The Legion Update Idea

Szarman Member Posts: 247
edited May 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions


  • The Legion's movement speed is 4.6m/s
  • The Legion's Terror Radius is 32 meters
  • Removed the cool-down penalty when hitting a Survivor while not in Feral Frenzy. (Was 50%)

Fatigue types

  • Forced Fatigue (This fatigue starts when you end Feral Frenzy manually or when the Power Gauge runs out)
  • Attack Fatigue (This fatigue starts when you hit a Deep Wounded Survivor while in Feral Frenzy)


The Legion has a Frenzy power gauge that builds up over time. The power, Feral Frenzy, can be activated by tapping the Power button. While active, the power gauge drains rapidly and the power ends when the gauge is empty, triggering an forced fatigue state.

When activating Feral Frenzy, The Legion enters a deadly rage. While the power is active:

  • The Legion sprints faster than base movement speed. (5.2 m/s)
  • The Legion can vault Pallets, but cannot break them.
  • Survivors' Scratch Marks and Blood Pools are hidden from The Legion's view.
  • Missing an attack depletes 1/3 of The Legion's power gauge.

While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a Survivor who is not currently afflicted with the Deep Wound Status Effect:

  • Applies the Deep Wound Status Effect.
  • Injures the Survivor, if they are not already injured.
  • Refills The Legion's entire power gauge.
  • Triggers "Killer Instinct", revealing the location of all Survivors who do not have the Deep Wound Status Effect applied and are within The Legion's Terror Radius.
  • For each applied Deep Wound status effect decreases the forced fatigue by 0.5 seconds and increases Feral Frenzy duration by 1 second

While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a Survivor that is currently afflicted with the Deep Wound Status Effect:

  • Applies Hindered status effect. (3%) for 30 seconds.
  • Suffer an attack fatigue (2.5 seconds)
  • Depletes The Legion's entire power gauge 
  • Ends the power immediately


Now the Tunnel Vision looks like before Patch 2.7.0.


  • Reduced the bleed-out timer to 20 seconds from 30 seconds.
  • Doing any action while Deep Wounded is 50% slower.

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  • Status Effect applies when hitting a Survivor while in Feral Frenzy(Removed the Killer Instinct requirement).
  • Increases the Hindered penalty by 1/2/3% when hitting a Deep Wounded survivor while in Feral Frenzy.

  • Reduces Feral Frenzy recovery time by 3/5 seconds(From 2/3.5 seconds)

  • Increases Feral Frenzy duration by 1/1.5/2.5 seconds.

  • Decreases Terror Radius while not in Feral Frenzy by 2/3/5 meters.
  • Increases Terror Radius while in Feral Frenzy by 4/8/16 meters.

  • Increases movement speed while in Feral Frenzy by 0.2/0.4/0.6 m/s
  • Increases vault speed while in Feral Frenzy by 0.1/0.2/0.3s

  • Increases Survivors' mending time by 1.5/2.5 seconds.
  • Survivor action speed while Deep Wounded are slowed by 5/10% (repairing generators, cleansing totems, healing other survivors etc.) . This effect stays for 30 seconds after being mended. (Does not affect mending action)

  • Hitting a Survivor while in Feral Frenzy applies the Oblivious status effect. (30 seconds)
  • The Auras of Survivors who are mending are revealed to you when they are within a range of 28 metres.

  • Feral Frenzy attacks moderatly reduce a Survivor's Deep Wound timer. (5 seconds)
  • Allows The Legion to see survivors' Deep Wound timer.

  • The Legion's Terror Radius affects the entire Map.
  • Any Pallets you vault are immediately broken.
  • the Killer Instinct Notification will scale up/down depending on how far the Survivors are.

  • Allows The Legion to see scratchmarks and bloodpools while in Feral Frenzy
  • Moderatly increases Feral Frenzy Duration (2 seconds).
  • Increases movement speed while in Feral Frenzy by 0.4m/s


  • Picking up a survivor while in Feral Frenzy ends your power but doesn't deplete it.
  • Kicking a Generator while in Feral Frenzy stops your power gauge from draining
  • If Deep Wound status effect is applied to an injured survivor, he starts with 15 seconds of Deep Wound timer instead of 20 seconds (so if survivors decide not to heal, they have less time to mend.)

Tell me what you think in the comments :D

If you like these ideas you can give me a vote up :)


  • Jordan_131201
    Jordan_131201 Member Posts: 91

    This would be a very simple way to make the legion more viable. But still, he won't excel in ending chases or countering loops. He's only good at slowing the game down

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Yeah. Also I wanted to give the Legion shorter fatigue if he stabs multiple people. When you can't stab anyone else, stab the deep wounded survivor. You get 2.5 fatigue. This attack fatigue is never shorter, never longer. You give him a small speedboost, but he is hindered, so the survivor is slowed. That can help you a bit in loops :D. Thanks for your opinion :)

  • DeadByMittens
    DeadByMittens Member Posts: 60

    I agree with most of these changes but not the hindered, stab wound study add-on, and pins add-on. Giving the legion hindered on base kit wouldn't help them too much. Especially when your giving them reduce fatigue time when hitting multiple survivors, so it wouldn't be healthy for the game. The stab wound study add-on should only be one of the changes not both. Reason, you would be punishing the survivor for doing what they have to do. Being oblivious and having your aura shown to the killer for the whole match sounds like hell. Finally, the pins add-on are just fine the way they're atm, they don't' need to be changed imo. Also, the huntress has a hinders add-on but you don't see people using it lol.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167

    I like it, however I think if you are affected by deep wound you should NOT be able to work on a gen, heal, use items, ECT just like tier 3 madness

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    I was thinking about it. I think that could be kinda annoying for survivors because Deep Wound is easier to apply than Madness Tier 3. But maybe you are right. Deep Wound should be more Threatening.

  • Szarman
    Szarman Member Posts: 247

    Thanks for your opinion. I gave the Hindered status effect to his base kit because you are not always able to stab multiple survivors. With stabing multiple survivors you gain -0.5 fatigue for each applied Deep Wound. But when you attack a Deep Wounded survivor your Fatigue is always 2.5 seconds. And that hindered can help you in situation when there aren't any survivors around. When you have survivor's around more viable strategy would be stabbing all of them and then end it right next to them.

    When you combo Green and Yellow pin you get extra 5%. So The survivor is slowed bu 8% for 30 seconds. That can help you in a loop imo. :D

    Buttons. I wanted to get the status effect on each hit because it's more clear. You know that you hit survivor and he is let's say blinded.

    Stab Wounds Study: Yeah this addon is really powerful. My idea of it: You apply Oblivious, You fake that you ran away, than you come back and down a survivor. Of course they can just wait this 30 seconds and mend when the Oblivious is gone. They can also see when the other survivor is getting injured, so they can tell if The Legion is somwhere near or not. Especially when survivors play in SWF group.

    One more time thanks for your opinion. I really appreciate this :D