. You become powerless 110% killer unless you relod which takes quite a while and slows you down quite a bit giving survivors time to reach another pallet/LOS blockers. His ADS is his main strength since his shots by themselfs aren't lethal so they get compensation in speed.
Both plague and hunress are extremely lethal when and have massive hit recovery so they need their slowdowns to blance the power of their projectiles. Also size of their projectiles is far far far larger then deathslinger's so they are quite a bit easier to aim and hit if you don't suck at playing them.
It's fine disliking facing him but claiming that he has no weaknesses in aspects where he actually has weakness is outright false.
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Thx mate for the help really appreciate it :)
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I disagree with anyone who says he is weaker than Huntress. A Deathslinger who can quickscope is much more deadly than a huntress. I can dodge a hatchet unless she is throwing them directly into the back of my head...and even then its a 50/50. Its pretty much impossible to dodge a quickscope. And the skill cap to do it is not that high, because hit boxes are not that small. Anyone with FPS experience picks it up pretty quick. And, as you said, he can get much closer to you before you know he is in your vicinity and which direction he is coming from. So even though he has a more limited range, he can easily get even an M1 hit before you start to run and then immediately quickscope if there's nothing for you to get around...which is common with more gens in dead space now. Plus he doesn't have to veer off a chase to reload if he wants to use his ranged ability. The only place a huntress has an edge is in her addons.
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You can't just leak Hillbilly's new Chase music like that!
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hes good in chase but trash at anything else. gen rush him and your fine, he can't respond very well to pressure
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So is this why I don't see many Deathslingers?
I keep hearing people here talk about how he's so good. "Everyone plays shooters today, so aiming does not take skill." "The only way to counter him is to drop the pallet early."
Either's he's really good and DbD players are simply broke and can't afford him, or he's just not that good.
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Except you don't need to spend a single penny to buy him. It might take you a couple weeks but you can easily grind enough shards to get him.
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Honestly, 2 of the best things to use with him are Play With Your Food and Monitor and Abuse. But he's no better than Huntress, just easier to learn with a lower skill ceiling
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I think you're forgetting that a Killer can be good but fewer people play them since they're more difficult to play than others! Like Oni and Demogorgon, for example.
Aiming DOES take skill. And obviously, not everyone who plays DbD (or FPS games in general) is good at aiming, which means less people playing Deathslinger since they can't aim properly. And it can be pretty hard to aim with him, since it's a small projectile and Survivors can be pretty erratic.
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Huntress can hit when a pallet is down, Deathslinger can’t.
Huntress can easily hit through a window, Deathslinger has to work a bit for it.
Huntress can have massive snowball potential, Deathslinger doesn’t.
Huntress can injure multiple people quickly, Deathslinger can only shoot one person at a time.
Huntress has five hatchets which can get two downs and an injure and she can have even more with add-ons. Deathslinger only has one shot and must reload after landing it.
Also a little tip. When Deathslinger has his iron sights lined up with you, there’s a noise indication so use that to know when to dodge. So whenever people say he shouldn’t be able to quick scope it’s like how much do you want Deathslinger to be handicapped?
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Whoops sry didnt meen to reply on this comment. My bad
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I actually didnt know that thank you. But to be honest i am ok with the quickscope I just feel like the terroradious should be increased or change Monitor. I just kinda gave this discussion a very misleading title on accident because im stoopid.
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Would rather face slinger than huntress. Huntress is a far stronger killer. Powerful enough not to need to be sneaky and to be honest still pretty sneaky as her lullaby is big enough you pretty much have to ignore it.
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What a stretch. Get a job at McDonald's and work for thirty minutes, then you can afford the new chapter.
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he isnt pay2win though.
you can get him for free.
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I don't think he's better than Huntress, but he sure does lack counterplay in chase so he can feel quite unfair.
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To be honest, i am not that good in aiming even if i played alot of FPS and i really enjoy Deathslinger.
Aiming does need skill and practise which i dont got yet. :P
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DeathSlinger is not that weak. He is a very strong killer when used by a good player. Huntress is better, but definitely not "way worse".
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Pay to win? LOL
No, he is not better than Huntress. Even if he makes his skill shot, he still has to reel you in to get an actual wound on you. His chain can be broken and then you just have a quick 10 second repair and you are good as new. If he does hit you, reel you in, and hit you, that is still just a single wound. That is a lot of time used to get a single hit. He also has nowhere near the mind game potential at pallets or loops. Everything he does is slow, in a game that requires the killer to be fast.
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"Pay to win Huntress" LMAO. First of all deathslinger can be purchased with in game currency, second he's a lot weaker then huntress and third what do you means by abusing? M&a does exactly what description says it does, nothing more, nothing less.
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What do you mean you can't hear the near-silent terror radius music from 16m away? What do you mean that you can't dodge an unreactable, unpredictable, instant wind-up ranged ability that counters almost every loop and tile in the game?
Honestly you should've just played better I don't see the problem here.
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That's pretty much it. He does everything huntress does but worse. Less snowballpotential, less chase potential, less map pressure (due to limited range).
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Dude I just started playing the deathslinger and cannot tell you how many times I miss the shot because of how slow it is.people literally just jump out of the way, and then you have to stop for a few seconds just to reload.
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I actually wish.
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Deathslinger has to reload everytime he misses, and he slows way down while aiming.
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that's pretty funny. He's much worse (but more fun), and his perks are garbage. There are a lot of P2W elements here, but I wouldn't go for this one.
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Oh sorry, I forgot about his 2 second delay.
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Deathslinger = easy escape. He's pretty weak.
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Well he does do better in the 1v1 aspect of a chase in good hands. But Huntress is already great at that; again assuming good hands.
It's a little like Hillbilly vs. Leatherface.
Hillbilly is great at map pressure, chase, and camping. Leatherface is worse at map pressure and chase, but better at camping.
Deathslinger isn't as bad as that, but the comparison is apt IMO.
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You probably should just play better.
But given your post history here in the forum, you probably haven't. Or tried to.
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Yeah, compared to the huntress, the deathslinger's harpoon is a lot more reasonable (sometimes it seems like you have to actually be fps accurate). and 4 ish seconds every miss is pretty hefty.
I mostly agree with how people feel about his 1 v 1 being a bit oppressive, but IMO, that's really all he has. It's not like nurse or spirit where their 1v1 and speed option keep survivors locked down by constantly downing. In all of my games as or against deathslinger, gens get done.
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If you hate getting hit due to the low TR then you are going to freak out when I tell you about Ghostface.
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they never see the other perspective nor would accept it if presented.
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What? He’s a trash version of Huntress if anything. If SHE hits you, you got hit. But Deathslinger isn’t that lucky. He’s a blue baller. You get crazy quick scope shots and then....nothing happens? Most of the time at least you get nothing for them but a meaningless deep wound. And yes he have a Michael terror radius with monitor but he needs that. An easy early smack makes his gun somewhat usefull at least. Not to mention the range on him is only 18 meters. If you get shot and railed in while you were just outside of the terror radius you can say that you’re outplayed.
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You deserve a thumbs up for that reply my guy. Huge props from me.
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More like pay to get screwed over. slow ms, limited range, deep wound, no movement ability, garbage perks.
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”Pay to win?” What?
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"He is abusing his terror radius" has the same value as "They are abusing the crouching speed with Urban Evasion".
While I can understand that its unfun, u have perks to counter this.
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Thanks for that build idea. Furtive chase: Shrinks my terror radius everytime i hook my obsession. Monitor&Abuse: You already know that. Noed: For survivors to argue us at the end of the game. Franklin's Demise: No one will escape with those items.
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If you think he is on the same level as nurse then you clearly dont understand DBD
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You can "buy" Slinger with Bloodpoints - currency earned in game so he is not pay 2 win.
He is also harder than / not as strong a killer as the Huntress so there's that.
Pay 2 win killers are the killers stuck behind a pay wall with OP core abilities / offerings such as Myres / Freddy.
No survivor weather they are stuck behind a pay wall or not are ever pay 2 win because all Survivors are the same and you can always get their perks via the shrine of secrets