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Mixing iron will and no mither

jiguiri Member Posts: 124

if you put on iron will and no mither does it make yoir grunts of pain completly silent? Cause no mither at 3 reducea grunts of pain sounds by 50 ans iron wilp reduces it by 50 or 75 i cant remember at the moment so if you put both of them does it mean your grunts of pain are silent?

Best Answer


  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Iron Will at tier 3 removes grunts of pain completely (reduces them by 100%), rendering that aspect of No Mither useless in combination.

    But yes, if you only have tier 1 (50%) or 2 (75%) of Iron Will, using it with No Mither will also reduce grunts of pain to 0%.

  • jiguiri
    jiguiri Member Posts: 124

    Thanks for that, i dont play jake or usw iron will i just wantes to know cause i wanna use the no mither, resiliance, this is not happening combo. Thanks for everything tho

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2020

    Iron Will 3 = -100% to cries of pain always.

    No Mither 3 = -50% to cries of pain always.

    Off The Record = -100% to cries of pain for 60/70/80 seconds after being unhooked.

    Stridor 2/3 = +50% to cries of pain always.

    At -100% you are silent. If you have Iron Will 3 but the killer has Stridor 2/3 it will be -50% (basically you have Iron Will 1). However if you run Iron Will 3 with No Mither 3 your cries of pain are -150%, which against Stridor 2/3 it will be -100%. So using those 2 perks completely negates Stridor. I can confirm this works from actual use of these perks in combination against killers with Stridor.