Should survivors have a "resume progress" bar on generators ?

Hi everyone. I'm playing killer a lot and sometimes survivor as well, and I thought about something when playing the game. You already know killers have a "damage generator" bar when kicking it, which takes 2 seconds to perform. However, survivors can resume the progress just by barely touching the regressing generator. I didn't really care at first, but know I kinda see this as an unfair mechanic. Generators by default regress 0.25 c/s, which is not a lot on a short period. But the fact that survivors can just resume progress on the fly while being in a chase just counter the regression without any effort. As the killer in this situation, you can choose to either keep the chase going, or kicking the generator again, which is a bad decision because you are losing a chase and potential pressure.

I think it would be fair to add a "resume progress" bar, just like killers when they damage generators, so a survivor can't just counter regression that easily. A killer can't really kick a generator while in a chase so it would make sense to have the same mechanic for survivors.

This technique is used frequently by survivor players (at least at high ranks), myself included, and it's probably time to get rid of it. What do you guys think ?



  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    thats the whole point isnt it? to make a choice based on what the survivour is doing

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,178

    I don't think it's some huge injustice that ruins the game that some seem to think it is based on other threads of this topic but I do think some kind of penalty needs to be done to restart a gen. Whether that is a second or two to truly "restart" the gen or maybe an immediate skillcheck (so stops the regression but your character gets that slowdown from the big bang in their face).

  • AtraXis
    AtraXis Member Posts: 78

    So let's see it this way : a generator regressing is a debuff for survivors. On the other hand, a generator being under repairs or simply just keeping its current progress is a debuff to killer. The killer can get rid of this debuff by kicking and regressing the generator and the survivor can get rid of it by repairing the generator. With that said, why when it comes to chases, getting rid of this debuff cost nothing for a survivor but will have a cost for killers ? Not only killers have to make choices based on the survivors. If a survivor wants to stop the regression during a chase, there should be some kind of penalty, just like killers at the moment.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    A 1 second progress bar to properly start working on a gen would be perfect.

    It's still short, so it won't really change gen times. But long enough so doing it mid chase is probably a bad idea, but still doable and the killer would lose more time than you by re-kicking it.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Actually gen tapping has been a topic of discussion for a long time, its just we are seeing a resurgence in the topic in recent days.

    NOED had the same thing. Last year we saw nothing but "nerf NOED" posts, followed by silence and then the resurgence of the topic.

  • Revzi100
    Revzi100 Member Posts: 529

    10 gens per trial, 30mins to repair 1 hour to open exit gates no keys no more SWF no more DS = KILLER HAPPY NOW

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    this would make 3-gen strats even more miserable, I can't endorse. it sounds good on paper but once every doctor started running distressing + overcharge + unnerving presence for a guaranteed 4k everyone would wish nobody suggested it.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Sure, if we can get 100 Bloodpoints as well.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'd like the feature but only if it took about half a second to a second. It would only be slightly less than a killer takes to kick the thing, and it would fix the problem of somebody being able to run by and barely have to stop moving to touch it and stop it from regressing. I wouldn't want it too long, at max maybe about the time it takes to sabotage, because I don't think each kick should make the survivors take like 5 extra seconds just to get the generator to stop regressing each time. Also similar to sabotage, I think the bar should require commitment to fill all the way (like how when you sabo a hook midway and stop, it resets the bar) so again, people can't just run by and tap it and expect it to keep regressing.

  • AtraXis
    AtraXis Member Posts: 78

    Well, in the first place when you play survivor, you should check for the 3-gen cluster to avoid this situation. When you 3-gen yourself you already kinda lost in the first place, so counting bad strategies into the equation is pretty stupid.

  • AtraXis
    AtraXis Member Posts: 78

    Of course. I think the best way to execute this feature would be to make it 1.5 seconds at max, enough for the survivor to take the risk to be punished if he wants to do it while in a chase.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I'm thankful everyone moved their target away from "you know what."

    Now the Topic is Gen Tapping and Freddy.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    I asked this in one of their Q and As once and they said they like the idea of the survivor risking a gen tap and losing a small amount of distance in a chase.

    That was over a year ago now so maybe their stance could have changwd

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    This would be nice. It would have to be less than a second so kicking gens still takes strategy and planning though.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    it has been mentioned countless times already.

    the idea of Survivors having to go through an animation to get rid of gen regression so they cant just onetap it mid chases has been around ever since the gen kicking was introduced and Survivors figured out they could do that.

    dunno why the topic became hot again, i almost thought people had given up on it by now...

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    I really do dislike that mechanic. I'd run overcharge to deal with it if overcharge didn't grant survivors telekinesis. I don't know if it's a big enough issue to change much about but it'd be nice if the current anti tap perk actually worked as anti tap.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Biased ha haaa!

    Then use Ruin, or Overcharge and stop your complaining.

    Killers get 100 Bloodpoints for breaking a generator and survivors get nothing for tapping it.

    Don't wanna use Ruin or Overcharge? Then that's your fault, that just means YOU want things handed to you and no use the perks at your disposal.

    Baby killers, I swear.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    Excuses, excuses.

    Killers want a skillcheck completion in order to stop the generator from regressing, there's Overcharge.

    Want to give me an excuse for Ruin as well?

    iTs a hEx pErk?

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594
    edited May 2020

    How is explaining how a perk works, excuses? When that is the truth? It works just like that, the devs have even said so.

    MadArtillery is right. Overcharge works in a different way from a normal skill check. You don't fail it from letting go of the gen. Which would of been the case for a normal skill check. You can let go of the gen and still pass the check skill. Like you didn't even offer a counter point at all, all you have done is acted like you are in the right and superior to someone else. While failing to offer any counter point to prove overcharge is good at counting gen tapping, which i believe was your point. Like maybe if you explained your point as to why overcharge is good for counting gen tapping. Maybe it would make more see your point. For you have not given one single point as to why overcharge is good for counting gen tapping. You don't seem interested in debate but rather seem to want to relay on the logic of listen and believe.

    That and Mad never brought up ruin, only overcharge in both of their posts in this thread. This is called deflection. Rather than admitting you are factual wrong about the way the perk overcharge works, you try and bring the focus onto something else. Which i personal think gen tapping is something minor next to bigger issues, like ghostface reveal being buggy sometimes, nurse bugs. Yet the way you treat others, is what lead me to make this post. Maybe if you treat the person not as part all some sort of hive mind by going oh my gosh killers but rather as an Individual, since that what Mad is, a individual who doesn't agree with you, you might have people more willing to hear you out rather than being turn off right off the bad, due to the way you act. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    Resume Repairs > Are you sure? Once you confirm you cannot back out of the resume action > Reminder once you confirm you cannot change your mind > Initializing resume progress> you may now resume Repairs on this generator.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826
    edited May 2020

    Deflection when all I'm doing is providing 2 methods to counter gen tapping.

    But no one has given me a definition as to WHY Ruin isn't an answer?

    The outcry, and whining about gen tapping is beyond me. Overcharge and Ruin.

    I brought up Ruin because it's another method to counter gen tapping, but no one wants to use it, no one wants to talk about it. They just come to the forums, complain to the devs in hopes they'll do something about it.

    I hope they do fix Overcharge, so they can let you know that your answer to your gen tapping issue is now fixed, and leave it at that.

    And I can bet money, killers will still complain about it.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited May 2020

    I mean I do indeed use ruin against gen tapping, atleast when available. Overcharge would definitely be better for it as hex perks are bleh. Pretty much my primary interest in this discussion is overcharge being broken as I'd rather run overcharge over ruin but it's currently not much of an option. Overcharge is really missing it's place as a perk. Currently it's just sorta a ######### pop imposter. Would be awesome for securing surveillance coverage and countering gen tapping if it worked right, as is it doesn't warrant a slot as it has no function.

  • icareaboutstories
    icareaboutstories Member Posts: 16

    You keep trying to treat all killers as a single group. Promoting a in group out group mind set. Which is not what you should be doing, if we want to have reasonable talks about this. Which is just a annoying thing on these forums. It's getting tiring to see people like you go all killers are bad, all survivors are toxic. Guess what, both killers and survivors whine and talk about things, not due to being survivors or killers but due to being people who play one or both sides, who think for one reason or another certain elements of gameplay are a issue. For every thread someone could bring up to prove killers are crybabies the same could be done for survivors. Since it will be a endless loop that proves nothing. Why? For it just annoy people who play both sides, by using such nonsense and throwing them into these same groups as well. That and i could just take a series of thread made by the same person, using that to prove all survivors are x. Yet if i were to look past they are a survivor, what we would really see is a single person taking issue with these things. Not survivors as a whole. Since i could take a dozen posts by the forum user survivebydaylight and use all the threads and post they make to go all survivors are like x. Yet that would be falsely incorrect. Which would rightfully get other survivors annoy at me, along with people who play both sides and possibly even killer mains with survivor friends. For i try and make out everyone out to be a whiny crybaby. When in reality it's just the work of a single person or maybe a handful of people, who only speak for themselves and not everyone as a whole.

    That and Face said it was a minor issue, they never said if they personal think it's a issue that needs to be fix or if's fine as is. Just that it's a minor issue. For all we know, they think it's silly or not really that big of a deal, that it's current fine as is, the reason why they see it as a minor issue and not really a big deal.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I'm not sure how to go about this, but I'd probably deny it. All because of Pop.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    90% of the time it is very much a bad idea for a killer to solely rely on a 3 gen strat straight in the beginning of the game it's usually something that the killer has to default to if the survivors give them it.

    3 gens strats are usually last resorts you really shouldn't go into a game banking on it.

    If the killer focuses on a 3 gen strat too much in the beginning of the game it means they usually will not commit to any chases for fear of losing it. This results in the scenario of by the time the strat fully comes into play and there's one generator left the survivors probably haven't been hooked so they free to play as aggressive as possible. Guess playing aggressively is the one way to count a 3 gen strat

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    buff gen kick to be more damaging on kick like basekit pop but 5%or10%

    Remove gen kick time to make it instant

    Buff the natural regress after kick to be on par with repair speed

    increase regresssion the longer its alone

    Repeated kicking will have damaging effects after regression like 5% damage each or doubling regression

    Give all killer powers the ability to damage gens on contact ie- demo lunge or chainsaw- or clown bottle direct hits

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    It comes up from time to time. People start talking about the problem, people offer solutions, the Devs shoot them down in a livestream or simply refuse to ever speak about it. It's just that it's more a QoL change than an actual buff/nerf so no-one really sticks with it and the Devs don't assign much import to the topic.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Wait, are you trying to be sarcastic? Because that is the actual problem with Overcharge and Ruin: 1 doesn't effect half-decent survivors (who just hit it in the fly) and the other... Well, it's a Hex perk. AKA inherently weak and unreliable.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Ah yeah, let's waste 2 whole perk slots to counter 1 thing survivors can do without the need for perks! Ruin is always cleansed pretty early, and if not, gen-tapping is not even an issue, since you as a killer should be thriving off Ruin value. Overcharge, like people have told you time and time again, DOES NOT COUNTER GEN-TAPPING. Can you read? Survivors literally perform the skill check WHILE THEY ARE RUNNING.

    Saying Ruin is a "gen-tapping counter" perk though is fundamentally incorrect. The point of Ruin is for you, the killer, to constantly pressure gens and force survivors off of them. This is why current Ruin is really strong on Billy, Nurse, Spirit (any killer that has map pressure). Other than that, gens still pop quickly because while you're chasing someone, 2 other survivors are on different gens and the other is cleansing your totem.

    But at the moment, gen-tapping is unfair when compared to kicking the generator. For you to not realise that makes me think YOU are the baby killer that you seem to make fun of. And like someone else has pointed out, you aren't even a red rank killer? If true, you still have a lot to learn.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    lol I'm Rank 1 Killer PS4, I'm purple Ranks on PC.

    I can post pics any time you want.

    And I'm Rank 1 Survivor.


  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've been Rank 1 on PS4 as a killer for almost a full year. I take it a lot easier on PC than I do on PS4.

    And somehow Red Ranks and Ranks matter now? Fixing gen tapping is a waste of resources when you already have Ruin and Overcharge to play around with. Baby killers fine 1 thing and jump in on the whine wagon and spend an entire week complaining about it.

    LAST week it was DS, for an entire week, non stop Anti-DS posts. I'm a killer main that's FINE with DS, baby killers hate it.

    THIS week it's Gen Tapping and Hatch.

    Next week it'll be Adrenaline and so on.

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Regardless what rank you are, you're still ignoring what everyone is telling you about Overcharge. It does NOT counter gen-tapping. The skill check still appears while you are RUNNING. Ruin does also NOT outright counter gen-tapping, because 90% of the time it BREAKS after the first or second gen pops.

    Your whole argument is just "haha baby killers should get better", which just shows you are too ignorant and immature to have a proper discussion about the gen-tapping mechanic. Do everyone a favour and stop posting useless posts that provide nothing to the original topic.

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829

    Use Ruin

  • calem
    calem Member Posts: 533

    Once again, I said regardless of your rank, you are IGNORING literally EVERYTHING else people are saying. Overcharge and Ruin DO NOT COUNTER gen-tapping. Lmfao, but please guys, look at my rank 1 screenshots!!!! I clearly know what I am talking about!!!!!

  • hagling
    hagling Member Posts: 279

    i said 3-gen strat not 3-genning yourself, the prior is the killer's intention often from the beginning of the game. patrolling outward but always coming back to the closest 3 gens to be sure nobody's messing with them, securing their endgame, and your idea is just the thing that would make the 3-gen strat more attractive, especially with some of the newly reduced map sizes and strange gen spawns.

  • Kaiju
    Kaiju Member Posts: 530

    At all of my time playing dbd. gen-tapping wasn't a big deal tbh. This can wait, they are better things to worry about rn. Buffing killers, perks, etc

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,706

    Please keep the discussion civil and respectful and on topic as much as you can, thank you.

  • AtraXis
    AtraXis Member Posts: 78

    Ruin and Overcharge don't counter gen-tapping. Overcharge is broken, and Ruin isn't designed to counter it, but to afflicts every generators on the map while it's up. Good survivors will notice that Ruin will be in the game and won't gen-tap until it's cleansed, but the problem is they will eventually do it again once the perk is gone. And why would killers bring perks to counter something that survivors can do with nothing ? Here's the point.

    I don't think gen-tapping is a major problem in DBD, but still something that can be improved. I read from someone else that it's pretty much a QoL improvement and I completely agree with that. The problem right now is people trying to avoid the topic by bringing things like "there's more important problems" "you have perks" etc. instead of properly debating about it.

    Now I already gave you my point in the first post, now please, just explain clearly why you are against it with concrete arguments and not "u just baby killer lol" or "you have perks".