Haddonfield map

Any thoughts from killers? Still don't like it? I swear the survivors bring offerings for it 80% of the time. The other times it's not the offering is for Ormond. Im always happy when it turns out being no offering...in which case it's usually the preschool lol. Unfortunately I took a long break from the game and just started buying the DLCs when I came back a few months ago. So it's kinda hard to get your own map offerings when you are trying to level multiple guys for different "important" perks.
There's some killers where I know I'm screwed as soon as it loads in. There's also some maps I haven't seen in months and months. Like The Game. Be cool if there was some way to vote on the map before the game,but I guess that would increase lobby dodging. Even a logical rotation would be cool. It's not a good feeling knowing you're on a survivor sided map with players 10+ ranks above you.
I almost kinda wish they'd take out the map offerings like they did the splinters. At least there'd be some variety. Plus it those are nodes on the bloodweb that could help you get to perks and stuff quicker.
I hate it. I got it two games in a row. Killed my entire mood to play. Then i got really bored so im now sitting at a beef o'bradys drinking beer. What if I catch Covid and die? Haddonfield might actually be responsible for an irl death. True story btw.
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I don't know whether I should laugh or cry.
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"I swear the survivors bring offerings for it 80% of the time."
Could it be possible that you exaggerate just a little bit? I mean, only a tiny, tiny bit?
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Both 🤷♂️
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Everyone's experience is different and I was keeping track at first. 16 matches,two Ormond,two Preschool,one Lab(I brought an offering for). The other 11 Haddonfield with offering. After that I gave up counting (was after 2 sessions on two days) So exaggeration,maybe. Math not great,maybe. But it wasn't really relevant to the point or question/off hand suggestions I posed. Even if I say "Everytime I see an offering it's for Haddonfield,and it happens a lot",it doesn't change much. It's happening enough to be noticeable and annoying.
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Is this a PC thing? I'm on PS4 and the only time I see location offerings is when the killer brings them.
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Personally I’m not fond of the Haddonfield map myself.I would prefer some other place like lampkin lane. But we have to go wherever It takes us To. Believe me if we ever get the option we’re survivors can pick what place to play at then I would be ok 👌 with that.
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No PS4. I guess I should've been more clear. Was just my experience over the past two days. Maybe I'm just getting unlucky. I though it was some new thing I didn't know about. Saw at least 10 Haddonfield offerings in two play sessions. Green rank PS4. I obviously don't know who brought the offerings as far as individual survivors,but all the matches I counted usually had two reds and two purples.
Maybe I just happened to get the people that are good at looping and they know you can do some sick runs at Haddonfield. Was just getting me frustrated and was curious if other people noticed the offering was coming up a lot,and if people still think the map needs a rework,etc.
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Well you sorta can lol. I guess the voting thing was kind of a stupid idea,I wasn't thinking. I get super frustrated sometimes. Not gonna lie. I just wish I'd see more of a rotation instead of the same ones over and over. I may have exaggerated a bit,but I literally haven't seen The Game in so long I can't even remember. I don't think it's come up once since I started playing again in like February.
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lol there are a few other maps that I don’t like as well. And would prefer some other ones more another one I don’t like is BadHam. Part of that reason is also because I don’t like ham in general 😂. Anything involving ham is a disease to me.
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That's Odd. I'm a survivor main and I'm not much of a fan of the Haddonfield map (or Bradford School for that matter), I don't know why people would choose that map, other than to just get rid of the offering. If it's for looping, I wouldn't know because I'm a terrible looper, lol.
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Yup. That's all I've been seeing too. Haddonfield,Ormond estate,Badham. It wouldn't be so bad if you knew it was coming,but certain killers are at a real disadvantage. Just loaded up a match and again the offering is Haddonfield. First match of the session.
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I almost always end up against a Decent killer but if it’s ghostface or hag at BadHam. They will most likely be tunneling killer dancers.
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I almost never see Map Offerings from Survivors. I see them more often from Killers, most likely matching with the respecitve Killer. Like Autohaven-->Nurse or Huntress, Coldwind-->Billy, etc.
And as Killer, I think I got send to Ormond or Haddonfield maybe 4 times in the past 4 weeks (via Map Offering).
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Man. Must be a really unlucky coincidence. I just started playing again for the evening. Two matches,two Haddonfield offerings. I might have to switch killers or adapt my build. Just not really sure who or what would be good.
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what killer do u play?
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There's currently a challenge on the archive that requires falling from a great height, and people go to Haddonfield since all of the houses are considered "great heights", so that's probably the reason for all of the Haddonfield offerings!
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Would be a nice change of pace for survivors to bring haddonfield. 75% of my killer matches are on farm as it's always an offering. Then when it's finally not an offering I go to farm anyway zzzz.
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I did main Huntress,then switched to Doctor. Right now Spirit. The only ones I have to 50 are Doctor and Ghost Face. The others I just bought or are stuck at low prestige 1. But mainly Spirit. She doesn't seem good for the map. I just bought Freddy and Leather face today. I have everyone besides Oni,Plague,and Demo...so I'm willing to try pretty much any suggestions.
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Yeah I just bought him today. Was probably going to level him up if it keeps up lol.
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That's a good possibility. Much just be my luck. Just started up again and got Haddonfield two times in a row again lmao. Like bad matchmaking RNG,haha.
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I really don't mind any other map. Its just if you catch someone good in a chase with the wrong killer,it can go on forever there.There's potential to run around the entire map. That's on top of all the drops. It's sorta hard to patrol with gen positioning too. Like,by the time I work my way up or downstairs the thing could pop. It's easy to run a loop through and give it a tap in some cases too. Guess you could say the same about Badham tho.They do always seem to go to the same spots,and I guess some of it you can mind game. I think it's frustration plus lack of variety. There aren't too many maps the community considers killer sided,and I never seem to see them organically. So many maps to see the same one's constantly.
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Call me crazy,but I don't see how Badham could help Spirit. It's my second least favorite map as her. Too many different elevations and things in the way. I could definitely see if being good for Trapper or someone else that has the ability to shut down loops. Hag traps,Freddy snares,etc. I got too many characters too quick and have a hard time deciding what perks I want for my main,so I rarely have any offerings. The Game is a pretty all around good map for any killer. I don't blame anyone for bringing that one lol.
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Anyone have any experience with Michael Myers or Ghost Face on Haddonfield? Like does it seem to go well or? I feel like there's a lot of opportunities to stalk,but Myers is pretty slow until he tiers,so the gens might go before he gets cooking.
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Lampkin Lane gets so much hate, but I find it to be very decent, and I would gladly pick it over Meat Plant. Only time I hate it is when I'm a survivor forced to run a straight path of a fence vs a Hillbilly or The Oni using Blood Fury.
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Ohhhh. Level up leatherface pronto. Bbq is the greatest thing for lessing the grind
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Yeah that's the main reason I got him. Kinda didn't occur to me until the other day lol. I took like a year or so break because my PC went bad. Switched to PS4. I usually don't buy these sorta things,but got more into the game and wanted to improve. I was always a survivor main,but the queue got ridiculous. At some points it was up to like 10 mins. Seemed especially so when I would make it to purple ranks.
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Yeah i play killer when i want a challange or am farming bps?, survivor is much more chill, even when i lose its whatever
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It's a horrible map from a balance perspective. I feel like the person who designed it was coming off a month or two stretch of rough survivor games. It has everything: constant LOS breaks, ultra safe pallets, mile long fences, multiple guaranteed vast vaults with no way around for the killer, and it's huge. I'm worried it'll get the Badham treatment where they don't actually fix anything that was wrong with it and also give us 5 versions so we constantly get it. I really don't know how Haddonfield ever got the green light. It doesn't even remotely pass the sniff test.
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i don´t know if everyone here know about it, but you can hit throught the small fences in haddonfield, i am at the rank 1 and i still get people that don´t know about it
this is just to help you guys <3
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It's absolutely unbalanced, but Killers like Deathslinger and Oni have an easier time facing the survivors with their abilities than most other killers.
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This. I'm honestly surprised more people don't know about it, since Survivors have given me hackusations about it.
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I had no idea. Sometimes you're lucky if a hit registers if there's nothing in between,let alone a fence lol. Half the time you don't know what's intentional,what's a bug,and what's an exploit.