Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Anti-Camping Perk suggestion:

Just thought that with everybody complaining of camping, a perk could be used to remedy it a little bit. Ofc, this is just a concept.

(Insert stupid perk name):

While hooked, the perk activates.

While active:

  • If the killer is within 16 meters for more than 4 seconds, the killer receives a 1% hindered status and all survivors gain 30/40/50% on repair speed.
  • If the killer is within 8 meters for more than 6 seconds, the killer receives a 2% hindered status and all survivors gain 50/75/100% on repairs.

Note: These effects are separate and do not stack.

The hindered status is less to affect the killer, more to indicate that they are giving survivors a greater chance to finish gens.

The gen repair part is to help give survivors more to make use of when someone is being camped.

As a player of both sides, I can assure you that camping is a detrimental tactic as killer. This perk concept will hopefully teach more killers to camp less, and grant survivors a bonus if a player is being camped and also encourage to not risk the save over completing an objective.


  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    Not sure about these distances, can't lie, I'm really tired and do not have a good mental picture of how meters work. I blame the imperial system

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650
    edited May 2020

    I think the survivor percentage gains are too high. But overall I like the concept. It encourages better , more strategic game-play for both camps. I would also make the larger radius the longer seconds and maybe make that a bit longer. So 8 meters/ 8 seconds, 16 meters/ 12 seconds. The killer may have legit business near a hook like kicking a gen (3 seconds+ walk time) or pallet breaking etc. So the longer time gives some general business leeway.

    I also really appreciate that you came here with a solution to a problem. I am all good with people airing grievances on the forum but it is nice when they also bring ideas for change to the conversation.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    So one person just loops the killer within 16 meters of the person on the hook(With camaraderie to extend the time by 34 seconds per 2nd hook stage per survivor) so their buddies can gen rush the ever living day lights out of the game?

    Distance alone won't work sense survivors have abused distance based anti camping mechanics in the past to the point they got removed from the game entirely.

    Also giving a 100% gen speed to the entire team on any perk that doesn't have a MASSIVE GAME LOSING DOWNSIDE should NEVER exist no matter what.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2020

    I guess they could be, and while not sure if you are considering this, but I think it's necessary to note this effect persists only during the time the killer is within this radius. The second part makes sense, but also I think it's not too harmful if the killer grants a little boost from sticking around for a moment.

    Thank you! That's literally all I try and do on the forums, most often, people just sh*t on me for my ideas, but I'm happy to see someone found it somewhat logical :,) Nice change for once

    Edit: Not saying I disagree at all with what you suggested lol, just trying to get my ideas further elaborated if that makes sense.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    They are the same distances used by the chaser emblem camping penalty

    (killers who camp with no survivors nearby lose chaser emblem progress currently)

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    The anticamping penalty that currently exists in the game uses the same distances

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited May 2020

    This wouldn't work what about killers like trapper and hag who need to set up it takes more then 4 seconds to set bear traps and for hag to trap the area idk not a fan personally.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2020

    This is requiring that one survivor loops near the killer which is one person off a gen, one person needs a perk that is VERY situational alongside this hook perk. Looping for 34 seconds within the larger radius only grants 50% increased speed and even then the killer needs to be within it for, as suggested by another, 12+ seconds and that resets once they leave the radius.

    2 survivors on a gen with 50% increased repair speed while one is remaining hooked and once is looping, potentially risking being down for the hooked survivor, and then making the 2 survivors on gens turn into 1 or even 0 on a gen. This strat sounds like a quick snowball for a good killer.

    And for the last part, it's a punishment for camping. It's not a permanent buff to survivors when a survivor is hooked. Go find somebody else and find a counter to somebody wanting to loop nearby. Don't grant them that extra 100%/50% repair speed. As a killer main, it's safe to say that this perk is not as insanely good as you make it out to be.

    No disrespect though. I get that viewpoint, but as a veteran to this game, it's not that difficult to avoid helping them with a perk like this. Alongside that, the plan you outlined sounds like a once-in-a-bluemoon stunt to be pulled. I'd be tilted, maybe, but with respect for a trick like that.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I understand that, @alaenyia made a great suggestion to tweaking times for killers who have legitimate business being near the hook. But you have to realize:

    • This is a perk, not a mechanic. It takes a slot of the survivor hooked, possibly making them very weak in other categories.
    • If you're quick enough, with alaenyia's suggestions, you will give them little to no bonus.
    • It's not that bad if the survivors get a tiny bonus. Many perks already do that. Hence the name "perk"
  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited May 2020

    Except that didn’t involve what the chaser emblem does. That’s the problem with everyone just responding “this was tried before and survivors abused it”. No, it really wasn’t as it was very poorly done. If the killer is in chase, or another survivor is within 16m, the chaser emblem is not penalized. I imagine a perk like this would be based off the same criteria as that. I’m not really arguing for or against the perk, just pointing the difference out. As far as I know, that old test was just based solely off the killer being near the hook. Of course that wouldn’t work.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    Ooh the chase factor is actually a good idea, for sure. Should have added that!

  • Meroko
    Meroko Member Posts: 107

    You shouldn't have to waste a slot to prevent something toxic in-game. Devs are already working on it anyway, they are going to make it less appealing, who knows what that will mean.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    I agree with this. But again, this is just a small idea to remedy it. Similar to how the devs created Inner Strength to counter NOED. I know, I know, it's perk vs perk not perk vs mechanic but it's just an idea. Similar to camaraderie.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Your the one who amended it to have the not be in a chase part so you are in fact trying to argue for it by changing it to make it valid.

    So my comment was as its written it will be abused on 2nd stage hooks because 50% gen speed buff with only 2 people on gens act as if there were 3 which in a situation where someone is on 2nd stage there will be someone off a gen to try to save them regardless.

    Remember even 45% gen speed for 1 min from old toolboxes was considered so overpowered that it had to be nerfed out of the game so why would this be any different.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910
    edited May 2020

    Okay, genuine question, how often do you camp?

    It feels like you're very biased here and do not realize this perk idea is

    A) Not in game or going to be, necessarily

    B) VERY situational. Just don't camp. Even without a chase factor, the circumstances required and the reward given are hardly enough to make a good killer get destroyed. Go find someone on a gen, and let them unhook. It's not that hard.

    Side Note: Try and make forum posts legible, yours gave me a stroke and a half trying to figure what it was conveying with how little punctuation there was.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    I don't camp at all unless the gates are open.

    Secondly the idea behind it is just rotten given how I pointed out its easily abused in the right set ups.

    Also gen speeds being too fast has always been an issue with the game to the point, that the devs are constantly having to reduce gen speed bonuses due to them ending games far too quickly.

    Even having to halfing great skill checks bonus progression recently due to the bonus progression ending games too fast, along with creating the game speed divide between low levels and high levels.

    I am sorry if I base my opinion off of what little evidence we have from the developers but, its what I find to be the best way of seeing if an idea will work when applied to the game currently.

  • PassarinoT
    PassarinoT Member Posts: 910

    1) Then why is this an issue?

    2) No, the idea is far from rotten. This perk is controlled by the killer. The killer is the one who grants the bonus.

    3) Honestly, I understand this. In my opinion, not all, but in mine: Generators badly need to be reworked.

    4) Yeah, I don't know why they thought that of all things would be a help. I guess it does help, but barely.

    5) It's fine. Again, bear in mind this was a remedial concept. Not a "do this now, devs!"