will BHVR announce any changes to perks being made ?

will BHVR mention any perk changes for killers/survivors in the next patch/update/ptb ? or do they mention it somewhere on the forums ? do they have votes of what perk changes we want or is it all decided by them based on our suggestions and then BHVR release the patch/update ?
I also had a question about gen regression . if you hit a gen it gets damaged and starts regressing , if I have the perk surge and hit someone downing them in the radius of the gen I damaged , does that damage the generator further or can it only be damaged once ?
Best Answers
If they are including perk changes in the patch, they will announce it closer to the time, but they haven't given any dates for when perks are getting updated. They do listen to player feedback, but they never make changes on a majority-vote basis, it's always their own decision.
They were actually asked on the last Q&A stream whether they were still planning on updating underused perks, and this was their answer (as recorded in the summary I did of the entire stream):
The answer is yes, they are still planning on making updates to weak or underused perks. Every perk in the game is always under scrutiny and open to being changed if the developers feel that it is “not good enough”. They do have a list of specific perks they want to change, in [priority] order, but the order shifts as new issues and information arise.
As for Surge, as explained above, Surge only affects generators which are not already regressing.
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No, Pop actually doesn't work very well with Surge, since you can't use it on a generator which is already regressing. They compensate for each other's weaknesses to some extent, but they also step on each other's toes a lot more.
1) In the Q&A Stream, they did confirm that they are tweaking various perks in the upcoming patches and chapters
2) No. If a gen is already regressing, then Surge will not affect it.
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They don't typically say what they had in mind with the changes, but they sometimes mention which perks are being looked into.
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I have 2 other questions . if I damage a gen regularly , but have the surge perk and put someone in the dying state with the basic attack and the survivor is in the range of the generator I just damaged but no other generators , would the perk still activate since it would not be damaging the generator ?
and would it be better to damage a generator regularly or by using the perk surge if the was an injured survivor who I could down withing the undamaged generators radius of the surge perk ?
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- No. It will not activate because it was not used.
- If surge is on cooldown, kick, if not, just down. Surge really isn't great by itself... I would advise trying to combine it with a perk like Surveillance, which lets you know if a gen is regressing or not.
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Surge is okay. But the problem with it is that it doesn't do a whole lot of regression on its own. Pop is much better than surge imo, but you could use both of them if you want to. Down a survivor, see the gens damaged by it. Hook them, go back and use pop. Granted, I can't always recommend using two anti gen perks such as surge and pop.
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so you can use pop on an already damaged gen ?